Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 644: not authentic

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If it was before,

Even with the help of the World Tree, Feng Zichen may not be sure to do this.

But now,

With the help of the source of heaven and earth,

The World Tree has just completed an upgrade, and its ability has been greatly improved, just enough to meet Feng Zichen's goal of connecting the world.

However, this matter is not in a hurry.

It's one thing to connect with the Ten Thousand Realms, and it's another thing to send someone to the Ten Thousand Realms. The difficulty of the two is completely different, and a good living plan is still needed.

What matters right now is to open up the heaven and earth passages in the Zhoutian Temple first, so as to facilitate the human masters to travel to and from the heavens.


The re-establishment of contact with the heavens and worlds this time is also of great significance to Feng Zichen.

You know, before the demon race's butcher's calamity broke out, he sent many human race arrogances into the great world, thinking that the human race had a future.

I don't know how those Human Race Tianjiaos have mixed up in the Great Thousand World after so many years.

Has he smashed down a world as he expected, grasped its source, and sat on the position of the supreme realm master.


This is just Feng Zichen's extravagant hope.

After all, the current situation is completely different from what he envisioned back then. When he sent the Human Race Tianjiao away, he did not expect that the Chaos Demon God would escape from the trap and escape to the great world.

Only this point,

It brought great changes to His wonderful plan.

at this time,

Not to mention mastering the vast world, Feng Zichen's biggest requirement for those Human Race Tianjiao is that they can survive well.

Enemy with the Chaos Demon God is a terrible thing to think about for those young people.

Speaking of which, when Feng Zichen sent them into the Great Thousand World, the starting point was completely good. The original intention was to find an opportunity for them to preach the Dao, and by the way, leave some seeds for the human race.

Unexpectedly, the Chaos Demon God suddenly got out of trouble and made good fortune to make people become the most insecure group of people who should have been the safest.

It's really...


All kinds of words,

Had to turn into a helpless sigh.

Who would have expected such a thing?




To become the master of the world,

It's not hopeless!

At the very least, in Feng Zichen's heart, there is also a faint expectation.

It should be known that in those three thousand great worlds, in addition to the batch of Human Race Tianjiao, there are also three of His disciples.

Fengjie, Jiang Xiong, Jiang Hui!

These three people are all great fortune, and their talents can be called peerless. Their future achievements are all invincible great supernatural powers.

Since accepting them as disciples, Feng Zichen has always placed high hopes on the three of them, believing that the human race will make greater achievements in their hands.

For this reason, Feng Zichen kept the three of them with him for a period of time.

In the old days, before the human race suffered a catastrophe, the three people disappeared for no reason, but Feng Zichen was anxious for a long time.

It wasn't until they calculated that the three of them had another chance and were involved in the great world.


It has been nearly tens of millions of years since Fengjie and the three left the prehistoric land and lost in the great world!

What a long period of time, almost equivalent to most of Human Race's history.

Thinking about it, thousands of years have passed. With the talents of the Fengjie trio, they should have cultivated into the Daluo Jinxian long ago, or even further.

Such strength,

With the addition of the three people working together, even if it is not as good as the Chaos Demon God, self-protection is enough.

Perhaps, beyond the Chaos Demon God, it is especially unknown to seize a world.


This is a miracle.


Monk's matter,

It is true that anything can happen.

Fengjie three people,

It may not be impossible to create a miracle.

This is Feng Zichen's greatest expectation for them!


"After I become enlightened,"

"It's time to go to Daqian World to take a look."

"Those kids, it's been too long since they left home, so I should look for them and see how they are doing?"

On Ziwei Star, Feng Zichen looked at the huge world tree that stood between the heavens and the earth, as if he had seen countless worlds, and he couldn't help thinking.





In the void that no one sees,

Shining starlights hung down from the endless starry sky and fell into the territories of the human race, the Zhoutian temple belonging to the human race.

This is Feng Zichen's supreme means, distorting time and space, and forcing the human race to open up three hundred and sixty-five passages to the heavens.

Because these passages had to bypass the Sea of ​​Laws, Feng Zichen had to rely on the power of Zhou Tian and the stars.

