Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 887: 4 change 6 change

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The head of the emperor was surrounded by nine colors of divine light, radiating radiant light.

Numerous guards of Xianzhen, Lishi, King Kong, God King, Golden Boy, and Jade Girl. There are also hand-held water bowls, poplar branches, foot-petal lotus flowers, and round light shining.

These are all transformed by the rhyme of heaven and earth, and are used to bless the emperor's majesty.

The Great Emperor Qinghua of the East, named Taiyi to save the suffering, great compassion, great wish, seek voice to feel, save suffering, and rescue. When humans are in distress, as long as they recite the holy name of Tianzun, Tianzun will immediately go to feel and go to rescue. .

This is the authority given to Xuan Qing by heaven and earth, incarnate in billions, omnipresent.

At this time, in the heavens and the earth, there is a Taoism that spontaneously occurs, imprinted on the rules, and is known to the world:

There are great benevolents in the world of Changle in the East. The Tianzun Taiyi who saves the suffering is incarnate like the number of Hengsha, and everything responds accordingly.

Or live in the heaven, or descend to the world, or live in hell, or take the group, or be a fairy girl, or an emperor and a saint, or a heavenly person, or a King Kong, or a demon king, or a celestial priest, Either an emperor or an old monarch, or a celestial doctor, a man or a woman, or a civil and military officer, or a capital master, or a teacher Zen master, or a wind teacher and rain master, with infinite power and infinite power , Seek voice to save suffering, respond randomly.

At the same time, in the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain, the real Taiyi who was practicing in retreat suddenly felt an inexplicable malicious attack, making him cold all over his body.

But immediately, the malice faded away like a tide, and soon disappeared without a trace, just like an illusion just now.

This malice comes from the Dao of Heaven, the real Taiyi has the same name as the Tianzun Taiyi Saving the Sufferings, and there is no need to lose the luck of Tianzun, so he is targeted by the Dao of Heaven.

Thinking of the relationship between Xuan Qing and Yuanshi Tianzun, Tian Dao did not take action against it, but after taking back so much luck, he retreated.

In this way, true Taiyi talents would feel that this malice came quickly and went quickly, very inexplicable.

He, this is an escape!




At the moment when the Great Emperor Qinghua of Dongji was born, Xuanqing's Hunyuan Dao Fruit, who had given up all refining, suddenly emerged from the void and sank above the emperor's head.

In an instant, an aura that belonged exclusively to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian erupted from the body of the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East. In an instant, it swept across the entire Three Realms.

With this breath, all beings in the world felt the supreme majesty and couldn't help but worship it.

This is the cause and effect. After being worshipped by the beings of the heaven and the earth, the Emperor Qinghua of the East will have the responsibility of sheltering the beings of the heaven and the earth in the future. Otherwise, for no reason, why did the Great Emperor Qinghua protect the world?

The sentient beings of the five continents are already familiar with the breath of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and they naturally worshipped.

But outside the five continents, especially those far away from the five continents, the creatures there are already stupid.

They didn't know what was going on, they just felt a supreme majesty, swept across, crushing them to the ground, unable to stand up.

That power is too strong, far beyond their understanding. Under such power, not to mention that they have fought hard. They can't even think of resistance, and they will be suppressed if they have no resistance. NS.

"Oh my God, what power is this?"

"Did'Heaven' come to the world? I feel that this power is as vast as the sky and the earth, and generally above it, making it impossible to resist."

"Where is such a strong man? Why have I never found his trace? I have never heard of his legend?"

The strongest people in remote areas roared unwillingly.

It didn't take long before Xuan Qing's aura gradually receded, and the pressure on the sentient beings in the Three Realms dissipated and stood up again.

But at this moment, a grander and more supreme aura suddenly came, causing the creatures of the Three Realms who had just stood up to crawl to the ground again.

This aura does not come from Xuan Qing, but from Heaven. Unlike other great supernatural powers who achieved Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Xuanqing is the supreme of heaven and earth, the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East.

Therefore, after he became enlightened, heaven and earth must send blessings to show their dignity.

In the darkness, there is a misty Taoist voice, and since falling from above the nine heavens, it has continued to reverberate in the heavens and the earth:

"Qinghua Changle Realm, Dongji Miaoyan Palace. Qibao Fangqianlin, nine-color lotus seat. Inside the Wanzhen ring arch, tens of billions of rays of light. Shangqing Lingbaozun, Yinghua Xuanyuanshi. Catastrophe is Tzu Chi, Daqian Ganlumen."

"Miaodao true body, Zijin Ruixiang. Random gratitude, boundless vows. Great Sage, great mercy, great compassion and great vows. Transformation of the ten directions, universal life. In billions of calamities, save people infinitely. Seek the voice to feel Taiyi and save the suffering Tianzun Qingxuan Nine Sun God."

