Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 888: Passing down the Tao Te Ching

Without becoming the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian's cultivation speed would never be so fast, and his background would not be so deep.

It can be said that as long as Haotian can break through now, he is at least the realm of the four-layer Hunyuan, or even higher, rather than the one-layer.

But in the same way, if he hadn't become the emperor of heaven, he would have cultivated into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with Haotian's aptitude long ago, and he wouldn't be stuck in the half-step Hunyuan state like he is now.

Only Haotian knew the quality of this.

However, Haotian didn't resist the transformation of the four imperial princes into the sixth imperial prince, but he was happy to see it happen. Because of the degradation of his personality, he saw the hope of breakthrough.

It is estimated that after a few hundred thousand years of accumulation, Haotian will be able to break through. The same as the Six Royal Gods, with the exception of Hou Tu Huangdi, that is, Haotian failed to break through to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

It doesn't make sense that others can break through, but He cannot break through. For the same six royals, no one is weaker than anyone else.

Feng Zichen laughed and said nothing!



"Hey, the children are all grown up, they have their own ideas, and they can't be controlled by others."

On the edge of the Yellow River, Taishang Laojun, the incarnation of Daozu Hongjun, quietly watched the changes in the Three Realms for a while, then suddenly stepped onto the green bull and walked towards the west with his disciple.

Within a few days, Dao Zu rode a green cow to Hangu Pass. This is the edge of Central China, and it is also the place where it intersects with Xiniu Hezhou. It can be said that if you leave Hangu Pass, you can walk a few million miles to Hezhou, Xiniu.

Since Hangu Pass is located at the junction of the two states, its geographic location is of vital importance. Naturally, the Terran lined up heavy guards here.

The soldiers here are all elites of the human race, all from the imperial city, and are the sons of innocent men. Yin Xi, the guardian of Hangu Pass, came from a royal family.

In the past few days, Yin Xi only felt his eyebrows beating, as if something good had happened to his head. But he did not find out where the good things came from. For this reason, he did not hesitate to consult several innate Taoist priests who were sitting in the desert.

But unfortunately, even if Dao Zun made the shot himself, he didn't figure out why. Some people even laughed and said, Yin Xi is thinking about day and dreaming at night.

Yin Xi completely ignored this. How could a monk's whim, an illusion? There must be something good to happen to him. As for why Dao Zun can't count it, isn't that obvious?

Either the chance is too great for Dao Zun to figure it out. Either the chance is too vague, Dao Zun can't really see it.

If it's the latter, it doesn't matter, if it's the former, it's really exciting even after thinking about it. The chance that even the Innate Dao Venerable could not calculate was definitely beyond the level of the Dao Venerable. This was the real great opportunity.


Didn't make Yin Xi wait long, and soon, Hongjun Daozu arrived riding a green bull.

On this day, Yin Xi raised his head and looked forward, and saw 30,000 miles of purple air coming in mighty. Immediately, he saw a man riding a green bull, under the path of Dao Tong, step by step towards Chaohangu. Close up.

But seeing the place where Taoist ancestors went, the land was filled with sweet smells and red clouds.

When Yin Xi saw it, he couldn't help but blurt out: "A sage has arrived at Hangu Pass."

After that, Yin Xi seemed to have reacted to something, and ran directly out of Hangu Pass, hurried to the front of Hongjun Daozu, and said as a disciple:

"I am Hangu Guan Ling Yinxi. A few days ago, I watched the sky and saw the purple gas gathered in the east, and I knew that there was a saint. I have been waiting for a long time. May the husband come to the cold room to give a talk, and the students want to listen to the teacher's teaching."

Taoist ancestor heard this and shook his head and refused: "Poverty Dao has been in the Human Race's treasury for many years, and has returned the cause and effect of the Human Emperor. Now he does not want to be involved with the Human Race. He just wants to leave Central China as soon as possible and do his own affairs."

After finishing speaking, despite Yin Xi's obstruction, Dao Zu lightly kicked the green cow, urging it to move forward quickly. One thing to say here, this green bull is the real Taishang Laojun's mount, and it was taken by Hongjun Daozu when he descended from the earth.

Yin Xi waited for a few days, and finally saw the saint, how he was willing to let Daozu leave easily, and quickly went up to hold the blue cow, begging not to let Daozu leave.

However, Daozu was determined to leave, no matter how Yin Xi begged, it was useless.

In fact, it is not determined. If you are determined to leave, let alone a Yin Xi, the guard of Hangu Pass, plus all the soldiers, will not be able to hold Dao Ancestor.

The Taoist ancestor did this, probably because he wanted to test Yin Xi and let him know that the Tao should not be spread lightly.

