Flooded Star Road

Chapter 565: Chaos Will


The six chaotic demon gods screamed together, connecting their auras into one, and communicating with the chaotic will in the dark.

Chaos demon gods are born from great fortune and chaos. It can be said that they are born with the ability to communicate with the will of chaos.

This kind of power is not obvious in the body of a Chaos Demon God, but if multiple Chaos Demon Gods work together, it can even attract the blessing of Chaos Will.

And the greater the number of Chaos Demon Gods, the stronger the Chaos Will blessings it will attract.

What's more, if hundreds of Chaos Demon Gods work together, they can summon the incarnation of the Great Dao. If three thousand Chaos Demon Gods joined forces, it would really be able to summon the Supreme Avenue.

In this way, who can be the opponent?

This is Dao and Chaos Will, left to the life-saving means of Chaos Demon God, used to fight desperately.

Unfortunately, this method is very strong, but it has a fatal weakness. That is, it can only be effective for outsiders, and cannot be effective for the Chaos Demon God of the same race.

In this way, this supreme method is completely abolished. Because, in the age of chaos, the enemy of the chaos demon is only the chaos demon.

The rest of the chaotic creatures living in the chaos are not the opponents of the chaos demon god, they don't even have the courage to look directly at the chaos demon god.

This is embarrassing!

Although life-saving means are invincible, there is no opportunity to use them. . .

Pan Gu was also a member of the Chaos Demon God, so when the Tribulation of the Heavens opened, even if the Chaos Demon God was facing such a desperate situation, he could not use the means to protect his life.


Thousands of Chaos Demon Gods joined forces,

Directly summon the avatar of the Dadao.

That Pan Gu is really not necessarily an opponent.

Moreover, even Pangu won.

It is estimated that after the battle with the incarnation of Dao, he has no extra power to open the sky.

Of course, the situation is completely different now.

Because of being beheaded by Pangu, the Chaos Demon God had no choice but to reincarnate to the great wilderness, so that the original source was lost and his strength plummeted.

As a result, the chaotic demon gods, who are invincible in vertical and horizontal chaos, have opponents worthy of attention.

Those are the great supernatural powers!

At the same time, because the enemy they are facing is no longer the Chaos Demon God, they can also use the life-saving means given by the Great Way and Chaos Will.




Following the movements of the six chaotic demon gods, the great chaos beyond time and space also gave birth to induction.

The deepest part of the chaos that does not exist in theory, the source of chaos, the secluded place of the avenue, suddenly there is movement today.

A summoning force was born out of nothingness and made contact with Chaos Will.

next moment,

The origin of chaos is boiling,

The invisible wave spread out, causing a huge vibration in the depths of the chaos.


The endless chaotic air is surging and surging, setting off huge tides in the chaos, wave after wave, not knowing how many dangers have been created, and how many worlds floating in the chaos have been destroyed.

At the same time, countless strange beasts living in chaos, as well as strong men who came out of the unknown world, all concealed their own figures, for fear of being affected by this huge chaotic tide.

The movement of the origin of the chaos can be said to have moved the whole body with one start, and has a huge impact on the endless chaos.



In the boiling of the origin of chaos, an extremely old, great, and noble will slowly awakened.

His greatness cannot be described in words,

His existence is completely incomprehensible,

His ancient times can be traced back to the beginning of everything.


If you really want to use words to describe it, it is older than Pangu, great and noble.

This is the will of chaos, the embodiment of chaos.

To some extent, it can almost be compared to the avenue.

He is the carrier of the avenue,

Carry on the most perfect avenue.

The awakening of the chaotic will is naturally not hidden from his neighbor, Dadao.

But Dadao did not respond to this.

Dadao does nothing,

It's really inaction.

For the avenue, existence is reasonable.

He does not destroy the existing things, but allows them to develop.

Pangu is like this, Chaos Demon God is like this, so is Honghuang, and so are the sentient beings in Honghuang...

As the first beginning, the source of everything, the product from scratch, the avenue is the most perfect. All imperfections are produced in contrast to His perfection.

He contains everything, including the known and the unknown. Everything that exists is within the scope of His inclusion.

In other words, except for nothing, everything that "has" is part of the avenue.

In this way, how can the avenue hurt yourself?

The battle between the Chaos Demon God and the predecessor, in his view, is completely meaningless.

If this is the case, how can he intervene?

