Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 852: Unlucky luck

Latest website: Underground, great luck!

However, this has nothing to do with the current Feng Zichen, even if he knows that there is a dragon corpse under the mountain, he cannot dig it out with his current cultivation base.

Right now, the most important thing for Feng Zichen is to fill his stomach.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Feng Zichen continued to move forward. Then, He heard a rumbling noise coming from ahead. When I looked up, I saw a fierce beast as high as a mountain, running wildly in the forest.

And with its footsteps, the whole land was shaking and buzzing.

At the same time, a fierce and tyrannical aura radiated from the beast's body, making all the beasts in the forest terrified, crawling on the ground, not daring to move.

After about a cup of tea, the earth was no longer trembling, and the ferocious and tyrannical aura disappeared.

Well, that fierce beast has gone far, probably just passing by here. At first, Feng Zichen really thought so, but soon afterwards, he realized that he was wrong.

Wherever the fierce beast passed by here, it clearly came to give him food.

Soon after the fierce beast left, above 10,000 meters in the sky, a dumb-headed bird suddenly fell down and fell by Feng Zichen's side with a loud "bang", and a large amount of smoke filled the air. , It took a long time to fade away.

Listening to this sound, you know that this stupid bird did not fall lightly.

Feng Zichen followed the sound, and saw that there was an extra hole several meters in size on the ground, and there was a big bird in it, about his size.

Right now, the situation of this big bird looks very bad. It is estimated that it did not fall lightly. Seeing that it was struggling desperately in the pothole, it was still unable to move halfway and flew out of the hole.

From this, Feng Zichen concluded that almost all of the bird’s bones were broken. This means that the combat power of this big bird has fallen to the freezing point, and the danger is infinitely approaching zero.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness will kill you.

Feng Zichen is now in a remote, hungry state. At this time, a bird took the initiative to send him to the door. Why would he hesitate, jump directly into the pothole, mobilize all his strength, and hit this place one punch after another. The head of a silly bird ended its painful life.



"It seems that my luck is still there."

Feng Zichen thought while dragging the stupid bird back to the valley. If it weren't for his luck, where would such a good thing happen, the sky would take the initiative to drop food.

This stupid bird was obviously impacted by the vigor of the beast just now, and lost its intelligence for a while, and then it fell from the air, broke a bone, and completely lost its combat effectiveness. Picked up a bargain.

Just when Feng Zichen was hungry, a badly wounded and dying dumb bird fell from the sky. Such a coincidence can only be described by luck against the sky except for someone to arrange it.

Otherwise, with this stupid bird's strength in the late acquired stage, it is really necessary to fight, and it is not certain who eats and who eats between Feng Zichen and it.

In this way, although Feng Zichen's power is no longer in this reincarnation, his luck is still there. What does this mean? It means that Feng Zichen wants to rebuild, perhaps not as difficult as he thought.

As for why there was no spiritual manifestation before, it was obviously that Feng Zichen had just been born, and his luck had not yet been stabilized, which made his stomach hungry for a while.

Right now, as his state has become stable, the miracle of Qi Luck has begun to manifest.

"With this kind of luck, it's hard for a widow to keep a low profile!" Thinking of this, Feng Zichen sighed. Then, as soon as he lowered his head, he saw the aura fluctuating in the grass beside him.

When he stepped aside the grass, Feng Zichen found two plants similar to ginseng. They dug them out, but they were two hundred-year-old blood ginsengs, which are the big tonic things that Feng Zichen needs at present.

Good luck!

He happily put away the two hundred-year-old blood ginseng, and Feng Zichen dragged the body of the dumb bird and continued to walk forward.

After that, Feng Zichen didn't encounter any rare medicinal materials, and returned smoothly to the valley where he was born.

The next step is to make a fire and cook. However, before starting the fire, the dead bird's carcass had to be disposed of.

After dragging the dead bird's body to a creek, Feng Zichen began to clean it. And in the process of cleaning the bird carcasses, a small furnace suddenly floated from the direction of the stream.

Feng Zichen's detective picked it up, looked around, and found that it was a magic weapon. According to the classification of the current practice world, it should belong to the level of the magic weapon.

In ancient times, there were only six levels of magic weapons, namely, acquired magic weapons, acquired spiritual treasures, acquired magic treasures, innate magic treasures, innate spiritual treasures, and innate treasures.

