Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 866: Red cloud

"Feng Qi Guogong Jiang Huan is the king of people!" In the Humanity Hall, Feng Zichen stamped the Humane Emperor's Seal on an edict.

This is the edict to make Jiang Huan the king of the kingdom of Qi. Once Jiang Huan takes over this edict, his throne of the king is justified.

Picking up the edict, Feng Zichen thought for a while, and summoned another person from the human race, Wang Zhoumu, and several Daluo Dao Zun.

When Zhou Mu came to the Palace of Human Emperor, Feng Zichen handed the edict on his hand to him: "Zhou Mu, you go and pass this edict to Jiang Huan!"

After all, he is the King of Humanity, his status is honorable, and he should be given the respect he deserves. If he randomly sends a Daoist to declare the decree, it seems that the Humane Imperial Court does not pay much attention to the King of Humanity.

Therefore, Feng Zichen thought about it, and it was just right to let Zhou Mu, who is also the King of People, go. With the same identities, they will neither appear to be too inspiring, nor be too contemptuous.

"The minister leads the decree!"

Zhou Mu took the edict and withdrew.

He will be very busy for the next period of time. After all, the canonization of the King of People is not a trivial matter. It is not done by Feng Zichen with a random edict. Taimiao still needs to make a lot of preparations.

For example, organize the ceremony for the king's enthronment, make corresponding dresses for the king, build a hall for the new king, prepare a car, etc...

This is what Taimiao wants to do.

Although the King of Humanity and the Duke of the Country are only one level behind, the treatment between them is the same as that of heaven and earth.

The Duke of the country can only be the king and hegemony in his own country. In the huge Central China and the entire human race, he is not a big man.

But the King of Humans is different. This is the king of the entire human race, not the king of one city and one country.

The status immediately rises from the power of the vassal state to the level of the entire human race, becoming the high-level among the human races, assisting the emperor to rule the entire human race land, and having certain decision-making powers.

Everything about the King of Humans is also supplied by the Human Race, instead of being supplied by the princes.

The King of Humanity can already be said to be a high-level person in the Three Realms. Once in the Celestial Realm, with the exception of a few emperors, the rest must salute when they see the King of Humanity.

After several years of preparations, the Taimiao finally prepared all the matters concerning the promulgation of the king. Zhou Mu took a few human Taoist priests and hurried to Qi State.

But at this time, Feng Zichen didn't have time to pay attention to these things, because the false Taishang Laojun, that is, Hongjun Daozu, had already rode a blue ox to the Human Imperial City.

After thinking about it, Daozu is an old man after all. As a young man, as a young man, he should appropriately promote the virtue of respecting the old.

"I have seen Dao Ancestor!"

Outside the imperial city, Feng Zichen arched his hands at Hongjun Daozu, which was regarded as a gift. As for calling Hongjun Dao ancestor Dao ancestor, will he reveal his identity? This is not true.

Daozhu and Daozu, these two titles are actually similar. Outsiders heard that they thought Feng Zichen called Hongjun Daozu as Daozu, not Daozu.

As long as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can be called Taoist, and Sanqing is called Taoist, there is nothing wrong with it.

"I have also seen the emperor!" Hongjun Daozu responded naturally to Feng Zichen.

To be honest, if Feng Zichen had long known that the old man on the opposite side was made by Daozu Hongjun, then he would definitely think that the other party was the old man, and not someone else faked it.

It's really too similar, not only the appearance, but also the demeanor and luck, they all seem to be carved out of the same mold as Taishang Laojun.

As for Hongjun Daozu's ability, to pretend to be someone else, absolutely no one would be able to recognize it. To talk about Hongjun Daozu's flaw, there is only one, that is, his realm is too high, far surpassing the Taiqing saint.

If not, Feng Zichen would not recognize his true identity.


After arriving at Hongjun Daozu's side, Feng Zichen couldn't help but sigh softly.

Because, he found that behind Hongjun Daozu, there was a small Taoist boy with red lips and white teeth. He was about five or six years old, and he looked no different from ordinary children, but his red hair was very eye-catching.

Just now, this Dao Tong hid behind Hongjun Dao Zu, Feng Zichen didn't find him until he walked in, then he found his existence.

"What is this kid?"

Looking at this child, Feng Zichen actually faintly felt a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen this child somewhere.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Feng Zichen couldn't help but look up and down the Dao Tong.

