Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 760: Plan Tai Chi Diagram

The blood altar, this is a treasure specially created by Feng Zichen to resurrect the fallen human masters.

After endless years, the human masters who died in the battle of the ancient monsters butchers, except for the part that died at the hands of Emperor Taiyi, have been resurrected by him.

What kind of cultivation is Emperor Jun Taiyi? A character who can go shopping with a saint when he is not enlightened.

How powerful is their power?

Even the quasi-saint masters, who received a blow from them, would have their true spirits broken, and it would be difficult to return. Not to mention the human masters who have not yet achieved Da Luo Dao Zun.

Died by the hand of Emperor Taiyi, their bodies, souls, true spirits, everything was smashed to pieces, completely vanished.

Even the traces of its existence were almost completely obliterated.

That is to say, Feng Zichen's strength was too strong, Emperor Jun Taiyi could not obliterate his memory, so that he remembered the existence of these human heroes.

Otherwise, these human heroes will be completely forgotten by the world and buried in history.

The human race that can be qualified to be killed by Emperor Juntai himself may not be a big deal in the prehistoric world, but it is definitely the top existence when placed in the human race.

Under the Nine Kings of the Human Race, the most powerful group of masters, each of them has a half-step Da Luo Dao Zun realm, and each of them has transformed into the body of innate gods and demons.

It is the mainstay of the human race.

It is also the earliest batch of innate gods and demons in Taikoo martial arts.

If they hadn't died in that battle, they would be Da Luo Dao Zun the last time.

But unfortunately, they died, and their deaths were miserable, and the traces of their existence were about to be completely wiped out.

Now, the only evidence that can prove that they existed is the memory in Feng Zichen's mind.

It stands to reason that these people are not Da Luo Dao Zun, and the true spirit cannot be immortal. His people have died to such an extent, there is almost no possibility of resurrection.

Anyway, the blood altar can't do it.

Although the blood altar is effective against the sky, it can not be resurrected by everyone.

It is also conditional to resurrect living creatures. It needs the blood, or true spirit, left behind during its lifetime. No matter how bad it is, it will be a ray of blood.

But these human heroes left nothing. No matter how powerful the blood altar was, it couldn't meet the conditions it needed, and it couldn't change into a person out of thin air.

In theory, these human heroes are completely dead, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

However, Feng Zichen's strength is really too strong.

Relying on the memory in his mind, he distorted the boundary between reality and illusion, causing them to overlap, actually reflecting the human heroes who only existed in his memory into reality.

Under Feng Zichen's power, the traces of the human heroes that had long since disappeared slowly reappeared, and everything was returning to the right track.

Then after countless years of nurturing, their true spirits are slowly reuniting.

Now, at this moment, these human heroes, it is almost time to return.

Originally, Feng Zichen intended to resurrect them in a pinnacle posture, and then sent them to experience in the sea of ​​bounds, conquer all worlds, in order to seek the opportunity to break through Da Luo Dao Zun.

But now, with the turmoil of the human race, Feng Zichen changed his mind. He wants these human race heroes to stay in the wild world, and let them reincarnate into the human race, and start all over again.

The younger generation of human race may not be the opponent of the reincarnation of the ancient strong. But the reincarnation of these human heroes is absolutely possible.

Because as early as the ancient times, they had already completed an incredible transformation, from ordinary acquired creatures to innate gods and demons.

No doubt, some of these ancient powerhouses who reincarnated into the human race were beheaded by the human heroes.

This kind of thing is really hard to say.


In Feng Zichen's hands, the blood altar suddenly turned around, and blood beams bloomed from it, illuminating the entire void, reflecting a strange and ominous atmosphere.

Afterwards, I saw illusory shadows shining out from the blood altar, falling towards the land of the human race.

These shadows are the heroic spirits of the ancient human heroes. Now, they are leaving the blood altar and rushing to the land of the human race, just to reincarnate the human race.

They are the heroes of the ancient human race, and their treatment is naturally comparable to that of ordinary people. The process of their reincarnation was all arranged by Feng Zichen, without going through the six reincarnations.

It was seen that after the human spirits came to the human land, they did not plunge into the mortal womb, but stayed in the air, fusing with the surrounding innate spirit.

At the same time, in the endless starry sky, Zhou Tian's stars trembled inexplicably, with starlight hanging down, contrasting with the human spirits one by one, helping them condense their bodies.

Feng Zichen wanted them to be born as innate human races.

