Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 1:

The status of this fire crow is very high in the monster race, because as soon as he came here, the surrounding monster races, regardless of their strength, were saluting him, faintly respecting him.

"Who is the powerful Pangu power?" When he came to the front, the fire crow stared at the cocoon that Feng Zichen had turned into, silently meditating.

He is Emperor Jun.

He who also chose to reincarnate and rebuild, did not stay in Beiju Luzhou.

Here, it is simply a shrinking prehistoric, and there are also many powerful races such as monsters, humans, and witches. Therefore, Di Jun chose the place of his own experience here.

Relying on his natural imperial aura, Dijun quickly became the saint son of the demon clan here, and even the big demon kings here respected him three points, and he didn't know what he promised to these demon kings.

Today, Di Jun came here because he heard that a true dragon had fallen here. Therefore, he came here deliberately, ready to try his chance to see if he could dig out the dragon corpse at the foot of the mountain.

Clinker, as soon as Di Jun came here, before he found the dragon corpse, he was the first to feel a very familiar aura.

That is Pangu breath. As the most prestigious supernatural power, how could Di Jun not be familiar with Pangu breath?

In this place far away from the five continents, you can find the Pangu atmosphere. When encountering acquaintances, Di Jun is of course curious. For this reason, He came here deliberately, wanting to see who the person he felt was familiar with.

However, after coming here, Di Jun stared at Guang Yu for a long time, and he couldn't see who was inside.

After Feng Zichen repaired the Qi of Hongmeng, his aura changed drastically, and he couldn't see him. If he could only be sensed by his aura, even his acquaintances would not be able to recognize him, let alone the emperor who was unfamiliar with him.

It doesn't matter if you don't recognize it, Di Jun can wait.

In a flash, more than ten days have passed. On this day, the vortex hovering in the air suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the light cocoon also heard a clicking sound.

"Look, the light cocoon is about to split, and the treasure inside is about to be born." Someone shouted excitedly when he saw this.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the valley became dignified, all staring at the cocoon, even Di Jun was no exception.

In the light cocoon, Feng Zichen's consciousness is slowly recovering. In his divine sea, all the power of Pangu has been swallowed by the Qi of Hongmeng, completely turning into a purple ocean.


As the Qi of Hongmeng was tumbling, a powerful force spewed out from the fountain of life, from Feng Zichen's Shenhai all the way up, directly condensing a series of divine veins for him.

Soon, in Feng Zichen's body, there was an extra divine vein composed entirely of Hongmeng runes, and just like this, the power of Hongmeng Qi was only consumed by less than one-tenth.

Immediately, it continued to circulate in Feng Zichen's body, illuminating many acupuncture points for him.

In the end, it was not until Feng Zichen stepped into the innate realm and successfully condensed the ghost, the power of Hongmeng Qi was exhausted.

At this time, Feng Zichen had already become a monk of innate realm. Its combat power is even more than that of ordinary immortals.




When Feng Zichen moved his body, the bright divine light burst from his body, shattering the light cocoon covering him.

However, after the cocoon shattered, it did not disappear, but turned into a xiayi, draped on Feng Zichen's body.


"Not a treasure, but a person!"

After seeing the shattered cocoon, it was not a treasure that appeared, but a person, and everyone was a little disappointed.

Only Emperor Jun, his eyes burst out suddenly, staring at Feng Zichen firmly. He recognized the origin of the other party, no wonder he felt familiar, it turned out to be the breath of Ziweixing.

In this way, the identity of the other party was confirmed, and he was the Great Emperor Ziwei. I have long heard that Emperor Ziwei has a wisp of innate true spirit falling into the mortal dust, and everyone has not found it for a long time. It turned out that he was born here.


After Feng Zichen opened his eyes, his consciousness gradually returned. Suddenly, the noisy sounds around him came into his ears one after another, making him feel extremely noisy.

Then, he noticed, a fiery gaze, staring at himself stubbornly. The hot eyes made Feng Zichen quite uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, Feng Zichen looked in the direction where his gaze came from. As far as I can see, it is a golden fire crow.

This Fire Crow is unusually similar to the Golden Crow. If it weren't for his two-legged, not three-legged, Feng Zichen really thought he was a Golden Crow.

Familiar feeling!

