Flooded Star Road

Chapter 838: Risk calculation

   Chapter 843

   "Almost eight more Chaos Demon Gods, this Eternal Demon Abyss will be able to truly evolve." After a moment of silently comprehending the changes in the Demon Abyss, Feng Zichen said.

  A strand of the true spirit of the Chaos Demon God is still too few, and it is not enough for the evolution of the Eternal Demon Abyss. He needs more.

  Thinking about this, Feng Zichen continued to urge the secret method to signal the quasi-sage of the demon gate, and then summon the Chaos Demon God according to the previous method.

  However, before the quasi-sage of the demon gate started his hand, Feng Zichen didn't forget to ring the Hongmeng Dao Bell, let out hundreds of millions of Hongmeng Qi, and thoroughly washed the emptiness of this place.

After all, the Six Demon Gods have appeared here. Although a strand of his chaotic true spirit has been swallowed by the Eternal Demon Abyss, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no remaining of his aura here. If the next Chaos Demon God finds any clues, then In trouble.

  Baptize the void with the air of Hongmeng, thoroughly wash away the breath of the six demon gods remaining here, Feng Zichen can also feel relieved.

  He wants to calculate yes, but the greatest life in the world, the Chaos Demon God, can't be too careful.


  Familiar scene, familiar process, but this time, Feng Zichen changed an innate demonic fetus.

   But seeing blood and light suddenly appeared, invisible fluctuations spread, and some unknown existence was made in touch.

  A few months later, the void suddenly collapsed in the sky above the innate demon fetus, forming a weird void passage, and another Chaos Demon God walked out of it and arrived here.

"good very good!"

   "Who is calling the deity with the innate demonic womb, the deity must reward you well, and when the deity is successfully reincarnated, it will definitely help you become enlightened and return to your free body."

  The demon god, his voice came from afar before he showed up. Immediately, a Chaos Demon God with seven heads squeezed out of the passage and appeared in front of the Demon Gate Quasi-Sage.

  But seeing this chaos demon god, there are also limbs and hundreds of skeletons, which is not much different from ordinary people, and it is also an innate Taoist body. But he was born with seven heads, and each head showed a different expression.

  Seven heads, seven faces, corresponding to seven expressions, which are the seven emotions of happiness, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock.

  There is no doubt that this Chaos Demon God is the twin brother of the Six Demon Gods, the Seven Emotion Demon God. It was also a coincidence that the two brothers were summoned by the front and rear feet.

There is nothing better than this.

  I did not wait for the Seven Demon Gods to observe the situation here, in the void, the Hongmeng Dao Bell had suddenly flashed, turning into a ten thousand meter size, as if covering the Six Demon Gods, covering the Seven Demon Gods.

   "Damn it!"

   "It's you little thief!"

   "You are the yin deity again, bastard!"

  Suddenly trapped by Hongmeng Daozhong, the Seven Love Demon God was stunned for a moment, and immediately, he recognized what was trapping him.

  Then, he was out of anger, and yelled at Feng Zichen, with filthy words constantly in his mouth, and his mouth became dirty, without the slightest charm of the Chaos Demon God.

  At the beginning, when people were so angry, Feng Zichen's heart was naturally full of atmosphere, and immediately wanted to urge Hongmeng Daozhong to make the seven demon gods alive.

  But at the moment when this idea emerged, Feng Zichen noticed something was wrong.

  He is not an incomparably good face like Sanqing. He is a true seeker of Taoism. He emphasizes honor and disgrace. No matter how people humiliate him, scold him, praise him, praise him... they can’t shake his heart.

  When someone scolds him, just kill him, how can he be so angry.

  But now, Feng Zichen was aroused in a few words from the Seven Love Demon God, which is not very wrong.

There was some doubt in his heart, Feng Zichen naturally calmed down. Then, he found that the Demon God of Seven Emotions is indeed the devil who masters the Avenue of Seven Emotions. In words, the power of Seven Emotions is hidden, and he is always instigating Feng Zichen. The anger in the heart.

  If Feng Zichen is really impulsive and affected by the power of the seven emotions, and kills the chaotic true spirit of the seven emotions demon god, then he is even the way of the seven emotions demon god.

  A ray of the power of seven emotions penetrates into the Taoist heart. From then on, there is a lack of the Taoist heart. The light one is difficult to cultivate, and the heavy one sinks into the seven emotions and bitter sea. It is difficult to transcend and miss the road.


  Understanding this, Feng Zichen couldn't help but inhaled an air-condition. This Chaos Demon God was really weird and powerful, and there was murderous intent everywhere. If you were not careful, you would fall into their way and fall into catastrophe. It was really terrifying.

