Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 839: The chaos demons who want to curse Feng Zichen


After swallowing the chaotic true spirit of the Seven Emotions Demon God, the area of ​​the Eternal Demon Abyss has expanded again by a large amount, and the void has become more stable, faintly, and solidified by three points.

Looking at the performance of Eternal Demon Abyss, Feng Zichen felt that perhaps it would not be necessary to summon nine Chaos Demon Gods, and Eternal Demon Abyss could truly be born.

His previous estimate was still too much.

Thinking about this, Feng Zichen sacrificed the Hongmeng Dao Bell, and wanted to urge the Hongmeng Qi to baptize the void here, beside him, the heart demon seemed to be aware of it and suddenly entered the enlightenment.

Feng Zichen thought about this and was relieved. The heart demon follows the path of seven emotions and six desires, whether it is the chaotic true spirit of the seven emotions demon god, or the chaotic true spirit of the six desire demon gods, for him, it is a great tonic.

Right now, the Eternal Demon Abyss has successively devoured the true spirits of these two chaotic demon gods, and at the same time it has greatly increased its origin, it is also denying its own master.

The heart demon was denied by the Eternal Demon Abyss, and suddenly got a lot of mystery about the Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

The way of the Chaos Demon God is the inheritance of the Great Dao. It is far more mysterious than the innate ways of the primordial world. This is the eternal method.

If the inner demon can comprehend a bit, then his assurance of becoming a Hunyuan will undoubtedly be much greater. After this time, the time for the enlightenment of the heart demon will be shortened by at least millions of years.

Secretly using magical powers to send the heart demon aside, Feng Zichen continued to urge the Hongmeng Daozhong, baptizing this place with the air of Hongmeng, in order to clear all the breath of the Chaos Demon God here.

After doing all of this, Feng Zichen's eyes moved, and the quasi-sage of the demon gate immediately took action, silently walked to the next innate demon fetus, and began to repeat the previous actions.



And while Feng Zichen continued to calculate the other Chaos Demon Gods, in the sea of ​​bounds, the Six Demon Gods who suffered a great loss, woke up angrily from the retreat.

That monstrous anger, like a substance, spewed from the body of the six demon gods, swept everything, and burned everything around him to ashes.

"Damn reptile, the deity will not let you go."

After venting his anger in the retreat for a while, the Six Demon God seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly released a divine thought, rushing towards the great world next to him.

That was his elder brother, the great world where the Seven Emotions Demon God was. The Six Demon Gods were so in a hurry, naturally to remind the Seven Emotions Demon God that he should not follow the way of the little thief.

It is miserable to be yin yourself, and it will be uncomfortable if the two brothers are yin together.

"Brother, if someone uses the summoning technique to summon your true spirit to reincarnate, don't respond. That is the calculation of the thief, specifically for the chaotic true spirit of ours."

Before people arrived, the voice of the Six Demon Gods had already been heard from afar. The one who could answer him was the angry voice of the Seven Love Demon God:


"Damn thief, this deity wants you to die!"


He slapped his forehead, and the Six Demon God said helplessly. Obviously, it was too late for his reminder. The Seven Emotion Demon God had been fooled and had been stunned by Feng Zichen.


After sighing, the Six Demon God walked forward helplessly, ready to persuade his brother to put off his anger for the time being. Because even if they are angry, it is useless.

At this moment, they simply can't enter the prehistoric world. If you can't enter the prehistoric world, you can't help but Feng Zichen.

That being the case, instead of being incompetent and furious here, it is better to think of a way to kill him directly when Feng Zichen appears in the sea next time.

At this time, the Seven Demon Gods also noticed the arrival of the Six Demon Gods, and also remembered what He had just said. Then, the face of the Seven Love Demon God, which was already extremely ugly, no doubt became even more ugly.

Just listen to him asking in a low tone: "Why, brother, you are also shamed by that **** little thief?"

The Six Demon God also nodded with an ugly face, and said, "Before my brother, I was shamed by the little thief. No, as soon as I got the news, I rushed to report to my brother. Unexpectedly, it was still too late. A step."

Hearing this, the Seven Emotions Demon God cursed: "That little thief really hurt his home. He can think of such a method that lacks great virtue."

"After this, if someone uses the magic way to call me to wait for reincarnation in the future, should we or shouldn't we?"

After being wiped out with a ray of true spirit, although the Seven Love Demon God was angry, he would not lose his stance. It was Feng Zichen's method that really made him lose his attitude.

