Flooded Star Road

Vol 2 Chapter 819: Blasphemous blood

Dao Zun

This special innate **** and demon had the cultivation base of Daluo Dao Zun as soon as it was born.

This is not a good sign.

For a moment, everyone frowned.

Throughout the prehistoric history, that is, when Emperor Ziwei was born, he had the strength of a top-level supernatural power when he was born.

The rest is the Daozu of Hongjun, when he was just born, he was no more than the cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. This seems to be a silent rule that all innate gods and demons must abide by when they are born.

The bigger the vision at birth, the greater the potential and the higher the future achievements. This is true.

But the higher the strength at birth, it may not be a good thing. You must know that things that are often too defying will be hit by the heavens.

Once he was born, he had the cultivation base of Daluo Dao Zun, even more powerful than Dao Zu Hongjun, and he made such a big movement. Isn't this the living target of the Heavenly Dao, waiting for him to strike?

The successful birth of Emperor Ziwei back then was not only because of his noble status, but also because of his salvation.

Stabilizing the boundless starry sky, anchoring the heavens, and saving the prehistoric world, can be called immense merit.

With this merit in his body, even if the Emperor Ziwei's performance is against the sky, the heavens will not target him, but will reward him for his salvation work.

Emperor Ziwei has the virtue of saving the world, so he can act without taboos. But this special innate **** and demon, he has nothing.

Therefore, the moment he was born was the moment his catastrophe came.

After passing it, born with a sacred origin, orthodoxy in orthodoxy, inheriting part of the legacy of imperfect mountains, there is the possibility of enlightenment in the future, and the future is boundless.

However, everything is the moon in the water, the flowers in the mirror, the ash flies away, leaving no trace.

However, he is still not a complete Daluo Dao Zun, but his power has reached this point, but the realm has not kept up, and the innate true spirit has not transformed into the innate immortal true spirit.

Only by waiting for him to survive the catastrophe, can he achieve the real state of Da Luo Dao Zun.


At this time, someone whispered.

When everyone heard the words and looked up, they saw the endless dark clouds gathering above the sky, and in the clouds, there were congenital thunder flashes from time to time, and the mighty panic appeared in the sky.

The calamity of this innate **** and devil is here!

Although Lei Ze laid the three plagues and nine disasters, covering all the calamities of the world, but the path of heaven is not complete, there is one escape, naturally Lei Ze cannot really master all the calamities of the world.

In the prehistoric world, there are three catastrophes, born of variables, changing all the time, so even the saints can hardly see them, and Lei Ze can't control them.

These three calamities are the heavenly calamities from heaven, the authentic earth calamities, and the humane calamities.

Among the Three Tribulations, the human calamity is the most common, as small as quarrels, impulsive murder and deliberate murder, are all considered as human robbery.

When the thoughts start and the thoughts fall, the killing intent will rise immediately. This is human calamity, and the killing intent comes from all souls.

In the Three Tribulations, although the tribulations are rare, they are not without them. For example, the natural disasters, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes, and meteorite falls are all considered to be a kind of tribulation, and the killing intent comes from the heavens and the earth.

As for the Earth Tribulation, to be honest, although there is Earth Tribulation in the Great Desolation, this Tribulation is more like adding up the number, forced to add it, so as to make up the Three Tribulations together with the Heaven Tribulation and Human Tribulation.

Earth calamity was born because of tunnels, but tunnels do nothing. They only know that they contain all souls and never interfere with the operation of heaven and earth. Therefore, although heaven and earth have the name of earth robbery, they never happen.

Right now, what this special innate **** and demon is facing is the calamity of the three calamities.

In the eyes of Tian Dao, He, who has the blood of Pangu and the blood of the Chaos Demon God, was originally an anomaly. Now that he was born, he has the cultivation base of Daluo Dao Zun, which makes him from a small anomaly to a big anomaly.

Big anomaly, you can't keep it!


An innate thunder smashed down, shattering the light on the innate **** and demon, making his image clearly appear in front of everyone's eyes.

Well, like everyone else, they are innate Taoism, the same handsome and perfect. However, the center of his forehead has one more vertical pupil than the others, that is a chaotic divine eye that is surrounded by chaotic air.

Behind him, there is also a pair of huge chaotic wings more than the others, flowing endless chaotic air. Its wings spread out like a sky curtain, not much smaller than Kunpeng's wings.


