Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 732: Rebuilding the Giant City

Outside of the prehistoric world, in the sea of ​​bounds, there are still four hundred Da Luo Dao Zuns in the human race.

These are the direct lines of Feng Zichen, the foundation of the way of gods and demons, and the biggest trump card of the human race.

Counting down, there are more than a thousand Da Luo Dao Zun of Human Race. This power, although still incomparable to the Lich Clan at its peak, was definitely able to contend with it.

Terran has risen!

But this is not enough!

Although the human race is becoming stronger, the saints are not standing still, they are also becoming stronger.

If it were a saint who had just become enlightened, with the current strength of the human race, perhaps it was not afraid of saints. But now, it is clearly not possible.

Because the saints now are much stronger than the saints back then. If the human race wants to not fear the saints and get rid of their control, they need to continue to grow stronger.

Become stronger! Become stronger! Be stronger again!


Feng Zichen summoned these Human Race Innate Dao Venerables, the purpose of which is not to fight the saints as everyone thought, but to increase the strength of the Human Race.

As for why sentient beings think so, it can only be said that they are scaring themselves.

To become stronger is not accomplished overnight, but a gradual process.

In ancient times, the human race had the Five Elements Taoist scripture, which was used to build the foundation and increase the strength of the human race.

But the human race back then was much stronger than the current human race. Moreover, the Five Elements Taoist Sutra is a foundation-building exercise that complements the Tao of Gods and Demons.

Now, it is a bit outdated after all.

For this reason, Feng Zichen specially called these Da Luo Dao Zuns, in order to fit the wisdom of everyone, and promote a new practice suitable for the whole human race to popularize it in the human race.

He wants to use this technique to spread the world of martial arts and thoroughly popularize martial arts among the human race.

If everyone in the world is like a dragon, how dare the saint continue to calculate the human race?

This exercise can be said to carry Feng Zichen's great aspirations.


It took thousands of years for everyone to work together to create a martial art, which is the general outline of martial arts in the world, which Feng Zichen called "Martial Art".

"Wu Dian" is ready, Feng Zichen first carved it on the martial arts monument, and then displayed the supreme magical powers, scattered it around the human race, for the world's human race to browse.

As soon as Wudian came out, the human luck shook. Although it didn't improve much, it became more stable. Compared with the slight changes in human luck, the changes in martial arts luck are much greater.

It had skyrocketed several times more than before, and overwhelmed the Heavenly Immortal Dao in one fell swoop, before it gradually stopped.

And this is just the beginning. With the popularity of martial arts in the human race, martial arts will become stronger and stronger until it takes the Xuanmen Immortal Tao and replaces it and becomes the mainstream of the prehistoric.

After the performance of the martial arts, Feng Zichen did not let everyone leave, but pulled them to perform the humanity and supernatural powers together.

What is humanity and supernatural power?

That is, the magical powers that are useful to the human race.

God is for human use!

Feng Zichen This is to integrate magical powers into the daily lives of the people.

The monk can lift the clouds and drive the fog, call the wind and call the rain. But mortals cannot.

It takes a few days, even months, for a monk to travel between one city and one place.

A monk can eat or drink, but a mortal can't. The monk does not need to work at sunrise and rest at sunset, but mortals do.

What Feng Zichen has to do is to change this situation.

He wants to study some magical powers, so that ordinary human races can be rescued from endless labor, so that they have time to practice martial arts.

Feng Zichen popularized martial arts and brought the human race into the stage of cultivation for the whole people, but mortals have to run for their livelihoods every day, so where can they have time to practice?

Therefore, Feng Zichen wants to change this situation.

Humanity and supernatural powers are born for this.

Incorporate magical powers into the daily lives of ordinary people to help them reduce the time spent on labor and thus have more time for cultivation.

To put it bluntly, the so-called humane supernatural powers are the "high-tech" version of Xianxia!

In the event of a severe drought, rain with magical powers.

If there are too many weeds in the ground, use magical powers to weed.

If the weather is too hot, use magical powers to cool down.

If the weather is too cold, heat it with magical powers.


In short, it is to manipulate the environment with magical powers to change it from uncontrollable to controllable.

If it is said to be supernatural power, it must exist in the form of supernatural power if it is impossible. Naturally, it is how convenient it is.

