Flooded Star Road

Chapter 848: Dig the roots of the human race

Thinking of this, these great magicians were all excited and couldn't hide the excitement in their hearts.

Immediately, these great supernatural powers have used supernatural powers to deduct the feasibility of this method. If the secrets show that there is no problem, they will put it into action.

At this time, the discussion on the Tao had just ended, and the heavens and the earth were clear. It was the time when the secrets of heaven were the clearest. At this time, the great magicians deduced the secrets of heaven and quickly got the answer they wanted.

The method of reincarnation is indeed feasible.

Not only that, the great magicians not only confirmed the feasibility of this method from the secrets of heaven, but also perfected the details.

For example, where is the reincarnation? Where is the most suitable place to spread the idea and to confirm the avenue? They all got answers from the secrets of heaven.

The answer is Central China, which is Terran.

Central China, the center of the world, is also the place where the three realms converge, and the human race is the protagonist of the world.

Only in such a place of luck can it nurture countless heroes and create a place that can bear the crowd to confirm the avenue.

"Human race?"

"It's a bit troublesome."

After regaining consciousness from the secrets of heaven, a group of great supernatural powers showed their contemplation. The Central Divine State and Human Race are the territory of the Emperor. If they don't say hello, they will reincarnate directly in.

It's okay if the human emperor hasn't found it, if it is discovered by the human emperor, it will only kill the clone, or it may directly kill the door, even the deity.

Emperor Gouchen, the emperor, is the most ruthless person in the prehistoric world. There is nothing in this world that he dared not do. He would pull people to death at every turn. If such a character can be provoked or not provoked.

Over the years, the prestigious name Feng Zichen (Gou Chen) has created is not useless, and it has directly frightened many of the great supernatural powers of the prehistoric people, making them afraid to bypass Gouchen and directly reincarnate into the human race.

"The matter of reincarnated human race is related to whether Peng Dao can become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it cannot be delayed. If this is the case, Pang Dao will go to the Human Imperial City to discuss with the Human Emperor."

"Thinking about it, he should also know what enlightenment means to the poor Dao. He should not come forward to stop him. The big deal is that the poor Dao will pay a little more."

After all, it was the temptation to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which was greater than the fear in his heart. That's why, a group of great supernatural powers walked out of the dojo one after another, rushing to the Central Shenzhou People's Imperial City, ready to discuss with the People's Sovereign, let him open the door.

The speed of the great supernatural powers is very fast, coupled with the anxiety in their hearts, the speed is a little faster, and they crossed the layers of void in a flash, and they came to the Central China.

However, they failed to enter Central China.

It’s not that the emperor prevented them from entering, but after they came here, everyone realized that when the emperor was preaching in the past, they had promised Hongjun Daozu that they would never step into the central China with their deity. step.

This is to protect the World Tree. As long as the World Tree is still in the Central China, then the Central China is a forbidden place for the great supernatural powers. No one, including saints, can enter.

It was embarrassing to realize that I couldn't get in after I came to the place.

At this time, there are not a few great supernatural powers who have come to the vicinity of Central China. When they look up, they can see each other.

Fortunately, everyone knows the same great supernatural powers, and they all guessed the purpose of coming here. After the meeting, it was not too embarrassing, but just nodded and smiled: "Why, fellow daoists are here too, for enlightenment. Matter?"

The person on the opposite side replied, "In this way, Fellow Daoist also came for this? That's a coincidence."

Another said: "I'm afraid it's not a coincidence. From the perspective of the poor Dao, the Taoists who come here at this time are all here for enlightenment."

As several people were talking, more and more great magicians came, making this place more and more lively, everyone came here for the same purpose, and naturally it was easier to talk together.

While chatting, someone joked: "Father Yu Hai, you should be merciful when you fight for ideas in the future!"

At this time, as more and more great supernatural powers arrived, the confidence in everyone's hearts became more and more sufficient, and it was certain that the matter of the reincarnation of the human race had been completed.

Two or three great supernatural powers reincarnated into the human race, and the human emperor might refuse, but if hundreds of great supernatural powers were to be reincarnated into the human race, the human emperor did not want to and had to pinch his nose to admit it.

