Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 707: Want to robbery

Feng Zichen, who sensed the awakening of the Chaos Demon God, fled towards the prehistoric world without waiting for them to kill him.

When will those who don't escape at this time stay?

Feng Zichen reacted unpleasantly and ran away without waiting for the Chaos Demon God to take action.

But it's a pity that he still couldn't get rid of the Chaos Demon God, being chased by them.

However, thanks to his quick response, the Chaos Demon God did not form an encirclement. Otherwise, Feng Zichen would want to run but couldn't escape.


The trace of a streamer in the sea of ​​bounds disappeared in an instant.

Behind him, there are hundreds of Chaos Demon Gods Wuyangyang, a large area that is closely following him, which looks terrifying.

However, Feng Zichen expressed that he did not panic at all about this, he was used to it. Anyway, those Chaos Demon Gods who couldn't catch up with him are now being sneaked by him.

Although Feng Zichen, who has been cultivating in the endless starry sky for so many years, did not, he has studied the method to restrain self-destruction, but he has the guarantee that he will rise again and again, and he can catch up with himself.

As long as he is not trapped by these Chaos Demon Gods and only chasing after him, then these Chaos Demon Gods definitely have no choice but Feng Zichen is.


With the Chaos Demon God wandering around the Jiehai Sea, Feng Zichen suddenly met.

Now that the Chaos Demon Gods all ran out to chase him, wouldn't there be no one to guard the vast world they occupy?

Thinking that Feng Zichen here would send a message to Ten Thousand Realms Trading City so that they could take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to quickly occupy the great world.

Feng Zichen immediately put out this idea.

Not that this plan is not good enough, but it is his at this time, obviously not suitable for contact with the Ten Thousand Realms Trading City.

Behind Feng Zichen, there are hundreds of Chaos Demon Gods, as soon as he is afraid of the fluctuations in the mind that connects with Ten Thousand Realms Trading City at this time, they will be immediately sensed by Chaos Demon God.

In this way, wouldn't the Ten Thousand Realms Trading City under the Chaos Demon God Shun Teng be exposed?

Chaos Demon God can't deal with Feng Zichen, can't it also deal with Ten Thousand Realms Trading City?

It is conceivable that once the Chaos Demon God notices that the Ten Thousand Realms Trading City exists, unless Feng Zichen takes the Ten Thousand Realms Trading City away.

Otherwise, this city will be torn to pieces by the angry chaos demon gods.



"This method is absolutely perfect."

Feng Zichen, who had gone through this method again in his heart, couldn't help being amazed that he was wisdom.

He came forward to lead away the Chaos Demon God and then the Ten Thousand Realms Trading City took advantage of the time when the Chaos Demon God was away to take away those great worlds and swallow them.

This plan is perfect.

There is indeed no time to carry out this plan so as not to startle the snake.

But the next time you wait for Feng Zichen to make enough preparations, that may not be the case.

Perhaps he can take one tenth of the world or even more through this plan in one fell swoop.

The Feng Zichen who took a deep glance at Jiehai seemed to see the image of the God Realm standing in the realms.

After that, he planned to leave.

It's no longer worthwhile to keep walking around the Chaos Demon God, it's not as meaningful as to return to the prehistoric world as soon as possible to prepare for the next coming.

As the saying goes, the Chaos Demon God, who has suffered two losses in a row, cannot suffer a third loss. It is a means to target him.

So the next time Feng Zichen meets Feng Zichen, there will be a tough battle, and he will naturally be completely prepared.



"You fellow Taoists don't want to chase it anymore."

Feng Zichen who looked back at the Chaos Demon Gods suddenly said.


The Chaos Demon God who heard that not only did not retreat, but used a secret method to forcibly increase the speed, and he was a little closer to Feng Zichen.

"It's so boring!"

Feng Zichen, who shook his head, took out a cloud of Chaos Origin Qi. Then he threw it back without looking back. That being beheaded by him is the Chaos Demon God is the origin, which contains amazing power.

Feng Zichen, who had thrown out that chaotic origin, directly ignited himself as the origin, making himself speed up a step again.

In a blink of an eye, he distanced himself from the Chaos Demon God again. The Chaos Demon God was naturally unwilling to show weakness and ignited the source to catch up.

Only Feng Zichen spit out a word when they were close to the source of the chaos.


