Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 533: Terran Resurrection

Relying on their own strength to unlock the seal was the test Feng Zichen gave them.

If even this difficulty can't be solved, the human race doesn't have to fight for hegemony with the ten thousand races, it would be a death to go up.

"The way of gods and demons lies in refining and transforming qi, refining qi to transform gods, refining gods to return to the emptiness, and return to the emptiness to join the Tao..."

A line of Dao mantra came from Feng Zichen's mouth, mysterious and mysterious, and wonderful and wonderful, expounding the mystery of the way of gods and demons for the people of the human race.

The way to break the seal of the demon race is hidden in the way of gods and demons.

In the blood of the human race, the monsters have placed nine seals, one is stronger than the other, so that the blood of the human race has degenerated to the extreme, becoming a beast-like existence.

And the root of the way of gods and demons lies in the transformation of blood, and the future rebellion against the innate, which happens to be the nemesis of the seal of the monster race.

When the monster race was in great power, Feng Zichen did not dare to help the human race for fear of causing trouble.

But to this day, the Yaozu has fallen into decline, and the human race has revived.

The voice is dim,

Through the blood of the human race,

Resounded in the hearts of all races.

But today's human race has no intelligence at all. No matter what Feng Zichen is talking about, they don't have anything to say except that it sounds good.

do not understand at all.

However, it does not matter.

Feng Zichen also didn't intend to let the people of the tribe understand it all at once, which is not realistic.

It doesn't matter if the people of the tribe don't understand it now.

These Dao sounds will be deeply hidden in their blood, and with the continuous progress of the clansmen, they will continue to echo in their sea of ​​knowledge, helping them understand the mystery of the way of gods and demons.

This is prepared by Feng Zichen for the human race, and belongs exclusively to the human race's innate inheritance.

Every innate race,

All have their own innate inheritance.

The human race, as an acquired race, does not have this kind of inheritance.

But now, Human Race has it.

Although Feng Zichen didn't intend to help the human race too much, if given the opportunity, he couldn't let the human race lose too much at the starting line.

If you can make up for something, try to make up for something.

Taoyin echoed endlessly in the hearts of everyone, revealing all sorts of mystery and reason. But the people of the human race are unmoved.

Probably because they didn't understand it at all.

But Feng Zichen seemed to be unaware, still preaching the way of gods and demons to everyone.

With the passage of time, under the influence of Taoyin, the blood of the human race gradually boiled.

That is,

The blood of the ancient gods and demons is recovering.

The human races that can live to the present are mostly descendants of the human race Taiyi Jinxian.

Those Taiyi golden immortals of the human race have cultivated the way of gods and demons for many years, and their blood has already undergone several transformations, and they are infinitely close to the innate gods and demons.

Their descendants naturally benefited as well, with a trace of the power of gods and demons in their blood.

Although, under the seal of the demon clan, the blood of this silk **** and demon is getting weaker and weaker, but being weak does not mean disappearing.


Feng Zichen explained the way of gods and demons,

It resonated with the blood of the gods and demons in their bodies, which awakened them, and made the human race members have the qualifications for cultivation again.

The blood is burning, the blood is boiling!

Ho Ho Ho...

The extremely vigorous energy exploded in the people of the tribe, and they drove them to yell to vent the excess energy in the body.

But the energy from the bloodline is too strong, no matter how they vent it, they can't consume it, but it intensifies, and it feels like an explosion.

Bang bang bang...

Driven by instinct, some of the tribesmen waved their hands and punched a set of punches in order to digest the vigorous energy in the body.

Speaking of, this set of boxing techniques, they have not learned or contacted before.

But somehow, they just learned it so naturally and punched it out.

This is the basic boxing technique!

In the Age of Lich, every member of the clan must learn the fist technique in order to strengthen the vitality and strengthen the foundation.

The reason why those tribesmen were able to play this set of boxing techniques meant that the blood in their bodies had begun to gradually awaken.

The power from the ancients was revived.



The breathing rhythm of the crowd naturally changed during the time the fist was used.

The five internal organs trembled, the muscles and bones shook together, and the strands of essence were refined, fused with the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, strengthening their bodies.

Become stronger!

They are getting stronger!

Since being sealed by the monster clan, the human clan has begun to become stronger.


Finally, someone refined their body, exploded the Shenhai with blood and energy, stepped into the realm of the Shenhai, and then opened up spiritual wisdom.

With the first one,

The second one is not far away.

After that, just like bamboo shoots have sprung up after the rain, more people of the human race have cultivated into the Divine Sea Realm and recovered their spiritual wisdom.

in this way,

A hundred years later,

Feng Zichen stopped preaching.