Because this is a general trend, and the emperor cannot resist. Hundreds of great supernatural powers comparable to those of Yuan Yuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Everyone chatted for a while, and then stopped talking, instead, they selected a few representatives and let them enter the Palace of Human Emperor as an incarnation to discuss matters with the Emperor.

With so many great supernatural powers gathered outside the Central Shenzhou, if the emperor did not notice, that would be a hell. Even with the cultivation base of the emperor, he must have known their purpose of coming here.

Perhaps it is because of this that the emperor has been reluctant to show up. When everyone came to the Central China, it was inevitable that there would be suspicion of pushing the palace. The Emperor was displeased and did not take the initiative to meet with them. The great magicians present all expressed their understanding.

After all, if this matter is placed on them and being so forced by others, they will also be unhappy.

It is also because they know that the emperor is unhappy, the great supernatural powers will take the initiative to send envoys to the emperor's hall to see the emperor.

As for who is the messenger? Logically speaking, Zhen Yuanzi is undoubtedly the most suitable. He had a good relationship with the Emperor in the past. But unfortunately, because of the Hongyun incident, the two became nasty, and Jin Yuanzi, a good old man, was not easy to come forward.

For this reason, Zhen Yuanzi directly abandoned the reincarnated human race and became enlightened by way of confirming the avenue. For one thing, it was He who didn't want to owe human favors.

Secondly, Zhenyuanzi is very confident. He doesn't need to confirm the Dao with others. He can become Dao on his own. Protecting the eastern land for countless years, Zhen Yuanzi finally ushered in his own blessing, and the power of heaven and earth was added to help him enlightenment.

Zhen Yuanzi did not intend to reincarnate into the human race, and his two rivals, the ancestor Kunpeng and the ancestor Styx, did not intend to reincarnate into the human race.

The ancestor of Kunpeng is a typical person behind him, and he is not panicked, and he can talk with the superior person behind him to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

As for the ancestor of Styx, the reason is even simpler. This one cultivates the way of killing and the way of blood. If you want to become a way, you must see blood.

How can the struggle for ideas help him become enlightened? Therefore, this matter has nothing to do with the ancestors of the river.



Everyone discussed for a long time, and finally, the oldest and strongest existence among the three great magicians, Taixu Taoist, Hutian Taoist, and Shanhai Taoist, came forward and went to the Human Sovereign Hall to have a detailed discussion with the Human Sovereign.

However, before the three of them appeared, the Human Sovereign had already taken the initiative to leave the Human Sovereign Hall and came to the front of the great magical powers.

It's enough to leave them alone for a while, can they really disappear?

Because of this, the Human Emperor sat in the Human Emperor Hall and watched these great supernatural powers discussing for a long time. After they discussed the results, they took the initiative to walk out of the Human Emperor Hall and meet them.

Seeing the emperor appearing, although the great supernatural powers knew that he was deliberate, they also knew that the other party was in a bad mood, and because they were asking others, they did not take this matter to heart, and instead replied respectfully:" We have seen the emperor."

Nodded, it was regarded as having met with them. The Emperor said: "The purpose of fellow daoists here is already known to the widows. If you want to enlighten the human race and the Central China, widows actually have no objection."

"Now, the Chaos Demon God is staring at me, and even Brother Ziwei Dao has been attacked by them. On this occasion, all fellow Daoists have become more powerful, and will undoubtedly increase the strength of my predecessor."

The great supernatural powers cooperated and said: "Indeed, the Chaos Demon God has become more arrogant in recent years. I have repeatedly violated my predecessor, and even secretly used means to injure the Emperor Ziwei."

"It's also that the poor Dao and others are incompetent, their strength is too weak, one can't defend Ziwei Emperor, and two can't avenge Ziwei Emperor. When we are enlightened, we will make the Chaos Demon God look good."

Seeing the grief and indignation of the great magicians, they wished to fight the Chaos Demon God to the death now, the Emperor nodded expressionlessly, and continued:

"You Daoists want to use the Central China to become enlightened with the human race. This is a good thing, a great thing that benefits the world, and there is no reason for the widow to refuse."


Hearing this, all the great magicians knew it, and the highlight was coming. Regardless of what the emperor said before, they are actually foreshadowing. The real key lies in this turning point.

Next, it depends on what conditions the Emperor is going to make. If it is not excessive, in order to achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they will also agree.