   Basically, the Six Demon Gods were more frustrated. When they found out that the person was Feng Zichen, he immediately severed himself, not like the Seven Emotions Demon God, who schemed against him, but also saved Feng Zichen some trouble.

  Wait, that's not right!

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen suddenly realized something was wrong, how could he be sure that the Six Demon God did not try to plot against him?

  Now think about it, the actions of the Six Demon Gods are indeed quite weird. How could the Majestic Chaos Demon God be so persuaded? He didn't even fight, and he just stopped himself.


   almost lost the face of Chaos Demon God.

  The Six Demon Gods acted like this, why can’t it be the paralyzing wind and Zichen, thus creating the opportunity for him?

  The methods of the Chaos Demon God have always been mysterious and unpredictable. The Six Desires may not be used in this way, and they have to be guarded.

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen suddenly circulated the innate immortal real spirit, and evolved into an exceptionally perfect jade disc. There are countless avenues around the body, as if three thousand avenues are all on it, endless mysterious circulation.

  This is the jade disc of the heavenly treasure, which is made by the imprint of part of the avenue of the three thousand demon gods of Pangu. It is powerful and powerful, not inferior to any chaotic treasure.

  Of course, this is not the main body of the jade disc, but Feng Zichen uses the fragments of the jade disc to reverse the performance of a supernatural power.

  How powerful is it compared with the real good fortune jade disc, how much difference it is, Feng Zichen has never seen a real good fortune jade disc, but it is not easy to compare.

  But the power of this supernatural power is definitely not weaker or even stronger than the fragment of the jade disc in Feng Zichen's hand.

  As soon as the jade disc of good fortune was turned, the light on his body circulated, like a bright mirror, shining towards Feng Zichen's body inside and outside, and he quickly illuminated him without leaving a corner.

Under the jade disc, the few flaws on Feng Zichen's body were photographed one by one, and there were no traces of conspiracy.

  Seeing this, Feng Zichen breathed a sigh of relief. He was not conspired by the Six Demon God, but he did not completely relax.

   Immediately, I saw Feng Zichen transforming the jade disc, illuminating the two souls and Guixu. Sure enough, in the corners of their bodies, where they were hard to detect, Feng Zichen saw a trace of six desires.

  Obviously, this was left by the Six Demon Gods who did not know when and in what way.

It’s also weird. The Six Demon Gods didn’t see Guixu and the Heart Demon at all, so they could bother him. It’s still under Feng Zichen’s eyelids. This method is really amazing. of.

   Although I don’t know what is the use of this thought of six desires and how it affects both Guixu and the heart demon, this thing is left by the six demon gods, obviously it will not be a good thing.

  That's why, Feng Zichen's thoughts turned, and the two thoughts of six desires were put away by secret method. Then, with the secret method, from the voice of the Seven Emotions Demon God, a trace of the power of Seven Emotions was extracted.

  After finishing this, Feng Zichen's two forces of seven emotions and six desires were put together and suppressed in Hongmeng Daozhong's body.

   is the incomparable mystery left by the Chaos Demon God. If you keep it, you can use it for research on the one hand, and you can also use it for research.

  In the future, if you see who is not pleasing to your eyes, you will use these two forces to yin someone. The power of these seven emotions and six desires is so strange that even Feng Zichen has almost lost his way. Among the Three Realms, few people can prevent the secret calculations of these two powers.



   Dealing with the power of seven emotions and six desires, Feng Zichen began to review herself. Recently, his life has gone too far, making his mentality a little wandering, so that he almost followed the way of the Chaos Demon God.

   Seeing that the Chaos Demon God stopped himself, Feng Zichen's first reaction was not to be vigilant, but to be proud of it. Think that his prestige is enough to deter the Chaos Demon God.

  With this kind of mentality, He really drifted away.

  Fortunately, this time the plot of the Seven Love Demon God made Feng Zichen wake up again and fell from the sky. Otherwise, if you maintain this mentality for a long time, Feng Zichen will inevitably suffer a big loss.

  Seven love demon gods, good people!

  In order to thank him, Feng Zichen decided to let him go a little faster, without any pain.

  With a movement, Feng Zichen's figure walked out of the dark and came to the face of the Seven Emotions Demon God.

  The Seven Emotions Demon God, who was continuing to export into a dirty state, saw Feng Zichen’s expression and knew that his calculations had been dealt with. He immediately stopped cursing, but stared at Feng Zichen, angrily cursing:

  "Pangu descendant, you are very good. Since the birth of this deity, we have been in chaos and endless years, and I have not seen a person more arrogant than you."