Inexplicably, a message appeared in the hearts of everyone, letting them know the name of this innate **** and demon, Yuan!

A very atmospheric name.

Yuan, the beginning, the foundation of heaven and earth, has the meaning of resuming one yuan and renewing all things.

The name of this innate **** and demon shows that it is extraordinary, perhaps second only to Yuanshi Tianzun.


Another innate **** thunder smashed down, surging out of the world-destroying fluctuations, and swept toward Yuan.


Yuan spoke. This was the first sentence he uttered after he was born, but it was not his name, but the extremely cold "kill" character.

Seek to live and kill!

In the cold words, Yuan body's mana surged, the power of Dao Zun diffused, and the phantom of the Chaos Demon God was faintly manifested behind him.


The innate thunderbolt fell, but was blocked by the chaotic demon **** behind Yuan. Both sides died together, and each went to nothingness.

The first path of the catastrophe, Yuan passed through safely.

However, there are a total of nine tribulations, Yuan has only passed the first one, and whether he can pass the second one, and the next few ones, is still unclear.

Yuan's future is still elusive.


After the first innate thunder blasted down, the second followed and crashed down.


His complexion was cold, and behind Yuan, there were a group of authentic Pangu phantoms, including Feng Zichen, Sanqing, and Ziwei Great Emperor.


The second congenital thunder blasted down and was blocked by everyone's phantom, protecting Yuan.

At the side, Feng Zichen and others saw this scene, and their faces turned black.

To be born in their blood, this is too much. But now, the other party can even transform their phantom opponents, which makes everyone extremely sick.

If it continues like this, can Yuan go back to its origin, directly derive the blood of the people, and then use this to divide part of the people's luck?

too disgusting!

Mindful of this, all Pangu authentic sects have moved to kill Yuan. How can someone who has no relatives and no reason let outsiders share their luck? How can there be such a truth in the world?

Murder, cause and effect!

In a trance, Feng Zichen, Sanqing and others felt a strange feeling in their hearts, as if they were willing to intervene in Yuan's tribulation.

No one can intervene in the robbery, this is common sense. But now, common sense has been broken.

What does this show?

It shows that the people of Yuan have been robbed.

Only catastrophe can intervene in catastrophe.

Yuan was born because of everyone's blood, and he had great cause and effect with everyone.

On the occasion of the birth of Yuan, everyone's heart moved to kill him. That day, Dao felt and automatically gave birth to induction, giving everyone a chance to settle cause and effect.

How to end it?

That is to let everyone become Yuan Renji, so as to prevent his birth.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily prevent its birth. You can use other methods. The specific operation depends on everyone's thoughts, and the gods can't force it.


When everyone thought about it, the third innate divine thunder had already been cut off, and the vertical eyes of Yuan's eyebrows opened suddenly, releasing a gray chaotic divine light, blasting the innate divine thunder into fragments.

Seeing this, Feng Zichen and others all know that they can’t hesitate anymore. If you wait any longer, when Yuan passes the catastrophe, the human catastrophe will also end. Several people are thinking of taking action against him, the price will be high. NS.

Thinking of this, I saw Feng Zichen's mind moved, an inexplicable force gushing out of his body, spreading towards the distance, and blending with the forth innate divine thunder that was about to fall.


When the fourth innate thunder struck, you saw a piece of Yuan's wing, like a cloud hanging down from the sky, setting off endless chaotic air, turning into a storm, and turning the fourth innate thunder into pieces.

However, although Innate Thunder was broken, Feng Zichen's power was not broken yet. That inexplicable fluctuation all the way down, ignoring the turbulent chaotic storm, directly fell on Yuan's body.

Silently, a mysterious power pulled away from Yuan's body, causing his strength to drop a bit.

At the same time, behind Yuan, the phantom representing Feng Zichen shattered silently.

That's right, the power that was taken away from the Yuan body just now was Feng Zichen's bloodline power.

It is possible to kill Yuan, but before killing him, the first thing to do is to take the power of one's blood from him. Otherwise, if Yuan was resurrected someday, it would be disgusting.

After Feng Zichen, the rest of the people also followed suit, using their own means to fuse with the fifth innate thunder, hoping to recover their own bloodline power in the body.


When the fifth congenital thunder blasted down, a big seal appeared in Yuan's hands in vain, and it was thrown high by him, carrying the supreme power, and collided with the fifth congenital thunder.