This is a treasure spontaneously generated by Heaven and Earth for Emperor Qinghua of the East, for the world to recite, and contains inexplicable powers.

"Emperor Qinghua of the East?"

"Who is this person, and why is it so powerful? Just a breath of breath makes me unable to move."

"Also, who is the person who makes the sound? Why is the breath so similar to the heaven and the earth? Is it possible that the heaven and the earth are really making the sound?"

"Heaven and Earth, does it really have its own will?"

All kinds of doubts appeared in the hearts of the strong in those remote areas, making them extremely puzzled.

Unfortunately, no one can give them the answer, because they are too far away from the five continents and too barren. No great supernatural power will come here, and no great supernatural power will pay attention to this place.

Not surprisingly, these remote places will be gradually forgotten by the powerful presences of the five continents.

But as the aura of heaven and earth swept across the entire Three Realms this time, let someone exist and notice this scene. Thus, an accident happened.


"How do I feel that these small islands floating on the sea are slowly being separated from the five continents, as if they are no longer in the same world. So that these small islands do not understand the situation of the five continents and the Three Realms at all. General information."

"This situation is a bit strange. It's as if these small islands have become the lower boundary of the five continents. There are problems and problems. There seems to be a great merit in it. I have to study and study it."

At this moment, the reincarnation of Feng Zichen in the deserted ancient continent, noticing the reaction of the creatures here, could not help but have a bold guess in his heart. If this conjecture comes true, then he really has the foundation to become the emperor of heaven, and he can quickly break through the realm.

However, whether this guess can come true, one or two more needs to be determined.

Not urgent! Not urgent!

It's His, and you can't hide it.

If it's not his, just grab it.

A joke, so many incarnations of Feng Zichen, all of them are the supreme powerhouses of the predecessors. What good fortune can't be grabbed by doing things together?

Ha ha,

It's Feng Zichen's, that's Feng Zichen's.

Not Feng Zichen's, as long as he wants, it can be his.

No way, strong, just so overbearing.


Come hit me!


On Jin'ao Island, the Lord Tongtian saw Xuan Qing's incarnation become an emperor, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the sadness on his face was also resolved a lot.

Then, I listened to him explaining to the disciples around him: "With this incarnation, it means that Xuan Qing has buried a nail in the land. After that, as long as someone talks about Xuan Qing every day, there may not be a day to wake Xuan Qing in the future."

Speaking of this, the Lord Tongtian couldn't help but sigh: "Human Emperor is really talented, worthy of the name of the first arrogant of the predecessors, the poor way is far inferior to him."

"Xuan Qing Hua Dao, fits the heavens and the earth, Poor Dao can only do nothing. But Human Sovereign can come up with such a subtle idea in a short moment to summon Xuan Qing back."

"Look for your voice and feel for help!"

"Just these eight words are enough for the creatures of the Three Realms to chant the name of Xuanqing all the time."

"It's an amazing method."

"There are people in the Three Realms who are muttering on birthday night, even if Xuanqing cannot be called back, it is enough to protect him with a ray of intellect and not to be completely lost in the way of heaven. In this way, after immeasurable calamity, the world will be shattered, and Xuanqing will be reborn. ."

Speaking of this, the Master Tongtian suddenly reprimanded all the disciples: "You should cultivate well. Xuan Qing has already proven the Taoism of the Taoism and the fruit of Taoism. He is detached and can survive thousands of catastrophes without extinction, that is, the immeasurable calamity comes. It won't affect him any more."

"But you are not the same. You have never cultivated Hunyuan Dao Guo, and you can't transcend the world. When the immeasurable calamity arrives, the world is shattered, and you can't escape the end of fall."

"At that time, the world will be shattered, Xuan Qing freed from the world and regained a new life, but you fell with the world, how sad?"

"So, work hard, as long as you can achieve Hunyuan Dao Fruit, then sooner or later you will meet Xuan Qing."

"On the contrary, it is a farewell!"

After speaking, the Lord Tongtian entered the Shangqing Temple with his hand. The Xuanqing matter was resolved, and his heart knot was also untied, which was a lot easier.

As long as it can be ensured that Xuan Qing is not lost in the Dao of Heaven, and is completely assimilated by the Dao of Heaven, then Xuan Qing will be resurrected in the morning and evening. Because ah, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxianli will never die and will not die.

The reason why Xuan Qing fell now is because he was assimilated by the heaven and the earth and became a part of the heaven and the earth. But the heaven and earth will be shattered sooner or later, but Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will not.

As long as the world is shattered, that's when Xuan Qing is liberated and returns to freedom.



"Heavenly Court, it's changed!"

With the birth of the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East, some people couldn't help frowning as they watched Heaven's luck.