And as the cultivation base of the monk became more and more inferior, under the acquired magic weapon, two more grades gradually appeared, namely the magic weapon and the treasure.

Above the treasure, there is the spirit weapon, which corresponds to the acquired magic weapon. Above the spirit weapon is the fairy weapon, which corresponds to the acquired spirit treasure. Above the immortal artifact is the divine artifact, facing the acquired treasure.

As for the Xiantian Lingbao and the Xiantian Zhibao, they are collectively referred to as Dao Qi. What is Dao Qi? It is a tool for carrying the Tao.

The pill furnace fished out from the river by Feng Zichen is a magic weapon. Although it is the lowest level magic weapon, it can be regarded as an extraordinary level.

It just so happened that Feng Zichen was worried and didn't know what to do with those two hundred-year-old blood ginsengs, he couldn't swallow them raw. Now it's all right, with the pill furnace, he can stew the soup, put the blood of the stupid bird's meat together and stew it.

The stupid bird is not small anymore, after removing the feathers and bones, there is still about a hundred catties of meat, enough for Feng Zichen to eat for a while.

Moreover, I don't know if it was affected by the underground dragon corpse. The body of this foolish bird contained a trace of dragon blood.

It is this silk dragon blood that makes the dull-headed bird become extraordinary at once, and eats even more tonic. Then, Feng Zichen simmered the soup.



After eating and drinking, Feng Zichen continued to practice, and there was a popping sound in the valley again.

So, two days have passed. Feng Zichen had eaten enough of the meat of the stupid bird, and was about to go out to find some other food.

But before Feng Zichen came out of the valley, a Breitling tortoise floated down the upper stream of the stream. The tortoise is as white as jade, with mysterious dragon patterns on the shell, and it is not big, only about the size of a palm.

When he saw it, Feng Zichen was sure that it was a dragon tortoise and had taken a lot of tonic.

Immediately, Feng Zichen didn't leave the valley anymore, and after taking the dragon turtle down with the pill furnace, he treated it as dinner.

On the second day, not only the dragon tortoise was eaten by Feng Zichen, but even the meat of the stupid bird was eaten by him.

No way, Feng Zichen had to go out to find food.

This time, there was no food to bring to the door, but Feng Zichen took three human head-sized bird eggs from a bird's nest on a certain cliff.

This bird's egg's parents, there should be some accident, and they can't come back completely. And these three bird eggs, without the incubation of their parents, there is no chance to turn into cubs, they can only become eggs.

In this case, Feng Zichen reluctantly took them away and used them to eat.

On the way back, Feng Zichen first encountered an elixir similar to green onions.

Then, I picked up an ownerless storage tool, and I don't know who threw it into the wilderness. There was nothing in it except for some daily necessities, such as salt and oil.

After thinking about it, Feng Zichen guessed what this was all about, what else was in the wilderness besides the intention to make money. After the fierce beast killed a person, he was worried that he would be traced to find out his identity if he held the magic weapon in storage.

That's why, after taking away the valuable things in it, he randomly found a place for storing the artifact and threw it away. Then, after some time, it was picked up by Feng Zichen.

With the storage device, it saves Feng Zichen a lot of trouble, especially the essential daily necessities such as oil and salt in it, and it solves Feng Zichen's big trouble.


The more I live, the more I go back.

In the past, where did Feng Zichen use such low-end items as storage instruments. The big brother is surrounded by self-contained spaces, no matter how bad it is, it is a big universe in itself, and you can put whatever you want, and the space is endless.

After sighing, Feng Zichen stuffed the three bird eggs and the elixir that looked like green onions into the storage artifact and continued to walk forward.

It didn't take long before Feng Zichen had another chance. Those are three huge black bears, being chased by three groups of poisonous bees.

Absolutely, the world has really changed. When this black bear ate honey, he knew how to use it.

Looking at this situation, Feng Zichen guessed what was going on. The three black bears joined forces to steal honey from the hive. After being discovered, they fled in three directions.

In this way, the bee colony was divided into three parts, and the strength was greatly weakened, and the damage suffered by these three black bears became lighter.

It's too much, the bears know how to use the strategy, but the bee colony is still stupid, what should I do after this is called the bee colony, I am afraid that the results of hard work will be stolen by the black bear.

