Flooded Star Road

Vol 2 Chapter 847: Kick off the world

The aura of Hongmeng only swallowed two-thirds of its origin, and its strength grew a lot, and it gradually gained the upper hand in the battle with the majesty of the avenue.

At this moment, Feng Zichen's innate immortal true spirit shook abruptly in the aura of the cosmos, resonating with the origin formed by the incarnation, and spurring a powerful force.


The Qi of Hongmeng and the might of the Great Dao tremble at the same time, as if an unknown change has taken place. The battle between each other has become more intense, and they are both devouring each other madly.

At this moment, Feng Zichen’s innate immortal true spirit seized the opportunity to forcibly separate a strand of true spirit, broke free from the aura of grandeur, wrapped in a trace of the power of the refining avenue, and rushed out of the boundless starry sky. Falling towards the wild land.

Losing this ray of Feng Zichen's true spirit, although the power of Hongmeng Qi has declined, but because of the incarnation of Feng Zichen, the strength has not been reduced much, and it can still suppress the power of the avenue.

Gradually, the restless parties gradually calmed down and fell into a stalemate again.

However, upon closer inspection, we can still find that in the battle between the two, the spirit of Harmony has gradually gained the upper hand, and the defeat of the power of the great road is already foreseeable.



Just before Feng Zichen's innate immortal true spirit escaped the boundless starry sky, the great supernatural powers finally realized what had happened.

A peerless powerhouse attacked and killed Emperor Ziwei. During the period, Daozu Hongjun and Empress Houtu successively rescued each other, but just like this, the terrible attack still rushed into the endless starry sky and blatantly killed Emperor Ziwei.

Immediately, unimaginable fluctuations erupted in the boundless starry sky. Then, all concepts were distorted, and the terrifying power boiled in the boundless starry sky, making everything disappear.

That's it, the great supernatural powers, including the saints and Hongjun Daozu, are still staring at the immense pressure and staring at the boundless starry sky.

They are waiting for a result, under such a terrible attack, can Emperor Ziwei survive.

They are all people with deep thoughts, and when they saw the attack that was beyond imagination, they already guessed that the person who shot was the Chaos Demon God.

After all, no one in the wild world can burst out such terrible power.

I don't know what the Great Emperor Ziwei did to force the Chaos Demon God to use such a method to kill him. However, although I don't know the specific circumstances, everyone knows that this should be a good thing for Honghuang.

If it hadn't been for the Great Emperor Ziwei to rush the Chaos Demon God, they wouldn't be like that. It can be seen that the Chaos Demon God must have suffered a big loss, and the Chaos Demon God has suffered a loss. Isn't this a great thing for the predecessors?

It's a pity that Emperor Ziwei was so powerful that he could not stop the attack.

However, it doesn't matter, the cultivation base of the Great Emperor Ziwei is already in the realm of immortality.

Moreover, unlike Di Jun and others, Emperor Ziwei was a man of merit, and no one rushed to hinder his recovery. Even Tiandao would take the initiative to help Emperor Ziwei recover.

This shows that Emperor Ziwei's recovery is much simpler than ordinary people.

Just as everyone was thinking, in the endless starry sky, that terrifying fluctuation lasted for a while and suddenly disappeared.

Then, everyone saw that in the center of the endless starry sky, the light blooming on the incomparably bright purple star suddenly dimmed a lot.

Seeing this scene, everyone realized that there should be something wrong with Emperor Ziwei, otherwise, the light of the purple star, which symbolizes his destiny, would not be dimmed for no reason.

However, although Ziwei Star is dim, there is no anomalous manifestation between the heavens and the earth, indicating that although Ziwei the Great has a problem, it has not fallen. 80% of the body was seriously injured, perhaps even more serious. In short, the condition is very bad. NS.

When everyone was speculating about the situation of Emperor Ziwei, a ray of purple divine light suddenly fell from the boundless starry sky, fell towards the prehistoric world, and then disappeared into the red dust.

Seeing this purple light, everyone's complexion changed drastically. Because they recognized the origin of that purple light, it was a ray of true spirit of Emperor Ziwei.

The true spirit falls into the mortal world, the Great Emperor Ziwei is going to be reincarnated and rebuilt.

What happened to the Great Emperor Ziwei was actually forced to score a ray of true spirit reincarnation and rebuild. It seems that the situation of this emperor is much more serious than they thought.

