Flooded Star Road

Chapter 851: Long-lost hunger

After practicing for a while, Feng Zichen got up after his physical body reached the limit again, and went back to the iron tree to continue his previous actions.

Bang bang ......

In the valley, there was a popping sound again, don't get me wrong, this is not a multi-person movement, but the sound of Feng Zichen's body hitting an iron tree.

After about Mozhancha, the power in Feng Zichen's physical body was exhausted, so he ended this tempering, and sat on the ground again to breathe the aura of heaven and earth. After the strength is restored, he then tempers his physical body.

In this way, practice again and again, and every time Feng Zichen breathes in the breath of heaven and earth, Feng Zichen can feel the growth of the whole body.

An hour has passed, and Feng Zichen has completed nine cycles in the cultivation of Hongmeng Taoism.

At this time, Feng Zichen stopped and stood silently in front of the iron tree. It's not that he wants to stop, but, just now, after completing nine exercises, he already felt that he was hungry.

Even monks, as long as they have not reached the realm of bigu, they all have to eat. In the early stages of cultivation, the way of gods and demons requires a lot of food to nourish.

In the early stage of the Tao of Gods and Demons, body refining was the main focus. This requires a large amount of blood food to provide sufficient blood energy for body training. If you don't have enough to eat, where the blood qi refining the body, forcibly practicing, will only lead to the loss of the body.

From a serious illness to a serious illness, it is life-threatening. Cultivation is actually a very dangerous thing, and if you move, your life is in danger.

Just now, Feng Zichen only ate a few wild fruits to satisfy his hunger. This was enough for what he could do. After an hour of high-intensity cultivation, he would be digested clean long ago, so he felt hungry.

Speaking of hunger, Feng Zichen had to sigh with emotion, this is really a long-lost feeling. You know, He has at least tens of millions of years, and he doesn't know what hunger is.


After receiving the exercises, Feng Zichen glanced around his body to check the results of this practice. The strength is as low as him, even the simplest inward vision can't do it.

Looking at his body, Feng Zichen found that his whole body was showing a jade color with a faint purple light, and the whole body showed a perfect line, and the muscles appeared naturally, exuding a strong force. breath.

Well, Feng Zichen was very dissatisfied.

This body is really much worse than the invincible body destroyed by the Chaos Demon God, the difference between the saint and the ant. However, no matter how bad it is, it is your own, so use it reluctantly.

"Before I practiced and absorbed, in addition to the qi of heaven and earth that I absorbed, more of the acquired qi remaining after my body was condensed."

"I have been exhausted for a while, if I continue to practice again, without sufficient energy support, the absorption and consumption, I am afraid it is my life essence, even the flesh and blood will be consumed together."

"It seems that I have to look for precious medicinal materials, or some foods that contain a lot of energy such as monster meat, beast meat, etc. Otherwise, my cultivation speed will definitely be greatly reduced."

Feng Zichen said thoughtfully.

He knew very well that just being able to cultivate such a fast speed was entirely dependent on the acquired qi that had not been completely consumed when the body was condensed before.

Now, the remaining acquired energy has been exhausted. If you want to cultivate, you must rely on your own efforts.

"Fortunately, turning all the accumulation into strength also allows me to truly enter the realm of Xiaocheng in the realm of leather refining. Ordinary swords should not be able to cut my skin."

Feng Zichen glanced at his body, and while thinking about it, he made a fist with his right arm and slammed a punch in front of him.


In an instant, the film on his entire arm seemed to hide countless dragons and snakes, constantly undulating and surging. As a punch was blasted out, in the wind of the fist, a domineering dragon roar faintly sounded, as if There is a blue dragon roaring.

In the void, there was a faint sound of breaking through the air, which was exactly the performance of Lianpi Xiaocheng.

With a thought in his heart, Feng Zichen agitated the strength of his whole body. In an instant, his whole body's skin seemed to be inflated, and the whole body bulged.

Picking up a hard stone from the ground, Feng Zichen exhausted all his strength and cut it on himself, leaving no other damage except a red mark.

The sword is hard to hurt!

At this stage of martial arts practice, you can actually start to consider promotion to the next stage to quench your blood. However, what Feng Zichen wanted to follow was the way of gods and demons, and the current level was far from enough.

The prerequisite for cultivating the way of gods and demons is to cultivate all the six stages of the post-world realm of martial arts to the limit. Then, with all the strength of your body, you will open up the bridge of heaven and earth and open up the sea of ​​God in one fell swoop.

