Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 882: Way of Heaven

, Honghuangxingchendao

These five great supernatural powers enlightened at the same time, which is of great significance to the other great supernatural powers.

Because they proved that in the matter of assisting the king, there is basically no difference between one assistant and multiple assistants. As long as they succeed, they can become enlightened.

Therefore, after the five people, more great supernatural powers appeared and joined the queue of auxiliary princes and kingdom masters.

Soon after Jin Guo Gong Ji Wen became the King of Humans, the five great sages who assisted him to achieve hegemony died one after another. Because of this, the national power of Jin gradually declined.

At this time, with the rise of the Qin State, with the help of the great sages, the national strength gradually prospered, defeating the powerful Jin State and becoming the new hegemon.

After the Qin, there was the rise of Chu, and after the Chu, there was the rise of Wu with the help of strategists. For a time, the hegemony of the Central Plains countries became easier, and there were kings born successively, and several great magicians became enlightened one after another. .

Affected by this, the Tao between the heavens and the earth became more active, and even the innate aura became more concentrated.

The kingdom of the princes is not peaceful, nor is the hundred schools. There are Taoists who came out of the Human Clan’s custody room, with countless capable people, and became one of the best forces in the world in one fell swoop.

The Mohist has high righteousness, loves not to attack, gathers a large number of support, and has great prestige at the bottom of the human race, and it is also a force that cannot be ignored.

Confucianism has no kind of teaching, and there are even more rumors that the master of Confucianism is the old friend of the emperor, and the reincarnation of the immortal master of the human race. With this bonus, the powerful Confucianism has become the largest power in a hundred schools in one fell swoop.

The Legalist doctrine, there is no rules and no radius, and it is quite popular among rulers. It flourishes in many countries, and it is also a great strength of the Hundred Schools.

In addition to these schools, there are also famous people born. The people of this doctrine are extremely eloquent and have the ability to reverse black and white. That is, Confucianism, which is known for its eloquence and eloquence, is still speechless by it.

There are doctors who were born, healed diseases and saved people, and there were countless lives. Although they did not achieve any great power, they were also quite prestigious.

After the doctors, there were farmers who were not good at martial arts and were good at farming, but they grew not only grains and grains, but also various elixir and fairy fruits, and they could also breed all kinds of rare and exotic animals.

As the saying goes, people regard food as their heaven, but everything related to food and soil is the chief of the peasant family.

At the time of the rise of the State of Wu, a sage was born in the military strategist who explained the way of the world and supported the fragile State of Wu as the overlord of the vassals in one fell swoop.

Affected by this, the military strategist even surpassed Confucianism and became the number one doctrine in a hundred schools. However, after the death of the military sage, the military strategist gradually declined, and its number one position was replaced by Taoism, which was born in large numbers.

But Taoism didn't prosper for long. Soon after that, Taoist masters set up their own branches and created the Yin-Yang school, which greatly damaged Taoism's strength, and the first place was replaced by Confucianism.

However, its prosperity will decline. Soon after Confucianism became the first doctrine of a hundred schools, many outstanding disciples voted for others, and some joined the Legalists and became one of the pillars of the Legalists. Some people joined the Mohist school and became the first person to oppose Confucianism.

There are also people who have entered Taoism. Farmers, doctors, and many also have Confucian disciples.

Soon after the decline of Confucianism, there were disciples of political strategists who joined the world. They joined together and became the guests of all the princes and state leaders. For a time, the power of strategists rose greatly, replacing Confucianism and becoming the first doctrine of a hundred schools.

It is a pity that not long after the political strategists dominated the hundreds of schools, there was a strong rise of the Legalists, a prosperous country and a strong army, and becoming the political spokespersons of the common people. Politically, it can be described as "unmatched in the world." Emphasize "Don't be close to each other, don't be distinguished from noble and inferior, and be judged by the law."

Strict laws have therefore become a tool for ruling the country, common people have enjoyed equal power, and the country has become more and more prosperous as a result.

But it is also precisely because the legalists do not distinguish between relatives, distinguish between noble and inferior, and the notion of being cut off from the law, which conflicts with the Confucian concept of the concealment of relatives, so that the two erupted into a fierce conflict. No one can convince anyone of the debate.

In the end, it has evolved to a country where the followers of the Fa school dominate, the children of the Confucian school will definitely be suppressed by the students of the Fa school. In the same way, in a country dominated by Confucian disciples, Falun disciples are bound to be suppressed.

During the conflict between the two, Taoism took advantage of the chaos, and then the law and Confucianism cooperated to suppress Taoism. At this time, the military strategist had a second spring, overwhelming the other hundred doctrines.