Thinking of this, Feng Zichen felt heartache. When will the bee colony stand up? The oppression of this world on them is too great, trembling and cold!

No, Feng Zichen wanted to stop the black bear, and couldn't just watch. The bee colony's many days of hard work were ruined by them.

Thinking of this, Feng Zichen stepped forward and walked to the empty beehive, cutting off the honey inside and taking it away.

Yes, that's it. As long as He takes away the honey from the hive, the black bear's plan will go bankrupt, and they will not harass the bee colony in the future.

As for the culprit honey that caused all these disputes, let Him take it away. He Feng Zichen is responsible for this sin.

Praise Zhongtian Ziwei, the Arctic Emperor Taihuang, for his great mercy and immeasurable boundlessness.



Time flies, and a week has passed. After many days of nourishing, Feng Zichen's cultivation finally reached a critical moment.

I saw that pieces of old skin fell off Feng Zichen's body, revealing the jade-like white skin inside, and even more revealing a faint purple ray under the sunlight.


Suddenly, Feng Zichen tried hard, and the whole body seemed to swell in a circle, and the muscles swelled up layer by layer, giving people a powerful beauty.

At the same time, a series of mysterious textures appeared on Zifeng Zichen's skin, one after another, mysterious and mysterious, filled with a faint coercion.

Dao lines appear on the skin, which is a sign that the skin refining stage has reached its limit.

In other words, Feng Zichen had completed the skin refining stage, and laid the foundation for the cultivation of the gods and demons, and began the next stage of blood extraction practice.

When he thought, Feng Zichen was in his mind, visualizing Hongmeng Daozhong.

when! when! when……

The road bell roared, blooming endless mystery. At the same time, as the bell rang, Feng Zichen's whole body was shaking and trembling constantly.

Feng Zichen is refining the body, visualizing the Hongmeng Daozhong in the sea of ​​consciousness, and following the vibration of the Daozhong, it shakes the body and realizes the change, thus achieving the purpose of tempering the flesh and blood.

As the bell sounded more and more violently, Feng Zichen's flesh and blood trembled more violently. Gradually, wisps of heat flowed from his limbs and corpses, and gradually condensed into a stream of pure blood.

In this way, even if Feng Zichen officially entered the second stage of the acquired realm, the acquired blood quenching realm.

The so-called quenching of blood is to quench the blood qi from the flesh and blood. In this way, the first blood qi is born, even if it has entered the blood quenching stage.

Next, as long as the qi and blood are tempered step by step, when the blood qi fills the body, it is considered to have completed the blood quenching stage of cultivation and can enter the next stage of bone forging.

In the blood quenching realm, if you slowly temper the vitality and blood, and want to become a genius, it will take several years of work for even a genius. But this realm can be achieved quickly, as long as enough elixir is prepared, the blood can be quenched in a short time.


boom! boom! boom!

With the passage of time, Feng Zichen's body vibrated more and more severely, and at the same time, more and more blood appeared from his body, extremely hot, and faintly distorting the surrounding void.

At this moment, Feng Zichen's previous effect of devouring many elixir and fierce beasts was manifested. However, he had just been promoted to the blood quenching realm, and he had reached the point where the blood qi filled the whole body and quenched the blood.

But it stopped like this. Although Feng Zichen could continue to temper his vitality and blood, it was his life essence that was consumed.

It's okay to just lose the life-saving yuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Feng Zichen doesn't care, but it hurts the foundation, so that he can no longer consume the essence of life and practice.

Shouyuan, Feng Zichen may not care, but the foundation he can't care less.

"The blood quenching has been completed, it is time to go out and look for some elixir to speed up the blood quenching speed, so as to reach the limit quickly and enter the stage of bone forging."

After finishing his cultivation, Feng Zichen wiped the sweat off his body and muttered to himself.

Then, in the air, a huge shadow fell from the sky, and fell accurately to Feng Zichen's side.

This is a big goat, several feet tall. It is not fur, but a layer of scales. Its double horns are up to the sky, and there are faint signs of bifurcation.

Goats with dragon blood, and the blood is abnormally rich, there are signs of dragon transformation. Its strength, according to Feng Zichen's judgment, at least has the strength of its innate peak.

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