Immediately, someone with great magical powers answered, "Just what? If it's not the human emperor, what are the concerns? Please but say it does not matter. I will definitely not let the human be disadvantaged if I use the Central Divine State to become enlightened with the human race."

Looking at him, the Emperor Human said: "Since the Daoists have said so, the widows will speak bluntly. Although so many Daoists have reincarnated into the human race at the same time, there is one thing that the widows can't care about. "

"Please think about your friendship, how is your behavior different from digging the roots of my human race?"

The great magicians were first taken aback when they heard the words, and then they were about to refute. They reincarnated and entered the human race only for enlightenment. How can they be related to the roots of the human race?

Digging people's roots, this is a deadly foe, the emperor's words are a bit heavy.

But immediately, these great supernatural powers seemed to realize something, and suddenly stopped talking and became silent.

Just now, they suddenly wanted to understand what the emperor said.

These great magicians, in order to become enlightened, reincarnated into the human race, spread their ideas, handed down their avenues, and let people practice.

And this is digging the roots of the human race.

Those human races, who have learned their concepts and cultivated their supernatural powers, have become disciples of these great supernatural powers, and these concepts are bound to be passed on from generation to generation in the human race and have a far-reaching impact.

At that time, most of the human race will be the disciples and grandchildren of these great magicians. If there is a conflict between the human race and these great supernatural powers, how will these disciples deal with themselves?

This is not called digging the roots of the human race, so what is it? Therefore, if this problem is not solved, then it is to turn against these great supernatural powers, and it is impossible for the human emperor to agree to their reincarnation into the human race.

After a long period of silence, someone with great magical powers remembered the conditions that the emperor had put forward when he was gambling with all the saints.

"If the emperor agrees to reincarnate into the human race to preach, then the poor Tao owes a favor to the human race, and after the incarnation of the poor Tao is reincarnated into the human race, it is only the human race, and its descendants are also the descendants of the human race. ."

He intends to separate himself from his descendants, as long as he does not recognize that those human races who have learned his philosophy are his descendants. Then, these human races have nothing to do with Him.

In this way, there would be no problem of digging human roots.

This is also a determined person, in order to become enlightened, he directly promised to the emperor in exchange for the opportunity of reincarnation.

In this case, he waited for Ruobai to give the human race a line of orthodoxy, by the way, he had a relationship with him, but he didn't suffer. It is the greatest advantage that He can become Dao and achieve the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Hearing this, the emperor's face showed a smile, nodded, and said: "Yes!"

After the great supernatural power received the affirmative answer, he was overjoyed, his intuition was beating, and he was one point closer to the Hunyuan Dao Guo.

"Thank you for the imperial emperor's accomplishment. I am ready to prepare for the impoverished path. When the impoverished path is reincarnated, he will come again to disturb the emperor."

After all, the person was separated from the emperor, and left in a hurry.

After this great supernatural power, the other great supernatural powers followed suit one after another, promising the same conditions to the emperor.

In this regard, the emperor did not refuse to come, all nodded in agreement. With so many great magicians helping Terran for free, why not worry about Terran? When these great supernatural powers are all enlightened, the human race's background is bound to rise to a higher level.



The other three continents, Sanqing, Taiyi in the East, and Two Sages in the West, all frowned upon seeing this scene.

The enlightenment of the great supernatural powers is something that has long been foreseen, so they are not surprised. But one person owes the Terran a favor, which makes them big heads.

Right now, these favors may not be too precious, but when these people become enlightened, these favors will become extraordinary things.

This is equivalent to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Humans suddenly added hundreds of guardians of the Hunyuan Daluojinxian realm to **** its development.

In this way, among the Three Realms, who else can shake the human race?


The saint can't stop the hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


"Damn, Human Race is getting more and more troublesome."

In the past, in the hearts of all the saints, the human race was just a big tail, but after today, the saints will undoubtedly pay more attention to the human race and regard it as a big trouble.

This is a more terrifying force than the second family of Lich. Because even with the combined efforts of the two families of the Lich, it would not be possible to find hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Although, these future Hunyuan Daluojinxians will not contribute to the human race, and they will be completely tied to the human chariot.

But just one shot for the human race by one person is enough for people to bear.

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