After passing down some simple magical powers, he left the ancestral land directly and did not meet with the new human race.

It's hard to give up after meeting each other.

In that case, it is better not to see.

After Feng Zichen left, a little fire slowly emerged from the Ancestral Temple of the Human Race.

That's a fireman!

The fire of civilization!

The fire of inheritance!

The fire is rekindled,

It marks a new beginning for the human race.

Although, compared with the ancient times, the current firewood is like a little spark. But his body is filled with vigorous vitality.

Human race has a lot to do!

Terrans resurrected,

The rest of the tribes are also not peaceful.

Without the lich, the ambitions of some innate races began to grow, and the idea of ​​dominating the wild was moved.

Liches can, but why they can't.

Especially now that the prehistoric land is undergoing an unprecedented change.

From the congenital era to the acquired era.



Incomparable chaos.

A chaotic world is about to come.

Troubled times,

Then there is a hero.

This is destined to be an era of heroes.

The four words are bound to be the weak and the strong, and the interpretation is vivid and vivid.

A world of great controversy,

Strong is strong, weak is dead!

The world has changed dramatically, and I don't know how many arrogances will come out in response to the great world.

In recent years, among the major congenital races, the talents of newborns can be said to be better than one.

That's right!

In this era when the innate aura degenerates and the acquired aura gradually diffuses, the descendants of those innate races, instead of being weakened, are getting stronger and stronger.

Just like cooking oil on a fire!

The innate race is unwilling to let the innate era pass, and intends to take a fight and forcefully use the luck to give birth to a large number of arrogances, delusional to reverse the general trend of the world.

So that

In today’s era,

Tianjiao of all races is vying to rise,

It's like stars vying for glory.

The human race is their enemy.

The only enemy!

Friends, times have changed!

Earlier, in the Inborn Age, the Human Race was an afterborn creature, and was disgusted by all kinds of heaven and earth, and even the simplest practice was difficult to do.

But now, the era that belongs to the day after tomorrow has arrived.

Human races who are born after birth have become the darling of heaven and earth, beloved by heaven and earth in every possible way, and are absolutely righteous.

And those innate races who wish to rebel against the general trend and regain the glory of the innate age have become the rebels in the eyes of heaven and earth, and they are the most evil forces.

Justice and evil are destined to be incompatible.

Even if the Human Race does not want to be an enemy of the Ten Thousand Races, they have to fight.

All to survive!

The innate races are busy, and the Yao races are not idle, because they are facing a big trouble-no successor!

They were cursed.

To be precise, he was cursed by the stars.

As a result, the newly born demon race is getting weaker and weaker. Not to mention the congenital blood, even the spiritual wisdom can hardly be retained.

After returning from the Human Race, Feng Zichen looked at Zhou Tian and the stars, and couldn't help thinking of everything the Yao Race had done to the Human Race.

"Ha ha!"

"Causal reincarnation, retribution is unhappy!"

"Don't you like seals?"

"The widow will let you taste the feeling of blood being sealed."

Finding the location of the monster clan, Feng Zichen said coldly:

"Yaozu, your retribution is here."

In the next moment, Feng Zichen displayed supreme supernatural powers to revolve Zhoutian stars.

Boom boom boom!

In the depths of the stars, an invisible resentment surged towards the monster race.

This is the resentment of the stars.

After being beheaded by the monster clan first, and then suppressed for so many years, wouldn't Zhou Tianxing have any grievances against the monster clan.

On weekdays, no one is excited.

But as soon as Feng Zichen guided them, they immediately rushed towards the monster race frantically, vowing to make them pay the corresponding price.

There is no need for Feng Zichen to act personally, just the grievances of the stars are enough for the Yaozu to drink a pot.

The bloodline is degraded and the intelligence is weakened. This is just the beginning. Disgusted by the stars, in the future, the cultivation path of the monster race will definitely become more and more difficult.

In the later generations, the reason why the monster race is inferior to the next generation, in addition to being secretly suppressed by others, is more importantly because it is disgusted by the stars.

After finishing all this, Feng Zichen also entered into a retreat, striving for an early becoming a Dao Hun Yuan.

In a blink of an eye,

Tens of thousands of years have passed.

The human race is becoming more and more prosperous, and it has begun to move out of the ancestral land and spread around it.

At this time, the leader of the human race was a woman, who was called the Daze by everyone.

In the ashes, she rekindled the flame of human civilization and was one of the founders of human civilization.

at the same time,

She is also the reincarnation of Renzu Jianyi clan.

Because of this, she was able to cultivate the Taiyi Golden Immortal in just ten thousand years, and beheaded seven Taiyi Golden Immortals from the human race one after another with one as ten, and achieved the prestigious name of the human race.

