Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 857: The ancestor of the Styx who has been unable to become enlightened

I just don't know, how much power is left of Dijiang who has returned from the resurrection?

How long will it take to recover to the peak stage, is it a hundred years, or 10,000 years, or millions of years?

Also, Dijiang has returned, so his old enemy Dijun, will the return day be far behind?

The two are the old enemies. In the dark, the air will naturally be involved. One is resurrected, and the other is resurrected and returned in a short time under the lead of the Qi machine.

Messed up,

It's all messed up.

Fortunately, Dijiang and Dijun were suddenly resurrected, and they don't know what changes their resurrection will bring to the current Three Realms.

At this time, a group of great magicians did not know that Di Jun had actually been resurrected a long time ago, he had only experienced in the deserted ancient continent, and had not appeared in the five continents.

If you know this news, most of the great supernatural powers... will not be shocked.

Because now is different. The former emperor Jun was Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, with a high realm. But now, everyone will also enter this field and stand at the same height.

In this way, they are not as jealous of Di Jun and Di Jun as before. All in all, if the strength becomes stronger, the heart also has a bottom.



The news of the return of Dijun and Dijiang, to the current Three Realms, was like a calm lake, suddenly being dropped by huge rocks, not only caused huge ripples, but also muddled the lake.

As a result, unknown variables have occurred in the established future.

These are all force majeure. Although everyone feels helpless, they can only silently adjust their plans to cope with the ever-changing situation in the future.

The fluctuation of Dijiang's recovery also covered up another movement in the Netherworld.

Just after the Empress Houtu sealed the entire Netherworld with the power of reincarnation, the ancestor of the sea of ​​blood, the ancestor of the sea of ​​blood, suddenly walked out of the sea of ​​blood and came to Fengdu City to visit the Emperor Fengdu.

The ancestors of Styx came to Fengdu City, but in fact they had something to ask the Emperor Fengdu.

Looking around, those great supernatural powers who were inferior to their own have found their way to enlightenment and began to prepare for promotion to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But he has been standing in the half-step Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian for many years, claiming to be the closest thing to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he has been stuck in the half-step Hunyuan state, and he has been unable to get promoted for a long time.

Unable to help, the ancestor Styx became anxious.

Can you not hurry?

In addition to Emperor Jun and Taiyi, the ancestors of the Styx River were considered the first among the three thousand guests in the Purple Cloud Palace to achieve the half-step Hunyuan realm, which was far away from everyone.

Not long ago, the ancestors of Styx had seen the Dao of Heaven with his own eyes, making his realm one step further, only a short distance from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The ancestor of Styx originally thought that if he just closed the gap, he should be able to break through. But reality slapped him severely.

The ancestor Ren Minghe tried every means, but this line of gap, like a moat, could not be crossed.

The ten great Hunyuan Taoists preached, and the ancestor Styx went. When Da Luotian talked about Taoism, he also went. And there are gains, but He just can't break through.

Now, all the Daoists have found an opportunity to break through the Hunyuan. Only his ancestor Styx is still at a loss, not knowing when he will break through.

At this time, his cultivation base is about to change from the number one from the positive to the number one from the bottom. Can Ancestor Styx be in no hurry?

Also, the things that have been unable to break through for a long time have almost become the heart disease of the ancestors of the Styx River.

It shouldn't. It stands to reason that He should have broken through long ago, but He just couldn't. This method of reincarnation confirmation was also deduced by the ancestor of Styx, and it was useless with him.

I tried my best and couldn't break through. I checked myself and couldn't find the problem. This is about to make the ancestors of Styx sad.

Can't, he will be stuck in the realm of half-step Hunyuan in his entire life, right?

This will not work.

Unable to break through to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he will die. If Zhen Yuanzi succeeded in being promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he would definitely not let him go. He would also go to the blood sea to kill him at the risk of offending the Netherworld.

Therefore, the ancestors of Styx must be enlightened. Nothing else, just to survive, so it should be.

At the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, the ancestors of Styx thought about it, and finally walked out of the sea of ​​blood to go to Fengdu City, planning to ask the Emperor Fengdu to see if he could solve his own problems.

I have to say that Fengdu still has some acting skills. With the help of Tu Niangniang afterwards, in these years, the ancestor Styx didn't let the ancestors see the flaws, and still thought that the ghost emperor of Fengdu was a certain old antique.

Therefore, in the eyes of the ancestors of Styx, what he didn't understand, Fengdu Ghost Emperor, this old antique, was well-informed, and it might not be impossible to find out the reason.

Under the guidance of Ming Ming, the ancestor of the river came to Fengdu City.

