Flooded Star Road

Vol 2 Chapter 816: Hongjun Daozu's calculations

On Pan Gu's heart, the purple blood was flowing faster and faster, and the evil spirit of the gods became more and more intense.

Before long, strands of wonderful vitality suddenly diffused from Pangu's heart.

A new congenital witch is born!

After many years, in Pangu's heart, a new congenital witch came out again. And this congenital great witch is the Houtu Empress, the congenital **** and demon used to fight for the first chance.

Beiju Luzhou, where the demon clan is located, Donghuang Taiyi silently looked at the congenital divine fetus in front of him, his eyes full of nostalgia.

It can be seen that the congenital divine fetus in front of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is actually surrounded by a layer of bright sun and real fire.

Through the dazzling golden flames, one can even see that in the innate divine fetus, there is a three-legged golden crow slowly stretching its wings.

This congenital divine fetus actually gave birth to a small golden crow. Not on the Sun Star, but in this Beiju Luzhou, the base camp of the demon race.

It is unbelievable that a creature like the Great Sun Golden Crow was born in a place other than the Sun Star.

How was he born?

It was not that the methods of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi were against the sky, but that he found the corpse of the nine-headed little golden crow that had already fallen.

He used supreme magical powers to merge the origins of these nine little golden crows. At the same time, with the means of reaching the sky, a trace of the good fortune of the world was blocked, and this gave birth to this innate divine fetus, which gave birth to the thirteenth little golden crow in the prehistoric world.

This innate divine fetus was made by combining the power of the nine small golden crows.

And he was the one Taiyi used to compete for this first chance.

And at the far end of the sea, there is a small island filled with chaos. I don't know when it was born or when it exists here. In short, it is very mysterious.

However, the aura contained on the island is quite astonishing, no less than the top of the world, and it is not much weaker than the Xuanqing Sanxian Island.

This island is another top holy land.

At this time, on this little island where no one exists, a mysterious man in purple suddenly came.

The strength of the incoming person is very strong, and the large innate formation on the island seems to be non-existent in front of him, allowing him to pass through easily.

Soon, the mysterious purple-clothed man came to the center of the island, where an innate divine fetus surrounded by chaos.

That's right, on this mysterious island, a congenital divine fetus was also conceived, and by looking at its chaotic atmosphere, you can know that the congenital divine and demon bred by this congenital divine fetus is absolutely outrageous. , The last is the top innate gods and demons.

And that mysterious purple-clothed man, at this moment, if someone with great magical powers is here, he will recognize that this person is the first Hongjun Daozu!

His old man actually left the Zixiao Palace, came to this mysterious island, and went to see a congenital divine fetus in person.

So what is the origin of this congenital divine fetus, it can attract Dao Ancestor's attention so much?

After stopping for a long time in front of this innate divine fetus, Daozu Hongjun spoke, and listened to him saying earnestly: "Hongyun, I hope that after this time, you can get rid of that nosy problem."

Hongyun, this congenital divine fetus was conceived by the ancestor of Hongyun, no wonder Dao ancestor came here in person.

Dao Ancestor Na Hongjun came here to give birth to Ancestor Hongyun and let him fight for the first chance?

Of course not, the ancestor of Hongyun is inherently sacred, the most prestigious existence, whether he has the first luck, is not very important to him.

Hongjun Dao Ancestor came here to settle the cause and effect between himself and Hongyun Ancestor. At the beginning, the ancestor of Hongyun gave way to the second sage of the west in the Zixiao Palace, causing the Xuanmen to lose two sacred positions.

For this reason, great cause and effect formed between the ancestors of Hongyun and Xuanmen. This is also the reason why the ancestor of Hongyun clearly possessed the magnum and purple qi, but he still could not be sanctified.

If the great cause and effect in his body remain unresolved, how can he be sanctified?

Dao Ancestor Hongjun is also a stingy temper. The Ancestor Hongyun has ruined his good deeds, causing him to lose two holy positions.

He is angry in his heart. It is good not to trouble the ancestor Hongyun. How can he take the initiative to understand cause and effect with him?

Therefore, even if the ancestor of Hongyun was robbed, Daozu Hongjun was also indifferent.

But today, things have changed, causing Hongjun Daozu to come here on his own initiative.

But it was because Hongjun Daozu, who was in retreat and enlightened Dao Dao, suddenly felt that the number of days had changed and that Xuanmen was in danger of losing luck.