It's so bad.

The impact of this matter was so bad that it could be said that it was beyond imagination. If Feng Zichen did such a thing, this magical secret method would be abolished for most in the future.

In the future, when someone is calling, who would dare to respond easily, fearing that at the other end of the channel, Feng Zichen is offering the Hongmeng Dao Bell and waiting for them.

Engagement mentality!

It made everyone panic. After that, no one dared to use this secret method. Wasn't there just one less method used by the Chaos Demon God to descend into the land?

Feng Zichen's plan is indeed possible.


On the side, the Six Demon God obviously also thought of the possible consequences of Feng Zichen's move, and said with concern:

"Indeed, this thief's plan is really too bad. If he really wants him to continue doing this, the means of entering the prehistoric land by the method of reincarnation, even if it is completely abolished."

Suddenly, the Six Demon God seemed to think of something, and suddenly said to the Seven Love Demon God: "Brother, do you want to remind the rest of the daoists, so that they should not take the little thief's way."

Hearing that, the eyes of the Seven Love Demon God flickered for a while, and said: "Forget it, everyone suffers together, it is better than you and my brothers suffer."

"The Chaos Demon God has always been in the same spirit, advancing and retreating at the same time. If you want to suffer, you will suffer together, and no one can be less."

"Besides, you and my brothers just reminded them that whether they believe it or not is between the two, but it must be indispensable to laugh at you and my brother because of this."

"Don't go, resolutely don't go, Lao Tzu is not immune to their bird air."

As soon as the myth of the Seven Love Demon fell, the corners of the mouth of the Six Demon God couldn't help twitching. There is some truth in the latter words, but the previous words are completely nonsense.

If the Chaos Demon God could advance and retreat together, both prosperous and ruined, they would have wiped out the primordial world a long time ago. Right now, don't look at the Chaos Demon God's same enemy, vowing to destroy the posture of the prehistoric world.

But in fact, the chaos demon gods have a lot of nastyness between each other, and they are all pulling each other's hind legs, making their powers unable to get out of the sea for a long time.

Isn’t the relationship between the Chaos Demon God the proof right now? The Seven Emotions Demon God would rather let Feng Zichen benefit than to remind the rest of the Chaos Demon God, which has explained everything.

"Okay, so be it!"

The Six Demon Gods thought about it, and then he stopped reminding the other Chaos Demon Gods. His brother is right, everyone suffers together, it is better than his brothers suffer.

That is, during the conversation between the two brothers, in the great distant world, a powerful aura suddenly spread, and immediately, there was an angry scream:

"Shameless person, don't let the deity seize the opportunity, otherwise you won't be able to make you a magic weapon."

The Seven Demon Gods and the Six Demon Gods looked up and found that it was the Demon God of Bing Annihilation, in charge of the Great Way of Destruction.

Seeing this familiar scene, the Seven Demon Gods and Six Demon Gods looked at each other, obviously guessing the experience of the collapse of the Demon God, it must have been shamed by the little thief Feng Zichen, otherwise, it would never be the case.

At this time, Beng Mie Demon God also noticed the movement he had made, which had attracted the attention of many Chaos Demon God.

Good guys!

How can I let you know how embarrassing Lao Tzu is?

Thinking of this, Beng Mie Demon God decided to conceal the fact that he had been given to Yin by Feng Zichen.

So, I saw the Seven Love Demon God staring his eyes and roaring around: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen anyone get angry?"

After speaking, ignoring everyone's reaction, Beng Jiu Demon God returned angrily to his retreat.

It's not enough to be unlucky alone, you have to let the fellow daoists accompany him with the unlucky. In this way, Bengmai Devil God will not be laughed at.

The so-called alliance is not important whether it can be honored together, but it must be humiliated together!

All the Chaos Demon Gods saw the collapse of the Demon God leaving with an aura. Although they were puzzled by what had happened, seeing his expression like this, it was hard to come forward and ask questions, so they had to withdraw their eyes in doubt.

However, faintly, in the hearts of the Chaos Demon Gods, they always felt like they had missed something.



In the next period of time, in the sea of ​​bounds, the Chaos Demon God repeatedly broke out and uttered an angry roar, yelling at a guy named "Little Thief".

At the beginning, the Chaos Demon Gods didn't care, but when more and more Chaos Demon Gods joined the ranks of this cursing "little thief", they gradually realized something was wrong.

In the sea of ​​bounds, it seemed that something they didn't know had happened quietly.

