Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 453: Open up the channel to the big 0 world

As the only acquired race in the primordial land, being able to have a relationship with the Nuwa Empress is the greatest pride of the human race.

But this has become the root of their annihilation.

Doesn't it look ridiculous...

Do not,

Not only the blood of Nuwa,

There is also the way of gods and demons.

This achievement that made Feng Zichen so proud was also a cultivation way for the rise of the human race. At this time, it became another culprit of the human race's extinction.

The hegemonic ability of awakening the bloodline has allowed the Nuwa bloodline, which should have been worn down with the passage of time, to resuscitate in the human body and become more and more powerful.


Compared with Feng Zichen’s witch-killing sword in his previous life,

The sword of killing witches in this life will be even more powerful.


Will also strengthen the determination of the Yaozu to destroy the human race.

They are all offended to death, so what are the human races left for? Wait for them to retaliate later? The demon clan still understands the principle of cutting grass and rooting out the roots.

What's more, Human Race is not as simple as it seems. Although it is an acquired race, there is holy blood flowing in its body. When it comes to potential, many Yao races cannot compare with it.

In addition, a human emperor who will become a golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo, as long as the human race is given enough time, it may not become a confidant of the demon race.

Therefore, no matter whether it is public or private, the human race must be destroyed.

After Feng Zichen became enlightened, plus the Nuwa Empress, the human race would have two saint-level combat power.

I heard that the reason why the Taiqing saint was able to become enlightened has a great relationship with the human race. His only disciple is of human origin.

According to this calculation, the Human Race has three saint-level combat power, which can be said to be stronger than the Demon Race's strength.

Thinking about it this way, Human Race has to be destroyed!


And all that Feng Zichen worked hard to pay, to a certain extent, was to make wedding dresses for the demon race.

As long as the strength of the human race does not exceed that of the demon race, the stronger the strength of the human race, and correspondingly, the stronger the power of the witch slaying sword, how can the demon race be unhappy?

From this point of view, Feng Zichen's efforts to make wedding dresses for the demon clan is not an exaggeration.

But there are two sides to everything, and one cannot look at it from one side alone. No matter whether Feng Zichen worked hard or not, the human race would be annihilated by the demon race.

But with Feng Zichen's efforts, although the ending has not changed, the process has changed.

At the very least, the Human Race had been in the prestige and prestige for a period of time. Facing the monster race, it would not have no power to fight back. It also left some hope for the future, and it would not completely break the inheritance.




In the Palace of Human Emperor, Feng Zichen laughed at himself for a while, suppressed the sadness in his heart and all the negative emotions, and calmed himself down again.

The Terran warriors have already gone to the front line to meet the enemy with a mortal ambition. As a human emperor, he can't be idle. It is time to fight for the future of the Terran.

"World Channel, open it for me!"

After sinking his mind, Feng Zichen came into the Chaos Orb, mobilizing all his strength, along the roots of the World Tree, and blasted towards the Three Thousand Thousand Worlds.

He wants to open up a passage to the three thousand worlds, send the Human Race Tianjiao into it, and leave the seeds of hope for the Human Race.

These people who have entered the three thousand worlds will become the pillars of the human race's dominance of the prehistoric in the long-term future. It is also the key to whether the human race can get rid of the control of the saints and become the true protagonist of the prehistoric world in the future.

There is a saying in the art of war: those who do not seek forever, do not seek for a while, those who do not seek the overall situation, do not seek for a domain.

What Feng Zichen has to do now is to build a foundation for the human race.

Human race wants to become the overlord of the prehistoric, it is not enough to rely on him alone, it requires the joint efforts of countless masters.

Just like the second family of Lich, if there are no such masters as Emperor Taiyi, they will still be the top power in the wild.

And if the human race had no Feng Zichen, its strength would have been directly changed from the upper echelon to the bottom of the emperor.

This is the disadvantage of a clan, relying solely on one person to support it. Once an accident occurs to the strongest, the entire race will follow, and there is no ability to bear the slightest risk.

It is also a true manifestation of the current situation of the human race.

There are low-level monks, top-level masters, but not middle-level and high-level monks.

Therefore, if Human Race wants to become stronger, this situation must be reversed. But now, there is no time, only to pin our hopes in the future.

Feng Zichen sent his tribe into the three thousand worlds, just laying out the future. This was a plan that He had made many years ago, and now it has finally begun to be implemented.

Unfortunately, this plan is still flawed. Its perfection is what Feng Zichen thinks is perfection, not true perfection, it still has various flaws.

However, Feng Zichen couldn't find it.

After all, personal wisdom has its limits. Only by pooling the wisdom of others can we make a relatively perfect plan.