Dadao does nothing,

It’s not the inaction of the Taiqing saints,

It is true inaction.



Sensing the appeal of the Chaos Demon God, Chaos Will did not hesitate, and immediately separated a trace of strength, following the connection in the dark, and passed it to the predecessor to bless the six Chaos Demon Gods.

Although it is only a trace of strength, it must not be underestimated.

Because this trace of power belongs to the will of chaos. Even if this trace of power is so insignificant for him, it is also for Chaos Will.

For others, this ray of power is beyond comparison in their lifetime of struggle.

Chaos will is too strong, so strong that it is beyond imagination, and his trace of power is enough to give the six chaotic demon gods a power comparable to surpassing the chaos.

If they really let this power be transmitted to the six great chaos demon gods, they would have the power to kill the three Feng Zichen in an instant.

But it's a pity that Honghuang is a great wasteland after all, not chaos, here is the guardianship of Pangu.

Even if the power of Chaos Will is very strong, the power he transmits is only a trace, which is not a threat to Pangu at all.

Therefore, when this strand of power passed through the heaven and earth barrier and arrived at the prehistoric land, it was literally weakened by Pangu.

From the realm of transcending Hunyuan, it fell to the realm of Hunyuan, and it is still being weakened.

And when this strand of power descended on the six great Chaos Demon Gods, the blessings they brought to them only made their realm barely reach the level of the Ninth Level of Hunyuan. At the same level as the phantom of the Emperor of Heaven gathered by the Feng Zichen trio.

Both sides used their hole cards at the same time, making this evenly matched battle once again become evenly matched.


When the emperor imaginary shadow raised his hand, the Miluo Tianyuanshi Pagoda emerged, moving toward the suppression of the Chaos Demon God.


The emperor's action naturally reacted differently. The phantom of the Miluotian Yuanshi Pagoda he summoned was extremely clear, as if it were real, and it was countless times stronger than the one summoned by Haotian.


Under the suppression of the Miluotian Yuanshi Pagoda, at this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to stop moving, turned into a monstrous force, and pressed down towards the demon god.

On the other side, the Chaos Demon God was not afraid, using the flesh as a weapon, with fist marks in his hands, thinking that the Miluotianyuanshi Pagoda slammed into it.


The turbulent weather prevailed, sweeping everything, and the rules were distorted, even breaking up.

The void is like a mirror, broken layer by layer, and in a blink of an eye, it turns into a state of nothingness.


This battle takes place in the deepest part of the void,

In the unknown time and space.

Otherwise, the impact of this battle on Primordial Land will not be much worse than that of the Lich War, or even more serious.

Because, even the decisive battle of the Lich, it only involved the three Hunyuan.

In this battle, the nine Hunyuan-level combat powers are fighting.

If one fails, the entire prehistoric land may not exist.



In the depths of the void, the war continues.

And the outside world is not peaceful.

As the nine Hunyuan all went to the depths of the void, the magic gate master gradually became active.

Especially, when they discovered that only Fuxi was the one who guarded the devil's flag. Almost without hesitation, he went to kill Fuxi.

For the future development of the magic door, the congenital fierce beast must not have an accident. Therefore, the Demon Flag, a treasure that restrains the innate beasts, is absolutely impossible to keep, and must be destroyed.

"Humanity Emperor's Seal, give me town!"

Aware of the danger, Fu Xi directly sacrificed the innate treasure of the humane emperor's seal, releasing strands of humane brilliance and protecting herself firmly.

At the same time, on his body, dragon-shaped purple air currents emerged, exuding the breath of the utterly rising sun and the destruction of all laws.

This is the emperor's gas!

A kind of emperor's air, with the supreme power to destroy all laws.

Under the worship of the thousands of people, the emperor's purple energy in Fuxi's body was nourished, gradually matured, and evolved into the emperor's energy to protect Fuxi.


A coercion that belongs to the innate treasure, diffused out, and the magical powers that blasted all the masters of the magic door, all shattered.

After that, Fuxi flicked his big sleeve, and the Emperor of Heaven came out in a mighty spirit, turning into six extremely majestic and noble nine-clawed purple dragons, rushing into the surrounding void.


Accompanied by a cold voice, the four weird ghost shadows walked out of the void and slew towards Fuxi together.

The speed is extremely fast.

But they are quick, the emperor is quicker.

