Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 602: Soul and soul (five thousand)

Of course, such bizarre changes in the earth veins are not all due to the Pangu phantom, but the ability of the prehistoric geomancy map.

Before, when the Wu clan still existed. In Honghuang, let alone Pangu phantom, even Pangu's real body has appeared before. But that is the case, there has never been such a situation in the Honghuangdi Vein.

It can be seen that the Pangu phantom may have some influence on the primordial veins, but it is definitely not as big as imagined.

The geomancy map of the prehistoric land is different. It is the innate treasure that belongs to the prehistoric land. It is closely connected with the origin of the land and records all the changes of the prehistoric land in detail.

The changes of the earth veins are also among them!

For the primordial land veins, the primordial geomancy maps are of the same origin, which will undoubtedly make them feel unusually close. In this way, faced with the guidance of the prehistoric geography, they will naturally not refuse.

On the contrary, they will actively cooperate.



With the active cooperation of the earth veins, it didn't take long for Shennong and others to sort out the earth veins of the entire human territory from beginning to end, making them completely follow the Pangu's whole body meridian route.

at this time,

If someone looked from the sky to the Human Race's territory, they would find that a bright and dangling golden thread suddenly appeared on the earth, spreading around in a very mysterious layout.

"It's OK!"

"Honghuang Survey Map, close!"

After careful comparison, Shennong did not find any mistakes and omissions, and then put away the prehistoric geomancy map and lifted his suppression of the prehistoric veins.


After Shennong put away the prehistoric geography, there was no suppression of the prehistoric veins, and it shook loudly and began to release his own power.

boom! boom! boom!

The wisps and strands of heaven and earth auras mixed with a little bit of innate evil aura, rose from the veins of the earth and spread to all directions.

Shennong and the others on the side watched this scene quietly, even if the innate suffocation was present, there was no slightest movement on their faces.

After reorganizing the earth veins, the heaven and earth aura produced still contains a little bit of evil energy. From this point of view, Feng Zichen's plan had failed, and sorting out the veins did not have any effect.

Shennong and others were in vain.

But it is not!

Because sorting out the ground veins is just the beginning, Shennong has not yet used the method to truly manage the ground veins and calm the innate evil spirit.


After a long time,

After the heaven and the earth were filled with aura again, Shennong finally moved.

Seeing him, he suddenly sacrificed the prehistoric geomancy map with all his strength.

"Honghuang Survey Map, get up!"

Endless power gushes out, and connects with the uncultivated land.

Then, a wonderful change happened.

All the ground veins, at this moment, were completely still, motionless. The aura of heaven and earth released by them was also set in midair.

It seems that at this moment, the time that belongs to the earth veins, has been taken hold by the prehistoric geomancy map.


When the prehistoric geomancy map and the earth veins were completely connected, Shennong vigorously shook the prehistoric geomancy map, pulling the force that belonged to the earth veins to flow on the earth.


Like a hurricane, but also like an earthquake!

Under the lead of the geomancy map, the power that belongs to the earth veins, carrying great power, flowed in the territories of the human race, and set off a great wind and dust.

This is "cultivation"!

The trend of the earth veins,

It is equivalent to the meridian of the monk.

The power that belongs to the earth veins,

It is equivalent to the aura that the monk draws.

If there is no outsider's teaching, monks will not be able to practice, let alone carry Zhou Tian, ​​let alone the primordial veins without wisdom to speak of.

Therefore, Shennong uses the power of the prehistoric geomancy map to help the earth veins carry the "spiritual energy" and run the Great Zhoutian to help them "cultivation"!


It took several years, and Shennong tried his best to make the earth vein move a big week.

However, after a big week, the earth veins still did not respond.

The innate evil spirit is here!

There is no slight change.

However, Shennong did not respond to this, and still tirelessly urged the Honghuang Geography to help Dimai carry the Great Zhoutian!

In the beginning, it is often the most difficult.

With the beginning, the next step is much simpler.


Soon, another week passed.

Then it didn't take long to complete another big week.


