Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 702: True and False Yao Ji

Above the heavens, you can see that the supreme mana floats with the wave of Haotian's big sleeves turned into sky-filled runes and blessed them on Taoshan's body.

Precisely, at this moment, Yang Jian was raising the mountain axe in his hand and slashing towards Taoshan.


The axe and blade smashed on Peach Mountain. There was a huge noise on the mountain, and it stirred up terror, and the wave caused the void to be distorted.

However, the hope that Yang Jian had pinned on Yang Jian was a blow, but it didn't play a role at all. Don't say that Taoshan, there was a **** when it cracked, not even a piece of rubble fell.

"how come……"

First, I looked at the mountain axe in my hand, and then I looked at the front intact, but there was Yang Jian in Taoshan, and his eyes were full, unbelievable.

This is different from what his master Yuding Zhenren said!

The real Jade Ding said that he was able to split Taoshan easily with the addition of a mountain axe.

But what's the situation now?

Yang Jian didn't have a mountain axe in his hands. Everything has its origins. In the old days, Dayu's hand was a mountain axe made of innate merits and virtues.

In order to fight against the punishment of heaven, Yu can say that he did everything. That innate merit Lingbao opened the mountain axe, was crushed by Heaven's Punishment in this disaster, turned into countless fragments, scattered in the prehistoric world.

Some of the fragments fell into Kunlun Mountain and were obtained by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Or, idle and bored, or, for a while, Yuanshi Tianzun took the initiative to re-refine those fragments with various innate spiritual materials, and refined a top-quality acquired treasure.

In other words, Yang Jian's hand is a mountain axe.

According to common sense, Yang Jian Jinxian has the cultivation base, plus the acquired treasure in the hand, the mountain axe, and it can open Taoshan as easily as the real Jade Ding said.

But it's a pity that there is anger because Haotian couldn't help but strengthen Taoshan.

Haotian, what a cultivation base?

Standing in the realm of the quasi-sage is the pinnacle of the immortal realm where Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is about to aspire.

Under the blessing of Him, there is no saying that Yang Jian takes it. The counterfeit is a **** axe, and there is a genuine product, and it can’t open Taoshan.

In other words, Dayu is almost the same!



At the foot of Taoshan, Yang Jian hesitated again and again. He raised his hand again, the **** axe of the mountain opened, and tried his best to cut towards Taoshan.

Last time there was a chance, an accident.

This time it might be successful.

Yang Jian thought that it was time that the mountain axe had already slashed on Taoshan.

But it turned out that it was worse than the last time that Taoshan was still unharmed, not to mention that there was a horror that was that the counter-shock force came and Yang Jian was stunned.


After being shaken out, Yang Jian Youfei had been flying for a long time, but he hit the ground fiercely after a long distance.

"Not possible to be!"

"Why can't you split it?"


Rising from the ground, Yang Jianyou seemed to be unacceptable. Failure was a blow to the face and gradually revealed a hint of madness.

Then I saw Yang Jian rushing forward, raising the mountain axe in his hand, regardless of whether it was cutting towards Taoshan.

There are two clicks and three clicks...

As Yang Jian moved, there was a huge counter-shock force that struck him, and his hands were cracked and blood dripping.

But Yang Jian didn't care at all until his arms were shaken or shattered and he was conscious and fell into a coma. Then he stopped.

But twenty years is the time when Yang Jian has changed from being an ordinary mortal to being a monk in the Golden Immortal realm. The speed is a bit faster, but in such a short time, how can you polish the state of mind that matches its realm?

It's normal to get lost in the slightest setbacks.


"Such a scene is true and moving."

The wind above the heavenly court, Zi Chen could not help but express his emotion when he saw Yang Jian.


Haotian had a rule on this, and he snorted coldly.

"Friends of Taoist Yang Jian can't sing Taoshan if you can't open Taoshan, and you won't be able to sing anymore."

"It is estimated that there will be another time later that he will be unable to help but make a move. And if he wants to make a move, if there is a peach mountain, it will be broken."

"Now that there is such a situation, what will the fellow Daoist plan next?"

It seemed, thinking of something Fengfeng Zichen suddenly turned his head and said to Haotian.

Yang Jian said that if you can't open Taoshan, there is a chance to mention that the saint wants to suppress Haotian's prestige. What's more, Haotian's prestige has actually been promoted.

How can you be willing to have Him like this?

Inevitably, it must be shot.

"Friends of Taoism don't want to play dumb puzzles anymore, but if you have any plans, you will cooperate with them."

Haotian, the human spirit understood Feng Zichen's words as soon as he heard what he meant and said directly.

"Ha ha!"