As soon as this feeling came out, Daozu Hongjun was awakened immediately, and then he quickly urged the fragments of the jade butterfly to deduce the reason for the change in the number of days.

It didn't take a moment for Hongjun Daozu to find out the reason, but it was the two sages of the West who had the mind to stand on their own, and planned to establish a new one, and call the ancestor the ancestor.

The two sages of the West are not self-reliant, and Hongjun Daozu doesn't care very much. He doesn't like these two at first, so he leaves, so he doesn't need to look upset.

It's just that the two of them can go, but their move of setting up another door will undoubtedly cause the loss of Xuanmen's fortune and become the foundation of its new orthodoxy.

This made Hongjun Daozu unbearable. Good guy, the foot of the wall has been dug to his head. What are the meanings, really when he Hongjun is old and can't lift the knife?

It is a pity that Hongjun Taoist ancestor has nothing to do, but no matter what, the self-reliance of the two sages in the West is the inevitable result of the evolution of the heavenly way. As a part of the heavenly way, Hongjun Taoist ancestor cannot defy the destiny and attack the two sages of the west.

Therefore, even if he didn't want it in his heart, Daozu Hongjun couldn't stop it. It seems that self-reliance of the two sages in the West has become inevitable.

In the Zixiao Palace, Dao Ancestor Hongjun really wanted more and more anger, that profound door was his heart, how could he tolerate the two insurgents hurting his heart?

I have to say that Hongjun Daozu is worthy of being the No. 1 old man in the wild. Sitting cross-legged for several days in the Zixiao Palace really made him think of a way to break the game.

Since the two sages of the West cannot be prevented from establishing themselves, let it be natural and leave it alone. And after it is prosperous, it will send people into Protestantism and return it to Xuanmen again.

With such a decrease and an increase, Xuanmen's Qi Luck has not been reduced, but can be increased a little.

This plan is wonderful.

If it is really done, then all the efforts of the Western Second Sages are all for the Xuanmen to make wedding dresses, and they have offended the Xuanmen masters over and over again. How could it be so miserable.

However, although this plan is good, it is not easy to succeed. You have to find a suitable person to execute it.

Daozu Hongjun thought about it, and locked this candidate on the body of the ancestor Hongyun. In the precipice, no one is more suitable for carrying out this plan than Him.

There is no other reason, it is because the second sage of the west owes Hongyun ancestor.

The cause and effect of sanctification is so great. If the ancestor of Hongyun devotes himself to Western religion, then the two western saints will at least designate him as the three masters, and dare not despise him in any way.

Hongjun Taoist ancestor sent Hongyun ancestor to save the Protestantism established by the two sages of the West, but it was the most suitable.

Therefore, Hongjun Taoist ancestor personally came to the birthplace of Hongyun ancestor, intending to pressure him to postpone the time of his birth, fortunately, he was born when the two sages of the West set up their own doors.

To delay the birth of Hongyun Ancestor, it couldn't be easier for Hongjun Dao Ancestor. He didn't need to use any tricks, he just preached to the innate divine fetus that gave birth to Hongyun Ancestor.

The ancestor Hongyun in there, after listening to the preaching of the Taoist ancestor, had a sense of enlightenment, and naturally entered the realm of enlightenment, which affected the timing of birth. There was no problem at all.

Moreover, afterwards, the ancestor of Hongyun will not only blame Dao Zu for delaying his birth, but will be grateful to Dao Zu for giving him a chance.

Isn't it just an opportunity to listen to Hongjun Daozu's preaching?

Poor the second sage of the West, who tried hard to make the Western religion prosper. Finally, he had no choice but to figure out a way that was not a solution, that is, to set up another door to intercept some of the mysterious luck, so as to make the West prosper.

The method was very good, but before it was implemented, Daozu Hongjun saw it through and formulated countermeasures.

However, the Western Two Saints know nothing about this, thinking that they are secretly doing it, and are eagerly preparing for another establishment.

It's also pitiful!

Everyone has their own plans, and Feng Zichen is no exception. It can be said that among his clones, except for Gouchen, Xuanqing, Dongjun, Yinyang Patriarch and others who did not do anything, the rest have their own Plan.

As in the ruins of the ruins, a dark abyss is looming, like a hole in the sky and the earth, releasing endless demonic energy.

This is the Demon Abyss, the holy land of the Heavenly Demon Dao.

When the prehistoric world was transformed, Guixu and the heart demon were not idle. They secretly laid a large formation, taking advantage of the collapse of the world, madly accepting the evil and evil spirits between the world and the earth, and transforming them into the purest demon. gas.