Under the traction of the geomancy map, the power that belongs to the earth veins moves from one big week to another.


The power that belongs to the earth veins,

I gradually became familiar with this kind of operation law,

Began to adapt spontaneously.

After the thirty-six Great Zhoutians have passed, without the traction of the prehistoric geomancy maps, the power that belongs to the earth veins can already carry the Great Zhoutian spontaneously.


Shennong put away the prehistoric geomancy map.

However, what is worrying is that even after thirty-six Great Zhoutians have been in operation, there has been no change in the veins of the Primordial Land. Still in a state of being corroded by innate evil spirits.

At this time, although Shennong didn't care, the group of human masters under his hand was a little anxious.

However, seeing Shennong's appearance as the old **** was still there, everyone couldn't say anything for a while.

Finally, after the seventy-two Great Zhoutians passed, when the condition of the Primordial Vessel still hadn't improved, everyone finally couldn't help it, and asked Shennong in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, is this a failure?"

It's no wonder that they have thought so long. If it had an effect, it would have been shown long ago, and it wouldn't have not reacted until now.

It can be seen that

The method of sorting out the veins of the wasteland basically failed.


"The method of combing the earth veins is the method passed down by the holy emperor. After hearing this, do you still think this method will fail?"

Faced with everyone's concerns, Shennong just shook his head and faintly said who proposed the plan.

Sure enough, after hearing that the method of combing the earth veins was passed down by the Saint Emperor Zichen, the human masters closed their mouths one after another.

At the same time, in their hearts, there is a lot of confidence in the method of combing the earth veins.

Contemporary human race,

Under the influence of ancient legends,

For the Emperor Zichen of the ancient times, he has a fascinating self-confidence and believes that he is omnipotent.

This is the so-called blind worship.

Precisely based on this, when they heard that the method of combing the earth veins was handed down by Feng Zichen, they immediately stopped doubting the feasibility of this method, and instead believed that it was bound to succeed.


In this way, in the eyes of everyone's expectations, when the power belonging to the earth veins was carried to the 108th Great Zhoutian, the changes of the earth veins finally took place.

Although the innate evil aura that permeated the surroundings did not decrease, the content of the innate evil aura that gushed from the earth veins was actually decreasing.


The changes are so small that they are almost impossible to find. But what kind of people are everyone, even the weakest existence, with the blessing of the human aura, has the power comparable to the Da Luo Jinxian.

Therefore, any turbulence cannot be concealed from their perception. Even if this strand of change is extremely small, so is it.

"Changed, really changed!"

"His Majesty the Holy Emperor deserves to be the one who once wrestled with the Emperor of Heaven."

"The method is far beyond our imagination, it is the innate evil spirit that endangers the entire prehistoric, and it is not difficult for him, and he can easily solve it."

After perceiving the changes in the veins, everyone was overjoyed, and then frantically touted Feng Zichen.


And just when they were frantically admiring Feng Zichen, strands of extremely pure aspiration emerged from their bodies and rushed to the Emperor's Palace far away in Gouchen Star.

In the imperial palace, a picture scroll shrouded in endless divine light is floating in the center of the main hall, accepting the aspirations of sentient beings from all directions.

It can be seen that on the ancient scroll, from time to time, a figure full of divine might flashes across the body, which is extremely compelling.

If there are people from the Heavenly Court here, they will recognize the phantom of the gods appearing on the ancient scroll, and they are indeed the righteous **** of heaven and earth that maintains the normal operation of the heavenly court.


This picture is the treasure of luck of the incense gods, the best innate spiritual treasure of the gods.

In the same way, he is also the proof of Emperor Chen Tian's command of all gods.

The current Pantheon map is undoubtedly much stronger than before.

Although the previous Pantheon map was the treasure of luck in the incense gods, the prehistoric times at that time were in the congenital era, and there was almost no room for the incense gods to survive, so that the pantheon map was completely rootless.

Although there is great potential, it is completely impossible to realize.