"Friends of Taoism are really, quick to talk."

"Then the poor Dao just said that if there is any next, it is time to make sister Yao Ji appear."

With a big laugh, Feng Zi Chen said directly.

"Yao Ji?"

"Friends of Taoism mean..."

Haotian faintly understood what Feng Zichen meant in his heart.

At the same time, as Feng Zichen had guessed, there was a chance to mention that the saint was wondering if there were some of his not knowing what Haotian was.

Yao Ji Ke, he is a younger sister, he is really ruthless, he must always be sealed up and not, is it good to show it to outsiders?

However, there are doubts in my heart, but there are doubts, but I want to mention the saint, and I plan to make a move to help Yang Jian split Taoshan.



The serious injury was caused by Yang Jian who was rushed in and was picked up by the real Yuding, and there was no sound.

If so, Yijiazi passed.

After Yijiazi, Yang Jian reappeared and came to Taoshan again.

Compared with before, he is stronger and has a realm promoted from Jinxian to Taiyi Jinxian.

At the same time, he has a mountain axe in his hand, and is stronger, has the whole body's innate Taoist rhyme lingering, and has bloomed a little light. Obviously, it has transformed into an innate spirit treasure.

If you want the mountain axe to degenerate into an innate spirit treasure, it is easy and simple to have it, and look for more fragments of the Dayu mountain axe for it to devour.

It seems that in the past few years, the disciples of interpreting and teaching have not spent much time looking for the fragments of Dayu's mountain axe. Only then has Yang Jian raised the mountain axe in Yang Jian's hand to the point where it is a congenital spirit treasure.

"Mother, the child will definitely save you this time."

She shouted at the fake Yao Ji who was crushed down the mountain. Yang Jian couldn't wait to raise the mountain axe and slashed towards Taoshan.

At the same time

Zhun mention the saint too, let's take a shot!

An ordinary person could not perceive that the power floated from the void, entangled in the mountain axe or the axe blade, chopped out with the light of the axe, or smashed into Taoshan.


I heard the shaking of the mountain, the sound of shaking, and the peach mountain cracking, slicing from the middle, and rolling out countless pieces of gravel.

And at the moment when Taoshan was broken, there was the heavenly court, Haotian was furious, directly rang the god-gathering drum, summoned the heavenly court officials, and wanted to punish those who despised the heavenly court's legal principles.


The celestial gods came when they heard the sound of the drums, as soon as they stepped into the High Heaven Hall, they saw the three emperor shadows aloft. Can't help but take a breath of air-conditioning is at the same time, knowing that something big is about to happen.

The three emperor shadows are impressive, the Jade Emperor has the Ziwei Emperor and the Nanji Emperor.

Have there been so many emperors in the Heavenly Court in how many years? Even the Emperor Ziwei who ignored the affairs of the world all the time showed up and was visible, a really big event had happened.

Especially, at this moment, the three emperors have all complexions, not very good-looking, and obviously in a bad mood.

For a while, everyone became more careful with their breathing, for fear that one of them would accidentally anger the emperor and lose his life.

"You cultivators from the Qing family, Yang Jianyou, who have the lower realm, ignore my heavenly laws and despise my heavenly majesty and even more, and regard me and other monarchs as if there is nothing to do, and they are extremely rampant."

"Therefore, there are today's widows who want to fight against him. I don't know which Qing family is willing to take this important task and capture Yang Jian to strengthen my heavenly power."

Haotian said just now when he saw that the people were almost coming.


"Punch against Yang Jian?"

After Haotian finished speaking, there was a group of ministers who directly exploded.

Good guy has crusade against Yang Jian?

Who among these three realms doesn't know him, you are a nephew.

Do you have this to attack him, do you find something for yourself?

The Jade Emperor is a housework, who dares to intervene indiscriminately!

Regardless of whether they are fighting for life and death, it can be guaranteed that one day they will be reconciled, and they will become intimate again and be a family.

In this way, how can people deal with this matter today?

Since ancient times, anyone who dares to intervene in other people's housework will end up in the end. The lesson is right now. No one dares to mix it up.

Besides, there are a lot of disadvantages of winning and losing, and no one will take it on themselves.

Yu, after Haotian finished speaking, Lingxiao Palace was weird and fell into silence. No one dared to reply.


"You are all immortals and gods, and they have supernatural powers for countless years of cultivation. But nowadays, there are people who face a brat but no one dares to fight and have the truth, shame and shame!"

Seeing that there is no one in the heavens who dare to take up this important task, there is Haotian and no anger is roaring.

Everyone heard it, and I was ashamed that I lowered my head, but no one dared to fight.