After all, the child was still young, and being stared at by a stranger like Feng Zichen, he couldn't help showing a scared expression on his face. He quietly hid behind Hongjun Daozu, avoiding Feng Zichen’s scorching sight. Dao Tong whispered Chao Hongjun Dao Zu:

"Master, who is this person? Why are his eyes so scary? It seems to be able to shine, and I can see all over the person."

Xiao Dao Tong's words made Feng Zichen really embarrassed. It was improper to stare at a five-year-old naughty boy with such compelling eyes.

However, Feng Zichen's performance made Feng Zichen even more sure of his extraordinaryness. If he was really an ordinary child, he would have been so scared to pass out, and there would be such a performance.

"It's true that I was rude, I am here to make a payment to the little master." Feng Zichen also simply bowed his hand to the little boy.

As for saluting?

The emperor's salute, this little Dao Tong still can't bear it, fearing that Feng Zichen's bow will directly prevent him from being overborn forever. The consequences of backlash are very serious.

"Ha ha!"

It seemed that he was very happy to see Feng Zichen crippled. After Hongjun Daozu chuckled lightly for a while, he said to the Dao Tong beside him: "This is the Great Emperor Gouchen in the sky. He is also the supreme emperor of the human race, and he is an incomparably noble avenue. Respect."

"He rules the gods of the heavens and the earth, as well as the entire Central China, as well as the human race and even the ten thousand races, and is the top powerhouse of the Three Realms."

After listening to Hongjun Daozu's introduction, the little Dao Tong opened his mouth wide in shock, stood still, and did not react for a while.

It was not until a long time later that he wiped the dripping saliva from the corner of his mouth, and asked Hongjun Daozu in a flustered manner: "Master, Master, he is so powerful, why didn't you say it earlier, now that I offend him, he will not Will you blame me?"

Touching the head of the little Taoist boy, Hongjun Daozu said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, you are neither a human, nor a god, let alone a creature of ten thousand races, and has nothing to do with this Central China."

"You are like a teacher, you are all outsiders, no matter how powerful his power is, he can't control your head."

Hearing that, the bitter color on the little Dao Tong's face was gone, replaced by a smile, and he listened to him with a sudden smile: "Haha, yes, little Taoist I am not a human being, nor a god, let alone a child. In Central China, He can't control me."

"Ha ha!"

As he talked, the little Dao Tong laughed more and more happily.

Seeing him like this, Feng Zichen couldn't help but frighten him: "Small Daoist, although the widow can't control you, but the widow's cultivation is through the sky, and the number of people who can beat me in the three realms is no more than one hand."

"If I want to kill you, just take a breath, even if you and I are separated by a world, as long as you are still in these three realms, you can kill you, so, are you afraid?"

"Also, there are countless strong people under the widow's command. With an order, whether it is the gods of the heavens and the earth, or the ancestors, they must obey the orders of the widow."

"In this way, only a widow needs to release a message saying that you have offended me, then there is no need for me to act, and you will become the target of everyone's attack. Everyone in the world regards you as a hater and can't wait to divide you."

"In this way, after offending me, are you afraid?"

It was not that Feng Zichen wanted to frighten this little Dao boy deliberately, but he had already recognized the identity of this little Dao boy. Seeing him with red hair, didn't he think of red for the first time?


Apart from the ancestor of Hongyun, who else can it be?

This little Taoist boy who followed Hongjun Taoist ancestor was surprisingly the Hongyun ancestor.

However, it is not his body, but an incarnation of his mind, and all his memories are sealed by Hongjun Taoist ancestors. It seems that it is really the same as ordinary children. This scene in front of me.

Being so scared by Feng Zichen, the smile on this little Dao Tong's face disappeared, and he hurriedly hid behind Hongjun Daozu, and shouted to him:

"Don't be afraid of the trails, my master is a legendary saint, there are several masters in the world, and his elders protect me. You can't hurt me at all, and I won't be afraid of you."

At this time, Hongjun Daozu smiled helplessly, and Chaofeng Zichen said: "Emperor, don't scare him anymore, he is just a child."


"Yeah, kid..."

"He's just a kid!"

After chanting a few words in a low voice, Feng Zichen asked Hongjun Daozu: "Dare to ask Dao Master, what is the name of this little Dao boy?"

"I think he fits my eyes quite well, and I want to bring him by my side and teach him for a while, even if he makes up for what scared him just now."

