Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 507: Pangu's calculations

The update is super fast|;On the edge of chaos, more than four thousand great witches of the Wu clan stepped forward, like moths fighting the fire, and rushed towards the door. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

A series of mysterious imprints appeared on the door, simple and vast, exuding extraordinary power, and stabilized the door.

"Your Majesty, I am waiting to accompany you!"

The witch tribe sacrificed their lives, and the demon tribe did not lag behind. Except for the ten great demon gods, the other four thousand demon gods had sacrificed their lives and merged into the Taoist sect.

The demon clan still needs the guardianship of the demon gods, so the ten demon gods cannot fall.


In that instant, Daomen's body bloomed with purple light, and it was completely integrated with the surrounding heaven and earth barriers, regardless of each other.

At this time, the Dao Sect became extremely hard, and the whole body exuded an aura of immortality, no matter how the Chaos Demon God attacked, it could not damage half of it.

However, the opened portal, under the crazy attack of the Chaos Demon God, made it impossible for everyone to close it anyway.

This is where the gate is not as good as the barrier between heaven and earth.

No matter how strong the door is, it is also a door for people to enter and exit. As long as it can't be closed, it's no different from nothing.

Seeing a great witch and demon god, sacrificing his life to make up for the lack of heaven, the great magical powers present were a little moved.

"The Lich Clan is certainly guilty, but judging by what it does today, it can be considered a big deal, and no matter how big it is, it should be offset."

"Lich, shouldn't be destroyed!"

As everyone talked, the fate of the second family of Lich had quietly changed.

Originally, the sins of the Lich Clan were enough to make them completely ruined.

But nothing is better than saving lives.

Today, the Lich Clan uses the power of the whole clan to supplement the barriers of the sky and the earth, in order to save the sky.

According to this calculation, this is a kind of life-saving grace to the great land.

Even after the great sin, after the sacrifice of the Lich Clan, it should be completely written off.

In particular, Bu Zhoushan was not overthrown by the Lich Clan, but by all the great supernatural powers of the predecessor.

This also made the guilt of the second family of Lich not as great as imagined.

At the very least, even though the Lich Clan was guilty in this great catastrophe, the guilt was not entirely due to them, and the rest of the great supernatural powers should also be remembered.

The sin is not all of the Lich Clan, but they have given everything. This is merit!

If the merits and demerits are equal, it is normal to let go of the Lich Clan.

What's more, it would be difficult for the Lich Clan, where the Great Lich and the Demon God to be seated, to make waves in the prehistoric world, and it is no longer worthy of the attention of the Heavenly Dao and the Saints.

Deep in the void,

Mysterious and unknowable place,

Where the river of destiny lies,

The tributary of fate that represents the second family of the Lich has long been covered up by strong grievances, and it is completely dark.

But today, as the second clan of the Lich clan fills up the sky, this very dark tributary of destiny has changed.

There was a ray of light, born out of nothingness, piercing the darkness, and illuminating the way forward for the second family of Lich.


The resentment that hung over the tributaries of the fate of the second family of the Lich, when encountered with this ray of light, seemed to melt like ice and snow, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The future of the second family of Lich was rejuvenated.

Outside the Lich Gate, the Chaos Demon God saw that the barrier between heaven and earth was firmly established, and suddenly knew that this gate was the only way to enter the prehistoric land.

At the moment, the attack was getting more and more frantic, and he must not let the other party close the door.


That door was transformed by the Lich Clan, so everyone called it the Lich’s Gate, praising the Lich Clan for its contribution to the prehistoric age.

Without the masters of the Lich Clan, the strength of the Primordial Realm suddenly fell sharply. Facing the increasingly crazy Chaos Demon God, the pressure they were enduring became more and more fierce.

But it’s okay,

Although Taiyi Dijiang has fallen,

But their magic weapon is still there.

The chaotic clock vibrates endlessly, and the incomparably stalwart power erupts, suppressing the fire, water and wind, and destroying the chaos.

The prehistoric geomancy map trembled, and a magnificent world slowly unfolded, exuding an extremely heavy aura, crushing everything.

It is because of the presence of these two great innate treasures that the pressure faced by everyone has been greatly eased, and everyone can persevere under the crazy attack of the Chaos Demon God.

Prehistoric, not Zhoushan!

"Damn it!"

Killing the Seven Saints once again, the Chaos Demon God cursed with an ugly face. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

With the passage of time, the originally powerful Chaos Demon God gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Although he can still kill the Seven Sages, it is far not as easy as before, and it even has to pay the price of blood to kill it.

In the end, the reason is that the Seven Sages can continuously resurrect.

Backed by the Great Way of Heaven, the Seven Sages can always be at their peak state.

But the Chaos Demon is different.

Their bodies had already been beheaded by Pangu, leaving only the immortal true spirits. After that, even after being suppressed by Bu Zhoushan, I don't know how many years, the strength can't be replenished, and it has already fallen to the freezing point.

Now that he has just broken the seal, and before he can replenish his strength in the future, he is caught in a bitter battle with the Seven Sages.

As a result, their power has been declining, gradually losing to the Seven Sages.

"Heavenly Way, there really are some ways."

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