In this way, it can be regarded as stepping into the acquired realm, the acquired realm of the way of gods and demons.

That's right, there is no Shenhai in the Houtian realm of martial arts. The Shenhai of martial arts is called the sea of ​​Qi, and in the Xiantian realm, it is also called the sea of ​​Xiantian. If the body refining is successful, you can open up the sea of ​​qi and be promoted to the innate realm.

In ancient times, the reason why the martial arts of Gods and Demons could be popularized in the human race, except for the human race at the time, after they were born with innate blood, more because of the good environment at that time.

At that time, the human race had the meat of innate fierce beasts all at once, so that all of them were very vigorous and bloody. They were all dragons and phoenixes among humans. Naturally, it was not difficult to cultivate the way of gods and demons.

But now, the human race does not have such good treatment. If you want to cultivate the way of gods and demons, you can only polish the foundation with the six acquired stages of martial arts, until you can improve your physical fitness to the point where you can compare with the ancient human race. Only then began to practice the way of gods and demons.

Thinking of this, Feng Zichen couldn't help but miss the days when he was in the Feng clan. At that time, although the human race was not strong, but Feng Zichen couldn't help it.

With the protection of Emperor Sui, Feng Zichen has not suffered much since childhood. His food is what Suihuang eats and what He eats.

After being able to practice, Human Race has never lacked Feng Zichen's cultivation resources. Although there is no innate spiritual root, innate elixir and innate wild fruit, as well as fierce beast meat and monster beast meat, they have not been broken at all.

Where is it like now, eat something, and go out to find it by yourself.



After sighing, Feng Zichen first found a few wild fruits to satisfy his hunger, and then went out to find food. To be precise, he went to find meat.

If you want to be successful in martial arts, you must not lack meat. It is useless to eat wild fruits, and spirit fruits are almost the same.

The valley where Feng Zichen is located is located in a huge mountain range. From the perspective of a mortal Feng Zichen, it is out of sight, and it does not look small. But if you want to say how big it is, He doesn't know.

Feng Zichen had already seen it earlier, the location of this valley is very hidden, and unusually ordinary. One is not a place where spiritual energy gathers, and two is not a rare and exotic fruit, it is just an ordinary valley.

Therefore, it is very safe here, even if there are fierce beasts and monks in the mountains, they will not come here because they look down on it.

The reason why Feng Zichen was born in this valley is that it is ordinary here, the more ordinary, the safer it is.

With Feng Zichen's cultivation base, if he was born in a place where spiritual energy converges, he would have been eaten by the monsters living in it.

Of course, this place is ordinary, and it also indicates that there are no ferocious beasts in the mountains, and there are no precious medicinal materials. Feng Zichen looked around and saw a few pheasants, rabbits and so on.

These are ordinary animals, without a trace of spiritual energy in their bodies. They can only fill their stomachs when they eat them, but they can't increase the speed of cultivation. Feng Zichen doesn't look good at them, so he doesn't bother to catch them.

After searching for a circle in the valley, after failing to find the ferocious beasts and elixir to assist him in his cultivation, Feng Zichen decided to try his luck out of the valley to see if he could pick up a few ferocious beasts or elixir.

Just do it when he thinks of it, and immediately, Feng Zichen stepped forward and walked out of the valley.

Speaking of hurrying, Feng Zichen was uncomfortable again.

He hasn't rushed this way for tens of millions of years. Before, when he wanted to go anywhere, even one thought would arrive. No matter how bad he was, he could fly. Even if He took one step, it was a distance of hundreds of millions of miles away.

Wherever it is like now, it's just a valley, and it's a long journey.

After about half an hour, Feng Zichen finally walked out of the valley. I looked up and saw a vast mountain range appear before my eyes.

Looking around, you can see a boundless ancient forest in front of you, with old trees towering up to the sky, and new trees blooming, layered on top of each other, and countless leaves are densely intertwined, making people look at the mountains and forests. The ancient and deep.

In the mountains and forests, there is a strange atmosphere.

Moreover, looking at the entire mountain range, cascading up and down, like a huge real dragon lying on the ground. It exudes an unspeakable breath, which is awe-inspiring.

At a glance, it is impossible to see the edge of the entire mountain range, which is extremely vast. In the mountains and forests, there are terrible roars of beasts and birdsong from time to time, making people shudder.

There is no doubt that in this unknown mountain range, there must be countless beasts and birds.