The reincarnation of Da Luo Jinxian, how extraordinary, can't be overstated.

After the Daze clan reigned 10,000 years, Queen Mother Xi, the lord of West Kunlun, the great supernatural power, came to the human race at the invitation of the Nuwa Empress, accepted the Daze family as a disciple, and gave her the name Nine Heavens Profound Girl.


After another thirty thousand years,

Some innate crocodile clan walked out of the East China Sea, gathered three hundred Taiyi Golden Immortals and a large Luo Jinxian to attack Human Race.

The Terran was lost, losing streak and retreating, and had to retreat to the shore of the East China Sea.

At the critical moment, the Dainz clan awakened the true spirit of the previous life, restored his cultivation to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian in one fell swoop, and fought against the Da Luo Jinxian ancestor of the crocodile family in the East China Sea.

The crocodile ancestor lost, and fled in a hurry.

The Terran took the opportunity to counterattack and defeated the Innate Crocodile.

For a time, no one dared to invade places such as the eastern coast of the human race.

After another ten thousand years, the crocodile ancestor joined the two big Luo, and a total of three big Luo Jinxian, attacked the human race again.

Unexpectedly, the Yi Ang family happened to leave the customs at this time. After hearing this, he immediately left Shouyang Mountain, rushed back to the ancestral land, and joined forces with the Da Luo Jinxian.

After this battle, the land was shaken, and no one dared to underestimate the human race. As a result, the human race officially ranks among the prehistoric tribes.

Due to the fall of the three great Luo Jinxians, the Shui Clan was extremely furious, and there were ancestor-level figures who, ignoring the Dragon Clan’s warning, blatantly killed the Human Clan.

The one who can be called the ancestor of the Shui Clan, and is not afraid of the Dragon Clan, can only be the quasi-sage.

The Terran is naturally invincible.

In Gouchen Palace, Feng Zichen's Lei Ze incarnation is about to teach this aquatic quasi-sage.

But who knows,

In the Wa Palace,

There is someone who is faster than Him.

It's Ao Xue!

After many years,

He has also cultivated into a quasi-sage state.

The granddaughter of Zulong came forward. Where did the ancestor of the Shui tribe dare to fight with him, but for a moment, he turned back with an ugly face.

After this battle, the power of the human race skyrocketed.

In millions of years, no one dared to commit a crime.

After millions of years of precipitation, the strength of the human race can be said to have been fully developed, and another great Luo Jinxian was born.


It was also at this time that the Innate Races couldn't help it, for fear that the Human Race would become bigger and make the Innate Age completely history. So he joined forces to invite a quasi-sage late-stage great supernatural power to obliterate the human race.

It is a pity that this great magician, before reaching the human race, was severely injured by a moonlight falling from the sky, and had to return to the dojo to retreat.

Chang'e, no, it was Wang Shu who made the move.

Wang Shu at this time has already entered the realm of Quasi-Sage Great Perfection. Therefore, he can hit a strongman in the late quasi-sage stage with one blow. UU reading www. uukahnshu.com

With Wang Shu's shot, many great magicians also thought of something. That is, although the human emperor is no longer there, the holy queen is still there.

After that, the human race once again stood up for a million years.

But no Da Luo Jinxian was born.


Heaven and earth environment,

Getting worse and worse,

Monasticism is becoming increasingly difficult.

However, the number of Terran Taiyi Golden Immortals is hundreds more, and it seems to have become a great power in the wild.

At this time, Heaven's Dao's desire to make people become the protagonist of heaven and earth gradually became a little bit concealed.

First of all, it was the Nuwa Empress who understood this secret secret. He is the founder of the human race, and all the changes of the human race cannot be hidden from him.

In this regard, Nu Wa was naturally excited.

After the human race becomes the protagonist of the world, it will bring countless benefits to him. Is there any reason for him to be unhappy?


His joy,

It didn't last long.

Because, the lead quasi raised his hand.

After Nüwa, the second thing that revealed the secrets of heaven was to take the lead. They have an enmity with the human race, so they can know this before the Sanqing.

At the moment when the secret was revealed, the luck of the Western religion dropped by a few points.

While Zhunti was shocked, he also knew the reason.

Being an enemy of the protagonist of heaven and earth naturally comes at a price.

The fall of luck is only the beginning.

When the human race really becomes the protagonist of heaven and earth, the fate of Western religion will be even worse.


There was almost no hesitation, and he took the lead and shot, intending to destroy the human race before the secret of the sky was fully revealed.

For Western teaching,

It is also for one's own way.

They have to do it!


"How dare you guys take the lead!"

Seeing this scene, Nu Wa was really shocked and angry.

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