Flooded Star Road

Vol 5 Chapter 883: Ziru dies, Confucianism comes out

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If it were not for the fear of destroying Zi Confucianism, these disciples would not want to directly empower Zi Confucian, and forcibly promote him to the realm of quasi-sage great perfection. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

It's a pity that the disciples of Chanjiao didn't know that since Ziru decided to abandon everything Xuanqing had done, it was Hunyuan Daoguo, and he would not miss it and let it go.

You have something to do with it!

Abandon the Tao fruit of innate cleansing today, and then you can get a stronger Tao fruit in the future, and truly achieve the right Tao of the sky.

If you are greedy for Hunyuan Daoguo and don't want to abandon it, how can it be regarded as abandoning Xuanqing's everything?

If it is necessary to give up, then simply give up, give up all, even the supreme Hunyuan Tao fruit, also give it up.

In this way, to witness Ziru's determination.

That is to say, the disciples of Jiediao didn't know Ziru's thoughts. If they knew, they would be mad. That is the fruit of Hunyuan Dao, Xuan Qing sublimation all the gains, more precious than the innate treasure, how can you easily give it away?

It is to force the empowerment, but also to help Ziru achieve the realm of the quasi-sage Dzogchen, and not let him abandon the Hunyuan Tao fruit.

It's a pity that the disciples of Jiedu didn't know.



After returning to the imperial city, Ziru led one or two disciples and walked in the direction of the guard room. At this time, the bandits became enlightened, and the divine incarnations of great supernatural powers such as Zou Yan and Zhuang Zhou left the guard room one after another in order to become enlightened.

After the disciples had finished walking, Daozu Hongjun consciously completed the task, so he resigned from the post of the commander of the treasury room, and was about to ride the green bull and take the Hongyun Tonger all the way to the west.

When Ziru arrived, Daozu had packed his bags and was about to leave. However, seeing Ziru coming, Hongjun Daozu thought for a while, then stopped and waited in place for Ziru's arrival.

"I have seen Dao Ancestor!" Ziru stepped forward to see Li Tao. Now that Xuan Qing has abandoned everything, Zi Confucian will naturally not see Dao ancestors with the courtesy of his disciples, but with the courtesy of the younger generation.

Daozu Hongjun didn't care about this, but frowned and looked at Ziru for a long time without speaking.

After a long time, Hongjun Taoist ancestor said leisurely: "Is this the path you are going to take in this life? The right path of heaven can also be regarded as a path of panic. But, if you do well in practicing this path, is it a price to pay? "

Hearing this, Ziru nodded solemnly and said: "The junior is ready to pay all the price."

How can one not pay the price for comprehending the way of heaven?

Hongjun Taoist ancestors enlightened the way of heaven, and finally gave birth to a heart of great love. He fits the way to make up for the lack of the way of heaven. So far, the heaven and the earth are consummated. The cultivation of all beings has also changed from difficult to easy.

Before the Dao ancestors had united the Tao, in the era of the beasts, the era of the three races, how could there be so many great supernatural powers coexisting in the same life, so how can so many innate Dao sages be born?

The prehistoric cultivation civilization can be as prosperous as it is today, it is the merit of Hongjun Taoist ancestors in harmony, this is the supreme feat that no one can erase.

Therefore, Hongjun Taoist talents are Taoist ancestors.

But now, what Ziru enlightened is also the way of heaven. But it is not a complete way of heaven, but a half way of heaven, that is, the right side of heaven, the right way of heaven.

Hongjun Daozu's enlightenment to the heavens finally chose to fit in with his body. Although Ziru's enlightenment is only half of the way of heaven, it is also the way of heaven. When he reaches the end of his enlightenment, he will also pay an unimaginable price, and it will be difficult to escape the end of the world.

This is the price that must be paid for the enlightenment of heaven. The deeper the understanding of the way of heaven, the more difficult it will be to escape the call of the way of heaven, and in the end will become a part of him.

And this is the reason why there are few people in the world who practice the way of heaven. Although there are tens of thousands of innate ways in the prehistoric times, the strongest is undoubtedly the way of heaven. If there were no such hidden worries, there would no longer be a small number of great supernatural powers who had enlightened the realm of heaven, nor would it be the ancestor of Tao alone, but now there are more Confucian scholars.

However, although God's inspiration is strong, it is not without a solution. Just like Hongjun Taoist ancestor, although he can't be free when he joins the Tao of Heaven, he can occasionally break free and enter the world to roam.

In Hongjun Daozu's view, Ziru should have the same idea as him. After he fits into the world, he uses special means to protect his mind without losing his mind, and can still interfere with the operation of the world through various methods.

Unfortunately, Hongjun Daozu didn't know it. At this moment, Ziru wanted to die, and he didn't even prepare for any success. He intends to use the hand of heaven to cut off all cause and effect in himself, thereby completely erasing the connection between himself and the deity.