Before the four were killed by Fuxi's side, the nine-clawed divine dragon that the Emperor of Heaven had turned into a gas, then culled and slammed into them fiercely.

The four of them didn't care and raised their fists to meet.

But in the next moment,

The faces of all four of them changed drastically.

Regardless of killing Fuxi, he hurriedly withdrew and retreated.

"What a weird power!"

In the distance, the four stopped and looked at their right fist with ugly expressions.

It was this punch that blasted the emperor's air.

It was also this blow that they suffered a great loss.

The purple real dragon, I don't know what kind of power turned it, and it was overbearing beyond imagination. When their power comes into contact with it, it is as if they have encountered a natural enemy, melting rapidly.

Sensed something was wrong,

The four hurriedly withdrew and retreated,

But there are still some imperial qi, following their fists, digging into their bodies.

Although this part of the imperial qi has brought some trouble to them, it is not enough to say that it hurts them.

What really changed them was:

To get rid of this imperial qi, you need to use several times the strength of the imperial qi to succeed.

This means that the essence of imperial qi is much higher than theirs.

And the reaction to the master of the imperial spirit means that if they are in the same situation with them, they can easily do a number of people.

That would be horrible.

Thinking like this, the four of them quickly raised their heads to look at Fuxi, and found that his realm was only Quasi-Sage Dzogchen, and they were relieved.

That's right, the realm of these four demons are all half-step Hunyuan, who are the four ambassadors of the magic gate, and their status is higher than the elders of the magic gate, second only to the demon ancestor Luo Hu and the demon **** Jidu.

They were born in the last years of the ancient times, enlightened in the ancient years, and they are the power of the ancient times.

If it weren't for the Chaos Demon God to be born, they would be the supreme masters of the Demon Sect in the absence of the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu.


In fact, although the emperor's qi is strong, it is not so strong, and it can only be said that these four demons are unlucky.

The cultivation of the magic door is based on the evil spirit of Yin.

The emperor's energy is the most rigid to yang, which happens to be the nemesis of the evil spirit of Yin.

Therefore, this has brought the power of destroying all laws to the extreme, causing a huge psychological shadow to the four people.


"This person is different. I will wait for my full shot and try to kill him with one blow."

The four of them looked at each other, and then killed Fuxi again. And because of fear of the emperor, the four dared not keep their hands, and they all went all out.

Even more terrifying is that in order to kill Fuxi as soon as possible, they used Lingbao.

You know, the Four Demons are not the kind of suffering of the Shadow Demon. They were born in the ancient times and crisscrossed in the ancient times, and there is no shortage of innate spirit treasures in their hands.

Just say that their companion spirit treasures, all of them are the best innate spirit treasures, and they are amazingly powerful.

Under the siege of the four, even with the innate treasure and humanity emperor's seal, Fu Xi gradually lost.

It was not that Fuxi was not strong enough, but that he had to protect the Demon God Banner while facing the enemy, which made it impossible for him to exert his full strength.

In this way,

How could he be the opponent of the four?

Click! Click!

At this moment, Feng Zichen's defenses laid out outside the canyon were finally broken by more and more innate beasts. Within a few breaths, a large number of innate fierce beasts poured into the canyon.

"Hunyuan Heluo Great Array, open!"

Fuxi's reaction was not unpleasant. While the innate beasts poured into the canyon, he directly activated the Hunyuan Heluo formation on the periphery of the canyon.

Suddenly, Hetu Luoshu appeared, interpreting the heavenly stems and earthly branches, the nine palaces and eight trigrams, and gradually formed a formation that encompasses everything, and the innate Taoist rhyme is permeated.

Hunyuan Heluo great formation, innate form!


A beam of Hunyuan Dao light flashed, and the Four Demons who were besieging Fuxi were involved in the formation.

After that, Fuxi held the Demon God Banner and also entered the formation.

As for the innate beast?

It completely ignored the formation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and continued into the canyon, that is, the formation rushed.

I have to say that the Demon God Banner had too much influence on them, and almost made them forget the danger.


This is also inconsistent with the innate fierce beasts without wit,

There is a certain relationship.



After the Four Demons fell into the formation, they immediately knew that they had been calculated, and directly rushed out together.

They have seen this Hunyuan Heluo formation, and they know its power well. If there is no Fuxi, they will fall into the formation, and they will also have the confidence to break open.

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