Flooded Star Road

Vol 2 Chapter 474: More than 90 million monsters attack the humans

In those three breaths, Feng Zichen sensed the breath of Dijun's evil corpse, and the identities of the other two were self-evident.

It was Dijun's good corpse, and his own corpse.

Even with the evil corpse, Di Jun's three corpses came forward.


"Di Jun, unexpectedly cut out three corpses!"

Thinking of this, Feng Zichen's heart was shocked.

You know, among the six saints, the Taiqing saints have cut off the three corpses, and the rest are just the two corpses of good and evil. Even Nu Wa, beheaded the good corpse.

The truth is that good and evil are easy to cut, but self is difficult to understand.

From this, it can be seen that it is amazing how Di Jun can cut off the three corpses.

But immediately, he calmed down.

Di Jun cut out the three corpses, isn't this a normal thing? Otherwise, why would he dare to retreat and attack the Hunyuan Dao Realm?

It's not because the three corpses were cut off!

Not only Dijun, but all the existence of the half-step Hunyuan realm in Xuanmen, I am afraid that all three corpses have been cut off.

This is the method of Hongjun Daozu's sanctification and the method of achieving Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Xuanmen disciples, as heirs of his old family, want to become enlightened, this method is the first choice.

Of course, apart from proving the Tao with force, they also only know this one way.

His face changed for a while, Feng Zichen slowly withdrew his hand, and with the three corpses of Emperor Jun, he was afraid that he would not have a chance to attack this group of demon elites.

Believe it or not, as soon as he shot, Dijun's three corpses, together with all the quasi-sages of the demon race, would join forces to blast towards him, blasting the territories of the human race into fragments.

Di Jun, this is warning him.

As long as he doesn't make a move, the quasi-sage of the demon clan will not make a move.

"Dijun Ah Dijun, although you sent the three corpses to prevent me from interfering in this battle with the monsters, you unintentionally exposed your strength."

"do you know?"

"You, Dijun, Honghuang Tiandi, are not as powerful as I thought."

Sitting back on the throne again, Feng Zichen thought silently.

Dijun's shot this time exposed his true realm. His distance to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Fairy Realm, there is still a long distance, and it is not as close as the prehistoric great supernatural powers guessed.

The three corpses were cut off, but the road to the quasi-sage came to the end, and the realm of the quasi-sage's great perfection was repaired. After that, the three corpses need to be merged into one before they can be regarded as the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Obviously, Di Jun did not do this.

Otherwise, his three corpses will not come out and sway, but retreat with him.

It was the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who hadn't moved for so long, which worried Feng Zichen a little.

He had caused the monster race to be like that, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi didn't react at all, and even the shadow of the three corpses was not revealed. Obviously, at a critical moment, the three corpses are about to be merged into one.

If you really want Donghuang Taiyi to become enlightened, there is really no hope for the human race.

On this day, the demon elites ran on the wild land for several years, and finally came outside the immortal dragon city.

The primordial land is too big, just rushing, it wastes a lot of the time of the demon elites.

Fortunately, the elites of the Wu clan were fighting against the elites of the demon clan in the sky, and their journey went smoothly without any trouble.


Seeing the immortal dragon city, the demon leader headed by an order, the demon clan army immediately opened up and moved forward.

This time, the demon clan army has a total of 50,000 people, ten times as many as the last time, and the innate formations used are naturally different.

With the formation of the formation, one hundred and eight ancient star phantoms were seen, slowly rising from above the demon elite, and a total of 108 main stars in the endless starry sky, facing away.

Xiao Zhou Tian's star-fighting formation!

This is the name of this formation, it is the top ten existence among the many innate formations mastered by the Yaozu.


In the endless starry sky, the evil stars of heaven and earth were trembling inexplicably, and there were stars hanging down, a total of one hundred and eight, falling towards the phantom of the main star.

This is the role of the small Zhou Tianxing Star Array, borrowing the power of the 108 main stars of Tian Gang Di Sha from the endless starry sky to fight for it.


It seemed that the ancient gods were awakening, and a series of terrifying auras spread from the stars phantom, and then, some **** phantoms walked out of the stars phantom and killed them towards the immortal dragon city.

Every predecessor star represents an innate way.

These gods that came out of the main star phantom are the gods they conceived. They are the innate gods and demons, the incarnation of Tao, and they are also what the innate star gods looked like when they became the Da Luo Jinxian.

In other words, these phantoms are all projections of Da Luo Jinxian, possessing the power of Da Luo Jinxian.

A star **** clenched his fists and blasted towards the immortal dragon city.

Bang bang bang!

The power of Daluo Jinxian is so tyrannical, the Immortal Dragon City is trembling from being beaten. If it hadn't swallowed the flesh and blood of thousands of demon elites before, I was afraid that it would not be able to stop the impact of these star gods.

However, even so, under the attack of a group of star gods, the Immortal Dragon City became shaky, as if it would be breached at any time.

"Demon Race, die!"

At this moment, nine huge auras rose from the rear of the human race, turning into nine standing figures, and slew towards the demon elite.