Soon after the rise of the military strategists, the political strategists followed, no less than Confucianism.

There are many countries in the Central China. These countries are strong and weak, and they are in constant conflict with each other. Such an environment is the soil suitable for the survival of military strategists and political strategists. As long as there is a chance, both can rise up at any time and become a hundred. Family first.

As more and more incarnations of great supernatural powers enter the venue, at this time, hundreds of schools in Central China are contending, and each family has its own countermeasures and ideas for governing the country.

In order to defeat other schools, each school more or less absorbs the doctrines of other schools, either to attack each other or to make up for the defects of their own doctrines.

However, any genre also has its own characteristics and strengths, as well as its shortcomings. None of them can be said to be perfect.

At this time, someone proposed to "consolidate Confucianism, Mohism, and the method of naming together," and "the way of a hundred schools of thoughts are all integrated".

The characteristic of Zajia is "the goodness of Confucianism and Mohism, and the essentials of summarizing names and methods." Although the miscellaneous family is based on Taoism and gathers the opinions of the public, it is eclectic, but by collecting the opinions of each family and implementing their political intentions and academic propositions, they can also be called a family.

But there is no doubt that since the birth of the Zajiayi line, it has been quite disliked by the Baijia. It is contemptuous to think that it is a thief, and to steal the words of the Baijia and become his own.


At this time, in the territory of Lu, the two great sages of Mozi and Confucianism suddenly fought against each other in the wilderness because of their disagreement.

Both are mortal bodies, and there is no trace of mana in the body, but because the realm of the previous life is still there, the fluctuations caused by the two meeting hands are enough to make Da Luo Zun fearful.

However, the strong fluctuations will not cause the slightest damage to the surrounding mountains and rivers, flowers, birds, fish and insects.

The reason is that the struggle between the two is a struggle between ideas and a great way. Therefore, when the two fight against each other, they compare their understanding of the heavens and the laws of heaven and earth, not the strength of mana.

It is also because of this that the struggle between the two is just an ordinary bickering in the eyes of outsiders, but it is extremely terrifying in the eyes of those with advanced cultivation.

"Follow the old rules!"

At a certain moment, Mozi used the Mohist's supernatural powers, and the rules of the world around him suddenly became one, encircling Mozi, forming an absolute defense.

At this time, the magical powers of Confucianism came.

"The deceased is like a spouse! Don't give up day and night."

This sentence was originally a Confucian sigh on the Sichuan that the passing time is like the river, which flows forward day and night. But under the blessing of the Confucian magical powers and the utterance of the law, this sentence directly became a powerful time magical power.

Suddenly, it is the vicissitudes of life, endless time passing by. It is a pity that the Mohist school is not weak in sticking to the old rules. No matter how time flows, it will not be able to break the magical power of Mozi.

However, Mohist is good at defending but not attacking. Although Confucian can't break Mozi's supernatural powers, Mozi can't break Confucian's supernatural powers and hurt him.

After a stalemate for a few days, Mozi suddenly put away his magical powers and turned around and left. However, before leaving, Mozi said: "Ziru, although I can't convince you this time, neither did you. If you can convince me, if that's the case, then wait for the next Hundred Schools rally, you and I will be talking about high and low."

After speaking, Mozi left.

Well, I walked in a teleportation way.

Although he is a mortal, he has long been integrated with heaven and earth in the realm of Mozi.

Where he stands, he is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and can use the power of Heaven and Earth for his own use. Such a method is far better than Da Luo Dao Zun, but it is only teleportation, which is really too simple.

As for the rallies of the Hundred Schools mentioned by Mozi, this was proposed by a Taoist expert. The person said: Everyone reincarnated and entered the human race, not really for fighting a life and death, all for enlightenment, there is no need to become enemies.

Therefore, he suggested that everyone gather together every once in a while and exchange their gains with each other. In case of gains, direct epiphany and achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is also a good talk.

This Taoist expert's proposal was directly approved by everyone. As he said, everyone is not an enemy.

Aside from this matter, everyone is from a profound sect and listens to the aisles together under the Taoist ancestors. They are fellow practitioners and friends on the road of the monks. There is really no need to fight for life or death.

Finding a time to exchange experiences will help them become enlightened. If something is touched, enlightenment is not just talking.

This is a precedent.

Liekou, Zou Yan, and Zhuang Zhuangmen discussed the Tao in the guard room, discussing the mystery of the innate five tais and the five elements of Yin and Yang. As a result, during the discussion on the Tao, Liekou had something in his heart and had an immediate enlightenment. realm.

I don't know how many people are envied by such a situation.

