Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 885: The deity wakes up after breaking the cause and effect

For Honghuang, there are three pieces of Kaitian Treasures and there is no need for a fourth piece.


Unparalleled power, falling from the Eye of Heaven, will act on the body of the twenty-fourth grade of good fortune green lotus, knock it back to its original form, and re-decompose it into three twelfth grade of good fortune lotus.

Although the Way of Heaven is powerful, it also has to follow the rules of heaven and earth. There are various restrictions and it is impossible to really do whatever you want.

Therefore, the way of heaven can suppress and decompose the twenty-four good fortune green lotus, but it cannot destroy it. The price of doing that, even the Dao of Heaven cannot afford it.


The power of the Heavenly Dao crashed down, and in an instant, he came to Qinglian's 24th grade of good fortune. However, before this force came into play, the Master Tongtian had already taken action.


A mysterious, supreme Dao Seal flew out of the body of the Master Tongtian, and was imprinted on the body of the 24th Grade Good Fortune Qinglian at a speed faster than the power of the Heavenly Dao.

At the moment when he saw the Immortal Dao Seal, the power of the Heavenly Dao could not help but stopped, dangerously and dangerously above the twenty-fourth grade of good fortune Qinglian, only three inches away from it.

But this three-inch distance, to that heavenly power, seemed like a moat, which made it impossible for him to fall.

"Pangu Mark!"

The majestic and indifferent voice suddenly echoed between the heavens and the earth, without the slightest feeling, nor could he hear any emotions.

Immediately, the power of the heavens slowly receded, disappeared from the eyes of everyone, the dark clouds also dispersed, and the sun shone again.

As far as Tiandao is concerned, he can deal with the 24th grade of good fortune Qinglian, but he can't deal with the Pangu Seal.

Because the Pangu Seal represents Pangu, the pioneer of the prehistoric world, and the creator of Heavenly Dao. How can Heavenly Dao commit crimes against Pangu?

The reason why Tiandao was able to deal with the twenty-four good fortune Qinglian was also simple. Although this treasure is the treasure of opening the sky, it was born too late.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed since the primordial land has been opened up. The robbery of the fierce beast and the robbery of the three tribes have all passed. The key is that he didn't catch up with the fall of Pangu, so he didn't get the Pangu Remains.

If there is no Pangu’s legacy, the Heaven-opening Treasure, what is the Heaven-opening Treasure, it is empty and famous, and without any blessings of Qi Yun, can you not let the heavens handle it?

Unlike the Three Great Treasures of Kaitian, they not only have the merits of Kaitian, but also have the luck of Kaitian. Even if Sanqing takes them to cut the heavens, the heavens dare not hurt them.

However, as the Master Tongtian branded the Pangu mark on the body of the 24th grade of good fortune Qinglian, everything was different.

This shows that Pangu, the representative of the Lord Tongtian, recognized the identity of Qinglian.

After receiving the approval of Pangu's line, the identity of the twenty-four good fortune Qinglian immediately changed, making Tiandao dare not to do anything with it.

Whether Pangu recognizes or not, these are two concepts. Just like the **** of the mountains, no matter how many followers you have, as long as you don't get official approval for one day, then you will still be an evil **** or a wild god, which is illegal and the target of official suppression.

This was the situation in the previous good fortune Qinglian. The Pangu seal of Tongtian hierarch is equivalent to the imperial decree, giving Good Fortune Qinglian an official identity, making him a righteous **** of heaven and earth, to be worshipped by the rebirth of heaven and earth.

Hey, this is the biggest difference between Xuan Qing and Tongtian. In Xuan Qing's hands, the twenty-four-grade good fortune Qinglian was always invisible, and once it appeared in this world, it would usher in a blow from heaven.

But in the hands of the Master Tongtian, the good fortune Qinglian is the real treasure of the heavens, and the heavens can't move any of them.

"Xuan Qing..."


Looking at the good fortune green lotus in front of him, even if there were a thousand words in the heart of the Master Tongtian, he couldn't say a word, and finally turned into a helpless sigh.

Xuan Qing's thoughts, Master Tongtian has already understood, this is to repay the teacher's grace with the treasure of opening the sky, or to integrate into the world without worry.

"Since this is your last wish, then being a teacher will fulfill you."

Putting away the good fortune green lotus, the Lord Tongtian suddenly drew out the Qingping sword and slashed it in front of him fiercely.


It seems that a string is broken!

Master Tongtian, this is, cut off the cause and effect between himself and Xuan Qing with a single sword.

From this moment on, Xuan Qing had no relationship with the leader of Tongtian, and since then, the leader of Tongtian did not have a disciple named Xuan Qing.

"Xuan Qing, you want to ask, how can you be a teacher, but from now on, the fate between you and me will be exhausted."