If there is no Xuanqing in the world, no one can know that Xuanqing and Feng Zichen were once the same.


Looking at Ziru, Hongjun Daozu could feel his determination, so he didn't persuade him to turn around, but said, "Are you here to ask the poor Dao about the mystery of Heaven?"

Ziru nodded and replied: "Yes, please give me some advice!"

Without answering Ziru's question first, Hongjun Daozu took the green cow and walked towards the west, and signaled Ziru to follow: "Let's follow the poor road and take this last part of the road!"

Hearing this, Ziru hurriedly followed.

While on the road, Hongjun Daozu rushed, while telling Ziru his understanding of heaven.

"The way of heaven is good but not harmful; the way of man is worth fighting for."

"The way of the sky is like a bow! The high one suppresses it, the next one lifts it, the more damaging it, and the insufficiency follows it, the sky's way damages and makes up for the deficiency. Humanity is not the case, the damage is insufficient, the service is more than. Can there be more to serve the world? There is only one who has the Tao."


After the two walked for a few days, Hongjun Daozu suddenly stopped talking, and only half a moment later said: "Pan Dao's understanding of Heaven's Dao has already been told to you, and the rest is up to you to comprehend."

Upon hearing this, Ziru hurriedly thanked Daozu Hongjun and said, "My disciple, thank you Mr. for your inquiries."

Daozu Hongjun's face was pale, and he signaled that Ziru could leave. But Ziru refused, insisting to send Daozu a distance.

Daozu did not insist, and let Ziru see off.

After today, Dao Zu suddenly said to Ziru: "You and I are about to be parted. When parting, the poor Dao gave it a word:

"I heard that those who are rich give money to others, and those who are righteous give money in words.

"In today's world, the wise and insightful people who die and die are because they are ridiculous; those who are eloquent and understandable, who incur misfortunes and often suffer in themselves, are because they are good at promoting the evil of others.

"Being a son of man, don't regard yourself as the highest; as a minister of man, don't regard yourself as the highest, I hope you remember."

The Taoist ancestor has traveled in the world for hundreds of years, sitting in the storage room for hundreds of years, and he is not playing. These insights are all summed up by him in the world.

Hongjun Daozu is a person who pays attention to cause and effect. If these insights are obtained in the human world, he will keep them in the human world instead of burying them in his heart, and follow him to return to heaven.

Zi Rudun said, "The disciple must keep it in mind!"

The two continued to move forward to the shore of the Yellow River. Seeing the river surging, the turbid waves rolling, its momentum is like a galloping horse, and its sound is like a tiger roaring and thundering.

Ziru stood on the bank, sighing unconsciously: "The deceased is like a husband, and will not give up day and night! The water of the Yellow River is endless, and the years of human beings are endless. The river does not know where to go, and where life does not know where to return?"

Wen Ziru's words, Taoist ancestors said: "Between the world of life, it is one with the world. The world is also the thing of nature; life is also the thing of nature; people have changes in the young, young, strong, and old, just like the heaven and the earth. What is the sadness of the alternation of spring, summer, autumn and winter?

"Born in nature, die in nature, let it be natural, then nature will not be chaotic; if you don’t let nature, busy between benevolence and righteousness, you will be fettered by nature. If fame and fame are in the heart, then anxious emotions will be born; Feelings of trouble increase."

Ziru explained: "I am worried about the road, no benevolence and righteousness, wars will not stop, and the country will not be ruled. Therefore, there is a short life, and there is no merit to the world or the people. I sigh!"

Taoist ancestor said: "The heavens and the earth are driven by no one, the sun and the moon are burnt and self-evident, the stars are not listed and self-ordered, and the animals are not man-made but self-reliant. This is natural.

"The reason why people are born, so nothing, so honor, and so disgrace, all have natural principles, natural ways. Follow the natural principles, follow the natural way, the country is self-governing, people are self-righteous, why not Paying attention to rituals and music and advocating benevolence and righteousness?"

"To be devoted to rituals and music while advocating benevolence and righteousness is against the human nature! Just like a person who beats a drum to seek escape, the louder the hit, the farther away the person will escape!"

After a short pause, Hongjun Daozu pointed his finger at the Yellow River and said to Ziru: "Why don't you learn the great virtue of water?"

Ziru said: "What is the virtue of water?"

The Taoist ancestor said: "The goodness is like water, water is good for all things without fighting, and it is the virtue of humility to deal with the evil of everyone. Therefore, Jianghai can be the king of Hundred Valleys, and if it is good, he can be the King of Hundred Valleys.