As mentioned above, the Qi Luck of the Heavenly Court has changed, from the original five great pillars to the current six, but this is not the biggest change.

The biggest change is that the Optimus Pillar, which represents the Emperor of Heaven, has become smaller. Although it is still the largest, it has fallen to the same level as the other five pillars. It is no longer unique, it is above the four imperial pillars, and it has the image of suppressing the heaven and the earth.

This shows that the authority of the Emperor of Heaven has been further weakened.

In the past, although Heavenly Court also had four imperial gods. But that is the same respect as the four deities, and the emperor is nominally superior to the four deities and has the authority to order the four deities.

But now, with the birth of the Great Emperor Qinghua of the East, the power of the emperor has been further weakened, and the heaven has also evolved from a situation where the emperor is dominated by the emperor and governed by the four imperials, to the point where the six imperials are all respected.

In other words, that is to say, the emperor of heaven is no longer aloof, but has become like the other emperors. Although he is the head of the six imperial emperors, he has no supreme status.

Well, from now on, it would be inappropriate to call Haotian the Emperor of Heaven. He should be called the Jade Emperor. The head of the six imperial princes, the Jade Emperor, is the lord of the ten thousand heavens and is in charge of the ten thousand heavens.

From this moment on, there is no emperor in the heavens, no emperor in the primordial land, and the three realms have entered the era of the co-ruling of the six gods.

The position of the emperor of heaven is hanging in the air!

In other words, Feng Zichen's opportunity is coming.

At this time, as long as those who have great merits can obtain the approval of the six gods at the same time, then in theory, he does not need to refine the heaven and the earth, and he can directly become the emperor of heaven.

The complete power of the emperor was divided into six parts and evolved into the current six gods. Each of the great emperors held one-sixth of the power of the emperor.

As long as they put their powers together, they can restore the complete power of the Emperor of Heaven. That is to say, the six people can work together to launch a real emperor.

There is no need for the six gods to surrender their own authority, only the six of them can work together to evolve a new supreme authority that covers all the authority and karma of the primordial land, that is, the authority of the emperor.

This is the source of all authority. All authority is a branch of Him. He has the power to control everything and the power to give authority to all things.

When this authority appears, all authority will obey his orders, even the six imperial authority is no exception, and can be deprived at any time.

No, to be precise, when the emperor's authority appeared, no matter who it was, and no matter what authority he had before, they all changed from the master of authority to the manager of authority, managing the land for the real emperor.

They only have the ability to use authority, but they don't have the ability to possess authority, because all the power of authority belongs to the Emperor of Heaven.

When the Emperor of Heaven is away, anyone can become the master of authority, but in the time of the Sun and Earth, there is only one master of all authority, and that is the Emperor of Heaven.

Why is it said that the Emperor of Heaven is supreme, infinite, more noble than a saint, that's it.

Really, mastered everything in the prehistoric state.

To put it more vividly, when the emperor of the day appeared, the owners of these powers changed from the bosses of the company to ordinary wage earners, and lost the power to control the company.


"Unexpectedly, after turning from the Emperor of Heaven to the Emperor of Jade, I actually felt that my body had become a lot easier, and my realm had improved a bit. Sure enough, the position of the Emperor of Heaven was the biggest obstacle to my enlightenment."

In the Jade Lake, Haotian silently realized the changes in his body, and couldn't help but say aloud.

Having been the Emperor of Heaven for so many years, Haotian was not doing nothing for nothing. With the help of Heaven's Fortune, Haotian's accumulation of enlightenment was long enough, but he was unable to take that crucial step for a long time.

The reason is still because of being the emperor of heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven has not only achieved Haotian~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but also restricted him.

ps: Double monthly pass, ask for monthly pass.

In the middle of the month, I posted a single chapter saying that I wanted to update it as I wish, but I still didn't do that. Because this book is still determined, there are about eight or nine hundred people.

Of course, apart from them, few people watched it. I wrote it for them.

My book is ordered for 3080. In my case, theoretically, at least 3080 new additions are required to keep all orders unavailable.

But in fact, this book only has 2000 new additions every day, and sometimes it's only 1700.

This process has been going on for almost half a year. Anyone who knows the starting point knows that this shows that the book is worthless, and there is no money left. I am generating electricity for love.

At this point, most people should choose eunuchs. In fact, the purpose of my new book is to think about the old book of eunuchs.

But in the end, I was still reluctant. After all, after writing for more than a year, I had feelings and wanted to write an ending, so I gritted my teeth and persisted for half a year.

But the double opening pressure is really great. I hope you can give me some support and don’t ask you for a reward. If you can subscribe, try to subscribe from the starting point. If you can vote for a monthly pass, vote for a monthly pass.

Lazy, thank you for your support.

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