Looking at this fire crow, a familiar feeling suddenly emerged in Feng Zichen's heart. At the same time, he also noticed that the eyes of the fire crow showed the same look as him.

The other party also felt that he was familiar.

Who is he?

Seeing the respectful attitude of the surrounding monsters, Feng Zichen suddenly had a flash of inspiration and guessed the identity of the fire crow.

It's Dijun!

Di Jun is resurrected!

"It's you!"

"It turned out to be you!"

The two stared at each other and said at the same time.

Then, the two got up at the same time and killed each other.


The flames were raging, Emperor Jun vibrated his wings, and the bright sun and real fire erupted from him, covering his whole body, turning him into a splendid big sun seal, and blasted towards Feng Zichen.

On the other side, on Feng Zichen, the emperor's aura was mighty, and the dazzling starlight was permeated, converging into a majestic Ziwei emperor seal, welcoming the supernatural powers from Emperor Jun.


The two met in mid-air, and the powerful force overflowed, forming strong wind pressure, and smoothing the surrounding weeds.

Then, the two retreated at the same time.

This blow was a matchless outcome. No, to be precise, Feng Zichen won.

Because, at present, Di Jun’s cultivation base is one-liner higher than Feng Zichen, but after confronting Feng Zichen, the two are actually the result of a tie, so it seems that Di Jun has lost.

The two are at the same level, and Di Jun is definitely not Feng Zichen's opponent. Of course, not always. When the strength reaches their level, the momentary victory is not a big deal, after all, it depends on the means and the plan.

After all, how about being stronger than the opponent? Can it be defeated, but can it still kill the opponent?

After the strength reaches Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is easy to distinguish the victory, but it is difficult to distinguish between birth and death.

After the first blow, the two continued to meet each other again, and they continued to collide in the air.

"Where are these two people and why are they so strong?" Seeing the two of them fighting, both sides wanted to step forward to help, the monsters wanted to help Dijun, and the humans wanted to help Feng Zichen.

It is a pity that although the two are both in the same innate realm, the strength of their combat power makes the ordinary immortal capital beyond the reach of the dust, and everyone can't get involved at all.

Especially the magical powers of the two of them made it difficult for everyone present to understand. Because they couldn't even tell whether the two of them were using magical powers.

Say they are magical powers, but when the two fight against each other, they use the most ordinary style of play. The collision of fists and fists, and the impact of flesh and flesh, are all close to the hands. trace.

Can you say that they are not supernatural powers? Then the power of this move is too strong, between every move, there is the power of heaven and earth to follow, and the movement will collapse the mountain and rubble, and the power is terrifying.

However, these people have so little knowledge, they don't understand Feng Zichen and Dijun at all. When the strength reaches their level, the supernatural powers have long been integrated into every inch of their flesh and blood, as if they have become instincts, and everything is supernatural.

A punch is a supernatural power, a kick is also a supernatural power, even if the body shakes and exhales forward, it is a supernatural power.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the two are like mortals fighting each other, but each of their moves contains one or several magical powers, which are extremely mysterious.

When the two men started fighting, they fought and went all the way forward, deep into the mountains and forests.


At a certain moment, after the two people once again fought against each other, they suddenly retreated to the back with their respective strengths.

"Who are you?" Looking at Feng Zichen on the opposite side, Di Jun took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

"Why do Fellow Dijun ask you knowingly?" Feng Zichen responded with a smile while looking at Dijun as well.

Di Jun stared at him for a long time before shaking his head and said, "I really don't know who you are."

After finishing speaking, before Feng Zichen could speak, Di Jun continued: "You can hide from everyone, but you can't hide from me. You are not Emperor Ziwei, and you cannot be him."

"Purple Star, it was sealed by Taiyi and I personally. It sealed his supernatural powers, and it was deduced from the wreckage of the demon **** that I and Taiyi self-seal. Even the teacher did not know how to crack it."

"So, I can be sure that after being stamped by me and Tai, it is absolutely impossible for Ziweixing to breed innate gods and demons. He has no such conditions at all."

Having said this, Di Jun looked at Feng Zichen and asked word by word: "Then, who are you?"

Feng Zichen smiled and said, "Why don't you guess the emperor's fellow Daoist?"

Di Jun shook his head and said bluntly: "I can't guess. Since I recovered, I have been guessing, who are you? How to bypass the seal between me and Taiyi and enter Ziwei Star, with Ziwei The identity of the emperor was born."