The horror that the chaos origins directly exploded under the command was that the power raging out of the few statues that were in the center of the self-detonation range were the bodies of the chaotic demon gods who were directly blown into fragments and turned into a rain of blood.

As for those who were far from the center of the explosion, the Chaos Demon God was blown away by the horror and power, and more or less suffered some injuries.

Not to mention those who have them, some have already ran away, those who are Feng Zichen, and others who have been affected by the chaos that originated from the explosion, the ripples were swept away and spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

However, there was also Feng Zichen who took advantage of this opportunity to successfully escape and leave the sea to return to the prehistoric world.




Feng Zichen, who had returned to the endless starry sky, could hardly suppress his injuries, Yang Tian spit out a large mouthful of blood, his injuries broke out completely.

He heard a puff, the blood that suddenly burst into countless wounds on his body spurted out like a fountain.

Feng Zichen suffered a lot of injuries this time.

First of all, Feng Zichen, who was in order to protect the Zhoutian star map when the Tianyuan Demon God blew himself up, can be said to have resisted most of the damage from his blew up. For this, He was traumatized.

Then he was chased and killed by the Chaos Demon God, which further worsened his injuries.

The origin of the last chaos is self-destructive, and its power is not weaker than that of the Chaos Demon God who self-destructs.

It can be said that Feng Zichen, who was injured twice by the self-destruction, and Chaos Demon God was chased by Feng Zichen, was seriously injured.

However, there was such a thing, and he was not in a hurry to heal his wounds, but first contacted through the secret method.

Isn’t there a court of death if the Chaos Demon God is doing things under his nose?

After the order, Feng Zichen, who was after the Yu family, began to retreat and heal his injuries. At this time, it was only more than a hundred years since he left the land.


At this moment when Feng Zichen was in retreat, the disciples from Kunlun Mountain gathered together to conspire to shake the fate of a great event.

They want to rob the magic field!

Soon, the Heavenly Court will publicly punish the false Yao Ji and Yang Jian's mother and son Yizheng Tianwei on the Zhanxian Platform.

And explain the calamity of the twelve golden immortals to save the false Yao Ji Yang Jian's mother and son.

Yang Jian’s one who has Yuanshi Tianzun is the second disciple Yuding, the real person is a disciple, and some are the only disciple.

As a master, how could the real Jade Ding watch helplessly watch his disciple be beheaded by the heavens?

So he wants to save people.

Saving one is saved, saving two is also saving, so the real Yuding has plans to save both the mother and son of the fake Yaoji Yang Jian.

But sometimes the problem comes at this time.

His Jade Ding is not a real person, it is the ability to save people from the hands of heaven.

This is embarrassing!

But it's okay.

He couldn't do it, but he paid it back to the brothers.

Everyone who worked out a solution together could think of a perfect solution.

In his heart, the real Jade Ding who made the decision directly called a group of brothers to the cave.

"You guys, Yang Jian, you must be dragged to Zhanxiantai to ask about it if everyone has heard about it."

"The poor and incompetent can't rescue him from the heavenly court, so today I brazenly invite everyone to hope that you can help me to help my brother and save the poor Dao, the poor disciple."

The real man Yuding, who saw that everyone had arrived, said with a face full of shame.

No one was surprised by this. Before coming, everyone had guessed why the real Yuding would invite them here. Only they had no idea how to rescue Yang Jian.


"In my opinion, the younger brother, I might as well just go directly to the court dignitaries."

"When I want to come as a saint disciple, the court won't let me wait for the face. Maybe he would let Yang Jian's nephew on the spot."

After thinking about it, Guang Chengzi spoke out as the master of interpretation.

He used the method to put the time when Haotian single-mindedly retreated, so naturally there is no problem.

But today's Haotian is an interpreter whose attitude has changed drastically and teaches his disciples to really follow Guang Chengzi's method.

That day, don't say that some people had been released, but it would be considered good if they were arrested together.

But fortunately, among the disciples, IQ Online has prevented Guang Chengzi from being a plan.


"This law is not appropriate."

Guang Chengzi, who had just finished talking about Yuding Zhenren, directly opposed Dao. He has changed his attitude towards Heavenly Court, and he knows it personally.

"Why not?"

The only one who is not angry when he hears that he is a method opposed to Guang Chengzi is the only way to ask some doubts.

