Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 891: Yin Dijun

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These two people are both predecessor and first-class old men, deep-minded and terrible, and both have the idea of ​​prostituting each other for nothing. It's harder for the two to work together than Hongyun to become a holy.

Feng Zichen was not surprised by Di Jun's answer. With the relationship between the two, it is normal to refuse. If Dijun responded, Feng Zichen would think there was a problem instead.

Therefore, Feng Zichen smiled and continued to suggest: "Since Brother Dao wants to see my methods, then I will show my ugliness. However, I am also very curious about Brother Dao’s methods. It’s better than Brother Dao and me. Open the cards together so that I can see it?"

Hearing this, Di Jun's eyes flickered for a moment, and he replied: "That is what a fellow Taoist asked, is there any reason for the poor to refuse?"

Seeing Dijun's agreement, Feng Zichen nodded and said, "Okay, since Brother Dao agrees, then when I count to three, you and I will shoot together?"

Di Jun nodded: "Yes!"

Upon hearing this, Feng Zichen directly counted.




At the moment when he counted to three, Feng Zichen suddenly moved, and his figure quickly swept back. He was actually thinking of leaving Di Jun here before breaking off.

However, Feng Zichen's speed is fast, and Di Jun's speed is not slow. He actually had the same idea as Feng Zichen, and as Feng Zichen retreated, he was also quickly swept back.


"You want to cheat me!"

Seeing the figure receding in the opposite direction, the two cursed in their hearts at the same time. But the next moment, the two smiled on their faces again, and at the same time smiled at each other: "Brother Dao (you) is really clever, I really admire and admire it!"

The two old men, grinning on their faces, selling slapsticks in their hearts, there is no trace of guilt that has pitted each other, and some are just endless pity, why is the other party not fooled?

"Want to run?"

"come back!"

Seeing that the two wanted to run, the Wild Ancient Demon God was furious, protruding two giant claws, and grabbed them towards the two.


Suddenly stopped, Feng Zichen mobilized his whole body mana, displayed the inverted yin and yang magical power among the 36 heavenly magical powers, and blasted towards the ancient demon god.

The so-called inversion of Yin and Yang is displayed from Feng Zichen's hands, that is, to reverse everything, black and white, the universe, life and death, in his hands, they must be reversed.

The magical power was invisible, and quietly passed through the void, and blasted on the body of the ancient demon god. In an instant, an astonishing change occurred, and the aura of life in the ancient demon god's body rose rapidly.

In an instant, it was improved several times.

This is Feng Zichen's inverting the yin and yang great supernatural powers, inverting the life and death of the ancient demon gods. When this supernatural power emerges, it goes from death to life, from life to death. That is, the dead become alive, and the living becomes dead.

Affected by this supernatural power, the death aura in the ancient demon **** is turning to anger, and his aura of life will naturally skyrocket.


Feng Zichen's body is nothing more than an incarnation, and his cultivation is only half-step Taoist, and his strength is really limited. However, the strength of the ancient demon **** before his death had already reached the realm of the innate Taoist priest, and Feng Zichen did not know how much his strength was higher.

How can he resurrect the ridiculous demon **** at the Dao Zun level only with the power of his incarnation?

Therefore, soon, Feng Zichen's mana was exhausted, and it was difficult to maintain the supernatural power of inverting yin and yang. And the moment the magical power failed, the backlash followed, and the life aura on the ancient demon **** fell at a faster rate than before.

In an instant, it fell to a point lower than before.

A light and fluttering magical power, the ancient demon **** was severely injured, and his strength was greatly lost.

At the same time, Di Jun's supernatural powers also arrived. Same as Feng Zichen's choice, the supernatural power used by Emperor Jun was also one of the 36 Heavenly Gang supernatural powers. But instead of inverting yin and yang, the flowers bloom instantly.

The flowers bloomed instantly, this magical power was displayed by Emperor Jun, understanding and showing power beyond imagination. That is, between the flowers blooming and falling, all life is taken away.

Quietly, one after another fascinating lotus flowers grew on the body of the ancient demon god, and as the lotus bloomed, the breath of life in his body was further weakened.

"Reptiles are looking for death!"

After being injured by two reptiles in his eyes, the emotions of the ancient demon **** gradually lost control, and the monstrous anger rose from him, completely materialized, turned into a black flame, and burned towards the two of them.

"Return to the wind and fire!"

Almost at the same time, Di Jun and Feng Zichen both displayed the same magical powers. One of the 36 Tiangang magical powers returns to the wind and returns to the fire, which can return all magical powers.

Under the combined force of the two, the power of supernatural powers suddenly increased. The anger came quickly, and it retreated quickly, and it rolled up and burned towards the desolate ancient demon god.

It was also at this time that Feng Zichen and Di Jun stepped forward at the same time, each automatically using their strongest supernatural powers to kill the ancient demon gods.

The heart is united with the sword, the mind is united with the heaven and the earth, and the Feng Zichen sword is united with the power of the heaven and the earth, turning into a purple sword light, which cuts across the void like a streamer, and slashes towards the eyebrows of the ancient demon god.

At the same time, Di Jun showed his body and turned into a huge three-legged golden crow, like a sun, slamming towards the ancient demon god.


The sword light that Feng Zichen turned into accurately hit the middle of the eyebrows of the Wild Ancient Demon God, and the sword intent fell into it, almost piercing his forehead.

Unfortunately, at the moment of crisis, the true spirit of the ancient demon **** displayed his supernatural powers, and burst out an unparalleled force, which shook Feng Zichen out. The Hongmeng long sword cut with the heart of the iron tree shook into several pieces.

When Feng Zichen first came to the deserted ancient continent, he used an iron tree to refine his body. Later, as his cultivation level increased, the iron tree was accidentally interrupted by him.

Xu felt that the iron tree had a predestined relationship with him, so Feng Zichen used the core of the iron tree to cut into a wooden sword, which was the Hongmeng long sword in his hand.

This wooden sword has been sacrificed by him for many years, and it has already undergone a qualitative change. From an ordinary iron tree, it has turned into the acquired treasure today, and there are signs of transformation to an innate spiritual treasure.

The aura of Hongmeng is so extraordinary. It has the ability to turn ordinary things into innate things, which is beyond the understanding of the world.


At this moment, Di Jun suddenly screamed, and nine days manifested behind him, and various visions were intertwined, with heavens, gods and demons... evolving into a glorious world.

Then, the nine heavens shattered, the heavens collapsed, and the gods and demons fell one after another...A brilliant world ended, with boundless power swept toward the desolate ancient demons.

At this time, Feng Zichen seized the opportunity, put away the fragments of the Hongmeng Longsword, and ran away without looking back, leaving Di Jun alone here, facing the ancient demon **** alone.

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