But now, with the congenital era becoming a thing of the past, and the formal operation of heaven. Incense fire divine way gradually has a trend of great prosperity. The power of the Pantheon also increased greatly.


With the five innate tribes taking refuge in the heavens and sending their tribesmen to heaven as gods, the power of the pantheon has skyrocketed, and there is a faint tendency to surpass the innate spirit treasures.

As the treasure of luck in the incense divine way, the pantheon map will become stronger and stronger with the prosperity of incense divine way, and can even reach the level of comparable to the innate treasure.

However, the current incense divine way is far from reaching its peak, and naturally it will not make the power of the pantheon map reach the point where it is comparable to the innate treasure.

This all takes time and opportunity.



Before Dao Hua, the Great Emperor Gouchen left the Ten Thousand Gods Picture, which was severely damaged by the Demon Ancestor Luo Hui, in the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven to collect the aspirations of sentient beings to restore himself.

At the same time, he was secretly accumulating the power needed for Emperor Gouchen's resurrection.

As the ancestor of the incense divine way, how could Emperor Gouchen fall so easily?

His way of resurrection,

It is much more convenient than others.

In addition to the normal resurrection of accumulated power, Emperor Gouchen can also return from the aspiration of sentient beings.

In the predicament, there are not a few existences who can use the aspiration of sentient beings, but no one can use the aspiration of sentient beings to the limit like Emperor Gouchen.

He can not only resurrect from the aspiration of sentient beings, but also transform the aspiration of sentient beings into his own power.

In other words, as long as the sentient beings have enough aspirations, after the return, Emperor Gouchen directly refines the aspirations of sentient beings, and he can achieve the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop.


The willingness of sentient beings is very important to Emperor Gouchen.

And what Pantheon is currently doing is to accumulate enough sentient beings for the Great Emperor Gouchen.

In the deepest part of the Pantheon, the aspirations of the sentient beings who were attracted by Him all gathered here, forming a huge colorful pool.

In the center of the pool, there is a huge light cocoon, which is madly devouring the aspirations of the surrounding sentient beings.

It can be seen that the light cocoon is surrounded by countless mysterious runes, and it exudes a great atmosphere, indescribable sacred and noble.

This is a congenital fetus!

All beings are willing to force the original birth of the congenital Taoist womb.

Among them, the immortal spirit of Emperor Gouchen was born. Under the nourishment of sentient beings' aspiration, a huge transformation is taking place, a transformation to an immortal Hunyuan.

After the light cocoon shattered, it was the moment when the spirit of the Great Emperor Gouchen reached the realm of Hunyuan.

What this means: Enlightenment!

Why is the soul enlightened, not the true spirit. Then I have to say that the Great Emperor Gouchen actually has no real spirit.

Although there are many incarnations of Feng Zichen, there is only one innate immortal true spirit. Therefore, except for the deity, all his incarnations have no true spirit.

What they have is nothing but primordial spirits and divine souls.

Those who practice the Way of the Immortal Dao and Demon possess the Primordial Spirit, and those who practice the Way of the God and Demon possess the Divine Soul.

Yuanshen is a true spirit afterbirth cultivated by immortal monks in order to protect the true spirit.

Divine Soul is the aftermath of the monks who work together to protect the true spirit.

In the past, although the cultivators working together with the gods and demons were strong, their greatest weakness was the cultivation of true spirits.

For this reason, Feng Zichen painstakingly studied many cultivation methods after making great progress in his cultivation, and finally made up for this weakness of the gods and demons together.

That is, manifesting the power of the true spirit, fusing with one's own blood, and evolving into a spirit.

It can be said,

Divine soul is the outward extension of true spirit, which is similar to primordial spirit, but there are also subtle differences.

However, although the appearance of the gods and spirits made up for the weakness that the gods and demons had no primordial spirit, it also greatly increased the difficulty of the cultivation of the gods and demons together.

In other words, the way of gods and demons is about to evolve into a cultivation path dedicated to geniuses.

From the masses to the niche.

