Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 700: Haotian please watch the show

When kindness and honesty are linked, it only represents one thing. This person may be a little stupid and easy to bully.

In fact, this child is not too mediocre, it can be said that he is qualified by Chinese people. But he has the reincarnation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and only the capital of the middle man in Jin Dynasty, it is a bit of a sorry status for him.

It should be the arrogance of the human race!

However, the child has nothing to do with Feng Zichen. When he learned the name of the child, he had already figured out the calculations for the quasi-raise.

The child's name was Yang Tianyou, a familiar name. Feng Zichen thought about it carefully, and found out where he had heard the name from that long memory.

Isn't there Yang Jian's father?

Good guy, everything is right.

Zhun mention that the saint is going to use the Heavenly Court to have an operation!

After thinking about this, Feng Zichen was not in a hurry to break, but he continued to live in seclusion here, and he planned to give Zhunti saint a surprise.



Things were just as Feng Zichen expected. Soon after Yang Tianyou grew up, Yao Ji, who was above the heavenly court, came to the world because of hunting down the fugitives from the heavenly court.

As soon as Yao Ji entered the human world, the back hand that Zhunti Saint had prepared in advance was activated, and Yao Ji fell into the love tribulation silently.

At that time, Yao Ji was still not aware of being calculated, and she was still pursuing Tianting fugitives.

Under the secret promotion of Saint Zhunti, the two chased and fled, and finally met outside Yangjia Village, and a great battle broke out.

Later, the fugitive from the court was seriously injured and escaped, while Yao Ji was seriously injured and unconscious, and was rescued by Yang Tianyou who was passing by.

The plot begins!

According to normal circumstances, after the two people experience a few hardships together, they will be in love for a long time, and then they will get married and live happily for decades.

After that, Haotian will find out and send heaven soldiers to chase and kill, so that the family is destroyed.

But now, it's not like that anymore.

Because at the beginning of the plot, Feng Zichen also started to act.

He didn't try to prevent Saint Zhunti from taking action, nor did he help Yao Ji, nor did he interfere with Yang Tianyou, making it impossible for the two to meet.

Feng Zichen could only quietly leave an incarnation here, and rushed to the heaven in a hurry.

He wants to pull Haotian over to watch the play.

He wanted to know now, if Haotian knew in advance that Yao Ji was allowed to be a saint to calculate and fell in love with a mortal, how would he react.

That scene, thinking about it, was very exciting.

Mess up, mess up,

Feng Zichen is doing big things now!

The reason why Yao Ji's tragedy appeared was that Haotian didn't know about it in advance. But now, under Feng Zichen's show operation, Haotian knew about this in advance, will the tragedy happen again?



How far is the world from heaven?

But under Feng Zichen's feet, there was only one step away.

Seeing him taking one step forward, he came directly to the Nantian Gate, and another step forward, he entered the Nantian Gate, and came to Haotian who was resting in the Phixiang Temple.

"Friend Haotian, you have been very leisurely these days!"

Walking straight to Haotian's side, Feng Zichen was not polite, and said directly to him.

"laid back?"

"Friends of Taoism don't want to make fun of them."

Haotian was not surprised at Feng Zichen's arrival, only shook his head and responded to his jokes with a wry smile.

"Don't talk about it, why is fellow Taoist idle today, come here to poor Dao?"

Unwilling to talk with Feng Zichen idle, Haotian went straight to the subject and asked.

"Of course you are invited to watch the play."

"Pan Dao has been quietly thinking about it recently, and traveled to the wild land. During the tour, I happened to see a big drama and thought of coming over and inviting fellow daoists to open my eyes."

At this time, Feng Zichen said mysteriously.

"Watching a play?"

"What drama?"

Hearing that, Haotian asked curiously.

Only, at this time, where is Feng Zichen still kung fu and Haotian chatting here, you must know that there is a day in the sky, and one on the ground, there is no delay.

This delay may be a bad thing.

Therefore, Feng Zichen didn't explain to Haotian either, but one of them grabbed him and walked towards Yangjiacun of Human Realm.

"Don't ask so much, you will know when you get to the place."

While pulling Haotian, Feng Zichen did not forget to say.

In this way, Haotian was dragged by Feng Zichen and walked to the world.



How fast are the two?

The last moment I was in the Heavenly Phixiang Temple, the next moment I arrived at Yangjia Village, outside of Yang Tianyou's house.

"Why did fellow Daoists bring Pang Dao here?"

