Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 718: Actions in the Underworld

As for Xuan Qing, it was because of the inheritance of the Three Qings that he was not classified into the cut-off teaching, and he still regarded himself as a disciple of the Xuan Clan.

Xuan Qing’s disciple named Tongtian Guru is actually a common disciple of the Three Qings. They were jointly taught by them. Such an embarrassing identity is indeed not suitable for being included in the Jiejiao.

At the beginning, the Master Tongtian had taken this into consideration, and he didn’t pull in Xuanqing when he was establishing the teachings.

If he is not a disciple of the Interception, then Xuan Qing has no reason to intervene in the battle between the Interception and the Two Teachings.

The disciple of Jiejiao is Xuanqing’s apprentice, but the disciple of Kechan is also his apprentice.



"Master, this..."

After returning to his senses, Xuan Qing still looked at the Master Tongtian in a puzzled manner.

On the grounds that he was not a disciple, it was a bit far-fetched to refuse him to intervene in this immortal killing.

Xuan Qing may not be a disciple of Jiu Jiao, but he is definitely a disciple of Master Tongtian. He cannot fight for Jiu Jiao, he can also fight for his teacher.

Moreover, if Xuan Qing’s strength were to intervene in this immortal killing and robbery, Ji Jiao would almost certainly win.

Unless the saint intervenes, Xuanqing alone can kill the three religions

Even so, the Lord Tongtian still refused to let him get involved in this killing and robbery. Obviously there were some difficulties.

Thinking about this, Xuan Qing raised his head and looked at the master of Tongtian, but it was the eager gaze of the master of Tongtian.

In a daze, Xuan Qing seemed to understand why the Master Tongtian wouldn’t let him participate in the war.

The Master Tongtian wants to use this opportunity to completely draw a line between him and the religion, so that he can devote himself to his cultivation without any concern, so that he can become a Taoist as soon as possible.

Can the Lord Tongtian not know the benefits of letting the Xuanqing dynasty intercept teachings participate in the war? Of course he knows

However, he knows better that Xuan Qing at this time is not suitable to be related to Jiejiao.

What is Jiejiao now? The leader of Tongtian knew that even he was affected, causing his cultivation to progress very slowly.

If Xuan Qing was blended into the cult, then he would never have a chance to break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in his life.

If you want to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you must first surpass the prehistoric world. If Xuanqing is tainted with cause and effect because of his teaching, how can he break through?

Seeing that under his sect, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is about to be born, how can the Lord Tongtian delay his best disciple in order to intercept the broken ship?

If Xuanqing is gone, it will be difficult to cultivate such a disciple.


If Xuan Qing can successfully break through to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, then he will be gone if he is gone, no big deal.

With the help of Xuan Qing, His Master of Heaven can still raise his eyebrows in front of many colleagues

Without him, who asked him to cultivate a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!




"It's Master, Xuan Qing Zunzhi!"

Seeing Master Tongtian, Xuan Qing knew that he was determined not to let him participate in this catastrophe. Therefore, Xuan Qing did not force him, but directly led the way.

The Lord Tongtian thinks very well, but with this killing and robbery, even the saints are involuntarily involuntarily, let alone Xuanqing.

His involvement with Sanqing is so deep. This time the immortal gods killed and robbed him, he couldn’t avoid it anyway. He would inevitably fall into the robbery, or even die due to the robbery.

This time the immortal gods killed and catered, perhaps it was an opportunity for the cause and effect between Xuanqing’s resignation and Sanqing’s

Died in the robbery, turned into the ashes of the robbery, came clean, and walked cleanly

In this way, when Xuan Qing returns again, it will be the time when he became the Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

However, before Xuan Qing's death, he still has to pay back Shien’s Master Tongtian to him. He is worthy of the name of the master.

The teacher's kindness is like a mountain, Xuan Qing naturally wants to pay it back

Then try his best to preserve as much as possible for the inheritance of Jiejiao. Not to mention the other, the outer disciples and inner disciples can ignore, but those who pass on the disciples must be preserved.

In this way, Xuan Qing can "die" without worry


"You go back to retreat first."

"If you stop teaching, you can handle it for your teacher, and you don't need to share your worries."

Seeing that Xuanqing understood her painstaking effort, Master Tongtian nodded with satisfaction

After that, the Lord Tongtian scattered many disciples and asked them to rush back to the cave mansion to devote themselves to the magic weapon, waiting for the arrival of the immortal gods.



The immortal god's killing robbery is approaching, and the boundless killing air has begun to gradually spread between the heavens and the earth.