"Your Majesty has my brothers and I wish the lower realm to capture the thief."

Until a long time later, under the seat of the Antarctic Emperor, the two gods of war between the north and the south could not stand this humiliation.


"Sure enough, there is no shortage of loyal and brave people in my heavenly court."

Seeing this, Haotian had Joy in his heart and wanted to let the two lead soldiers to fight.

But at this moment, Feng Zichen suddenly interrupted, "Hold on!"

"Daoist, what do you mean?" Haotian was puzzled by looking at Feng Zichen.

"Brother Dao has a righteous saying that we must tie the bell to untie the bell. If this matter arises from Yao Ji, it is right for Yao Ji to come forward and resolve the matter."

"Otherwise, it will be a joke in the future."

Mystery is a smile, windy Zichen said casually.

"Also, some Taoist friends are justified in saying this, and Yao Ji should indeed come forward."

"Then, if it's good, Yao Ji will be the main one, the two war gods of the north and the south will be the second one, and the lower realm will capture the Yang Jian thief."

Nodding his head, Haotian looked astonished. Then he sent the maid to Yaochi to invite Yao Ji to come.

? ? ?

At this time, there were two people who watched one sing and one harmony, and the heavenly court officials were full of question marks. These two emperors didn't understand what they said.

What does it mean to give priority to Yao Ji? Then Yao Ji, was you crushed under the Taoshan Mountain?

Is it possible that the two Yao Jis returned by the Heavenly Court are not successful? Or maybe there is the Jade Emperor who is confused by the anger?

Just when everyone was wondering, if you went out first, the maid had already led Yao Ji in.

"Ah this!"

Seeing Yao Ji walking by, everyone was stupid.

Why is there a Yao Ji in Heaven here?

Of course this is impossible!

Is it possible that there is a lower bound, which is, is it false?

In my mind, there was a doubt that everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of Momoyama in the lower realm.

That's right, there was a Yao Ji there and there was being carefully guarded by Yang Jian, walking out of the broken Taoshan.

After looking at it carefully for a moment, everyone didn't realize that there was anything wrong. There was that person in the place as well as Yao Ji who they knew well. Withdrawing their eyes, everyone looked at Yao Ji.


Good guys have

Exactly there is no way to tell the truth from the false.

But with the presence, everyone can get to the High Heaven Hall. Naturally, there is no one. Fools have them. Although they can't tell whether the two are true or false, they can distinguish the situation.

Since Yao Ji can appear in the Heavenly Court in front of her, no matter what status she had before, Yao Ji can only have it at this moment.

"I have seen the princess!"

After a little stunned, everyone immediately saw the ceremony.

"I have seen fellow Taoists."

Yao Ji's face was dazed in return.

Today there is really, so strange why I see her as a human being, a particularly weird expression seems to be trying to hide something.

In order to eliminate Yao Ji's love and misfortune, and to prevent it from affecting her in the future, Haotian directly modified Yao Ji's memory and made her completely forget everything that happened in the lower realm.

But in Yao Ji's memory, she has been practicing in retreat in Yaochi, hoping to break through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

"Yao Chi has a demon from the lower realms who pretend to be you, marry mortals and give birth to children, and cause disasters."

"Today's widow asked you to come here. Would you like to let you lead the heavenly soldiers to take down the demon to maintain the majesty of the heavenly court?"

He didn't hide that Haotian said directly.


"In the name of me, do you marry mortals and have children?"

After hearing this, Yao Ji was startled, and then her face became extremely ugly.

Anytime a famous festival is very important to a woman. Especially, it is even more so for women with noble status.

So after hearing the news suddenly, Yao Ji felt angry in her heart.

"Which **** is posing as a concubine?"

"The concubine is going to kill her!"

Yao Ji's anger in her heart directly moved the killing intent.

"People are in the lower realm. You will take the Widow's Haotian Mirror to get her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The widow also wants to know, who is so bold and dare to pretend to be the princess in the sky."

Take out the Haotian Mirror and hand it to Yao Ji and Haotianyi, said with a furious face.

"Your Majesty!"

Shakingly accepted the Haotian Mirror, Yao Ji thanked him.

She is not, excited and angry.

"Who is willing to work with Yao Ji to catch the thief in the lower realm."

After that, Haotian looked at the officials and continued to ask.

"I have me and I..."

Different from the last time no one answered, it was determined that the lower realm was Yao Ji. If it was after that, everyone changed the previous style and asked to fight.


The corners of his mouth twitched. Haotian randomly selected a few that were pleasing to the eye. It was people who let him go to the lower realm with Yao Ji and the two gods of war.

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