"What's so beautiful about an ordinary farmhouse..."

Being pulled here by Feng Zichen, Haotian said reluctantly.

Only, as soon as he was halfway through his words, he couldn't speak any more, as if his throat was blocked by something, and he opened his mouth for a long time without saying a word.

Because, in a glimpse of the light, in the ordinary farmyard, he saw a person who shouldn't be here.

There is Yao Ji!

His sister Yao Ji!

At this moment, the eldest princess of the court was doing something extremely inconsistent with her identity. She is helping a mortal wash his clothes.

At this moment, Feng Zichen, who was next to Haotian, could clearly see that at a moment, Haotian's expression was wonderful.

It was perplexity, incomprehension, anger...All kinds of duplicate emotions were intertwined on his face, but there was not the slightest joy.


The next moment, Haotian broke out, and directly reached out to grab Yao Ji, wanting to suppress it.

Only at this moment, Feng Zichen suddenly stopped him.

Seeing Haotian just raised his hand and was about to grab Yao Ji, a group of Feng Zichen directly held his arm and interrupted Haotian's supernatural powers.

"Friends, what do you mean by this?"

After trying to struggle twice, after discovering that he couldn't break free, Haotianyou asked with a complacent face and angrily.

"Friends, please calm down."

"Do you really see Lingmei's situation?"

Looking at the furious Haotian, Feng Zichen shook his head. While speaking, he secretly used a Heart-Cleaning Curse to try to calm his mind.

Regarding affection, it really has Haotian's biggest weakness. Looking at Yao Ji at this moment, he had lost even the basic judgment, and he hadn't noticed what was wrong with Yao Ji at all.


"You are too impulsive."

After Feng Zichen's persuasion, Haotian finally recovered his calm, and the wisdom of the emperor returned to him.

"Love robbery?"

"Who did it?"

Haotian, who recovered his composure, looked at Yao Ji again and found something wrong.

In Haotian's eyes, a long red thread suddenly appeared on Yao Ji's body. There are red lines and lines of marriage.

However, the red thread on Yao Ji's body is different from others. It is more red, red dazzling, red demon, as if blood will drip at any time.

The red thread is like blood, a symbol of sentimental robbery.

It's just that Yao Ji always stays in the heaven on weekdays and rarely communicates with outsiders. How can she get involved in love with others?

This clearly has been calculated by others.

After silently deducing for a while, and realizing that he couldn't calculate any news, Haotian immediately understood that there must be a saint who had calculated his sister Yao Ji.

After all, in the predicament, it is only the saint who can not calculate any news for him.

The one who makes the move must be one of the seven saints. As for who, Haotian didn't know, but Feng Zichen, who took him to the show, must have known.

Thinking of this, Haotian directly asked Feng Zichen, "Friends, please tell Poverty Dao, which sage calculated the younger sister?"

Judging from his posture, it seemed that as soon as Feng Zichen revealed the identity of the person behind the scenes, he would run over and desperately.

"Which saint is there, is there an answer in the heart of fellow Taoists?"

"Except who, who can do such a deed?"

Feng Zichen smiled, Feng Zichen didn't break it, but said dumbly.

"Sure enough, there is Him!"

"It's ok to mention a child, it's really a sage, I really don't need a little bit of dough, I can do this kind of thing."

"It's really ashamed to be in the same rank."

"There is also the poor Dao when he was young and ignorant. He even saw his brothers and sisters being pitiful. He did not hesitate to take the risk of the Dao ancestor's punishment to open the door to the Zixiao Palace for him, so that it became the fruit of today."

"I really regret it!"

Although Feng Zichen said vaguely, Haotian guessed the identity of the other party for the first time, and couldn't help cursing in anger.

Among the saints, apart from the quasi-tutor, who can do such a thing?

Sanqing will not, and Nüwa Houtu will not. The introduction of saints has always been low-key, and it will not. Then only the quasi-sage is left.

In Honghuangtiandi, it is rare to mention things that a saint dared not do. Dijun dares to calculate with big bullying, let alone Haotian.

He has a criminal record!

"He has to deal with the poor way?"

"For these years, Poor Dao has always been simple and simple. If you don't ask about the world, you will avoid them."

"Unexpectedly, the poor Dao has reached this point. They still feel that the poor Dao is in the way. If they want to calculate the poor Dao, they are really deceiving too much!"

After returning to his senses, Haotian murmured unconsciously, as if he was talking to himself, and as if he was asking Feng Zichen.