Then, the two of them merged this devilish energy with part of the origin of the ruins, and then used this as the foundation to create a magical holy place.

It is the Demon Abyss in front of me!

The Demon Yuan is boundless, without an end, blends with the origin of Guixu, standing in the void, can spontaneously attract the evil and evil spirits between heaven and earth, and transform them into pure devil energy.

It can be said that, in order to build the Demon Abyss, Guixu and the Heart Demon have smashed into all their wealth. But just like that, the Demon Abyss in front of him was not really born, it was just a semi-finished product.

Otherwise, Demon Abyss was truly born, towering in the boundless void, rather than looming in the void like it is now.

But that's it. At this time when the heavens and the earth are changing and the aura of innate good fortune is permeating, the Demon Abyss has also gained some benefits.

It can be seen that in the depths of the Demon Abyss, endless demon energy is surging, converging, and slowly turning into several innate divine fetuses.

These innate divine fetuses are all the future of the Heavenly Demon Dao, and they are the innate divine and demon specially bred by the Heavenly Dao in order to prosper the Heavenly Demon Dao!

At this moment, Guixu is working with the heart demon, exhausting all his strength to collect the origin of the heavens and the earth, slowly growing these innate divine fetuses.

The weak source of the Demon Yuan is due to the full strength of the splicing, and it is impossible to give birth to the innate divine fetus. Therefore, for the first thought of this time, Guixu and the inner demon did not care at all.

The two are just holding a playful attitude to fight for the first chance. Can't compete? That's normal, and if the contention is reached, that's not normal!

Guixu and the heart demon are not in a hurry, because they know that with the deity's back hand, they have already won this first battle.

After all, the congenital divine fetus in the hands of the deity is really too special and too precious.

Even the congenital divine fetus in the Buzhoushan site is not necessarily comparable to the congenital divine fetus in Feng Zichen's hands.

Call it with respect, not by name, from this we can see how Feng Zichen values ​​it.

In the Netherworld, endless yin is permeating, all converging towards one place.

It is the ancestral land of ghosts, Fengdu Mountain!

It can be seen that on the top of Mount Fengdu, a ghostly spirit-wounding congenital divine fetus is releasing strange gloomy lights.

The innate yin qi pouring from all over the Netherworld was absorbed by this innate divine fetus as the nether light swallowed and vomited.

And this congenital divine fetus conceived is the first congenital **** and demon of Ghost Dao. His appearance is just to show the great prosperity of the ghost way.

The innate divine fetus born in the Netherworld is more than this one, and it is better than this, and it is not unavailable. But the most important thing for Emperor Fengdu is this innate divine fetus~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because he carries the future of the ghost road.

The innate gods and demons conceived by this divine womb will surely lead the ghost way out of the nether world, so that the whole three realms can hear the prestige of the ghost way.

In addition to this innate **** and demon, there are many wonderful innate races in the underworld. Among them, the one that can most attract the attention of Emperor Fengdu is the special race that was born from the ghosts, the ghost race!

Ghosts can be bred from heaven and earth, and this world is really getting more and more mysterious.

To be honest, the ghost emperor Fengdu valued the innate divine fetus very much. If the innate divine fetus in the hands of the deity was not too strong, what he said would help this innate divine fetus to compete for the first chance.

Central China, the ancestral land of the human race, under the world tree, gathered here, bathed in the brilliance of the world tree, and constantly vomiting the origin of the world it emits.

Compared with others, Gou Chen is much more realistic, and he doesn't need to look for innate divine fetal training at all.

There are so many people in the human race who practice the way of gods and demons, and they are about to transform into the arrogance of innate gods and demons.

That being the case, why didn't Gouchen cultivate Human Race's own arrogance and transform it into an innate **** and demon, but instead wanted to find an innate fetus to cultivate?

Is it possible that the Human Race Tianjiao is weaker than the Innate Gods and Demons?

For this reason, I selected the nine most outstanding talents of the human race, let them practice under the world tree, and use the world's origin to help them make the final transformation and turn them into innate gods and demons.

The congenital divine fetus in the endless starry sky is very strong and noble. If you compete for the first place, theoretically there will be no problems.

However, Feng Zichen always seeks stability in doing things, and must prepare for everything in order to prevent accidents.

Nothing is absolute, too confident, but it will overturn.

ps: I was too tired today. I filled the septic tank all afternoon.

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