That's right, it's Him!

How could Yin Xiyan be favored by Hongjun Daozu? Is it because of his aptitude, or is he fortunate? neither.

It is because he is the reincarnation of the Taoist Wen Shi in the three thousand guests in the Purple Cloud Palace, so Hongjun Taoist ancestor will look at him differently.

If there was no such incense, how could Hongjun Daozu come all the way to Hangu Pass? He came here specifically to enlighten Yin Xi.

Speaking of Yin Xi's deity, that is, Taoist Wen Shi, he is also a different person. His method of enlightenment is different from others. He does not intend to become enlightened by talking about the Tao, but forcibly breaks into the attention of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to reincarnate and re-cultivation, intending to cultivate the reincarnated body to the same level as the realm of the deity, and then merge the two lives into one, forcibly breaking into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

A very strong idea, the Hunyuan realm cultivated by this method is indeed stronger than other methods, and it can barely be regarded as the side of the power to become the Dao.

It's just that this method is difficult to accomplish, so why is it that the two Dao Fruits are so difficult to succeed? However, this is not difficult to help Taoist Wen Shi, because Yin Xi is not his first incarnation, but the second.

When Yin Xi grows up, the Taoist Wenshi will have three and a half-step Hunyuan realm Dao fruit. When the three great roads and fruits become one, it may not be impossible to break into the Hunyuan realm. If the three Dao Fruits still do not work, the Wenshi Daoist will not panic, and he can continue with the fourth Dao Fruit.

However, this method has a huge hidden danger, that is, the more Dao Fruits cultivated, the more strength will be improved after the successful integration. But in the same way, the more Dao Fruits, the greater the possibility of integration failure.

If real person Wen Shi can condense nine Dao Fruits in one fell swoop, and then make them one, then Feng Zichen believes that after he breaks through and becomes Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he will at least have the cultivation base of Hunyuan Seventh Heaven.

But wanting to integrate the nine Dao Fruits, the difficulty is beyond imagination. If it succeeds, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was soaring into the sky, but if it fails, I am afraid that the direct person of Taoist Wen Shi will disappear.

The realm will not be abolished, but countless penances are estimated to be turned into flowing water. If you want to return to the peak of cultivation, I am afraid that you will have to start all over again.

The benefits of success are obvious, and the consequences of failure are also obvious.



Daozu Hongjun was worried about the failure of Taoist Wenshi, so he personally rushed to Hanguguan to help him.

At the first sight of Hongjun Daozu, Yin Xi knew that the shocking chance he had noticed the day before should belong to the saint in front of him.

Therefore, Yin Xi desperately wanted to leave Dao Ancestor behind. This is his shocking opportunity, how can he let it go? If you miss it, I am afraid that it will be difficult to meet again in this life.

Daozu Hongjun's heart to leave was firm, and no matter how Yin Xi persuaded him, he did not move anything.

In the end, Yin Xi had no choice but to say helplessly: "Since the saint wants to go into hermit, it is not necessary to leave a little sacred word, nor to leave the world in vain."

Yin Xi thought, since people can't stay anymore, then no matter what, the saint must leave something behind. Otherwise, if you meet the saint this time, won't you see it for nothing?

Hearing this, Hongjun Daozu said displeased: "The poor Dao has already said that the cause and effect between me and the emperor has ended, and I don't want to contact the human race anymore. How can I leave the Dao Sutra and rely on the cause and effect?"

Yin Xi opened her mouth as soon as she said this, not knowing what to say, her face full of despair.

The saint said so, it can be seen that his heart is firm, and he really doesn't want to get in touch with the human race, let alone leave something for the human race.

After tapping the cow's head lightly with a whisk, Hongjun Daozu said: "Niu'er, go!"

The green cow got up, carried Daozu, and walked forward slowly. And the little Taoist boy transformed by the ancestor of Hongyun is leading the green cow in front.

This time Hongjun Daozu left, Yin Xi couldn't say anything to stop him, so he could only watch him leave in a daze.

Daozu Hongjun has the token of the Emperor of Humanity in his hand. He wants to leave the gate, and the guards dare not stop him, so he can only leave him.

However, just as Hongjun Dao Ancestor came out of Hangu Pass, Yin Xi looked at his fading back, suddenly, a ray of light flashed in his mind, knowing how to stop Dao Ancestor.

Seeing Yin Xi hurriedly chasing him, he shouted towards Hongjun Daozu's back: "The saint stopped, you just settled the cause and effect with your majesty, not with the human race."