In the same way, the experience of the bandits also allowed the rest of the great supernatural powers to see the benefits of exchanges on the Tao, which is really rewarding. For this reason, the gathering of Hundred Schools will go so smoothly.


"My Confucianism and Taoism are still not consummated after all!" After Mozi left, Confucius couldn't help but look at the place where they had fought before.

This battle seems to be irrelevant, but the Confucian knows that he lost this battle. The opponent is only defensive, but he has tried his best to break the opponent's defense. Isn't this a loss and what is it?

However, he lost or lost, but Confucianism was not discouraged. His Confucianism and Taoism were not yet complete, while Mozi's Moziness was already complete. His deity had cultivated the Hunyuan Taoist fruit not long ago. It is normal to be inferior to Mozi.

Confucianism and Taoism have never been consummated, how can they beat each other? But after Confucianism, Confucianism and Taoism are consummated, if the two fight again, it is still unclear who wins and loses.

"Go, it's time to meet Taoist ancestors!" Recovered from his thoughts, Confucian turned and walked towards the imperial city. There are still many doubts in his mind about Confucianism and Taoism, so he plans to go. Dao Zu asked.

Feng Zichen is indeed inferior to Hongjun Daozu, this is an indisputable fact. Hongjun Daozu is the Wudi Luo Jinxian with the Eight Classics, and Feng Zichen is just the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, a gap in the realm, not just to talk about it.

Although, as long as Feng Zichen is given enough time, he is confident that he can surpass Hongjun Daozu, but that is also the future, and it does not affect the fact that he is not as good as Hongjun Daozu now.

Inferior or inferior, Feng Zichen would not deny this.

Moreover, it is not ashamed to ask Hongjun Daozu for advice, and it is not the first time Feng Zichen has done this.

Not to mention, that question about Confucianism and Taoism, only Hongjun Daozu can give Ziru answers. Because Hongjun Dao Ancestor is the Dao of Heaven, and in the entire prehistoric world, no one knows the existence of the Dao of Heaven better than Him.

Confucianism and Taoism, called Confucianism and Taoism, are in fact the right way, the right way of heaven.

That's right, Xuan Qing reincarnates and rebuilds this time, and he has rebuilt his Dao and turned to comprehend the Dao of Heaven. No, it's not right. It's not rigorous to say that the conversion to cultivation is actually not rigorous. Strictly speaking, Xuan Qing has sublimated the Tao that he has cultivated and raised his intention to a higher level.

When Ziru was Xuanqing in his previous life, the Tao that he cultivated was the Tao of Nine Heavens and Qingqi, which is also called the Tao of Innate Qingqi, specializing in innate Qingqi.

After Xuan Qing was reincarnated and became a Confucian scholar, UU reading www.uukanshu.com sublimated his own innate cleanness and became the heaven.

There is a saying that Pangu opens the sky, the clear qi rises, and the muddy qi declines. After the clear qi rises, it becomes the sky. And this cleanness refers to the innate cleanness.

In other words, congenital cleansing is the heaven.

Nowadays, Ziru transforms the way of innate cleanness into the way of heaven, which is an act of obedience to the heavens and conforms to the principle of innate cleanness.

The way of heaven is the right way of heaven and earth, symbolizing the right side of the way of heaven, opposite to the muddle. This means that the way of heaven is related to the way of heaven.

There is nothing more appropriate than asking Daozu about things related to the Dao of Heaven. Dao ancestor is the way of heaven, no one knows himself better than himself.

However, it is precisely because of the promotion of innate clearness that Xuanqing's methods are no longer suitable for Confucian scholars. Similarly, I was afraid that Xuan Qing's perception of heaven and earth would affect him, and Ziru abandoned everything about Xuan Qing.

He abandoned everything, power, status, magic, laws, and even Taoism, and re-come between heaven and earth in a brand-new posture.

Therefore, when Zi Confucianism was born, countless great supernatural powers gave birth to induction, the heaven and the earth shook, the air swallowed the world, swallowed the essence of all things in the universe, the ultimate and respect, incomparable, unparalleled.

He can be said to be a born saint.

However, because Xu abandoned everything Xuan Qing, Ziru had never practiced, to be precise, he had never practiced mana.

Ziru now only pays attention to the realm, and only cultivates the realm. Outside the realm, there is no need for anything else, no matter how deep the magic power is, or a strong physical body, it is not what he wants.

This attitude of Ziru can be said to be anxious to follow his disciples who are secretly paying attention to him. If you don't practice, when can you return to the peak of the past, the realm of quasi-sage great perfection?

If you don't return to the peak state, you will not be able to refine Hunyuan Dao Fruit and cultivate into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

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