This undoubtedly laid a hidden danger for the future weakness of the Way of Gods and Demons.

This is a puzzle!

The more powerful, the more restricted.

The more you pursue perfection, the further away you are from the general public.

The prosperity of Immortal Dao and Demon Dao is not because they are good enough, but because they are able to adapt to almost all people.

Feng Zichen had already anticipated the decline of the Way of Gods and Demons. At the same time, He also had a solution, but that was all after the heaven and earth stabilized.

Not to mention it now!



The changes in the Gochen Emperor's Palace have nothing to do with Shennong and others who are combing through the territories of the human race.

In the same way, they couldn't sense it.

For them at this time,

the most important,

Or observe the changes in the veins of the wasteland.


The power belonging to the earth veins runs tirelessly, constantly carrying the Great Zhou Tian.

And with the flow of the power of the earth veins, the earth veins suddenly burst into radiance, and the powerful force was released from their bodies, and they began to reversely suppress the innate evil energy that was eroding them.

In the observation of Shennong and others, the innate evil spirit that almost dyed the earth veins black, under the suppression of the sudden burst of power of the earth veins, actually began to shrink.

From the previous situation of invading the most half of the earth veins, it shrank step by step into a small group of black energy, and it shrank in a small corner, resisting the suppression of the earth veins with difficulty.

At this point, the power of the earth veins is already very difficult to suppress the innate evil spirit. Because the innate evil spirit has been compressed to the limit.

At this time, the power of the earth vein also changed its strategy. Instead of continuing to suppress the innate evil energy, it mobilized all the power to refine the innate evil energy.

Just like the endless starry sky refining chaotic evil spirits, turn it into your own means of opposing enemies. This move of the earth vein has the same effect as the same result. It must prepare some killing methods for itself to protect itself.

The ground veins are too fragile.

Whenever a war broke out in the prehistoric land, countless earth veins would be destroyed in the war. This will undoubtedly cause great harm to Honghuang.


The earth vein has the means to protect itself.

After refining the innate evil qi, if someone spreads to the earth veins during a big battle, those who fight against it will usher in a pounding blow from the innate evil qi.

After such a few times, if there were any more people fighting against the wilds, they would have worries in their hearts and would not dare to let go of their hands and feet to destroy everything around them.

Don't let the people who destroy the ground line suffer some losses, they can't remember the lesson.

all in all,

Let the earth veins refine the innate evil spirits,

For Honghuang, it is undoubtedly a good thing.



In a blink of an eye ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It has been a thousand years since Shennong and the others sorted out the veins.

And as a thousand years passed, the innate evil energy that was closely connected to the earth veins was finally completely refined by the earth veins power.

It was also from this time that all the earth veins in the territories of the human race, the heaven and earth auras that were born, all returned to normal, no longer carrying the slightest innate evil aura.

Moreover, because of the formation of the Pangu meridian cycle, the spiritual energy produced by the current earth vein is purer than before. And the original place where the heaven and blessings were, the innate aura reappeared.

It can be seen from this that the magnitude of the changes brought about by reorganizing the earth veins this time can be said to be a reversal of the general trend of easier heaven and earth.

Of course, there are still a few places where innate aura is born.

They are all famous mountains and rivers that have never changed before the heavens and the earth, and they are originally extraordinary. This is how innate aura has been reborn during this change.

In addition to them, there are more ordinary places, and there is no reversal of the innate trend, but the concentration of acquired aura is much richer than before.


It is all the changes brought about by combing the ground veins this time.

All in all, just one sentence:

The weak are strengthened, and the strong become stronger!



"This method is wonderful!"

"According to this trend, it won't be long before the territory of our human race will become a prehistoric, first-class treasure."

"In the future, I don't know how many masters will be offered to my human race."

The changes in the territories of the human race are naturally not hidden from everyone's perception, so they are very excited.


Their excitement is still double.

I am excited about the future of the human race, but also excited about the benefits I get.

You know, those caves and blessings that give birth to innate aura are mostly their dojos!

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