Otherwise, it would be as powerful as him, and it would not be able to bypass the perception of the sea of ​​law. In the case of unparalleled connection between the world and the earth, the connection between the two realms of heaven and man would be opened up.

The sea of ​​law, isolating everything, is not just for fun.

That is to say, Zhou Tian's stars have a special status, which can provide the earth with a steady stream of star power, which leads to his power, which will not be limited by the sea of ​​law.

if not,

The primordial sentient beings cannot absorb the star power,

I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

At the beginning, the Yaozu only intercepted part of the Zhoutian star power, and formed a huge cause and effect with the common people.

If the sea of ​​law dared to completely cut off the star power and prevent it from descending on the wild land, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be overwhelmed by boundless karma.

Such cause and effect,

Heavenly Dao dared not accept it either.


The power of the stars,

It will not be isolated by the sea of ​​law.

And Feng Zichen used this loophole in the Sea of ​​Laws to create void passages in the bright starlight for the human masters to travel back and forth between the heavens and the earth.

This kind of thing is actually not difficult.

If Feng Zichen did his best, it would be all done in hundreds of years.

But if you really do that, the movement will be too great. It is no exaggeration that the entire prehistoric land will be alarmed.

And this is somewhat inappropriate.

After all, what Feng Zichen had done was really unorthodox. As soon as the front foot is completely connected, the back foot opens the back door for the human race.

The co-author of the so-called Jue Tian Di Tong, which is specifically used by the human race to target the ten thousand races, right?


Although this is true,

But obviously you can't say that.

Otherwise, once it spreads out, what will Human Race really become?

When and standing again?

Human race can't remember this reputation.

Therefore, to create a heaven and earth passage for the human race, it is enough to do it secretly, as long as it is not blatantly, even if it is discovered, it will pass with one eye and one eye closed.

But if Feng Zichen dared to expose this matter to others, it would inevitably cause a great uproar. When the time comes, with all the noise, even if the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, it will not be easy to explain.

Of course, other people's condemnation can't hurt the human race at all.

But, at the very least, after this incident, the reputation of the human race was completely stinking in the prehistoric age. Even with his reputation as Feng Zichen, it also stinks.

Feng Zichen still has a face,

Human race also has a face,

In order to hesitate public opinion,

If something like this is not very authentic, it's just going to be done in a sneaky way.


It's really bothersome.

With Feng Zichen's strength, if you don't hide it, you can do it in a hundred years at most.

However, in order to prevent outsiders from discovering, he scored a part of his energy to cover up the secret, which would undoubtedly greatly delay the progress of the project. At least it takes a hundred times more effort.

Tens of thousands of years,

It's really enough for people to have a headache.



Time flies,

In a blink of an eye, thirty thousand years have passed.

Feng Zichen's establishment of the heaven and earth passage in the Zhoutian Temple was finally completed.

Only for a while, these channels can be officially put into use after beings stop talking about the unparalleled connection.

Also at this time,

Emperor Zhuanxu also ushered in the end of his reign.

Yes, it has been 900,000 years since Zhuan Xu has undergone changes over and over again.

Before he knew it, Zhuan Xu had ruled the wild land for 900,000 years, less than a hundred thousand years before the expiry of his million-year term.

at this time,

He should also choose an heir.


Zhuan Xu finally put his gaze back on the human race from the wild land, and began to search for the talent of the family.

After Emperor Zhuanxu retracted his gaze, the patriarch of the ten thousand clan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In their hearts,

The emperor of Human Race is really terrible.

If you don't make a move, it cuts off the passage between heaven and earth. It's really terrible!

That's nothing more than a peerless murderer!


Zhuan Xu searched the Human Race several times and finally found a suitable heir.

Ji Jun!

That is, his nephew, the grandson of Emperor Shaohao, the great-grandson of Emperor Xuanyuan!

He was born with the emperor's purple qi, and his life is indescribable. He is the best candidate to succeed the emperor.



Ji Jun is the emperor!

The reincarnation of one of the five innate masters who died in battle for the human race.

After determining the candidate, Emperor Zhuanxu did not directly entrust him with a heavy responsibility. Instead, he first tested the emperor. After all of them were qualified, Emperor Zhuanxu called him to teach him personally.

