Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 862: Corridor of Gods and Demons

In the final analysis, Xuan Qing is also a man of great merit, who has made great achievements in the prehistoric world, and he is also the ancestor of Taoism and the ancestor of the prehistoric talismans.


   With such an identity, how could heaven and earth make him wronged?


When the woman was pregnant for fourteen months, it happened to be the day when the human race sacrificed to the ancestors. The people of various princes and even the people of the humane imperial court will put down their work on this day and go to the Taimiao to worship the ancient holy emperors of the human race. And countless sages.


  On this day, the strong human race will go out to hunt down the beasts, monsters and other human enemies, and take their heads to worship the sages.


   This move means not forgetting the origin, the blood feud of the human race, and the descendants of the human race dare not forget it. At the same time, this move also allows people to realize that the ancestors are in the predicament and the roads are blue, and step by step create the difficulties and dangers belonging to the human territory.


   let later generations remember that it was not easy for the ancestors to lay down the territories of the human race.


   At this time, an astonishing scene happened in the territory of Lu. The woman went to Taimiao to worship the martyrs, and by the way, prayed for the martyrs to protect her unborn child.


   I never thought that after she came to the Taimiao, the martyrs served by the Taimiao, except for the Human Mother and the Nuwa Empress, no one would dare to accept her.


   Entering the Taimiao, the woman first worshipped the human martyrs according to the rules, but before she knelt down, the tablets of the martyrs enshrined in the Taimiao shook one after another, moving to the side, and did not dare to accept her worship.


   The immortal spirit hiding in the dark saw this, and his heart was shocked even more. Although he had already guessed that the child was extraordinary, it was so extraordinary that no one could have imagined it.


   Others can't see how they can't. The performance of the Martyr's tablet clearly means that they are afraid and afraid to be worshipped.


   How old is this person to make the martyrs of the tribe afraid of him.


   However, the shock of everyone is not over yet.


   The woman hesitated for a while, turned around and entered the main hall, and went to worship the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.


   As a result, when the Five Emperor Gods saw the woman, they all turned sideways, expressing that they did not dare to be worshipped.


   The three emperors were worshipped by the woman, but after the worship was over, the statues of the three emperors returned a salute at the same time.


   "The reincarnation of the ancient holy emperor is definitely the reincarnation of the ancient holy emperor. If this is not the case, how can the five emperors respect him and the three emperors treat him with courtesy?"


   "The opportunity for my human race is coming again."


   Someone saw this scene and couldn't help shouting in excitement. It's no fault that he was so gaffe, but this vision is really amazing.


   Among the Three Realms, how many people can there be who can make the three emperor peers discuss? Isn't it a high-ranking saint, or a great supernatural power in the world?


   Such characters were born into the human race, isn't it like the Fuxi **** reincarnated into the human race, becoming the human emperor and leading the human race to Daxing?


   Then, the woman came to the depths of Taimiao, where there are two temples, the larger one is dedicated to the Nuwa Empress, and the smaller one is dedicated to the ancient holy emperor.


   It is said that the ancient holy emperor was the first human emperor of the human race, and his origin was older than the three emperors and five emperors, and he was born before the ancients. For the characters of the ancient era, he used to compete with the emperor of heaven.


   Later, after experiencing a series of magnificent life, the holy emperor became the emperor Gouchen in the sky, the lord of the gods, and commanding all the gods.


  Of course, the ancient times are too long. About the deeds of this ancient holy emperor, not much is known to everyone, and most of them are legends.


   However, there is one thing that everyone knows. Rumor has it that being the emperor of the world is the reincarnation of this ancient holy emperor. His old man saw the human race gradually weakening in the heavens, and was unhappy in his heart, so he personally reincarnated into the human race and led the human race to glory again.


   Speaking of the deeds of the ancient holy emperor, few people understand it. But when it comes to being the emperor of the world, it really means three days and three nights. A truly invincible figure in the Three Realms, even a saint is not his opponent, and is an idol for all human beings.


   It is precisely because of knowing that the ancient holy emperor is the past life of the current emperor. Therefore, the holy emperor hall has become the place of incense in the temple.


  Don't say it is a **** and Buddha, it is the temple of the Nuwa Empress, and it is not as prosperous as it.


   Among the three realms, those who worship the emperor are not only the people of the human race, but among the ten thousand races, there are also many creatures who worship the emperor and regard him as the lord of the world. Even the demons have many ethnic groups, secretly worshiping the emperor.