From the moment I learned that Yao Ji was quasi-extracted, Haotian knew that the goal of quasi-promotion was not Yao Ji, but him!

Yao Ji is but Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation base, what is worthy of accurate calculation? It's nothing more than calculating yourself through her.

Haotian became more and more angry just because he wanted to understand this. Over the years, He has tolerated the saints, and is unwilling to conflict with them.

Unexpectedly, his retreat was regarded as weak by the saint, so that the saint became more and more disregarded of him, and acted more and more unscrupulously.

Today, the actions of the saint Zhunti completely ignited the anger that Haotian had been squeezing for many years.

As the saying goes, the more ruthless the suppression, the more intense the explosion. At this moment, Haotian really has a murderous intent on the saint.

"Friends of Daoist, please take care of your sister-in-law for a while. Poor Dao is something you need to leave."

He bowed to Feng Zichen, and Haotian was about to leave so that he could go to Mount Xumi and ask for an explanation with the Saint Zhunti.

However, Feng Zichen did not intend to let Haotian leave at this time. He felt that the current heat was not enough, and he wanted to add another fire to Haotian.

"Friends of Taoism, please stay!"

"Sumi Mountain can go anytime, but fellow daoists don't want to know. Is there any plan for that servant to calculate you?"

Stopping Haotian, Feng Zichen said with a serious face.


Hearing this, Haotian hesitated, he really wanted to know how to calculate the quasi-trivial plan with him.

"How do you look at this?"

After hesitating for a while, Haotian felt that what Feng Zichen was talking about was the truth, and Xumi Mountain could go anytime, not even this time, so he asked.

"This matter Yi Er!"

Seeing Feng Zichen smiled lightly, put out his hand, bluffed his five fingers, and grabbed the void. On Nasumi Mountain, there was a female disciple missing.

"Friends of Taoism..."

Seeing the Western disciple who suddenly appeared in Feng Zichen's hands, Haotian seemed to understand something.


Spit out a word gently, Feng Zichen responded to Haotian with practical actions.

I also didn't see how Feng Zichen made the move. The Western disciple in his hands suddenly disappeared. At the same time, Yao Ji, who had fallen into a coma, suddenly appeared beside Haotian.

In an instant, Feng Zichen replaced Yao Ji with the Western disciple in his hand.

"Also ask fellow daoists to join me in shielding the secrets, so as not to be detected by the quasi-raised saints in advance."

After doing all this, Feng Zichen said with a smile to Haotian.

"It should be so!"

At this time, Haotian also understood Feng Zichen's plan, and said not without agreeing.

Then, two people teamed up to modify the secret here, so that Saint Zhunti could not notice any abnormalities.

The Western church has lost a disciple. Although the saint knew about it, he didn't take it to heart.

Because during this period of time, Western religions often lose their disciples, and they have become accustomed to mentioning saints.

Those who shot, naturally there are great supernatural powers. In order to find a way to get rid of the evil spirits in the beasts, they have often attacked the disciples of the Western teachings over the years.

They were forced to lead Zhunti and both wanted to expose the method of getting rid of the evil beasts.


Feng Zichen and Haotian's methods were amazing. After turning the Western disciple into Yao Ji, did she realize that she was fake?

Even the fake Yao Ji felt that she was real, let alone Yang Tianyou, who was only a mortal, he hadn't noticed anything abnormal.

In this way, after the two experienced some things together, they gradually came together and gave birth to three children.

Seeing this, Haotian's face was blue, if it hadn't been for Feng Zichen to hold him, the two would have been shot to death by him.

"Don't worry!"

"This is only the beginning, we continue to look down~www.wuxiaspot.com~In the void, Feng Zichen held the Haotian who wanted to leave, and said with a smile.

But at this time, I don't know anyone who stabbed the news that Fairy Yao Ji married a mortal in the lower realm and gave birth to a child in the heavenly court.

For a time, the gods were in an uproar!

Marry a mortal,

This is a crime!

Afterwards, without waiting for Haotian's order, the ruler of that day, Emperor Changsheng of Antarctica, ordered Marshal Tianpeng to lead ten thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, and the lower realms captured Fairy Yaoji in order to maintain the majesty of the heavenly court.

The rules of the sky are the strictest, and they must never be defiled.

When Marshal Tianpeng assembled his army, Xiao Qi, the youngest daughter of the Jade Emperor, hurriedly rushed over to inform her after receiving the news.

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