"You have been in the Human Race for so many years, eating, clothing, housing, and transportation. How can you have a relationship with the Human Race. This is the cause and effect, this is the connection. If the saint really wants to cut off the contact with the Human Race, you have to pay back this cause and effect."

"So, Yin Xi begged the saints to write a book and prescribe the next Dao Sutra for future generations to comprehend. If it is better, the cause and effect between the human race."

The Taoist ancestor, who was about to leave the customs, couldn’t help but stop, turned around, and cursed at Yin Xi with a smile: “What do you know about your slippery head?”

"Pan Dao has been in the imperial city for many years. Although the human race is responsible for the cost of food and clothing, the poor Dao also educates the Human race without looking for talents, and even cultivated an innate Daoist for the Human race."

"According to this calculation, the human race is owed to the poor Dao. What is it to eat you and drink your human race? How can it be comparable to the Innate Dao Venerable? The poor Dao has lost a lot?"

"I haven't seen the emperor pick a few world fruits for the poor to taste."

Hongjun Daozu thinks so much. The world fruit is the fruit of the world tree. It takes only a million years to bear one. It is extremely precious. It can be called a true innate Tao fruit. If you eat one, you can achieve innateness. The realm of Dao Zun.

With Feng Zichen's stingy temperament, he couldn't bear to eat it. How could he give it to Dao Ancestor to taste it? Really think too much.

This world fruit is the heritage of the human race.

If one day the human race fell, like the Lich II race, all the innate Dao Venerables died in battle, this world would be the last hope of the human race.

It can cultivate a new innate Taoist priest for the human race in the shortest possible time, and take control of the human race, so that the human race will not become the dust of history.

Even the heavens and the earth have a day of decay. Who would dare to make false claims that the human race will remain prosperous forever? Feng Zichen has sealed the world's fruit as an adult, and it is also a precaution.


"Ah this!"

Yin Xi, who thought he had come up with a good reason, was suddenly speechless when Dao Zu Hongjun said so, and even felt ashamed, thinking that he was too greedy.

It turns out that the saint has given so much to the human race, but he is still not greedy, and wants the saint to give more things to leave part of the inheritance.

Yinxi, are you ashamed? How can you be so greedy?

Yin Xi kept blaming herself in her heart.

But at this moment, Hongjun Daozu's attitude suddenly changed, and he listened to him helplessly say: "Nothing, nothing, you are so sincere. If the poor Dao still has nothing left, it spread to the ears of the emperor. In the middle, it seems stingy."

"If this is the case, Pang Dao will leave a Taoist scripture to the human race. Listen carefully. Pang Dao will only read it once. How much you can write down depends on your good fortune."

At this time, after secretly paying attention to the several human Taoist priests here for a long time, he quickly took out the treasure mirror of the sky survey that the Emperor had left at Hangu Pass~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and urged it all out.

As early as when Hongjun Daozu first wrote to Guguan, these human Taoist priests recognized his identity, the white-bearded Daoist riding a green bull. Isn't this the Taishang Laojun?

Knowing that it was the saints in person, these human Taoist priests wanted to go out and worship, but the ancestors didn't come for them, so naturally they didn't want to see them.

Therefore, when Dao Zu came to Hangu Pass, these human Dao Venerables suddenly couldn't move. Seeing this, Human Race Dao Zun naturally understood that the saint did not want to see them. Even so, they did not force them to stay in Hangu Pass and watch the show with peace of mind.

But now that the saints were going to preach the scriptures, they couldn't continue to watch the show, and they quickly set up the Mirror of the Sky Survey to connect with the other mirrors of the Sky Survey.

There is no other purpose in doing this, that is, to broadcast the situation in this place clearly through the Sky Surveying Mirror, so that the human races in other places can also hear Daozu's preaching.

Daozu preached, this is an opportunity, and you can't miss it.

Well, perfect!

Opportunities are for those who are prepared.



It didn't take long for the Taoist ancestor's mysterious voice to be heard between the heavens and the earth:

"Dao can be Tao, very Tao; name can be name, very name. No, name the beginning of heaven and earth; Yes, name of the mother of all things. So there is always nothing, and you want to see what is wonderful; always have, you want to see what is wrong. Both of these , The same origin but different names, the same is called the mysterious.

"Everyone in the world knows that beauty is beautiful, but that is evil; all knows that good is good, but that is not good. There is no relationship, difficult and easy to form, long and short form, high and low, sound and sound, follow and follow, perseverance ."


The entire Tao Te Ching, only 5,000 words, was quickly read by the Taoist ancestor.

After Daozu finished reciting the Tao Te Ching, he stood up and left without any hesitation.

ps: I don’t know if there will be a 2000 monthly pass this month?

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