That is the Nine Kings of Human Race!

Each one is comparable to the existence of Da Luo Jinxian.

Facing the 50,000 elites of the monster race, Feng Zichen didn't panic, even because the human race had these nine human kings.

When the nine kings of humans took action, there was no suspense in this war of monsters.

A big Luo Jinxian, fighting against fifty thousand well-trained demon elites, may not be strong enough.

But the nine Daluo Jinxian shot at the same time, no matter how sophisticated his demon clan formation was, he couldn't resist the mighty power of Daluo Jinxian.

It didn't take long for the demon elites to be wiped out.


Above the sky, all the demon elites were killed in battle, Bai Ze felt it for the first time, and he couldn't help but roared and killed the Wu clan with all his strength.

"According to this commander, all soldiers of the army will break through the Witch defense line at all costs, enter the wild land, and destroy the human race!"

With anger in his heart, Bai Ze gave the order to die.


The monster tribe army led the way and tried their best to kill the Witch tribe.

In terms of Daluo Jinxian, the number of demons and witches are almost the same.

But under the monk, the difference is a bit much.

The number of Yaozu Taiyi Golden Immortals is ten thousand times that of Wuzu. Therefore, under the attack of the monster clan elite at any cost, the witch clan elite struggled to resist for a hundred years, and finally lost to the monster clan's human tactics and defeated the battle.

This also means that the line of defense laid by the Wu clan has completely lost its effect.

The demon elites have invaded the prehistoric land!

Fortunately, although the elite witches were defeated, the great witches were not defeated, and even gained a huge advantage, pressing down on the demon gods.

Of course, it will hit the demon god.

In the past, when the witches did not cultivate the way of gods and demons, the demons and gods could not defeat the great witch.

Now, the great witch has practiced the way of gods and demons, not only has his strength one step closer, but has also made up for his shortcomings and can use innate spirit treasures.


How can it be the opponent of the big witches.

It's normal to be crushed and beaten!


After the monster army came to the prehistoric land, the first thing was to confirm the location of the territories of the human race, and then scramble to kill there.

Moreover, unlike the demon elite who was sent by Bai Ze, this group of demon tribe army is a prehistoric land that is driving the star boat.

In other words, their speed will be very fast.

Of course, this is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying, or their number, which is more than 90 million.

Except for those who died during the battle with the Witch tribe army, all the remaining demon tribe elites gathered here. Controlling thousands of broken star boats, slaying towards the human race mightily.

But within a few days, this group of monster clan army came under the immortal dragon city.

"What a strong defense!"

"But in the face of my monster race, no matter how strong the defense is, it's as paperless."

A demon-lord headed, glanced at the Immortal Dragon City from a distance, and exclaimed.

But this can't stop the Yaozu's footsteps.

Just like what he said, no defense can stop the demon army's footsteps.

Because even the powerful Wu Clan has been defeated, who can compete with Hong Huang?

"All the soldiers listen to the order and end up!"

"End of the week star battle array!"

The demon Lord waved his hand and ordered coldly.

Then, three hundred and sixty-four demon gods filled with star power were seen flying out of the army of the demon race holding Zhoutian star banners.

Then, the demon army moved, taking the 364 demon gods in the sky as the benchmark, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is divided into three hundred and sixty-four corps.


The army of more than 90 million monster races simultaneously agitated their magic power and poured it into the Zhou Tianxing banner. Suddenly, a huge demon spirit rose into the sky, rendering the sky black.

In the endless starry sky, Zhou Tian's stars vibrated together, each of which dropped a ray of star power, and fell towards Zhou Tian's star flag.

Zhou Tian's star battle is over, it's done!

At the same time, the demon energy that covered the sky and the sun was also washed away by the power of the endless stars.

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is the most powerful formation of the Monster Race, and it is also the formation that can best display the strength of the Monster Race. It's not that without Zhou Tian's stars, the Yaozu would not be able to lay down this formation.

Rather, the Zhoutian Stars Array laid out by the Zhoutian Stars is the most powerful.

Zhou Tian's star battle is strong, and Zhou Tian's stars are strong. Without Zhou Tianxingchen, although this formation is still mysterious, it can't be regarded as the top three formations, it can only be counted as the top ten.

With the help of the Zhoutian star banner, the demon race can also deploy the next week's star battle array, but its power will drop a lot.


The top ten standards.

Of course, that's the case, the power of the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array is far beyond the human race's ability to contend.

"With this formation, why don't the monsters worry about being able to dominate the predecessors."

Looking at the magnificent Zhoutian Star Dou formation, the demon king headed by him was a little addicted.

This person is different from other monster races.

He is a true innate **** and demon, the darling of heaven and earth, and is destined to become the existence of Da Luo Jinxian.

Even when the demon **** saw him, he wanted to call a friend.

Therefore, he is called the demon king, and even the commander of the 90 million demon clan army.

As for the three hundred and sixty-four demon monarchs holding Zhoutian star banners, it is not simple, they are not innate gods and demons, but the parents and children of the demon gods.

Yes, he is the son of the demon **** who sits on the stars of the week.

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