Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 637: Zhoutian Temple, stand!

"Honghuangxingchendao (!

to this end,

Shaohao also restored the power of the human race,

I gave it all to my nephew, Zhuan Xu!

Zhuanxu, the emperor!

He is the grandson of Emperor Xuanyuan and the nephew of Emperor Shaohao. At the same time, he is also the patriarch of the water dragon family of the dragon clan and the reincarnation of the water dragon zun in ancient times.

After the First War of the Ancients, the Shuilong Longzun fell for the sake of protecting the human race, and fell into silence. But the human race has always repaid for its grace, how can it watch the water dragon fall without doing anything?

Therefore, after verifying the power of the blood altar, Feng Zichen immediately revived the three ancestors of the human race, and the five innate true spirits of the five innate five masters such as the water dragon dragon, and used the emperor purple. Qi nourishes their true spirits, so as to give them a shocking opportunity.

The three emperors and five emperors started from this.



Since Feng Zichen implemented the plan, endless years have passed. Today, the Three Emperors have completed their merits, and the leader of the Five Emperors, Emperor Shaohao has also reached the end of his reign.

The innate true spirit of the Water Dragon Dragon was also reincarnated at the right time and joined the human race to ensure the continuation of the five emperor inheritance.

As the reincarnation of Daluo Jinxian, Zhuan Xu, like his predecessors, was born sacred, he was born with knowledge, and his talent was unparalleled, and he could be called the first person in the younger generation.

It was his excellent performance that attracted Shaohao's attention. After some trials, Shaohao was extremely satisfied with Zhuan Xu, and he trained him as an heir.

And as Shaohao gradually focused his energy on building the Zhoutian Temple, he would inevitably have no time to take care of the human affairs. Therefore, at this time, Zhuan Xu, as his heir, could just come forward and take charge of the human race for him.

This move will allow Shaohao to concentrate on dealing with the Zhoutian Temple, without having to worry about the human race.

Secondly, Zhuanxu can be trained and experience in governance.

Thirdly, Zhuan Xu's majesty can also be established by this, so that in the future, the transfer of human power can be better completed.



All matters of the human race were left to Zhuan Xu, and Shaohao was naturally very relieved. Therefore, he can handle the Zhoutian Temple with confidence.

In fact, it is not difficult to refine the Zhoutian Temple. The difficult thing is how to coordinate the relationship between the ten thousand races.

The matter of establishing the Zhoutian Temple is far beyond imagination. Once it is done, it is bound to benefit the entire prehistoric great merit.

Such a big benefit is right in front of you. How many people can there be unmoved?


All the people of all races don't want to get involved.

Even if you can't get Zhoutian Temple, you have to find a way to get a piece of the pie and merit.

Otherwise, seeing others benefit, but I have nothing, I will inevitably feel unrestrained in my heart, thus deliberately provoking trouble.

If the ten thousand races were monolithic, this would naturally not happen. But obviously, Wanzu is not.

On the contrary, among the ten thousand races, there are not a few races that have hatred against each other.

When there are more people, there will be conflicts.

This remark,

In the human race,

The same goes for Ten Thousand Races!

For example, wolves eat sheep.

It's impossible,

Is the wolf tribe born to have an enmity with the sheep tribe?

of course not!

At that time,

When the people of all races were born, they were all ignorant and ignorant of fighting, and they lived in harmony in the predicament.

But people's hearts are changeable!

With the passage of time, the Taoist heart of the ten thousand races became dusty, giving birth to the heart of greed. So far, either for the benefit, or for the Taoism, or for the quarrel...

In short, there is a gradual struggle among the ten thousand races.

Some hatred, as time goes by, will slowly fade away. But some hatred, as time settles, it will become more and more etched and unforgettable.

Therefore, this has evolved into a feud.

What is a feud?

Enemy for life!

Only if one party completely annihilates the clan, this enemy will be eliminated.

But if the two sides have been unable to completely annihilate each other, then over time, such animosity will be presented in another way.

For example, natural enemies!

This is the case with wolves and sheep.

The reason is that the hatred of endless years ago has been passed down and evolved to the present day.



The stumbling between the ten thousand races greatly delayed the process of establishing the Zhoutian Temple. In order to coordinate the relationship between the ten thousand races, Shaohao really broke his heart.

Of course, Shaohao was upset about these things, but in general, he was still happy to see this.

After all, the tens of thousands of conflicts are always more reassuring than the monolithic tens of thousands.