"Unfortunately, I thought for a long time and didn't get the answer. The only thing that is certain is that you are not the innate sacredness naturally bred by Ziwei Xing at all, but a certain great supernatural power dove in the magpie's nest and was born under the guise of Ziwei Xing."

"Haha!" After hearing Dijun's words, Feng Zichen laughed a few times and said: "In the predicament, there are not a few people who have this guess, but the only one who can confirm this is the Taoist friend."

"The Daoist is worthy of being the person who built the Heavenly Court. It is indeed extraordinary."

For Emperor Jun, Feng Zichen made no secret of his appreciation. When it comes to strength, Emperor Jun is inferior to Taiyi. When it comes to birth, Dijun is not as good as Dijiang, the eldest son of Pangu. But when it comes to courage, neither of them is as good as Dijun.

Without the courage of the unparalleled world, how could Dijun have the idea of ​​establishing a heavenly court, becoming the emperor of heaven, and dominating the prehistoric world? The feat of establishing Heavenly Court alone was enough to make Dijun's brilliance overshadow Taiyi, Dijiang, and even Sanqing and others.

Thinking about it, it was when Hongjun Daozu first heard of Dijun's idea of ​​establishing Heavenly Court, his heart was also shocked. This is a real way to heaven, which is many times better than the method of Hongjun Taoist ancestors.

If you really become the emperor of Heaven in Dijun's vision, you will be able to control the Dao of Heaven naturally in a short time.

This method is indeed better than Hongjun Daozu's way of controlling the Heavenly Dao by means of co-Taoism.

If Hongjun Daozu could think of this method before he joined the Dao, then it is estimated that there would be no Hongjun Daozu in this world, but Hongjun Tiandi!


Looking at Feng Zichen, the emperor said leisurely: "Does fellow Daoist still refuse to tell me where he came from? The matter is over, and fellow Daoist will not be able to keep it for long, so why not tell me bluntly to relieve the curiosity in my heart."

Can't keep it for long?

Feng Zichen didn't believe a word of these words of Emperor Jun. Feng Zichen was not surprised that Emperor Jun could guess that he was not the innate sacred born of Ziweixing.

Just as he said, there are many great supernatural powers in the predicament who have this speculation, but there is no evidence. Only Dijun, the person who personally sealed Ziwei Xing, can be extremely sure of this.

However, if Di Jun could guess his true identity, Feng Zichen still didn't believe it. If he could guess it, Di Jun would not ask him.

Moreover, it is not that no one has ever suspected that Emperor Ziwei is Emperor Gouchen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Emperor Gouchen is Emperor Ziwei, and the two are the same person.

But is this possible?

Will anyone believe it?

These two great emperors are too dazzling, so dazzling that no one dares to treat these two as one person. As everyone knows, the more impossible things happen, the closest they are to the truth.

Looking at the confident Dijun, Feng Zichen said a little bit amused: "Since fellow Taoist is so confident, I shouldn't look down slowly to see if I can dig out my true identity."

Di Jun smiled and said: "It doesn't make sense. Instead of digging into your identity, you should think about how to deal with you in the future."

After that, Di Jun suddenly turned and left and flew towards the distance.

"Friends, next time we meet, it won't end so easily."

Watching Dijun walk away, Feng Zichen did not stop him, because there was no need, neither of them had anything to do with each other at the moment, and it didn't make much sense to stop them, and they couldn't kill each other, so why bother!

Rather than leaving Di Jun in vain, it's better to find a way to improve his strength, so that when we meet next time, we will overpower Di Jun.

Thinking of this, Feng Zichen also turned and left, walking towards the depths of the mountain range.

He wants to cultivate hard.

And the countless fierce beasts and monsters in this mountain range are the food for His progress.

In addition, Feng Zichen would also care about the dragon corpse under the mountain. This is probably the biggest opportunity he has ever seen when he came here.



After walking forward for a while, Feng Zichen wanted to hunt down a few fierce beasts, but never thought that when he happened to pass by a cave, he actually discovered the inheritance of his predecessors.

From this inheritance, Feng Zichen learned that the continent on which he is located is called the Desolate Ancient Continent.

ps: Since everyone doesn't like it, I won't write this story. I will start to write about a hundred schools of thought tomorrow.

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