Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 712: We don’t sign this sacred list

Daozu Hongjun is not happy, this is normal.

Did Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhunti Sage fight Yaochi?

No, they hit Hongjun Daozu in the face!

After all, the people who let Haotian and Yaochi go to the Emperor and Queen of the Day are also His Hongjun Dao ancestors.

In other words, they are Yaochi and Haotian, who belonged to Hongjun Daozu.

All the saints oppressing him in this way, it is clear that they do not put Hongjun Daozu in his eyes. As long as there is a trace of Hongjun Dao Ancestor in their eyes, they will not be cruel to Yaochi.

Thinking of this, how can Hongjun Daozu be happy?

They saints want face, is it possible that Hongjun Daozu doesn't want face?

Thinking of this in his mind, Hongjun Daozu's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.



Suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, Daozu Hongjun looked at Haotian in front of him and said, "I have wronged you all these years."

As he spoke, he saw him wave the dust on his hand and swept a breeze towards Haotian and Jade Lake at the lower end.

Being blown by the breeze, Haotian only felt a strong force of good fortune rising from his body, and in a flash, he recovered from his injury.

Regardless of joy, Haotian quickly looked at the jade pond in front of him.

Seeing that his face gradually returned to ruddy and his aura gradually calmed down, Haotian relieved his heart and respectfully said to Daozu, "The disciple, thank you teacher for your help."

After speaking, Haotian gave a big gift to Hongjun Daozu.

However, he didn't pay his respects at this ceremony. Just halfway through the ceremony, he was stopped by Daozu Hongjun.

"Okay, it's already precious to the emperor of heaven, how can it be the same as before."

"The dignified heaven and earth supreme, who gave such a big gift to an old man in Poor Dao, if it was passed out, what would it be like?"

"In the future, don't be like this."

Holding up Haotian with a whisk, Hongjun Daozu pretended to be angry.

"Yes, teacher, Haotian took it down."

Seeing that Hongjun Daozu was like this, Haotian didn't insist on it, and instead bowed slightly.

In this way, Hongjun Daozu's expression slowed down.

"Pan Dao already knows your intentions."

"In the past few years, your seniors have really done a little too much, and even the poor Dao can't pass it."

"It's just that if you don't come to seek poor Dao, poor Dao wouldn't be able to stand up for you, so as not to be called partial."

"However, since you are here today, the poor Dao also has the right to make decisions for you."

After Haotian's mood stabilized, Daozu Hongjun said slowly. However, what he said was that Haotian's face was blushing.

It turned out that it was Hongjun Daozu who was unwilling to help Haotian, but Haotian didn't take the initiative to speak.

Haotian didn't speak, how did Hongjun Daozu know that he was wronged?

Dao Zu Qi Hongjun thought that if Haotian didn't fight back or cursed, he was holding back what is bad and paralyzing the other party. Be prepared to punish each other fiercely at a critical moment.

If this is the case, Hongjun Daozu rashly stepped in, wouldn't it be the "thing" that broke Haotian?

For this reason, even if he knew that Haotian was wronged, Daozu Hongjun did not help.

If you don’t speak when you are wronged, then who is wronged if you are not wronged? Is it possible to expect the other party to pity you?

It's ridiculous!

You are the one who is bullying!

Haotian really couldn't hold his head up because of the words of Hongjun Daozu. Over the years, it is precisely because of his weakness that the saint has become more and more oppressive against him.

If he behaved a little tougher, or ran directly to the Zixiao Palace to complain, then the saint would not dare not put him in his eyes.

"Sorry teacher, Haotian knew it was wrong."

Only at this moment did Haotian want to understand that he is different from Di Jun, he is a person with a background. Even if he turned his face with the saint directly, the saint could not help him.

Because he is the man of Hongjun Daozu.

To bully him is to hit Hongjun Daozu in the face.

This is also the reason why Hongjun Daozu was uncharacteristically back then, supporting Haotian as the emperor of heaven. It is for the Haotian platform, clearly telling all saints that Haotian is his person.

But it's a pity that I don't know what's going on with Haotian. After so many years, I didn't try to figure out the meaning of Hongjun Daozu. He was bullied by others for so many years.

Therefore, in a sense, most of the grievances that Haotian has suffered over the years have come from him.

"Do you really want to understand?"

"If you want to understand, take Yaochi to stay and see how Peng Dao can give you an explanation."

A little angry stared at Haotian, Hongjun Daozu said.