The world is not weaker than water, and those who attack the strong cannot win. This is also the soft virtue; therefore, the soft wins the strong, the weak wins the strong. Because of its nothingness, it can enter into the infinite, and from this we can know the benefits of unspoken teaching and inaction. "

Hearing this, Ziru suddenly realized: "Mr.'s words made me start the maosai too: everyone is up, water alone down; everyone is easy, water alone is in danger; everyone is clean, and water is alone in filth. The place is as good as everyone is. What is evil, who will fight with you? That's why it's the best good."

The Taoist ancestor nodded and said: "You can teach! You can remember: if there is no dispute with the world, no one in the world can fight with it. Therefore, the sage will act at any time, and the wise will change according to the situation; Born by nature.

After you leave here, you should be arrogant in your words, and aspiration in your appearance. Otherwise, people have heard before they arrive, and the wind has moved before the body has arrived. It is open and brave, like a tiger walking in the street. Who dares to use you? "

Ziru Tao: "Mister's words come from the heart and soul into the heart and spleen of the disciple. The disciple has benefited a lot and will never be remembered for a lifetime. The disciple will obey Mr. Xie's grace." After saying goodbye, Ziru bid farewell to the Dao ancestor and went to the disciple. The car drove reluctantly to the State of Lu.



Afterwards, a disciple asked Ziru: "How about Laozi?"

Ziru Tao: "Birds, I know that they can fly; fish, I know that they can swim; beasts, I know that they can walk. Dragon, I don’t know why? Dragon rides the wind and clouds for nine days!

What I have seen is Lao Tzu, is it still a dragon? Knowledge is deep and unpredictable, and ambitious and difficult to know; like a snake bending and stretching at any time, like a dragon changing with time. Lao Tan, really my teacher too!’"


After Ziru asked Taoist ancestors, he felt a sense of his heart, so he closed for several years and wrote the book "The Spring and Autumn". After the book was completed, Ziru once said: "Those who know me are the only ones who are "Chunqiu"! Those who sin against me are the only ones. "Spring and Autumn" almost!'"

As soon as "Spring and Autumn" came out, Confucius came out of the Confucian line and led the historian.

The history is clear, the pen is like a knife!

Ziru used the Spring and Autumn Period to carve a knife as a history book, established a historian, and recorded the vast ancient history in the annals of history and preserved it for future generations.

It is precisely because of the book "Chun Qiu" that this era of melee between nations is called the Spring and Autumn Period by later generations.

And shortly after writing "Spring and Autumn", Ziru passed away.

That's right, Ziru is dead!

He is really dead, fits the heaven and the earth, the true spirit merges back to the heaven and the earth, becoming a part of the heaven and the earth.

On that day, the Three Realms shook!

Only Ziru's last words resounded through the world: "My monks, you can hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening!"

When the language falls, Ziru falls.

It's just that, although the Zi Confucian has fallen, his righteousness is immortal, merges into the sky and the dark, and turns into a mighty long river that spans between the sky and the earth, boundless.

This long river was transformed by Zi Confucianism after his death, and gathered all the awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth. For this reason, this river of great righteousness is also the source of Confucian power.

After Ziru died, his spirit was immortal, integrated with the rules of heaven and earth, and turned into the supreme power of authority, supreme and strong, suppressing everything.

All the children of Confucianism, and all those who have righteousness, can perceive the awe-inspiring righteousness, and can accept the authority of Confucianism and order the rules of heaven and earth.

In other words, although Ziru died, his death was the achievement of Confucianism and Taoism.

Since the death of Zi Confucianism, Confucianism has been Confucianism and Taoism. It is no longer a doctrine, but a true supreme way, capable of beyond imagination.

However, the higher the level of Confucian cultivation, the stronger the strength, and when the awe-inspiring righteousness emerges, there is almost no match in the same realm.

Confucian magical powers, the words speak the law, the world can not follow it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can be said to be incomprehensible.

It is the monk of the line with the strongest fighting power who dare not easily defeat the Confucian and Taoist children in a decisive battle.

Moreover, Confucianism and Taoism are extremely fast, and there is no need to refine the innate energy into the body. You only need to read and understand the truth, establish life and mind, and you can improve your realm and gain powerful strength.

Tianjiao of Confucianism and Taoism, at the age of Jiazi, can achieve the realm of great Confucianism, and his strength is enough to be comparable to Dao Zun of Da Luo. It is incredible that a Jiazi can compete with Da Luo Dao Zun in only sixty years, in a mere sixty years.

However, in Confucianism and Taoism, it really happened. This is because the power of Confucianism and Taoism all comes from Confucianism.

Although Ziru is dead, his strength is not extinguished, and he merges with the righteous way of heaven and earth, turning into a vast river, whose strength is comparable to that of a saint.

The system of Confucianism and Taoism is based on the power of Confucianism. The higher the realm, the more power can be borrowed from Ziru. In the face of the power of Ziru comparable to the saints, no great supernatural powers are opponents, let alone innate Taoist priests.

However, although Confucianism and Taoism are good, cultivating Confucianism and Taoism is not without price.

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