   "Took me and the Chaos Demon God as prey. You are really good and bold enough. You made the deity out of anger. Seriously, the killing intent in the deity's heart is almost overshadowing Pangu."

  "When Ben’s respect returns to its peak, you must suppress your innate immortal spirit in the non-extinguishing domain, so that you can be burned by the immortal fire day and night."

"The humiliation you brought to me and the Chaos Demon God will never be forgotten. When the time comes for the final reckoning, you and everything about you will disappear from this world, even Pangu will not be able to protect you. ."

   "The anger of the Chaos Demon God is bound to burn you to ashes."

After    spoke a very long cruel word to Feng Zichen, the body of the Seven Love Demon God suddenly began to swell rapidly, and its strength increased several times in an instant.

  This is going to blew up.

Although I don’t know why Feng Zichen tempted him to come here, the most precious thing in him is nothing more than this strand of chaos true spirit. Therefore, the Seven Love Demon God is determined to destroy this strand of chaos true spirit and give Feng Zi nothing. Chen stayed.

  The idea of ​​the Seven Love Demon God is indeed very good, and it can break Feng Zichen's calculations. But his plan was destined to fail.

  Because, in the face of absolute strength, he has no room for self-destruction.

   The chaotic true spirit of the Seven Love Demon God, although it has a realm comparable to Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, but it has no power to match it.

   Therefore, in front of Feng Zichen, who has the realm of Hunyuan Nine Heavens, all his resistance is futile. Not to mention, at this moment, the place where the Seven Love Demon God is located is within the Hongmeng Daozhong.

  So, what did the Seven Love Demon God use to resist Feng Zichen.

   With a move in his heart, Feng Zichen urged the Hongmeng Dao Bell, and in an instant, he heard a melodious bell, the time and space here stagnated in vain, everything was still motionless, and the Seven Love Demon God was also set in place.


  Feng Zichen shook his head, sighed, an invisible force burst out, drowning and destroying the Seven Emotions Demon God.

  After a while, the Seven Emotions Demon God disappeared, leaving only a strand of extremely pure Chaos Demon God’s true spirit in place.

   said that the Seven Emotions Demon God would die without pain, so that he would die without pain. Feng Zichen always speaks and counts.

  As for the threats of the Seven Love Demon God, Feng Zichen didn't care at all. If only a few words can make him afraid, he will not be able to cultivate in the realm he is now.

  The words of the Seven Love Demon God are really funny enough. It seems that Feng Zichen can't sin against them, and they won't act on Feng Zichen.

  As a descendant of Pangu, he is destined to be unable to coexist with the Chaos Demon God. No matter whether they are offended or not, the Chaos Demon God will eventually attack Feng Zichen and others.

  This point is clear to all descendants of Pangu. Therefore, the descendants of Pangu have always met and killed the Chaos Demon God.

  The start is unusually ruthless!

  Furthermore, when the day of liquidation arrives, Feng Zichen's strength still doesn't know what level it has reached. At that time, it is not certain who will liquidate who.

  I can only say that the Seven Emotions Demon God is too optimistic.

  It was the non-extinguishing domain that the Seven Love Demon God said, which attracted the attention of Feng Zichen, and it was another place that had never been heard of. The Great Chaos outside the world is really too mysterious. There are endless mysteries and good fortune inside, waiting for the world to discover and explore.

  "If you have time in the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you must go to the Great Chaos outside the world for a trip or two."

Involuntarily, Feng Zichen once again strengthened his mind to travel to the great chaos outside the realm.

   is coming soon, he will have time soon. His clones have almost grown up, and when all of them become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Feng Zichen will have time.

   Thinking of this, Feng Zichen retracted his thoughts and merged the chaotic true spirit of the Seven Demon Gods into the Eternal Demon Abyss.

  Accelerate the birth of the Eternal Demon Abyss to help Guixu and the heart demon become the path. This is Feng Zichen's first priority at present.

  And the heart demon and the ruins enlightenment, it is indeed much easier than the other great magicians. This is not because Guixu and the heart demon are too good, but the Xuanmen is too strong.

  Let’s put it this way, the way of heaven is the most important thing to balance.

  That's why, the stronger the strength of the mysterious gate, the greater the support of heaven to the magic gate.

  If there are dozens of Hunyuan Dao Masters in the Xuanmen all at once, then perhaps the two of Guixu and the Heart Demon, who are the masters of the Demon Sect, can become enlightened while lying down.

  I have to say that sometimes, birth is more important than hard work.

  (End of this chapter)

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