When that sword fell, the Master Tongtian seemed to be much older, his body suddenly squatted, and his temples also had a few more strands of white hair.


Finally sighed, the Lord Tongtian turned and returned to the Shangqing Temple. Also from this day onwards, if major events hadn't happened in the Three Realms, it would be difficult to see the trace of the Master of the Heavens in the world.



The cause and effect with Xuanqing was not the one person of Tongtian, but the entire Sanqing. Therefore, it is not enough to cut the cause and effect with the master of Tongtian, Xuan Qing still has to cut the cause and effect with the Taiqing Saint and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Two rays of clear light rise from Penglai Island and fall into the Eight Palaces of Shouyang Mountain. The first ray of clear light was transformed by the karma position of Xuanqing Danzu. In the past, Xuanqing once opened the Qi Dan to prove his karma position.

The other ray of clear light was transformed by Xuanqing Fuzu’s karma position. After creating the Qi Pill line, Xuanqing established Fudao in the prehistoric land and became the ancestor of Fudao.

Now that Xuan Qing has fallen, he will send the alchemy ancestor's position and this Fuzu's position to the Taiqing saint, so as to break the cause and effect between the two.

"I also hope that the masters will be perfect!" Xuan Qing's pleading voice came from the heaven and earth karma.

"Hey, why bother!"

Shaking his head and sighing, the Taiqing saint had no choice but to accept these two heaven and earth karma positions. Immediately, the Taiji Tu lightly shook, and a ray of yin and yang sword light dropped, cutting off the cause and effect between the Taiqing saint and Xuanqing.

"Xuan Qing, go now!"

With a last word, the Taiqing saint closed the door of Bajing Palace and returned to silence again. It's just that the various thoughts in his heart, who can understand?



Two more clear lights rose from Penglai Island and fell into Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace. This is Xuan Qing's refining tool experience and the wealth and wealth of the ancestral position.

Needless to say, Xuan Qing's refining experience is even better than Yuqing's refining method. The No. 1 Master of Counterfeiting, Xuan Qing could even imitate the innate spirit treasure.

His refining experience must not be inferior to or even better than the top-notch Congenital Taoism.

And the ancestor's position of the great wealth, Xuan Qing used the good fortune pill as the currency to formulate the currency system for the great wealth, and it has been in use today. Therefore, Xuan Qing also got a career position of wealth ancestors, although it is not very pleasant, but it is also the top career position in the world.

Aside from other things, Xuan Qing has never been short of money after the wealthy ancestors got the position.

Now, Xuan Qing took out these two things and gave them to Yuanshi Tianzun, in order to break the cause and effect between the two.


"Morning heard it, you can die in the evening!"

"Xuan Qing's desire for Taoism is so strong, I am not as good as it is."

"Since you have such a desire to seek the truth, how can the uncle be not fulfilled?"

Having said that, Yuanshi Tianzun first waved his hand to receive the two ray of light, and then he sacrificed the Pangu flag and emitted a chaotic sword energy, cutting off the cause and effect between himself and Xuan Qing.

"Hey, at this point, Xuan Qing has nothing to do with my Sanqing, and my Xuan Sect!"

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun also choosing to cut the cause and effect between himself and Xuanqing, the Taiqing Saint sighed helplessly, and finally concluded.

From this moment on, Xuan Qing was no longer a disciple of San Qing, nor was he a member of Xuan Sect. Xuan Qing did not take away half of the supernatural powers taught by San Qing. Xuan Qing didn't take one of the treasures passed down by Sanqing.

From now on, Xuan Qing is the Zi Confucian, the pioneer of Confucianism and Taoism, and has nothing to do with San Qing.

In other words, even though Xuan Qing was the first disciple of the three generations of Xuanmen, he did not owe Xuanmen anything. On the contrary, Xuanmen owed something to him.

Therefore, Xuan Qing only needs to pay back the cause and effect between him and Sanqing, and he can judge everything between himself and the Xuanmen, but there is no need to return the Xuanmen.

However, it doesn't matter anymore. It's all in the dust, so don't worry about it.



All causes and effects have disappeared now, and Ziru will finally be freed and completely merged into the world. There is no trace of his breath in the world, but he is everywhere.

At the same time, the realm of Ziru has also risen from a mortal to a saint. That's right, it's a saint, there is no saint with a grandeur.

At this time, Ziru's strength was also a top-notch existence among the saints. The Taiqing saint who was stronger than the head of all saints was not an opponent of Ziru.

It is a pity that although Zi Confucianism is strong, there is no saneness to speak of.

The current state of Ziru, in short, is the incarnation of Heaven, and it is the incarnation of the will of Heaven. Therefore, Ziru is very strong and can be called invincible among saints.