In the next moment, the phantom of endless mountains appeared, endless, one mountain higher than the other, and the breath of recklessness and long-distance came to your face.

This is the companion spirit treasure of the Yuan, possessing the forty-three innate spiritual forbidden top grade innate spirit treasure mountains and river seals.

This seal, after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, its last source, merged with the spirit of the innate ancestral veins, and was formed by the essence of Nawan Mountain.

The Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers, as the name suggests, combines the power of wild mountains and rivers, and has the mighty power to control the world and mountains and rivers.

Being hit by this big seal, the fifth innate divine thunder was directly smashed to pieces. But the power of the people directly ignored the seal of the mountain and river, and added it to Yuan's body.


Suddenly, Yuan let out a scream, his power was declining rapidly, and was pulled away by an inexplicable force. Behind him, the sacred shadows that symbolized his noble origin were shattered one after another.

Soon, it disappeared without a trace.

At this time, behind him, apart from the phantom of the Chaos Demon God, only the phantom of Bu Zhoushan existed.

And this phantom of the imperfect mountain was Yuan's body, the last remaining imprint of the Pangu God System.

If it is possible, everyone really wants to cut off this Immortal Mountain Imprint from Yuan's body, completely breaking his connection with Pangu God System.

It is a pity that this is the root of Yuan, and it is not a gift from Zhoushan. You can kill him with the power of everyone, but it is difficult to cut off this mark.


When the power of everyone's bloodline was all taken away from Yuan's body, his body suddenly vibrated, and his strength began to decline, from the point of Da Luo Dao Zun to the realm of Tai Yi Dao Sovereign.

After everyone drew away their own blood, the origin of Yuan was at least one-third less. Losing so much of the origin, the strength does not plummet, that is a strange thing.

After that, the chain reaction that produced made Yuan even more unprepared.

Originally, Yuan could achieve the realm of Daluo Dao Zun only by passing through the tribulation, but now it seems that this might become a luxury.

After this, within a short period of time, the realm of Da Luo Dao Zun, I am afraid that he has no chance with him.

Just as the Yuan spirit was in a trance, the sixth innate **** thunder crashed down. This innate divine thunder came quickly, in a hurry, and with great power, but it still failed to hurt Yuan, and was blocked by the shadow of Bu Zhou Shan behind him.

And after this innate divine thunder, the power of Heavenly Tribulation also declined due to the low strength of the original.


The seventh innate **** thunder blasted down, and when he saw Yuan who had recovered, he took out a spear with his backhand and pointed it towards the sky. In an instant, a dashing rhyme of Taoism burst out madly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shattered everything.

The seventh innate divine thunder was shattered by that Taoist rhyme before it could play a role in the future.

The top innate spirit treasure, the spear of destruction!

This is the innate spirit treasure that emerged after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain and merged with the power of the Chaos Demon God that remained here. There are forty-five innate divine bans in it, with the power to destroy everything, and it is also a treasure of killing.

Sure enough, Yuan is very extraordinary. It is actually accompanied by two top-quality innate spiritual treasures, which is worthy of being born and sacred by Bu Zhou Mountain.

Very strong!

On top of the mountain and river seal, holding a large destruction spear, behind him, the phantoms of Bu Zhoushan and the Chaos Demon God alternately appear. Yuan is indeed extraordinary and has the possibility of enlightenment.

But unfortunately,

His death is already doomed.

Because the Pangu authentic sects don't want Yuan to live. In the beginning, the people's disgust towards Yuan was only due to the blood of the Chaos Demon God in his body.

But when they saw their figures behind Yuan, the people made up their minds to let him die.

Their blood is not to be profaned.

In this world, any creatures who dare to blaspheme their blood should not exist. The same is true even if the blood is taken away.

With this idea, everyone was in a tacit understanding and secretly displayed magical powers, increasing the power of the tribulation.


In the flash of thunder, the eighth congenital thunder that carried the power of everyone slowly took shape.

But at this moment, Yuan, totally unaware of the danger coming, holding a heavy treasure, he has already determined that he will be able to successfully survive the catastrophe and descend into the world.


The innate **** thunder blasted down, Yuan confidently smiled, holding a large destruction spear, evolving the scene of infinite destruction, and stabbing forward.

ps: The monthly pass will be doubled tomorrow, ask for a monthly pass. The tree at the door was broken by the typhoon, irritating.

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