When the tens of thousands of people were stumbling each other, Shaohao was not idle, he was doing tricks. Secretly set some restrictions on those Zhoutian Temples that will be given to all races.

These restrictions are not to limit the ability of the Zhoutian Temple, so that its ability to transform aura is not as good as the human race.

The purpose of doing this is too obvious. It is simply an insult to the IQ of all races, and at the same time, it also appears that the human race is a little bit petty.

Therefore, Shaohao disdains it.

The purpose of setting these restrictions is to prevent all races from threatening the human race after mastering the Zhoutian Temple.

Three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian Temples stood on the prehistoric land, which coincided with the Zhoutian stars, forming a galaxy universe, evolving the Pangu gods, and guarding the earth's veins.

At the same time, this is also a means of confronting the enemy.

Once the big formation is activated, the two supreme powers, the power of the Zhoutian stars and the power of the earth veins, are combined into one, which can easily suppress any existence under the Hunyuan.

It is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who has come, not to mention the complete suppression, he can be trapped for more than 800 years.

This is a kind of protection for the wild land, and similarly, it is also one of the trump cards of the human race.

But all this,

It was based on the premise that all Zhoutian Temples were still under the control of the Human Race.

But now, because of the limited human heritage, it is impossible to refine all the reasons for the Zhoutian Temple. In desperation, Emperor Shaohao only scored part of the Zhoutian Temple and handed it over to the ten thousand races for refining.

In this way, although Zhoutian Temple is still a means of protecting the prehistoric land, it is not the trump card of the human race.

Just imagine,

If the Human Race sacrifices to the Zhoutian Temple and fights against the enemy, those who control the Zhoutian Temple suddenly turn back and stab the Human Race at a critical moment, and the Human Race will be in great trouble.

Even, they don't need to take action against the human race at all, they only need to suppress the power of the Zhoutian Temple at a critical moment to prevent it from erupting.

Based on this alone,

It's enough for Terran to drink a pot.

Such an internal attack is the most deadly. Therefore, this matter has to be guarded.

Therefore, Shaohao would secretly set a restriction in the Zhoutian Temple.

This prohibition will not hinder the normal operation of the Zhoutian Temple, nor will it affect the tens of thousands of people living in it. Its only function is to prevent the ten thousand races from mobilizing the power of the Zhoutian Temple at a critical moment.

That's enough!

Unable to mobilize the Zhoutian Temple, the Ten Thousand Clan would not be able to stab the Human Clan back at a critical moment, even if Shaohao's goal was achieved.

In this way, even if the ten thousand races discovered it, they wouldn't say much. Because if it is them, it will be the same.

For the safety of the race, what is it to use a little private means?

What this means is human nature!

Of course, the biggest reason for this is that because the human race is strong enough, all races cannot compete with it.

Otherwise, the ten thousand races will definitely cause trouble.

After all, understanding belongs to understanding, but the things I paid for with real money were secretly used by others, resulting in my inability to use it at critical moments, and no one would feel comfortable.


As long as the strength is strong enough, you can ignore the rules and make people dare not speak.



Among ten thousand races,

Although they have been stumbling each other,

But they all know that the matter of setting up the stars next week is too important. If it is because of their own reasons that this matter cannot be carried out, then their fate will definitely not be any better.

Therefore, everyone turns the gangster into the gangster, but after all, they have a certain degree and will not make too much trouble, so as to affect the progress of the establishment of the Zhoutian Temple.

In this way, thanks to the efforts of the tens of thousands of people, the temples of Zhoutian, like bamboo shoots after the rain, stood one after another on the wild land.


They are all proceeding in accordance with Shaohao's vision.

And these were all seen by Feng Zichen on Ziwei Star.

On the wild land,

Such a big thing happened,

How can I hide from Feng Zichen's eyes.

In fact,

From the moment Shaohao started planning to build Zhoutian stars, Feng Zichen secretly cast a gleam of eyes, always paying attention to the movement of the human race.

He even knew about the lack of human treasures to refine the Zhoutian Temple.

But he,

Not as before,

Fill the gap for Terran.

Previously, Feng Zichen had made an exception to support Terran. This time, let the people solve it by themselves.

The sky is healthy, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement.

After all, the prosperity of a race does not depend on the efforts of one person, but the efforts of everyone.

If he were to let him do everything, it would be like a nanny, wouldn't the human race repeat the mistakes of the ancient times?