The ghost emperor Fengdu is still in the realm of a half-step Hunyuan. In terms of strength, it may not be as good as the ancestor of the Styx River. But his deity is the unworldly powerhouse of Hunyuan Nineth Heaven.

Therefore, the ghost emperor of Fengdu, whose cultivation base is only a half-step Hunyuan, has already possessed Hunyuan characteristics. When it comes to realm, it is much higher than the ancestor of Styx.

With this advantage, as soon as the ancestor Styx left, Emperor Fengdu, located in the city of Fengdu, had already felt in his heart and let his disciples go out to meet the ancestor Styx in advance.

"Master Netherworld, Master has been waiting for you in the Netherworld Hall for a long time." As soon as the ancestor of Minghe Chu approached Fengdu City, Tongyou took the initiative to say.

Hearing this, the ancestor of Styx was shocked in his heart. He came to Fengdu City this time, but it was a temporary motive, without any warning in advance. But just like this, the ghost emperor Fengdu can still count his schedule.

This Taoism is really amazing, and it is definitely not what the ordinary Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can do.

The ancestor of Styx is confident that even a saint can hardly count his schedule. But the ghost emperor of Fengdu can count it, which is amazing.

Although this cannot be said to be stronger than the saint, it is also sufficient to prove that in some respects, the ghost emperor Fengdu is even better than the saint.

Thinking of this, the ancestor Styx couldn't help being more certain that Emperor Fengdu was definitely the incarnation of a certain senior expert. At the same time, he also increased his confidence in the results of this trip.

Perhaps, Emperor Fengdu can really solve the doubts in his heart, maybe.

When things came to an end, Ancestor Styx calmed down instead, and saw that he looked at Tongyou, and said unhurriedly, "You are Tongyou? A new disciple of Taoist Fellow Fengdu?"

Being stared at by the ancestor of the Styx River, Tongyou was not afraid, and replied respectfully: "It's just a junior."

Seeing Tongyou's face still unchanged under his gaze, the ancestor of Styx could not help showing a touch of admiration: "Yes, yes, it is worthy of the high feet of the Taoist friends in Fengdu, just this courage, Many creatures beyond the Three Realms."

Who is the ancestor of Styx? Adhering to the innate sacredness born of the killing intent of heaven and earth, the practice is the way of innate killing. His eyes contained boundless killing intent, with pictures of corpse mountains and seas of blood, heaven and earth floating in blood, gods and demons surmounted by corpses.

The ordinary Dao Zun was stared at by him, and he was frightened, but Tongyou could still face without changing his color, showing his extraordinaryness.

"You are the first innate gods and demons bred by ghosts. If nothing happens, it will not be difficult for you to become a great supernatural power in the future. It is not impossible to aspire to the supreme Hunyuan Dao realm."

After boasting Tongyou a few words, the ancestor Styx took out a blood-colored lotus seed and handed it to Tongyou's hand:

"The sea of ​​blood is so filthy that it is difficult to conceive treasures, so the uncle master has nothing good in his hands, so if you can get this red lotus seed, I will give you one as a gift."

Although Tongyou was born late and is a creature of the Three Realms, he is also a person who has read poetry and books. Therefore, he is no stranger to the several treasures of the Nether Realm.

In the Netherworld, apart from the six chaotic reincarnation discs, the most precious ones are the four great spiritual treasures in the hands of the ancestors of the Styx River.

They are the best innate merits, the Lingbao North Xuanyuan Water Control Banner and the Twelve-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus, and Yuantu Abi's two Innate Killing Swords.

Among the handwritten scripts of Emperor Fengdu, the twelve-grade industry fire red lotus is highly praised, saying that its power is chasing the innate treasure, and it is a rare treasure in the world.

Therefore, although I have read the Tongyou handwritten by Emperor Fengdu, although I have never seen the twelfth-grade industry fire red lotus, he is very familiar with him.

The red lotus seeds are the lotus seeds of the karma red lotus. It is divided into the first generation, the second generation, and the third generation, corresponding to the high-grade, middle-grade, and low-grade Xiantian Lingbao.

Tongyou identified the lotus seeds sent by the ancestor of Styx by the method set by the Emperor Fengdu and found that the lotus seeds were the first generation lotus seeds.

That is to say, if this red lotus seed is cultivated properly, it will be the top-grade innate spirit treasure the last time, and it will be the top-grade innate spirit treasure, and it is not impossible.

What is Zhongli? That's it.

The ancestor of the river is worthy of being the richest person in the nether world.

Tongyou also knew that a big man like the ancestor of Styx would not change what he said. If he said he wanted to send red lotus seeds, it would definitely be sent out.