And when it completely envelopes the wild world, it means that the immortal killing and calamity has taken shape, and it is the moment of full-scale outbreak.

At that time, the death of the immortal gods will completely erupt, sweeping the entire prehistoric world, and spreading to all the creatures who practice the acquired way.

You know, among the immortal gods killing the calamity, it is not only the disciples of the Three Religions, but also the countless creatures who have cultivated the way of acquired nature.

It’s just that compared to the Sanjiao disciples, their treatment is much worse.

The disciples of the Three Religions should at least have the bottom of the Sealed God List. If they die, except for a few bad luck, most of them can enter the Sealed God List and leave a glimmer of life.

However, those ordinary monks are dead, unless they have done a great job, or are very lucky, and can get into the list of gods by luck.

For the rest, if you die, you really die and the soul enters the Nether Wheel reincarnation, or it completely turns into ashes and flies away.

This is also no way. Who makes the master of the Sanjiao disciples a saint? With such a big background, naturally they will receive treatment that others do not have.

The privileged class has always existed

Throughout the ages, how could it be

It’s just that the mythical world is more cruel than the mortal society

As the tribulation aura spreads, more and more monks perceive the arrival of the slaying tribulation in the precipice, because they are in the concentration, and occasionally they can see that the sacred world is filled with a layer of blood.

That **** color was transformed by murderous aura, the endless murderous aura, such a vision that the murderous aura could not be seen at a glance, isn't it a sign that the murderous aura has fallen?

For a time, a tense atmosphere filled the land


And just as the three teachings are constantly moving and all beings are in tension, the Netherworld that has been isolated from the world and is almost forgotten, at this moment, there is also movement.

Netherworld, the capital city!

At this moment, the giants of the Underworld are gathering here and are discussing a major event that can change the current prehistoric situation.

"You all have a foreboding when you think about it, the next time Honghuang is about to weigh the calamity."

Above the main seat, Fengdu Ghost Emperor looked at the people below and said slowly

And below him, sitting are all prehistoric and famous great figures such as the ancestor Wu Xuanming, the blood sea ancestor of the river, etc., and so on, the top great supernatural powers.

It is Houtu Empress who also left the Reincarnation Hall and rushed to this place in person to participate in this gathering.

"It was indeed sensed that this calamity was called the Immortal Slaying Tribulation, which seemed to have arisen from the backlash of the innate and ten thousand ways, specifically targeting the Three Sects' killing and Tribulation."

"But it's so called"

"The Netherworld is in a corner of the world, regardless of world affairs for many years, this immortal slaying calamity, no matter how powerful it is, it will not spread here."

The voice of the ghost emperor Fengdu just fell, and the ancestor of the Styx under his head just opened his mouth and just watched his attitude. Obviously he didn't care too much about the killing.

The rest of them nodded in agreement.

As the ancestors of the Styx said, the Netherworld is in a corner. Since its birth, apart from the previous chaos of the Chaos Demon God, there hasn't been a catastrophe of heaven and earth that has affected this place.

Moreover, the Netherworld also possesses the most powerful magic weapon in the prehistoric world. The six chaotic reincarnation discs are sheltered, even if the great catastrophe affects this, it is also inevitable to escape the suppression of the six reincarnation discs.

In this way, they will naturally take an indifferent attitude towards the coming heaven and earth calamity.

However, this result is obviously not what the Ghost Emperor Fengdu wants to see, so he frowned and said:

"Friends of the Stygian Daoist are wrong"

"How can the eruption of the tribulation of heaven and earth have nothing to do with my Netherworld."

"You know, every time when the tribulation of heaven and earth erupts, countless creatures are bound to be affected and die tragically in the tribulation."

"And after they die, they will all come to the Netherworld, or reincarnation, and come back again; or stay in the Netherworld and become a member of our world."

"So, how can it be said that it has nothing to do with my Netherworld?"

Every time the killing and robbery breaks out, the Netherworld will be in chaos for a period of time, and after the reincarnation of these ghosts, the population and strength of the Netherworld will usher in an explosive growth.

The influx of countless ghosts into the Nether Realm is bound to affect the order of the Nether Court. For this reason, the Nether Realm will inevitably be chaotic for a period of time until all these ghosts are sent into reincarnation, and then the order will be slowly restored.

As for why population and strength will grow, it’s even simpler

In this world, not everyone is willing to reincarnate

Those who don’t want to reincarnate, naturally choose to stay in the Nether Realm and rebuild the ghost way, in order to re-certify the great way.