   Its mighty power has reached its apex, and all races are afraid of it. They regard it as a **** and the Lord of heaven and earth, and dare not offend its majesty.


Feng Zichen and Xuan Qing were originally one body. Although he intentionally destroyed the incarnation of Xuan Qing, he couldn't see this woman in the end. When the woman was about to come to his temple, he picked a seed from the world tree. , Threw it away and said:


   "My friend is robbed, and the widow can't bear to meet each other, I will give you this protective body, and it will not be too late for my friend to recover."


   After that, the seeds of the world tree flew out from the holy emperor's hall and turned into a green dress and draped on the woman's body. This Tsing Yi was transformed by the seeds of the World Tree, and was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.


   The World Tree, but the chaotic root of the same level as the 36th-Rank Chaos Qinglian, the seeds he produced are treasures of the chaotic level, not innate.


  Each one can be called a congenital embryo, or transformed into a congenital spirit treasure, or transformed into a congenital **** and demon.


   The seeds of the world tree, coupled with Feng Zichen's supreme means, turned into a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, it is not a difficult task.


After    gave the high-grade innate spirit treasure-level protective vest, he heard a "clam" and the door of the Holy Emperor Palace closed automatically.


  At this time, the woman also realized that the person who spoke to her just now was the emperor of the world. After reacting, the woman hurriedly respectfully walked towards the direction of the holy emperor's hall and said: "Little girl, thank the emperor for the reward."


   It’s just that at the moment when she wanted to bow down, a wisp of breeze blew in, making her ceremony impossible.


  Looking at this situation, the woman knew that the holy emperor was like the three emperors and five emperors, so she didn't want to accept her gift.


   After trying to understand this, the woman stopped insisting and turned to the Nuwa Hall.


   It's just that at this time, she couldn't help thinking in her heart, who was the child in her belly that could make the three emperors and five emperors take it so seriously?


   "Oh my God, that's an innate spirit treasure, right? Your majesty actually gave it an innate spirit treasure? Also, did your majesty not let the woman enter the temple because he didn't want to be a gift from her?"


   The scene outside the Holy Emperor’s Hall was seen by the fairy **** who was hiding in the dark to protect the woman, and it drew a lot of exclamations.


After the woman arrived at the Nuwa Temple, there was no accident. The Nuwa Empress accepted her graciously. However, when she left, the statue of the Nüwa Empress suddenly shined, hanging down strands of her innate origins, and did not enter the place. The woman's body.


   "Oh my God, the Nuwa Empress has also appeared, sending blessings to the child, who is he?" At this point, everyone is numb, and nothing can move them.

   Just in their hearts, they are more curious about the identity of the child.






   "Have you heard? That woman is carrying the ancient holy emperor, a character like His Majesty Fuxi!"


   "In the past, the Huaxu felt pregnant and gave birth to Emperor Fuxi. Just like this woman, she suddenly became pregnant."




After the sacrifice to the ancestors, the atmosphere around him changed completely. No one dared to speak ill of the woman. Even after seeing the woman, everyone around him, no matter the princes or nobles, would bow to salute him for fear of being disrespectful. The holy emperor was angry and condemned them.




   "There was a holy emperor who came to the world in my country of Lu. Why didn't I know it, and why did you report it until today?"


   "It's really a bunch of rubbish. If such a big thing happened, I don't know how to wake up Benhou in advance."


   At this time, in the center of the Lu Kingdom, in the most glorious palace, in the Lu Kingdom, the Lu Hou, who was entrusted by the emperor, was furious and furious with his hands.


   When Xuanqing came to the world, he was in retreat, so he didn't know the occurrence of the vision. He saw nothing unusual under his hands, and no one told him.


   It wasn't until everything that happened in the Taimiao spread that Luhou realized the seriousness of the problem under his hands, and hurriedly ran to Luhou's retreat to wake him up.


After   , after leaving the customs, Luhou became furious and scolded the son who supervised the fruit on his behalf.


  Luhou Zhoudan, although he did not get into one of the 108 gods, he was just an ordinary state prince, but he was also a consummate master of the innate Dao Sovereign, and was expected to aspire to the realm of Dao Sovereign. Therefore, his insight is far beyond what those immortals can compare.


   Although he did not go to see Xuan Qing in person, from the news he had received, he could also infer that this must be the reincarnation of a top-level supernatural power, and the relationship with the human race is extremely good.


   It can even be said that this person must be a person of very high status in the human race, otherwise, there will be no such treatment, so that the three emperors and five emperors will treat each other with courtesy.