Therefore, Tongyou didn't pretend to refuse, and directly accepted the red lotus seeds, and thanked the ancestor of Styx, "Thank you, Master, for giving the treasure."

At this time, Old Ancestor Styx smiled and said: "Haha, the more you look at Pang Dao, the more you like it. Compared to those idiots of the Asura tribe, it's really much better."

"That is to say, you have already worshipped Taoist Fellow in Fengdu as a teacher, otherwise, you will be taken over as an apprentice if you say anything."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of Styx could not help complaining: "It's also the poor luck of the poor Dao recently. In the Three Realms, there are innate gods and demons everywhere, but my blood sea is not moving, which is really irritating."

With that, the ancestor Styx shook his head, followed Tongyou into Fengdu City, and went to the Nether Hall to see Emperor Fengdu.



Nether Hall!

If it is said that the Samsara Hall is the holy land of the Netherworld. The Nether Palace is the center of power in the Nether Realm.

In the name of Netherworld, its status can be seen.

After leading the ancestor Styx to the outside of the Nether Hall, Tongyou consciously retreated. The ancestor of Styx entered the Nether Palace alone.

Seeing the ancestor Styx stepping into the hall, Emperor Fengdu smiled and said, "Friend Styx, how come you have time to come here?"

Hearing this, the ancestor of Styx smiled bitterly: "Why should the Taoist friends in Fengdu ask knowingly? This matter of enlightenment is really hard for the dead."

Originally, he wanted to ask others, and the ancestor Styx didn't hide it, and directly explained his intention.

At the same time, he knew in his heart that since they had calculated that he would come back, he naturally guessed his intention. In this way, if you conceal your intention, it will be meaningless. It is better to be clear.

Hearing what Old Ancestor Styx said, Emperor Fengdu became silent immediately. It's not that he didn't know the crux of the ancestors of Styx, on the contrary, it was because he knew the crux of the ancestors of Styx that he could not be enlightened.

Because the ancestor Styx was not unable to become enlightened, but he himself missed the opportunity of enlightenment.

At the end of the Great Desolation, before the opening of the five continents, the Primordial One and the Chaos Demon went into chaos outside the sky, and had two stunning duels in the Primordial Land.

The Chaos Demon God involved is nearly twenty. And these two duels with the Chaos Demon God was the opportunity for the ancestors of the Styx River to achieve the Golden Fairy of Hunyuan Daluo.

It's just that He didn't realize it, so that he missed two opportunities in a row. Therefore, He has been unable to become enlightened. Is it so easy to wait for the third chance of enlightenment?

As for why the Emperor Fengdu didn't remind the ancestors of Styx? It wasn't that he had an opinion on the ancestors of Styx, but that he didn't realize it at the time, or he had recently seen that the ancestors of Styx had been unable to enlighten the way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then he figured out the taste.

Seeing the hesitation on the face of Emperor Fengdu, the ancestor of Styx immediately guessed that he really knew the reason, but he was cautious not to speak.

With a deep breath, the ancestors of the Styx River bowed to the Emperor Fengdu, and said pleadingly, "Please tell me the reason why the poor Dao cannot be enlightened?"

"Hey!" With a sigh, the Emperor Fengdu slowly said: "Pan Dao has known each other for many years, and seeing you stuck in this last half step is also anxious for you. Therefore, in recent years, Pen Dao has been thinking about it. Obviously, the realm of a fellow Taoist is enough, but why can't it be enlightened?"

"Thinking about it, I finally figured out some eyebrows."

Hearing this, although the ancestor of Styx was excited, he still resisted not saying anything, and patiently waited for Emperor Fengdu to say the reason.

But at this moment, Emperor Fengdu suddenly asked him: "Fellow Daoist still remember those two duels with the Chaos Demon God?"

The ancestor of Styx was stunned. Although he didn't know how this question had anything to do with his enlightenment, he still replied: "Naturally remember, the chaos outside the sky, the poor way has a glimpse of the heaven and the way forward. The battle on the land is officially official. Confirmed the current pattern of the Three Realms."

These are all earth-shattering events, even if you want to forget them, the ancestors of the river will naturally remember them.

"Hey!" With a long sigh, Emperor Fengdu said helplessly: "Friend Styx, these two battles are your chances for enlightenment, but you missed them one by one."? ? ?

As soon as Feng Du said this, the ancestor of Styx, instead of explaining his doubts, became even more puzzled. Why did his chance of enlightenment be in these two duels with the Chaos Demon God, he didn't feel it at all?

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of Styx asked, "What does the Taoist fellow say? Is it possible that the poor Dao's delay in enlightening the Dao is related to these two battles?"

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