After that,

Hong Huang fell into peace again,

Nothing big happened.


One hundred thousand years passed by, and the human race once again ushered in the alternation of supreme power.


Zhuan Xu has lived through millions of years,

Ren Huang Zhuanxu was passed on to the emperor under the witness of thousands of people, and then he went to heaven.

When he left, many elders of the human race rose into the sky and left with him.

At this point, the older generation has completely delegated power, and the younger generation has taken over.

The alternation of human power between the new and the old was completed without any turmoil, and no turmoil occurred.


According to Feng Zichen’s estimate,

This time should be the last time for the transfer of power without any waves.

Not everyone can do not love power.

The human heart is greedy,

After savoring the pleasure of having power, how can you give up easily?

The reason why they are able to give up the power in their hands so happily now is all because they know that there are greater benefits waiting for them in the heavenly realm.

Zhuan Xu abdicated, not to live in seclusion, but to dominate the heaven and earth. These veteran officials who assisted Zhuanxu followed their Majesty to the heavenly court. How could Emperor Zhuanxu treat them wrongly?

Compared with the power in the heavenly court, the power in the human race is undoubtedly less important.

Therefore, they will hand over their power very happily.

They do,

The same goes for the four groups of old people who followed Shaohao, Xuanyuan, Shennong, and Fuxi.

Both have a greater future.


Like the benefits of going to heaven as an official,

That's it for once.

According to the original plan of the Five Heavenly Emperors, Emperor Zhuan Xu, if nothing else, should be the last Heavenly Emperor of the Human Race.

after this,

Even if Haotian still hasn't returned,

The next human emperor of the human race will not be the emperor of heaven.

Because, even if Feng Zichen agreed, the rest of the great supernatural powers in Honghuang would not agree.

There are enough five heavenly emperors.

In a few more, the matter of becoming the emperor of heaven after the emperor abdicated, it is estimated that it has become a common practice.

By the time,

How will Haotian deal with himself after he returns?

Can't give up the position of Heavenly Emperor to Human Race, right?

This is obviously impossible!

Since Haotian became the Emperor of Heaven, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is conscientious and conscientious.

In particular, he was forced to reincarnate into the reincarnation because he saved the primordial world.

His people fell in order to save all beings in the world, and all beings do not appreciate his kindness, but instead took advantage of his reincarnation to seize his inheritance.

Tut tut...

Anyone who points a face,

Nothing like this can be done.


Heaven will not allow this to happen.

Heaven to the public,

Will not let the hero shed tears after bleeding.

not to mention,

The power of the human race,

Has aroused the vigilance of many great supernatural powers.

In order to prevent the re-emergence of forces like the Lich Clan, it is said that a large number of supernatural powers will join forces to suppress the human race to curb its development.

This is very likely to happen.

Because no one wants to be above them with a power as powerful as a lich. Once a force is found to have such signs, it is bound to usher in their joint suppression.

And Terran,

Obviously there is this sign.

But at this time,

The human race is covered by heaven.

Its rise is also carried out in accordance with the will of heaven.

Therefore, although the great supernatural powers did not want to see the rise of the human race, they did not dare to intervene too much due to the power of heaven.


The way of heaven is to take care of the human race,

There are limits too.

Once this limit is exceeded, the human race will not be blessed by heaven.

And obviously,

The matter of Emperor Wufang,

Not in the shelter of heaven.


Once the people are re-elected as the nine emperors,

Then, the luck of the human race will be completely integrated with the luck of the heavens.

By the time,

In the precipice,

No one really can control the human race.

But the great magicians, how can they tolerate this happening under their noses?

They will definitely stop!

Five Emperors of Heaven,

Not the limit of the great supernatural powers,

It's the limit of heaven.

According to the thinking of the great supernatural powers, one term is enough.

Hello me too!

However, at the beginning of Fuxi's ascension to the throne ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he proposed the plan of the Five Heavenly Emperors.


The great magicians do not want to agree.

But this move,

In accordance with the providence,

Can help the human race.

Therefore, Tiandao agreed.

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