With a smile, Hongjun Daozu took Xiao Hongyun's hand and put him next to him, and Chao Feng Zichen said seriously:

"This child, called Hongyun, is a disciple of Poverty Dao, and the emperor should not make his mind. Poverty has already arranged the path he will take in the future, so he doesn't need to bother about it."

I didn't expect Hongjun Daozu to be so direct and directly named Hongyun's identity, but Feng Zichen didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

After a while, Feng Zichen asked, "I don't know what the ancestors said when they brought Hongyun to Central China?"

"Central Shenzhou is the territory of the human race, but Hongyun is a disciple of the Profound Sect. Even if you want to go, you should go to Dongsheng Shenzhou, not to Central Shenzhou. The ancestors brought him here, so he came here to seek revenge!"

Since Dao Ancestor is so direct, Feng Zichen didn't hide it, and directly asked Dao Ancestor's purpose of bringing Hongyun here.

It's better to be direct, but it saves the effort of playing the front, if everyone goes straight, then this world will definitely be less troublesome.

Daozu Hongjun laughed again. Today, he loves to laugh especially. Since he came here, he has been laughing, as if he had encountered something happy.

Or in other words, he knew that he didn't have many opportunities to laugh, so he planned to take advantage of this rare opportunity to give him a smile that he had never seen in countless years of harmony.

After laughing for a while, Hongjun Daozu spoke: "The emperor should not be excited, there is no malice in the poor Dao here."

"Pan Dao has just said that Hongyun is neither a man nor a god, nor is it a creature of ten thousand races, nor was it born in Central China. Like Pang Dao, they are all outsiders."

"It has nothing to do with the emperor or the human race."

Hearing this, Feng Zichen really wanted to laugh. He thought that Hongyun has nothing to do with Human Race, but is it possible?

You know, the body of Hongyun's innate gods and demons is still being suppressed by the Human Race God Town. It exists as a perpetual motion machine, and has always provided power for the operation of the Human Race Town Family Array.

Also, the Huoyun Cave of Hongyun's dojo is still the reclusive place of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

It is even the record of Taoist Ziyun in the human history. They are all sinners of the human race. Together with the Chaos Demon God, they attacked the human imperial city while the emperor was away. .

How can such a red cloud have nothing to do with the human race?

With a sneer, Feng Zichen faintly said to Hongjun Daozu: "Daozu, are you kidding? Hongyun has nothing to do with the human race. If you say this, who will believe it? Also, you asked the Western Second Sage and the town. Is the original son? Do you think they will believe it?"

At this time, Hongjun Daozu finally reduced his smile, and Chaofeng Zichen said seriously: "Pan Dao never makes jokes. I said Hongyun Ancestor has nothing to do with the human race, then they just have nothing to do."

"Huoyun Cave, that was given to the Human Race by the Heavenly Dao. If Hongyun has opinions, he should go to the Heavenly Dao instead of looking for the Human Race. The matter of the Huoyun Cave is the cause and effect of Hongyun and the Heavenly Dao, and has nothing to do with the Human Race."

"As for the real person Ziyun, he colluded with the Chaos Demon God to try to disrupt the prehistoric world. He is actually a sinner in the predominant world. He is intolerable by the world, suppressed by the human race, and will never get out of trouble. This is the punishment he deserves."

"However, Taoist Ziyun is Taoist Ziyun, and Taoist Hongyun is Taoist Hongyun. How can the two be confused?"

Hearing this, Feng Zichen understood the meaning of Hongjun Daozu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was going to replace Hongyun and settle the cause and effect between Hongyun and the human race.

The biggest cause and effect of the Hongyun ancestors and the human race is the Huoyun Cave, the head of the prehistoric cave. The human race has gained the dojo of Hongyun, and it has formed incomprehensible cause and effect with him.

But at this moment, Hongjun Daozu said that the Huoyun Cave was given to the Human Race by the Heavenly Dao.

In this way, the biggest cause and effect between Human Race and Hongyun disappeared.

Secondly, the cause and effect between Hongyun and the human race was caused by the Taoist Ziyun.

In the old days, under the intervention of the two sages of the West, a strand of innate true spirit of Hongyun reincarnated into the human race and became a Taoist of Ziyun, and tried to compete for the throne of human emperor.

It's just a pity that the two sages in the West were the one who was worse off. Hongyun was calculated by Feng Zichen and suppressed forever under the Human God City in the name of colluding with the Chaos Demon God.

The hatred of suppression, the hatred of humiliation, this is also an endless cause and effect.

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