Upon seeing this, Haotian smiled wryly, and took Yaochi, who had just woke up with an unknown face, and walked to the side.



"You come to Zixiao Palace soon!"

Dao Ancestor Hongjun's heart moved, and his majestic voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the Six Saints.

Hearing this, the Six Saints were startled first, and then did not dare to neglect, and hurried to the Zixiao Palace.

However, in addition to the Six Saints, another person was called to the Zixiao Palace by Hongjun Daozu.

That is Feng Zichen!

The Six Saints were called to the Zixiao Palace, there was nothing surprising, after all, this matter had something to do with them. The strange thing is, what did Daozu call Feng Zichen for?

In this regard, Feng Zichen also expressed his doubts. Can the matter of enshrining the gods have anything to do with him?

Although, there are three hundred sixty-five gods on the list of conferred gods, which is the same as the number of stars in Zhou Tian. But these gods really have nothing to do with Zhou Tian's stars.

The power of the Zhoutian divine position is the manifestation of the power of authority, either relying on the heavens and the earth, or relying on the rules, or even relying on the power of incense and aspirations.

But it definitely does not come from Zhou Tian's stars.

Because, if there was no Feng Zichen, Zhou Tianxing would have been destroyed by the Lich in a decisive battle. In his previous life, there were no Zhoutian stars. How could those Heavenly Court righteous gods borrow the power of Zhoutian stars?

Is this unhappy?

Therefore, the position of the heavenly righteous **** has nothing to do with Zhou Tianxing.

In that case, Dao Hongjun's purpose in inviting him to the Zixiao Palace is somewhat intriguing.

However, no matter what Hongjun Daozu's purpose is, Feng Zichen is going to go. He couldn't guess anything here, but when he arrived at the Purple Cloud Palace, he naturally understood.

Thinking like this in his heart, Feng Zichen directly soared into the sky and entered the chaos beyond the sky after the Six Saints.



As soon as he entered the Zixiao Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun saw Haotian sitting on the side. In an instant, he understood why Dao Ancestor Hongjun had called them over.

This guy must have come to file a complaint.

Thinking about it this way, Yuanshi Tianzun felt that there was an anger rising in his heart, but he also knew that this place was the Zixiao Palace, not the place where he went wild.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun suppressed his anger, found his place and sat down, turning his head away from looking at Haotian. At the same time, he was still thinking about how to respond to Haotian after he went out.

On the other side, the Saint Zhunti, who had the same thoughts as Yuanshi Tianzun, also sat in his place with no expression on his face. Silently thinking about how to deal with Haotian.

Not long after the Six Saints took the seat, Feng Zichen also hurried over. After seeing him glance at the hall, Yu Haotian found a place to sit down beside him.

When the people were all together, Hongjun Daozu just showed up and sat in the first place.

"Today, there are Xuanmen disciples who do not cultivate virtue, are lawless, despise Tianwei, and have no heaven and earth, so that they will attract calamity, and then perform heaven and earth killing and robbery."

As soon as he appeared, Dao Zu Hongjun said so.

And after he finished speaking, everyone felt a change in the heavenly way, and then the heavenly secret began to become blurred, chaotic, and could no longer see the slightest.

However, just before the day's machine completely turned into chaos, everyone had clearly understood the origin of this killing from the revelation of the heavens.

The killing and robbery, called Immortal God Killing robbery, was caused by the fact that some immortals did not respect the Emperor of Heaven.

What is the Emperor of Heaven?

The ruler of all beings in the world, at the same time, is also the incarnation of the way of heaven.

Not respecting the emperor of heaven means not respecting the heaven and the earth, that is, not respecting the way of heaven.

To despise the Emperor of Heaven, even to slap him in the face, is to slap Heaven and Earth in the face, and slap Heaven in the face.

In the prehistoric times, saints should not call their names directly, and heaven and earth should not be insulted.

Violation will result in calamity.

However, the disciples of Chanjiao had committed all of these, so they naturally provoke killing and robbery for themselves.

Of course, just so, this killing and robbery will not evolve into a killing and robbery against all the immortals.

After all, the mistakes made by the disciples of Chanjiao were so great, it was already the limit to be able to provoke killings and calamities for oneself, and it did not stop at affecting all the fairy gods.

The main reason that really caused this slaughter was the backlash of the innate ways.

In order to seize the opportunity of the acquired era, Sanqing directly abolished the ten thousand innate ways and replaced them with the ten thousand ways in the future.