It can be a spell, a magic weapon, or a formation disk.

For example, it can automatically adjust the temperature spell, which is not much more convenient than air conditioning?

Is a flying boat powered by Good Fortune Pill more convenient than a car? Can the car fly?

The array disk that can automatically drive dust is much easier to use than a sweeping robot.

And so on, the technology that Feng Zichen saw in his previous life will be reproduced by him with extraordinary means.

These are the tasks that Feng Zichen gave to Daluo Dao Zun of Human Race, turning them from ideas into reality.


In the ancestral land of the human race, Feng Zichen used the supreme supernatural powers to draw all the Daluo Daoists of the human race into his dreams, and led them to appreciate the style of interstellar civilization.

"Everyone, the scene in the widow's dream, you have all seen it."

After waking up from the dream, Feng Zichen said to the next crowd.

"I saw it, it's very exciting."

"This is a civilization that is different from the immortal system. It seems to have developed external forces to the limit, which can give us a lot of inspiration."

After regaining consciousness, everyone said with some intent. They really took a good look at this dream journey.

Unexpectedly, there are other civilizations in the world.

That light brain, that network, that spaceship, mecha, genetic modification...It's really refreshing.

It's just a pity, it's just a dream, it's all illusory and non-existent.

Otherwise, if they can feel for tens of thousands of years in that interstellar civilization, then they may not have the possibility of one step closer.

The collision of civilizations and the impact of ideas will spark the spark of wisdom. And these sparks of wisdom will be the capital for everyone to move closer.

"It's good to see it, and the widow is relieved."

"How do you think what you saw in your dream? It seems true and illusion?"

Nodded, Feng Zichen asked.

"Your Majesty forgive us, we are ignorant and cannot see the truth or falsehood in the dream."

"But from those creations, we can see that the realm of dreams has great wisdom!"

The crowd thought for a moment before they replied.

Feng Zichen's dream world seemed to be true and illusion, and with their strength, it was indeed difficult to distinguish the true from the false. But this does not prevent them from studying the things in dreams.

Judging from their years of cultivation experience, it is indeed a civilization different from the immortal system, and it does not seem to belong to the prehistoric.

"Perhaps, everything in the previous dream did not exist, but at this moment, if it can be seen by you, then it is true."

"This is the charm of practice, turning the fictitious into reality, turning the false into truth, and turning the impossible into possibility."

After listening to everyone's answers, Feng Zichen said slowly, but he was pointing to the true meaning of their cultivation.

There is nothing that cultivation cannot do. If there is, it means that you are not too strong.

The practice of turning the false into the real is to turn everything that is illusory into real. Even if it is just a dream, it can be turned into reality.

"Thank your majesty for advice!"

Hearing this, everyone prayed.

"It's okay, there are requirements for a few people to point you."

"Now that you have seen everything in the dream, you should know its importance to my human race."

"So, the widow wants you to refine it by means of immortality for the use of the human race."

"So, you can do it?"

Waved his hand, Feng Zichen asked.

"We are determined to live up to your majesty's trust." Everyone stood up and assured Feng Zichen.

In other words, it was Da Luo Dao Zun, it was not difficult to refine what he saw.

Feng Zichen's request still couldn't help them.

"Since you are confident, the widow won't say anything. I just hope you can understand that the future of the human race lies with you."

After speaking, Feng Zichen's figure disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The task has been given, and there is no need for him to stay here. After all, it's the emperor, and there are too many things on his body.


After leaving the crowd, Feng Zichen returned to the Palace of the Emperor and called the disciples of Jiejiao and Chanjiao one after another.

The purpose is to thank them for their contributions to the human race. Second, it is a new task that must be handed over to them.

That is to build a city for the human race!

That's right, it is the construction of the city, the construction of the giant city of the ancient human race.

In ancient times, Feng Zichen led the human race to build a lot of giant cities on the wild land to resist the invasion of foreign races.

That human giant city, where the stars should go up and the dragon veins underneath, can be combined with the power of the two to nurture the dragon's energy and defend against foreign enemies. It is truly mysterious.

It is a pity that after the First War of the Ancients, the Human Race lost to the power of the Demon Race and was forced to sink into ruin. The giant city previously built was also destroyed in the hands of the Demon Race, becoming a great regret for the Human Race.