In this way, the strength and population of the Netherworld will naturally usher in an explosive growth.

"so what?"

"Didn't they all come here before?"

"Could it be that this calamity is different from the past?"

"Or, what thoughts does the Taoist Fellow Fengdu have?"

Hearing this, Xuan Ming asked with some curiosity. From the words of the ghost emperor Fengdu, he heard other meanings, why should he take things that he was accustomed to saying about things?

"Indeed, this killing is different from the past"

"As far as I know, when the saints were discussing matters in the Zixiao Palace, Daozu bestowed Haotian with the Book Sealed God List of that day."

"And the list of deities has the power of deity, just write your name on it, and when you die, you can come back to life on the list and gain the power of immortality."

"Of course, the list is not without a price, and you will lose your freedom from now on, and you will have to be driven by the leader of the list."

"Taozu is using this method to select warriors for the heavenly court to expand the strength of the heavenly court"

Facing Xuan Ming’s doubts, Fengdu Ghost Emperor told the news he had received.

"The Taoist Fellow of Fengdu means..."

Upon hearing this, Xuan Ming and Patriarch Styx seemed to have guessed, and they asked at the same time.

"That's right, I want to imitate the list of gods, create a list of ghosts, canonize the world's ghosts and gods, with the strength of the Yin Court"

Nodded, Fengdu ghost emperor said in a passionate tone that Heavenly Court can confine the gods, and his Yin Ting can confine the gods naturally.

It’s just that the Heavenly Court seals the righteous gods, while the Yin Court seals the ghosts and gods. One manages the living and the other manages the dead.

"This method sounds feasible"

"But that day the Book Sealing God List was the best innate spirit treasure. With our strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to refine it."

Fengdu ghost emperor’s method sounds very good, but how can the best-quality Xiantian Lingbao be easy to refine? Not to mention the material problem, it is the point of refining Xiantian Lingbao, which makes them difficult.

Except for the Qiankun Ding in the hands of Empress Nuwa, I haven't heard of anyone who can refine innate spirit treasures.

"Ha ha!"

"For the refining of Xiantian Lingbao, don't worry, Taoist Xuanming, but you underestimated the power of Chaos Supreme Treasure"

"I believe, as long as Houtu Niangniang is willing to help, it will not be difficult to refine an innate spiritual treasure of the highest quality."

Hearing Xuanming Ancestor Witch’s worries, Fengdu Ghost Emperor burst out with a laugh, turned to look at Houtu Empress and said

At the same time, Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming also looked at Houtu Empress with a face of doubt, as if he wanted to verify from his mouth the truth of the words of the ghost emperor Fengdu.

"Indeed, the six reincarnation discs can refine innate spirit treasures" nodded, and Hou Tu confirmed that what the ghost emperor Fengdu said was true. The six reincarnation discs indeed have the ability to refine innate spirit treasures.

In fact, as long as the materials are sufficient, it is not said that it is the best innate spirit treasure, it is the innate treasure, and the six reincarnation discs are not impossible to refine.

You know, the six reincarnation discs are the treasure of chaos! And what is the treasure of chaos?

That is the existence that stands at the pinnacle of all magic weapons, equivalent to the Pangu among the monks, and is the insurmountable peak of all magic weapons.

The world is vast, and all the chaotic treasures together, there are only four pieces, each of which is accompanied by countless myths, and the power is beyond imagination.

This kind of magic weapon, let alone refining the innate spiritual treasure, already has the ability to nurture the innate spiritual treasure, and even the innate treasure.

As long as the six reincarnation discs are given enough time~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is bound to be able to nurture innate spiritual treasures with reincarnation attributes, and even innate treasures.

However, this time is a bit long

At this moment, an embryo of an innate spirit treasure has been conceived in the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. As long as the Hou Earth can calm down and not move it, its future is bound to be another extremely powerful treasure.

"Although the six reincarnation discs can refine innate spirit treasures, they can't be refined out of thin air. Therefore, I don't know what kind of heavenly materials and earth treasures your friends have prepared to refine this ghost list?"

After confirming the words of the ghost emperor Fengdu, Houtu Niangniang asked again

The best innate spirit treasure is rare, and the heavenly materials and earth treasures that can be refined are even rarer, especially the magic weapon that has been determined in advance, such as Fenggui Bang, is even more difficult to refine.

The natural treasures he needs are undoubtedly very precious and extremely difficult to find.

"At this point, I don't need to worry about Fengdu since I dared to put forward this idea, then naturally I was already prepared."

With a confident smile, Feng said

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