He had just left the customs and didn't know that Heavenly Court had changed completely according to the previous method. Otherwise, he would not say so stupid as a plan.

"Big brother, what I don't know is that Heavenly Court is completely different from before, and suddenly it becomes extremely tough and does not give me the saint disciples any face."

"As I said before, I wanted to capture Yang Jian in the heavenly soldiers. It's time to save their mother and son."

"But before I waited for the person in the court that I did it, Daluo Dao Zun looked at me with his eyes far away."

"At that moment, I felt that death was a threat. As long as I dared to save Yang Jian's, Da Luo Dao Zun would not hesitate to wipe me out."

Recalling that the Yuding real person who was in the picture that day still has some hearts and lingering fears.


It was inevitable for everyone to hear this for the first time. The shocking heavens were indeed different from before.

"The poor way that Junior Brother said just now really doesn't work."

Guang Chengzi shook his head and said.

Then everyone started to talk about each other. But everyone who had been talking about it for a long time didn't discuss what is feasible.

"The only way to do this is to rob the magic field."

Seeing everyone discussing for a long time and did not say a feasible strategy, the real Yuding gritted his teeth and said.

"Robbery Field?"

When everyone heard the words, they asked rhetorically for some uncertainty.

"The right one is there!"

"We can definitely rescue Yang Jian and his mother from the Demon Slayer Stage."

Real Jade Ding nodded and repeated.

"There is also a way!"

After thinking about it, everyone nodded and nodded. There is indeed a feasible way.

The Twelve Golden Immortals who explain and teach alone may not be considered very strong, but the twelve people who join forces are truly Da Luo Dao Zun who can also fight.

In addition, those who were bestowed by Yuanshi Tianzun as a magic weapon would have faced them with the saintly strong, and self-protection was the ability.

Therefore, if they had joined forces, it would not be difficult to rescue Yang Jian and his mother from Heavenly Court.

As for how to deal with the aftermath after rescuing Yang Jian and his mother, it is even simpler.

Why are you still dare to go to Kunlun Mountain to make a big deal?

"Okay, just do it!"

After the decision was made, everyone nodded in their hearts.

At this time, the disciples of the interpretation and teaching have not yet, and the relationship is good. Naturally, I am willing to share the worries and solve the problems for the brothers. Far from being like later generations who left Kunlun Mountains one after another and passed down their own traditions.

"Poor Dao in this generation of inferior Yang Jian thanked you all!"

Seeing that everyone didn't hesitate, Yuding Zhenren, who nodded and agreed, was very moved in his heart and couldn't help but bowed to everyone.

"Why do brothers who have a family wait to be polite with me?"

Seeing this, Master Taiyi hurriedly stepped forward and held Master Yuding to stop him from worshiping. The others who are interpreting and teaching disciples also nodded their heads.

In this way, the rescue of Yang Jian from the Tribulation Field was even set.


In fact, in order to save Yang Jian and his mother, besides the robbery field, there is a better and faster way.

Then there will be a real person from Yuding to see Yuanshi Tianzun begging him to come forward and rescue Yang Jian.

There is no need for Yuanshi Tianzun to do anything. He only needs to write a letter to Haotian with a softer word, asking Haotian to give him a face and let Yang Jian a hand.

This is the case, is it possible that Haotian would refute Yuanshi Tianzun's face because of Yang Jian's?

Naturally, after a period of time, Yang Jian found a reason to let him go.

But there is such a simple way to explain to the twelve golden immortals, but no one has said it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They did not have them, did you think of it?

It's not that simple is the solution, they wouldn't have thought of it.

Now that they thought of it, why didn't they say it, of course, for the sake of that ridiculous face.

Let Yuanshi Tianzun face the dignitaries of Haotian, that will undoubtedly make Yuanshi Tianzun lose face in front of Haotian. Therefore, even if there are disciples who are going to rob the practice field, they will not let Yuanshi Tianzun come forward.

Explaining and teaching is face-to-face but very valuable.


Time flies quickly, and it's time for the false Yaoji and Yang Jian to be executed.

On this day, the two war gods of the north and south led the elite Lei Yu to personally press the fake Yaoji and Yang Jian to the front of Zhanxiantai outside the Nantian Gate.

The Demon Slashing Platform is located not far from the Nantian Gate. As for why the Demon Slashing Platform was set up here, its purpose is naturally to warn sentient beings.

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