He did everything alone,

What are the three emperors and five emperors doing?

Therefore, from beginning to end, Feng Zichen just watched and did not give Shaohao the slightest help.

Simply, Shaohao didn't let him down either.

Under these circumstances, Shaohao didn't even think of asking him for help, but instead planned to find a way on his own.

At this point,

Feng Zichen is enough to be relieved.

Because if Shaohao really asked him for help, Feng Zichen really didn't know whether he could really make up his mind to refuse.

No matter how hard it is,

The guarantee is resolute,

But he is a man after all!

Born as a human, how can Feng Zichen remain indifferent when faced with the help of the human race?

Feeling and righteous, just as a person!

If you cultivate to the end, you will have no seven emotions, give up your six desires, and develop a heart of iron, just like a cold stone, what you have in your heart is the supreme path, which is extremely indifferent to all things in the world.

Then, it's not a human being!

It's Tao!

Only Tao,

Only then can you let go of everything and don't worry about everything.

But obviously, Feng Zichen had too much in his heart that he couldn't let go, so he was still a human being, unable to achieve Dao, and could not forget the human race.

Therefore, if Shaohao really asked him for help, he would be disappointed in his heart, but he would probably not refuse.

Like this,

How many people escaped in ancient and modern times?

But fortunately, Shaohao didn't choose to ask Feng Zichen for help, but was ready to find a way on his own.

Face the difficulties,

Worthy of praise!

Shaohao was worthy of being an emperor, and soon came up with a solution, borrowing the hands of all races to refine the Zhoutian Temple.

For this method,

Feng Zichen was very satisfied.

In the short term, allocating Zhoutian Temple to the Ten Thousand Races will undoubtedly cause the Human Race to lose a big hole card and bury hidden dangers for the future.

If the ten thousand races rise because of this, wouldn't the human race be a cocoon?

But from another perspective, with the rise of the ten thousand races, it will undoubtedly bring huge external pressure to the human race to urge the human race to make continuous progress.


Not a good thing!

Having no opponents for a long time will undoubtedly cause the human race to give birth to a slack heart, and this is the beginning of defeat.

Moreover, as the external pressure disappears, the internal pressure will expand, leading to the occurrence of civil unrest.

Therefore, it is a good thing to appropriately put some external pressure on the human race.

Practice together, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

It is the same everywhere.



Feng Zichen is not all watching,

While he was observing, he was also on alert to prevent anyone from secretly attacking and sabotaging the matter.

Not all people hope that the great land will get better and better.

Chaos Demon God,

And some fallen great magicians,

Is the biggest threat.

It seemed that such an existential confrontation could not be resisted by the strength of the current human race alone. Therefore, this requires Feng Zichen to **** him.



Perhaps Feng Zichen's warning was effective.

Or perhaps, after the last failure, the Chaos Demon God chose to temporarily lurch.

In short, the construction of the Zhoutian Temple was successfully completed.

During this period, no one made any damage.

After ninety-five years of Shaohao, after hundreds of thousands of years of hard work, Shaohao combined the power of the human race and the ten thousand races, and finally set three hundred and sixty Zhoutian stars on the prehistoric land.

at this time,

Terran Ancestral Land,

A majestic hall, suspended in the void, blooms with brilliant divine light.

That is the center of human power, the highest palace of humanity. At the same time, it is also the center of three hundred and sixty Zhoutian Temples, the Ziwei Temple.

Whether it is the Zhoutian Temple of the Human Race or the prehistoric Zhoutian Temple, there is only one Ziwei Temple, which represents the head of the temples, and that is the highest hall of the Human Race, the Human Palace!

He is the center of human power and the center of power of all races. With the power of one temple, run two galaxy cosmic arrays alone!

Perhaps, the current Palace of Human Emperor is not the strongest cave in the prehistoric land.

But with the operation of the two galaxy cosmic light arrays, his origin will become stronger and stronger, and one day, it will become the first sacred place for cultivation in the prehistoric land!


In front of the Palace of the Emperor, Shaohao ordered people to set up an altar to pray to heaven with masters of all races.

"The Way of Heaven is on ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shaohao of the human race today, with thousands of people, took 200,000 years to set up three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian temples on the wild land to protect the earth."

"We are here to tell the heavens on purpose, hoping to learn from the heavens!"

"Zhou Tian Temple, stand up!"

When the words fall, the heavenly way will live up to the senses!


An extremely stalwart will,

Emerging from nothingness.

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