   Why do you say that? Because, as Luhou, he knows the inside story of some great supernatural powers reincarnating into the human race to discuss the Tao. Even more I know that many great supernatural powers have reincarnated into the human race right now.


   Those who preach in the human race, eight achievements are the reincarnation of great supernatural powers.


   However, although these great supernatural powers are strong and their identities are noble enough, they have achieved such a level that the three emperors and five emperors will lower their stance, let alone the holy emperor.


   In short, their strength is enough, but their status is not enough. If they enter the Palace of the Human Emperor, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors may not receive the gift, but the Holy Emperor will certainly accept it.


   Therefore, it is not a great supernatural power, is it possible that the ancient Emperor Yu has reincarnated?


   can't help but think of Luhou. But immediately, this idea was overthrown by him. King Yu is the descendant of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. It is right for him to bow to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. How can I not bear it?


   So, who is that person?


   For a time, Luhou couldn't think of Xuanqing's origin, but it didn't matter if he couldn't think of it. What was important was that Luhou was sure that his chance had arrived.


   Regardless of whose reincarnation that person is, whether the ancient holy emperor descended to the earth, in short, he can be treated like this by the three emperors and five emperors, his origin must be quite extraordinary.


Right now, as long as you find an opportunity to get in touch with him before he grows up, and send him a few favors by the way, then wait for his cultivation to return to the peak period and pull yourself by the way, Lu will not take off. NS?


   At this point, Lu Hou hurriedly ordered: "Come here, prepare a reprieve for Benhou. There is an ancient holy emperor who has come to Lu, how can he not visit him?"


   As he said, Lu Hou walked to the national treasure house of Lu while contacting his friends in the humane imperial court with secret methods, intending to ask him the origin of Xuan Qing.


   can be mixed into the title of the Marquis of the Kingdom, even if he is a commoner, at this time, he can also mix up a lot of contacts.


   What is it to have a few friends in the Imperial Court of Humanity? Who has no elders, relatives and friends?


   If you want to become a human emperor, strength alone is not enough, you also need enough wrists. The same is true for making meritorious deeds.






Withdrawing his gaze from the Temple of the Holy Emperor, Feng Zichen called his personal guard leader and said: "The immortal master has been reincarnated from the human race, and he will be born soon. You lead the widowed three thousand guards and hurried to the country of Lu. Protect the immortal master and his mother, and don’t make it happen!"


   "If the immortal master made a mistake with his mother, you don't have to come back. Find a place to kill yourself!"


   "What, the immortal master reincarnated into the human race?"


   After listening to Feng Zichen's order, the leader was shocked for a moment, and then quickly led the command: "Finally, I will obey!"


   Although I don’t understand, why is it so good? But the emperor's order, he couldn't help but listen.


   This is a big head-off event, and the Sovereign will not be kidding. If they really mess up this matter and cause an accident between the fairy master and his mother, in those three realms, no one can really save them.


After    took the order to leave, the commander immediately returned to the camp~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From the ten thousand forbidden army, selected three thousand elites, directly opened the corridor of the gods and demons, and rushed to the country of Lu from here.


   The so-called Gods and Demons Corridor is a passage through the void created by Emperor Ziwei as the main, supplemented by the rest of the great supernatural powers.


   This is a teleportation magical power that is more sophisticated than the teleportation array. It can't help but contain the truth of space, and it is also the mystery of time.


  In the corridor of the gods and demons, time is stagnant, that is to say, no matter how much time you spend in the corridor of the gods and demons, the time outside is always the moment you leave.


   This also means that one can appear in any place in the Three Realms instantly through the corridor of Gods and Demons. This is much faster than using the teleportation method.


   rushing through the teleportation array, there is still a process of teleportation, but the corridor of the gods and demons does not, because the time inside is stagnant.


   The principle of this is similar to that of Daluo Dao Zun on the road. It travels outside the long river of time and space, so that it is not limited by time, and can appear in any corner of the prehistoric place anytime, anywhere.


   Ziwei the Great also got inspiration from this, and found someone to join hands to create the corridor of the gods and demons.


   The so-called corridors of gods and demons are naturally not used by the great supernatural powers, but anyone who does not have a disciple or disciple, the great supernatural powers cannot use it, but their disciples, disciples, disciples and grandchildren can use it.


   This is something that will benefit future generations. Therefore, as soon as Emperor Ziwei proposed, he received a response from everyone.


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