Although they were successful in this move, they also offended all the innate ways to death.

Can there be no price for changing the world?

The backlash of the innate ten thousand Dao, how can it not be Sanqing, how can it not be the Tianxian Dao? Therefore, the backlash from the Innate Ways all fell on the Heavenly Immortal Way.

Although this backlash is strong, it will be completely wiped out one day as the day after tomorrow grows stronger. However, there is a prerequisite for all of this, that is, under no accidents.

But at this time, the disciples of Chanjiao angered the Dao of Heaven because they despised the Emperor of Heaven, and incurred killing and robbery for themselves.

It was this killing and calamity, he was like an introduction, which directly detonated the backlash of the innate ten thousand ways, thus deriving a calamity against the entire heavenly immortal way.

This is a counterattack against the inherent ten thousand ways.

Therefore, in this killing and calamity, all cultivators who practice the acquired path, regardless of their origin, are in the calamity and must save the calamity.

Spent, at ease!

However, the body died away!



After understanding the reason, San Qing's face suddenly went black.

They didn't expect that after the creation of the Heavenly Immortal Dao, there were still so many troubles waiting for them to solve.

However, that is the case, Sanqing has no regrets at all. Nothing, just because compared with the trouble it brings, the benefits of the Heavenly Immortal Dao are greater.

Unlike Sanqing, who had a black face, the rest of the saints were more indifferent after understanding the cause of the robbery.

Nu Wa was still expressionless, as if it had nothing to do with her, and she was hanging up high. Obviously, he didn't know at this time that this killing and robbery was started by his hand.

If you really want to know, he probably won't get up indifferently.

Zhunti and Xiuying both wrinkled their faces, as if they were worried that this catastrophe would spread to their west.

After all, those who despise the heavens also have their share of the West.

As for Feng Zichen, he almost wrote the four characters gloating on his face. His expression was extremely bad, and if it wasn't the Zixiao Palace, I was afraid that he would start beating him early in the morning.

"Since you have known the cause of this catastrophe, the poor Dao won't give much narration."

"To call you to wait today is not for this reason, but for another matter."

With that, a list appeared in Daozu Hongjun's hand and placed it in front of everyone.

"Master, is this?"

Feeling the strong fluctuations on the list, Taiqing Saint couldn't help but ask.

"This treasure is a book from the heavens, also known as the list of enshrined gods. Today, if you are called here, it is related to this treasure."

"The death of the immortal gods erupts, and there are bound to be countless immortal gods who are still living. However, the heaven has the virtue of good life, so it leaves a ray of life for the creatures in the robbery."

"And this ray of vitality lies in the body of the Fengshen Bang."

"Stay famous on the list, if you are dead, you can use this treasure to entrust the true spirit."

"The unnamed people on the list will be ashamed if they die, and hundreds of millions of years of cultivation will be turned into flowing water."

Pointing to the Conferred God List, Hongjun Daozu revealed its function.

However, after hearing about the function of Fengshen Bang, everyone was not happy, but frowned.

In this world, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. Since the function of this list of gods is so overwhelming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can keep people real and immortal, it can't be costless to use it.

You know, in this world, if you want to be immortal, you can only cultivate to the realm of Da Luo Dao Zun. And this list of gods can actually make people like Da Luo Dao Zun, keeping the true spirit immortal.

This alone is enough to go against the sky.

But that's it, Sanqing will worry about it. The more things that are against the sky, the greater the price you have to pay after using them.

"Those who remain on the list are driven by the list owner, and their life and death are the hands of the list owner."

After being silent for a while, Hongjun Daozu slowly revealed the cost of staying on the list.

Hearing this, everyone secretly said as expected.

At the cost of freedom, this is the only way to meet the "gift" of the Fengshen Bang.

This is equivalent exchange.

You entrust your life and death to me, and I give you the power of immortality.

To be honest, keeping a name on the Conferred God List is indeed a rare good thing for some cultivators of the Celestial Path.

Because most of the cultivators of the Heavenly Immortal Dao have spent their entire lives, and it is impossible to cultivate to the realm of immortality.

But as long as they stay on the list of conferred gods, although they have lost their freedom, they will be immortal from then on.

From this point of view, they still made a profit.

However, for the saints, this is absolutely intolerable to them.

Because, how can they be willing to see that the disciples they have cultivated so hard are enslaved by His people?

Therefore, they do not sign this list of gods!

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