At this time, the number of the Chaos Demon God who was brutally attacked by Feng Zichen had reached more than twenty.

That's right, this amount has far exceeded what was needed for the birth of the Eternal Demon Abyss. In fact, unlike Feng Zichen's previous expectations, it is necessary to hunt down the true spirits of the nine Chaos Demon Gods in order to promote the birth of the Eternal Demon Abyss.

Just after hunting down a strand of true spirit of the seventh Chaos Demon God, he has already gathered all the necessary for the birth of the Eternal Demon Abyss.

As for why Feng Zichen didn't stop, it was because he had tasted the sweetness and didn't want to stop there, but wanted to reap a few more strands of the true spirit of the Chaos Demon God.

The true spirit fragments of the Chaos Demon God, this is a good thing. Although its preciousness is not as good as that of Hongmeng Ziqi, it is far beyond ordinary treasures, and it can increase the chance of enlightenment by 10%.

This thing, in the eyes of those great supernatural powers who are about to be stuck at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage and unable to break through, is worth more than the innate treasure.


Just when Feng Zichen summoned the twenty-fourth chaos true spirit to kill, in the sea of ​​bounds, under the joint interrogation of a group of chaos demon gods, finally there was chaos demon **** who could not bear the pressure. Said that he was calculated by Feng Zichen.

Then, all the Chaos Demon Gods became angry and threatened to make Feng Zichen look good. But all the Chaos Demon Gods can't go to the prehistoric world, so how do you deal with Feng Zichen?

The chaos demon gods thought for a long time, but they didn't think of a good way to come. Finally, cursing the demon gods had an idea, and thought of a way to kill Feng Zichen.

That is the power of the Hezhong Chaos Demon God, cursing, spanning infinite time and space, and cursing Feng Zichen.

Didn't Feng Zichen want the true spirit of the Chaos Demon God? Give it to Him.

Three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, one person produces a strand of Chaos True Spirit, and synthesizes a powerful force. Using Feng Zichen's blood left in the boundary sea as a guide, it turns into a huge curse power and wipes out all his vitality.

This is the plan to curse the demon god, once it was put forward, it was approved by the other chaotic demon gods.

Then, these Chaos Demon Gods began to prepare. All the Chaos Demon Gods work together to curse one person. It is not a trivial matter. You need to prepare well. After everything is ready, when you start to do it, it will take at least tens of thousands of years.

As for Feng Zichen, he didn't know the danger was approaching, and he continued to summon the Chaos Demon God ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ waiting for the arrival of the new Demon God.

Unfortunately, He was doomed to be disappointed.

The Chaos Demon God already knew what had happened, and was alert in his heart, how could he be fooled by the upper hand, Zichen?

Feng Zichen waited for nearly a hundred years, and no new Chaos Demon God came. Immediately, he guessed that his calculation had been seen through by the Chaos Demon God.

There is nothing to regret. He has gained twenty-four strands of Chaos True Spirit. This gain is no less than an innate treasure, and even far more than that.

There is one thing, Feng Zichen was quite surprised. The relationship between the Chaos Demon God was worse than what he had imagined. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be until now that they didn’t realize that it was right, but let Feng Zichen take possession of it for nothing. It's been cheap for so long.

However, the good thing is that he has arrived, but in a short time, Feng Zichen is afraid that he will not be able to go to Boundary Sea. The Chaos Demon God has suffered such a big loss, of course it is impossible to just forget it. Once Feng Zichen is found in the Boundary Sea, he is afraid that he will not be able to return.

At this moment, Feng Zichen still did not notice that the Chaos Demon God was preparing to join forces to curse him, otherwise, he would not be so relaxed.

Even with Feng Zichen's current cultivation base, he couldn't bear the curse of Chaos Demon God's combined efforts, and had to rely on external forces.

The gap is too big.

Danger, is approaching Feng Zichen step by step, and he is still unaware.



Putting away the seventeen chaotic true spirits in his hand, Feng Zichen looked at the Eternal Demon Abyss. There were originally twenty-four Dao, but in order to give birth to the Eternal Demon Abyss, a total of seven Dao were consumed. In this way, there are only seventeen ways left.

After devouring the true spirits of the seven Chaos Demon Gods, Eternal Demon Abyss finally accumulated enough power and began to derive quickly.

It's just that at this moment, Guixu and Heart Demon didn't have the energy to host the derivation of Eternal Demon Abyss.

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