If those giant cities were still there, the human race's current strength might be stronger.

Now that Feng Zichen is in charge of the human race, he naturally has plans to rebuild the giant city.

No, it should be said that it is God City.

Because the conditions for building a giant city are much better than those in ancient times.

In ancient times, to build a giant city, it was necessary to first explore the terrain and find the location of the dragon veins. But now, it is no longer needed.

In the territories of the human race, there are three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples. And these Zhoutian temples are the best coordinates.

If the Terran is to rebuild the giant city, there is no need to explore the terrain and seek the dragon veins, and just use these Zhoutian temples as the center to build the giant city.

They are all above the nodes of the earth veins, and each is a unique place of good fortune, and even the stars of the sky are hanging down, attracting the boundless star power.

The giant city built here can no longer be said to be a giant city, but should be called a **** city.


As for why the disciples of Interpretation and Religion should be used to build the **** city for the Human Race, in addition to wooing them, it is more because they are more familiar with the giant city of the ancient Human Race.

When Feng Zichen was building a giant city for the human race, he was completely refined by Bora as a magic weapon.

This move can be said to be the pinnacle of the cognition of the Primordial Monk.

It turns out that magic weapons can still be practiced in this way.

This groundbreaking move has really attracted many people to observe the human giant city to understand its structure and refining methods.

The disciples of Chanjiao and Jiejiao are among them.

Therefore, after the ancient human race fell, the disciples of the two teachings became the people who knew the human giant city best.

Counting the entire human race, I couldn't find a few people who knew the human giant city better than them. Those who know better than them, most of them are dead, and a small part of them are in Boundary Sea.

For this reason, the two teaching disciples became Feng Zichen's best choice.

He was not afraid that the disciples of the two teachings would refuse.

Because, when the human race was sinking and the demons wanted to destroy the traces of the human race, the disciples of the two teachings had secretly taken away several giant cities of the human race for collection.

What is cause and effect, this is it.

With this cause and effect, Feng Zichen is not afraid of the two teaching disciples' rejection.

Who told them to be greedy?


In the sky, the human race became the protagonist of heaven and earth,

Geographically, there are three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples,

Renhe, the two teach disciples.

Calculating according to this, the right time and place, and the presence of people, is the best opportunity for Feng Zichen to build the city of God. He has no reason to refuse.



Under the threat of cause and effect, the disciples of the two religions finally agreed to build a **** city for the human race, but the human race is still responsible for the materials needed to build the city.

In this regard, Feng Zichen has nothing to do with it, this is what it should be.

With the current background of the human race, it is more than enough to come up with the materials to build the city of God. It is said that the drizzle is a bit exaggerated, but it has not reached the point where it hurts the bones.

After all, Human Race has not developed in vain over the years, but has accumulated some foundations.

Now what Feng Zichen wants to do ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to transform all the human heritage into strength.


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed.

After a thousand years of preparation, the project to build the city of God was finally put on the agenda by the disciples of the two teachings and began to take action.

Thousands of years are enough time for the martial arts to be spread in the human race, causing a lot of changes in the human race.

After all, in this world, martial arts can really change fate. For this reason, I don't know how many people yearn for martial arts.

Now that there is a better introductory exercise, everyone is naturally eager to practice.

For a time, the human race has set off a craze for martial arts, and more and more people are practicing martial arts.

Martial Dao is prospering, and the rest of the Dao traditions are naturally affected, and both the Dao of Gods and Demons and the Dao of Immortals have a tendency to weaken.

Immortal Dao is fortunate, with deep roots, even if it is weak, it will not shake its roots. But the way of gods and demons is no longer good, it has been abandoned by the times, and it is about to become a legend.

If it weren't for the martial art, Feng Zichen had also created it, then the conditions of the way of the gods and demons were enough to vomit blood with anger.

The defeat is so terrible, they are almost extinct.

In the ancestral land, those Daluo Dao Zun have also achieved some results, and they are undergoing final debugging and put them into use.

Everything is developing in a good direction, the human race as a whole is showing a growing trend, and the luck is getting stronger and stronger.

If nothing happens, it is estimated that in tens of thousands of years, Feng Zichen will be able to successfully condense the fruit of his own human emperor.

Unfortunately, changes always happen inadvertently.

It's saints!

They are going to attack the human race.

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