Well, this is a holy place for practicing martial arts.

As long as it feeds on the fierce beasts and poultry in this mountain range day and night, it is really hard to think that it is not strong. As the martial arts with the lowest threshold for cultivation, the early practice is so simple.

If the resources are sufficient, breaking the boundary is as simple as eating and drinking water, and there is no bottleneck in the early stage.



Fierce beasts are also divided into ranks, the lowest, and they are naturally mortal beasts, which means that such fierce beasts belong to the realm of mortals and do not possess supernatural powers, but their power is equally terrifying.

Feng Zichen is self-sufficient. Now that he is successful in leather refining, he has almost a cow's power. It should not be difficult to deal with ordinary beasts.

Moreover, although his previous life's cultivation base is not there, his combat experience is still there. With this bonus, he can definitely easily leapfrog.

You know, when Feng Zichen was in his previous life, he also rose from the end of his life. Since he was a child, he had fought with the cubs of the innate fierce beast.

After he became Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he has experienced countless battles in his life.

It is no exaggeration to say that when it comes to the entire prehistoric world, Feng Zichen may not be the person who has experienced the most battles, but it is only a great supernatural power. Among those great supernatural powers, there is no combat experience that can match Feng Zichen. .

The noble background of the great supernatural powers makes them rarely experience life and death battles, and their combat experience is naturally not as good as Feng Zichen.

"By the way, the fierce beast here, after seeing me, really dare to do something to me?" As he walked, Feng Zichen suddenly heard something.

That is, because he swallowed the power of the avenue, his body was inevitably contaminated with the breath of the avenue.

Primal creatures may not be very sensitive to the atmosphere of the Great Dao, but the fierce beast, as a descendant of the Chaos Demon God, is imprinted on the breath of the Great Dao in the depths of the bloodline and the mark of life.

In this way, after feeling the great atmosphere of Feng Zichen's body, I was afraid that without Feng Zichen's hands, those fierce beasts would be scared to move.

However, this mountain range is so big that there may not be only fierce beasts, maybe there are monsters. But the monster beast could not perceive the aura of the Great Dao.

What is a monster?

It is the untransformed monster race.

When it comes to blood, monsters are inferior to fierce beasts.

When it comes to the flesh, a monster is not as good as a fierce beast.

When it comes to strength, monsters are still inferior to fierce beasts.

But monsters have wisdom, but fierce beasts don't. For this reason, monsters are much better than fierce beasts.


Xu is the valley where Feng Zichen is located. The reason is too remote. It is estimated that there will be an hour before Feng Zichen left, and he did not see the shadow of the fierce beast and the beast.

Looking around, Feng Zichen's belly was about to scream again. Wild fruits are not really hungry, they can only quench thirst, not hunger. Just an hour or two after eating the wild fruits, he was hungry again.


The feeling of hunger is really uncomfortable.

However, soon, Feng Zichen did not feel hungry, not because he found the food, but because his attention was drawn away by other things.

As he walked, Feng Zichen suddenly discovered that the earth under his feet spewed out the dragon air from time to time.

At the beginning, Feng Zichen thought it was his own illusion. After all, the strength was gone, and his perception dropped to the freezing point. It was normal to have an illusion.

But every once in a while, Feng Zichen could feel the signs of the appearance of dragon energy. Once or twice, it can be said to be an illusion, but if the number of times increases, it is not an illusion, but a fact.

In other words, there is indeed dragon gas gushing out of the underground ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After thinking about it, Feng Zichen silently circulates the Hongmeng Taoism, and a tiny vortex slowly takes shape by his side, sending a strand of fresh water from the underground. The dragon Qi that came out was drawn into Feng Zichen's body.

When the dragon gas entered the body, Feng Zichen immediately noticed the difference. This was indeed the dragon gas, and it was still extremely pure.

Judging from the concentration of this dragon energy, even if its owner is not an innate **** or demon, he is also a top innate creature, and its strength is closer to the level of a Taoist monarch.

Innate Dao Monarch, the strength is not weak, even in the five continents where Dao Zun is rampant, he can still be regarded as a master, let alone in this remote area, it is estimated that he can be regarded as a hegemon.

But it was such a powerful dragon, but it fell. Among the dragon energy gushing from this underground, Feng Zichen noticed a faint death aura, and thus determined that the state of the divine dragon was too good, and that 80% of it had fallen.

ps: This book, written and written, has become a fantasy upgrade stream, which is absolutely amazing.

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