The saint can only use the power of the heaven, and the Confucian scholar is the heaven itself. What does the saint use to fight him?

There are two sides to the Tao of Heaven, one is righteous and the other is evil. The Zi Confucian fits the heaven and the earth. With the abundance of righteousness he has cultivated, he forcibly realizes the righteous side of the Tao of Heaven, which is today's Confucianism and Tao, that is, Zi Confucian himself.

Now, what controls the power of Confucianism is the way of heaven and righteousness. We can call him Confucianism and Daoism.


At the moment when Xuan Qing cut off the cause and effect between himself and San Qing, Feng Zichen's heart couldn't help but feel a sense of relaxation. This trouble was finally resolved, and there would be no need to tangle in the future, and He didn't owe Sanqing any more.

This relaxed, well, the realm where Feng Zichen hadn't moved for a long time, suddenly rose up.

It is not that the realm of the incarnation rises again, but the realm of the deity rises again, starting from the realm of the Jiuzhongtian of Hunyuan, and soon reached the point of consummation of the Jiuzhongtian, and began to march towards the tenth of Hunyuan.


The sudden change directly caused Feng Zichen's deity to wake up from his deep sleep. Before, in order to send a strand of innate true spirit reincarnation, Feng Zichen exhausted his last strength and fell into a deep sleep.

But now, as the realm skyrocketed, Feng Zichen's power increased, and he naturally woke up.

"Untie your happy knot, is there such an effect?"

"I didn't expect that this kind of epiphany would happen to me, or it would happen in the realm of Hunyuan Nineth Heaven. It's incredible."

Feng Zichen's current situation is that after letting go of everything, his heart has an epiphany, and his realm has begun to advance by leaps and bounds. This situation is very common in low-level realms such as Earth Immortal and Heavenly Immortal.

But when the strength reached the realm of Feng Zichen, the realm of the Ninth Heaven of Hunyuan, it was very abnormal that this kind of realm skyrocketed.

What kind of epiphany can support Feng Zichen's promotion? It's incredible.

But immediately, Feng Zichen found the reason. The epiphany is just a temptation. The real reason for his realm soaring is because of accumulation.

Hongmeng Qi and Dao Power have fought each other for so many years. I don’t know how many Dao insights have been brought to Feng Zichen. At this moment, triggered by the epiphany, all the brains have emerged, which naturally caused Feng Zichen's realm to skyrocket.

It is a pity that although the skyrocketing realm has brought Feng Zichen to life, it does not help much in the battle between the Qi of Hongmeng and the power of the Great Dao.

At this moment, Feng Zichen was still unable to swallow the power of the Great Dao in his body, and could only allow them to fight with the Qi of Hongmeng.

Hey, if you want to solve the hidden dangers of the body, you still have to wait for the reincarnation to grow up as soon as possible, and when it has cultivated to the realm of Hunyuan, you can join hands with the deity to help the power of the great avenue in one fell swoop.

At that time, not only Feng Zichen was able to break through to the realm of the Infinite Luo Jinxian, even Hongmeng Daozhong could also be upgraded to the level of Chaos Lingbao.

After the cultivation base reaches the Wuji Luo Jinxian, Feng Zichen has the capital to fight against Hongjun Daozu, and he does not need to continue to bear it. He can directly integrate the major clones and prove the real Tiandi Dao fruit at one stroke. Dao Zuping divided the prey.

He refines Xuan Huang, my lord is wild!

This is the situation in the great future.

However, before becoming the real Emperor of Heaven, he had to think of a way to send Haotian away.

In recent years, Feng Zichen and Haotian have cooperated well, and they have gotten closer. It is inevitable that he will be driven off from the position of Jade Emperor.

Therefore, Haotian had to take the initiative to abdicate.

Let Haotian take the initiative to abdicate this matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s hard to say, it’s not difficult to say, it’s not difficult to say it’s not difficult, just let him become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, as long as he becomes Dao, there is no need for Feng Zichen to speak. Haotian will also take the initiative to abdicate.

Hey, now that prehistoric enlightenment has become a trend, some people become enlightened every few years, and I don't know if Haotian can catch up with this trend and become enlightened in one fell swoop.

If he is now enlightened, he will save trouble. If it can't, it will be a trouble to help him become enlightened in the future.

However, Feng Zichen waking up now is not without benefits, at least it can provide a little help for the reincarnation.

Among other things, the vast and boundless majestic aura and great power in the deity's body, which are even higher than the power of Pangu, can be provided to the reincarnated body at will, help him to swallow it, and strengthen the magnificence in the body. Gas.



That is the moment Xuan Qing fits into heaven and earth, the Empress Houtu moved in the Netherworld.

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