However, Feng Zichen couldn't declare this matter.

This plan involves the future protagonist of the prehistoric world, as well as the plans of many saints, and the impact is too great. Once it is said, it will inevitably be sensed by the saint, giving birth to inexplicable variables.

Therefore, this matter must be sufficiently secretive.

Even if he knew that the plan he made might be imperfect, Feng Zichen couldn't discuss it with someone. As for the success of this plan, it can only be pinned on an illusory future.

Feng Zichen is not omniscient and omnipotent, all he can do is to do his best to make this happen.

As for the result...

It also depends on whether the fire that goes to the three thousand worlds is hard enough.

It's man-made!

Man will conquer the sky!

This is the philosophy of the human race, and it is also the inheritance of the human race that will never be lost.

If those fires can implement this idea after going to the three thousand worlds, they will either die hard, or they will be able to achieve astounding achievements.

Everything lies in them.



Under the roots of the World Tree, the mysterious and unknown void trembled violently in Feng Zichen's crazy attack.

And with the trembling of the void, one after another weird scenes appeared one after another.

That's right, these bizarre scenes are the projections of three thousand worlds.

They are hidden in the unknown void, evolving silently, mysterious and unpredictable. But after the emergence of the World Tree, its roots connected endless dimensions and established a connection with these great worlds, which also enabled Feng Zichen to find their tracks.

Originally, even if Feng Zichen had discovered the traces of three thousand worlds, it was impossible to enter them.

But with the growth of the World Tree, the Three Thousand Worlds have also benefited, and the rate of derivation has been greatly accelerated.

This has formed a cause and effect with Feng Zichen.

Relying on these causes and effects, Feng Zichen can send some people into the great world.

He himself, of course, cannot enter.

With Feng Zichen's strength, if he could enter the Great Thousand World, it could be said to be an invincible existence. Everything in the world can be requested and given, and no one can resist.

This is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the developing world. Therefore, Heaven will never allow this to happen.

Unless the Great Thousand World is truly present, it is impossible for monks at the Golden Immortal realm and above to enter it.

According to this rule, only the monks under the Golden Immortal were the only people who entered the Three Thousand Thousand Worlds this time.


"good chance!"

Seeing the three thousand great worlds successively manifested, Feng Zichen knew that after so many years of growth, the World Tree had enough ability to open up the channel to the great worlds.

It's better now.

"Chaotic Pearl, Hongmeng Daozhong, go!"

Without hesitation, Feng Zichen directly sacrificed the Chaos Orb and Hongmeng Daozhong, the two strongest spiritual treasures he had mastered, and urged their power to blast towards the phantom of the three thousand worlds.

At the same time, the body of the world tree began to bloom with bright light, a series of mysterious textures emerged, endless runes derive, and the vast and mighty power fell, the roots of the world tree stood up one by one, propping up the endless void.


The law of chaos overwhelms time and space, destroys everything, and returns everything to chaos.

The law of Hongmeng evolves all kinds of laws, rebuilds order, and builds channels to three thousand worlds in the chaos of nothingness.

The World Tree stretches its thick roots ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ into the passages, releasing the power of the world and maintaining the stability of the passages.

With the efforts of the Chaos Pearl, the Hongmeng Daozhong, and the World Tree, three thousand passages leading to three thousand worlds have been completed. It seemed like a black hole, floating in front of Feng Zichen.


"This is the first line of life for my human race!"

Looking at these passages, Yi Feng Zichen's current state of mind was also slightly agitated. Whether the human race can dominate the prehistoric, the great world behind these passages is the most critical step among them.

As the owner of the World Tree, although Feng Zichen cannot enter the three thousand worlds, he can observe the development and derivation of these worlds through the perspective of the World Tree.

After so many years, He already knew everything about the three thousand worlds.

As the companion world of the Primordial World, although the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds share the same origin with the Primordial World, their laws are completely different in the world. Reflected on the outside is the difference in cultivation civilization.

Cultivation civilizations such as magic, fighting spirit, profound energy, and martial spirits are completely different from the prehistoric civilization.

These civilizations belong to neither immortal way, nor magic way, let alone the way of ancient times.

This is the way of the Chaos Demon God!

After the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were beheaded by Pangu, most of their origins merged into the newly born prehistoric world, achieving the glory of the current prehistoric world.

But there is also a small part of its origin, not integrated into the prehistoric world, but merged with the chaotic fragments produced when Pangu opened up the prehistoric world, forming a strange world.

These worlds relied on the primordial world, and they were regarded as his companion worlds, and they were the predecessors of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds.

The prehistoric world has three thousand laws in one, so it is extremely accommodating, various civilizations bloom, and there are many cultivation systems, and countless strong people have been born.

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