They are innate gods and demons, and heroes of the human race. It would be too much to allow them to be born again in the future.

Therefore, Feng Zichen arranged their identities as the innate human race.

The higher starting point is entrusted by Feng Zichen's best wishes to them.

I wish them even higher achievements.

By the way, just the innate creatures are not enough, Feng Zichen is even more motivating the power of Zhou Tian and the stars, giving them a star life.

The innate human race born at the order of the stars, this identity can already be said to be the top innate creature, second only to the innate gods and demons.

"Friends of Taoism, this resurrection of you is the beginning of witnessing your glory."

"The throne of the king, if you are interested, you can do what you can, get it in your hands, fulfill the dream that was not completed in the ancient times, and become the supreme king of the party."

Looking at the human heroes who were gathering their bodies, Feng Zichen looked at them a little expectantly before slowly retracting his gaze.

To them,

Feng Zichen is always a little different.

After all, these are all his fellow daoists!

Those who have grown up together, struggled together, and fought side by side. Until now, it's not a relief to see you again.


After arranging the former Daoist friends, Feng Zichen did not take back the blood altar, but placed it in the void and fiddled with it seriously.

He is going to resurrect a big guy.

No, that's not true.

He is trying to resurrect an extremely ancient existence.

In other words, he intends to summon the imprint of the incomparably ancient existence to see if he can replace it, just like his incarnation, replacing the Eastern Prince.

The existence that Feng Zichen wants to resurrect is extremely ancient and extremely noble, and its origins can be traced back to the beginning of the world.

It is called the ancestor of yin and yang, born at the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, and is the innate sacred bred by the way of innate yin and yang.

His ancient, beyond imagination, is the first batch of creatures conceived after the birth of the prehistoric world. Although it was not as the first born of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, it was also the first ten creatures born in the prehistoric times.

The way of yin and yang, the principle of movement and static, and the magic of Tai Chi, its Tao contains everything and contains everything.

As the innate sacred bred by the innate yin and yang way, the power of the ancestor of yin and yang can be imagined.

It's just that, for a powerful existence like him, few people know about it. Everything about him was concealed by people with great magic power.

The reason is that the ancestor of Yin and Yang died, and Luo Hu, the devil ancestor, used the four swords of Zhuxian to crush the innate immortal true spirit and destroy all its traces.

At the same time, the demon ancestor Luo Hu used the devil's energy to suppress the true spirit fragments of the Yin and Yang ancestor, completely cutting off the possibility of his resurrection.

If you want to resurrect the yin and yang ancestors, you can, as long as you break the devil's luck.

But how difficult is it to destroy the devil's luck?

It is almost impossible.

As the saying goes, the evil thoughts will not disappear, the magic way will last forever. Unless the prehistoric world is shattered, otherwise, the magic way will never be destroyed.

It may be weak, but it will never be destroyed.

The innate immortal true spirit of the ancestor of Yin and Yang was suppressed by Demon Dao Qi Yun, and there was never a chance to get out, which was tantamount to a complete fall.

Of course, in order to suppress the yin and yang ancestor, the devil ancestor Luo Hu did not pay any price. After completely suppressing the ancestors of Yin and Yang, Mo Dao permanently lost part of its Qi Luck.

This is also the reason why Magic Dao has not been able to prosper.

Out of luck!

Even Daxing can't last long.

The ancestor of Yin and Yang was able to force the devil ancestor Luo Hu to pay such a high price, and he must be completely beheaded, which shows how deeply the devil ancestor hates him.

Can you not hate if you destroy the enemies of the mountain gate?

The ancestor of Yin and Yang, in addition to being the oldest innate sacred, he was also one of the pioneers of Xuanmen Immortal Dao.

His position in Xuanmen is second only to the ancestor Hongjun, and he is the number two figure in Xuanmen.

In the early days of the ancient times, when the rebellion of the ancient fierce beasts had just passed, the three oldest innate gods and demons, Hongjun Daozu, Yinyang Daozu, and Qiankun Daozu, performed immortal ways and opened mysterious doors on the Yujing Peak of Kunlun Mountain.

At that time, feeling the power of the three deities, a group of innate gods and demons chose to become their followers.

And this is the original mysterious door.

These three people, Hongjun Daozu, Yin Yang ancestor, Qiankun ancestor, were also called the three great founders of the Immortal Dao by the disciples of the Xuanmen at that time.