Thinking of this, everyone showed their magical powers, shot two divine lights, and looked towards the boundless starry sky.

Only at this moment, when Feng Zichen left behind him, he saw Zhou Tian and the stars turning, and the galaxy cosmic light array diffused, closing the boundless starry sky again, completely disconnecting from the outside world.

From the eyes of everyone, apart from seeing the dazzling starlight, there was nothing more to see.

At the moment when the endless starry sky was closed, another purple brilliance fell from the starry sky, flew to the Netherworld, and disappeared into the Samsara Hall.

Frowning watching this scene, everyone thought for a while, and they understood the reason. This purple brilliance might not be the reward for the Houtu Empress.

It's no wonder that the Emperor Ziwei was robbed this time, and everyone did not respond, but Houtu Niangniang was able to help in time. It turned out that the two had already reached an agreement secretly.

That purple brilliance was the last remaining power left by Feng Zichen's incarnation, about one-fifth, enough for Hou Tu to resurrect the Emperor Jiangzu Witch.

Feng Zichen's promise is a lot of money, how can he speak for nothing? Since he has promised Houtu Empress before, as long as he helps, no matter whether it succeeds or fails afterwards, he will help Emperor Jiang Zuwu to resurrect.

Now, Houtu Empress has taken action and fulfilled his promise. That Feng Zichen, naturally, would not breach the contract, and deliberately left part of the power of the incarnation to help the Empress Houtu resurrect the Emperor Jiangzu Witch.

The Emperor Jiangzu Witch is in the realm of Hunyuan. Although it is difficult to resurrect him, the Twelve Ancestor Witch Palace has been erected for so long, and it is not without half effect. It has long accumulated a lot of power in the dark.

Now, with some of the origins of Feng Zichen's incarnation, it is not difficult to resurrect Emperor Jiang.

It is estimated that it will not take many tens of thousands of years before the Emperor Jiang Zu Wu will return. However, the return of Dijiang may not be a bad thing for the Yaozu, but a good thing.

After Dijiang recovers, the pressure on the monster race will undoubtedly increase greatly, fearing that there will be an extinction power. At this time, for the sake of balance, the monster race's luck will also make the last stroke, and 80% will make the Emperor Jun recover.

This is the foreseeable future, and it is also a general trend, which must not be violated. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is known as the immortal, such a character, after the fall, will basically return, it is not easy to stop it.

Can stop for a while, absolutely can not stop the whole life. In fact, after the return of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Dijun's recovery was already a foreseeable thing, the difference was only the time.

The recovery of Dijiang just speeds up this process.


Silently, Hongjun Daozu's figure appeared beyond the boundless starry sky. He wanted to enter the endless starry sky and check the true situation of Emperor Ziwei.

It's a pity that even as strong as him, it was blocked by the galaxy universe and couldn't enter it.

Exerting his magical powers, Hongjun Daozu's eyes completely turned purple, as if they were replaced by heaven, without the slightest emotion, and extremely cold.

At this moment, in the boundless starry sky, the situation suddenly changed, Zhou Tian's stars trembled together, each releasing a touch of origin, converging on the purple stars, forming a wonderful picture.

That was a great god, whose figure was extremely tall, even bigger than Zhou Tian's stars, sitting in the middle of the endless starry sky.

However, his condition is very bad, his eyes are closed tightly, as if he is sleeping. The body has also become extremely illusory, as if it will dissipate at any time.

However, with the breath of this god-man, the spirits of the surrounding stars poured into his body, helping him to stabilize his body, so that his condition gradually developed in a good direction.

Seeing this scene, Hongjun Daozu long heaved a sigh of relief. The Great Emperor Ziwei obviously had a problem, and it was very serious. His body was destroyed, his spiritual consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and the innate immortal true spirit was even more dim, like a phantom, which would be shattered at any time.

Fortunately, although these problems are serious, they are not fatal. With the help of the endless starry sky, Emperor Ziwei's divine consciousness will wake up soon, and then he will find a way to restore his physical body.

This picture was specially condensed by Feng Zichen for outsiders to watch. To be precise, it was for Hongjun Daozu.

Before leaving, Feng Zichen knew that if Daozu Hongjun couldn't see his situation, he would never be at ease, so this picture was born to deal with Daozu Hongjun.

After confirming the situation of Emperor Ziwei, Dao Zu Hongjun nodded and said to everyone: "You don't need to worry, Ziwei is seriously injured, but it is not fatal. In addition, there is no big starry sky recuperation. problem."

"The next time you discuss the Tao, you will be able to see Him."

Discuss the Tao next time?

That is a million years later.

In other words, Emperor Ziwei was injured this time, even under the convalescence of the endless starry sky, it would take millions of years to recover. From this point of view, the injuries suffered by the Great Emperor Ziwei were indeed very serious.

It would take millions of years for Wu Ji Luo Jinxian to treat him with all his strength. This injury could not be overstated.

Thinking like this in their hearts, but everyone did not forget to say: "I heard that the emperor is fine, and the poor Dao and others are relieved. I hate our low strength. The emperor was robbed this time. ."

The status of Emperor Ziwei is equal to that of Dao Ancestor, and everyone is not lacking for the respect he should have. After complaining angrily for a while, everyone dispersed.

However, there is one thing that is buried in the hearts of everyone and has not said it, that is, where the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the true spirit of Emperor Ziwei has gone, and what kind of changes will it bring to the current Three Realms. .

What an eventful season!

With the first fortune in the wild, the reincarnation of Emperor Ziwei is afraid that it will make a huge wave in the Three Realms.


Netherworld, Hall of Reincarnation, looking at the origin of heaven and earth in his hand, Hou Tu's eyes couldn't hide his joy: "Friend Ziwei is really a believer. With these origins of heaven and earth, the day when the big brother returns will not be far away."

After all, the Empress Houtu picked up the Dijiang flag and went to the Dijiang Temple, preparing to revive the Dijiang Zu witch's related matters.

Regarding Dijiang’s recovery, the Empress Houtu couldn’t rest assured that he would leave the matter to him, so he would complete all preparations.

And at this time, where is Feng Zichen's reincarnation true spirit? He hadn't had time to reincarnate, still staying in the unknown void.

Now, he has two powers: the majestic aura and the majesty of the great avenue. It is the way of heaven who personally takes action, and he can't even figure out everything about the true spirit of him.

However, because of this, Feng Zichen was in big trouble. When he was leaving, he swept away a trace of the power of the avenue, and he was going to refine it to enhance the foundation of this innate immortal true spirit.

But I never thought that after Feng Zichen swept away the power of this avenue, Hongmeng Qi felt a sense, followed by a trace of Hongmeng Qi, and followed Feng Zichen's true spirit and left the boundless starry sky.

Right now, these two powers, the majestic aura and the might of the great avenue, are fighting desperately against Feng Zichen's innate and immortal true spirit as the battlefield. No one accepts anyone, and everyone wants to swallow someone.

For this reason, Feng Zichen was affected and was unable to reincarnate for a long time. It's not that He doesn't want to, it's really that He can't!

Without waiting for the victory of these two forces, Feng Zichen was afraid that it would be difficult to reincarnate. As a last resort, he had no choice but to help the majestic air to swallow the power of the avenue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it takes time.

In any case, the time for Feng Zichen's reincarnation and repair was delayed, and a few would take thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years.



That is to say, when Feng Zichen was too late to return, and when his heart was anxious, the great magical powers who returned to the dojo retreat, flashed through the pictures of the reincarnation of Feng Zichen's true spirit from time to time in their minds.

In the beginning, these great magicians were just thinking about the purpose of Feng Zichen's reincarnation and reconstruction. But after thinking about it, everyone's thoughts began to spread. Then, they thought of themselves.


Like thunder, it blasted in the hearts of these great magicians, dispelling the fog in their hearts.

Yes, it is reincarnation!

How to verify the so-called Road of Confirmation?

Naturally, it is confirmed with the heaven and the earth, and with everyone.

It is easy to verify with the world, but difficult to verify with everyone. Can't fight with everyone, right?

Not to mention that this is not feasible, at least Heaven will not agree with them, these great magicians, to engage in a melee in the prehistoric land.

If I really want to do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in this life.

Since you can't fight, how do you verify the road with everyone? From Feng Zichen's actions, the great magicians got inspiration, that is, reincarnation.

Everyone separates a ray of true spirits and reincarnates to the lower realm. With the world as the battlefield and the avenue as the concept, there is a battle of ideas without the smoke of gunpowder.

In this way, in the struggle of ideas, everyone constantly confirms themselves and perfects their own way, thus making a breakthrough in one fell swoop to become the golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo.

ps: It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass.

By the way, what's the name of the protagonist after reincarnation. This is hard for me.

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