In the battle between the immortals and demons at the end of the ancient times, it was the ancestors of Yin and Yang and the ancestor Qiankun who joined forces to break through the gate of the demon gate, overturned Mount Xumi, and destroyed the foundation of the demon ancestor Luo Hu for many years.

It is precisely because of this that the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu hates these two people to the bone, and will completely kill them at all costs.

One of the three founders of Xuanmen, one of the two best friends of Daozu Hongjun, and one of the people most hated by Demonzu Luohu.

This kind of background is really amazing.

But this is not Feng Zichen's purpose to resurrect him.

Feng Zichen's purpose in resurrecting the ancestors of Yin and Yang is very simple, and that is to deal with the Taiqing saints. To be more precise, it is a plot to open the heavens and treasure Taiji in the hands of the Taiqing saints.

It is not enough to seize the Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. Feng Zichen also wants to steal the Taiji Figure from the Taiqing Saint's hands.

Since the Taiqing Saint cannot be killed, Feng Zichen intends to teach the Taiqing Saint an unforgettable lesson, so that he knows that Human Race is not so easy to calculate.

I believe that the loss of the Taiji diagram will definitely make the Taiqing saints remember their lives.

This idea is indeed very good, but it is almost impossible to **** the Kaitian Zhibao Taiji Tu from the hands of the Taiqing saints.

The sages of Taiqing are not muddled, so how can they let Taijitu be snatched away? Moreover, Tai Chi Tu has been in his hands for so long, and he has long been sacrificed to the point of psychic.

In this way, if the Taiji Tu could be snatched away by outsiders, then the Taiqing saint would simply commit suicide.

It's really shameful.

Having said that, nothing is absolute.

For others, it is impossible to **** the Taiji Figure from the Taiqing Saint's hands, but for the ancestors of Yin and Yang, it is not necessarily.

Because, the original owner of the Taiji Tu, one of the three great treasures of opening the sky, was the ancestor of Yin and Yang. It can even be said that Tai Chi Tu is the companion treasure of the yin and yang ancestors.

After all, the ancestor of Yin and Yang is one of the greatest congenital sacreds. It is directly conceived from the origin of heaven and earth, and it is not a weird thing to be accompanied by the Taiji figure, the treasure of Kaitian.

After the fall of the ancestor of Yin and Yang, Dao ancestor Hongjun took the Taiji diagram and gave it to the Taiqing saint shortly after.

With this cause and effect, the ancestors of Yin and Yang have the qualifications to take away the Tai Chi Tu, the treasure of the sky, from the hands of the Taiqing saints.

No, that can't be called seizure, it should be said that the thing is returned to the original owner. That's the right way to say it.

Taiji Tu, originally the thing of the yin and yang ancestors, now takes it back from the hands of the Taiqing saints~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is exactly the thing returned to the original owner, which can not be said to be taken.

Moreover, if the ancestor of Yin and Yang confronted the sage of Taiqing, no matter how selfish the ancestor Hongjun was, he would not play against him. There is also cause and effect between the two of Him.

At most, the two are not helping each other.

This plan is very feasible!



In the void,

The blood altar was running frantically,

The blood swept out, submerged in the wild world, collecting the breath left by the ancestor Luo Yin and Yang everywhere.

With the movement of the blood altar, the group of innate yin and yang air suspended above the altar became clearer and clearer.

This group of innate yin and yang energy came from the ancestor of yin and yang, but Feng Zichen asked for it from the ancestor dragon. I don't know where he got it from.

Perhaps, Zulong also wants to take the yin and yang ancestor instead, and then use this to calculate Hongjun Dao ancestor is not necessarily. However, seeing that the ancestors of Yin and Yang could not be resurrected in the end, he gave up this plan.

Zulong's inability to do it does not mean that Feng Zichen could not do it. This is not because he is better than Zulong, but because he has someone in the magic gate.

Return to the market and the demons!

The new sect master and great elder of the magic gate.

This means that the first and second leaders of the magic door are Feng Zichen people.

If not,

He is also not sure to resurrect the yin and yang ancestors.

If only the blood altar can resurrect the yin and yang ancestors, that would be too underestimate of the methods of the demon ancestor Luo Hu.

Completely "killing" is not just talking.

If you want to resurrect the ancestors of Yin and Yang, you must use special methods.

Seeing that the innate yin and yang aura on the blood altar was not growing, Feng Zichen knew that the blood altar had reached its limit.

At this time, you need to use other means.

Thinking of this, Feng Zichen contacted Guixu and the heart demon, allowing them to shake the demon's luck.

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