Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1006 The so-called best brother

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Are you going to rob us?" Ning Jie felt a little funny for a while. In fact, when she rented a house in the capital, she was very cautious and would not easily go to an unfamiliar place to see a house, but this time she didn't think much about it. I came here immediately, not only because she was in a hurry to find a house, but also because in her subconscious, it was impossible for ordinary people to do anything to her, so although she was depressed now, it was not because she was worried about being robbed. She was still depressed because she couldn't rent a house. As for these people saying they were going to rob her, she thought it was a bit ridiculous. With just a few people, they could still rob her?

You must know that Ning Jie is not the moldy girl who used to be unable to walk easily, not to mention Wanggang City, but looking at the whole country, there are not many people who have the ability to rob her.

"Nonsense, hand over the money quickly, we can rob money..." Another roared impatiently, but he paused for a while, because at this time, he suddenly saw Ning Jie's She also saw clearly her beautiful figure, and immediately changed her mouth, "No, this time I want to rob you!"

"That's right, it doesn't matter whether the wealth is robbed or not. This time, it must be robbed. I have held it back for several days, and when I see this girl, I get angry!" Another person also looked at Ning Jie with lustful eyes, and then , he turned to look at Xia Xia, "Hey, boy, if you don't want to die, just watch and don't move. After you have a few rounds with your girlfriend, you can come and play together. Very loyal and have fun!"

"You guys are really loyal?" Xia Xia asked at this time.

"That's right, boy, why don't you hang out with us? It's cool to have money and girls." The man who opened the door first said at this time, and he was also the tallest of the three, "But with us If you hang out together, you have to give us benefits first, so you can give us your girlfriend to play with, and then we will be brothers of the same woman!"

"So, you are good brothers now?" Xia Tian asked again.

"Of course, we are the best brothers, making money together to engage in women." The tall man said again.

"Oh, that's it!" Xia Tian nodded, looking thoughtful.

"Boy, what are you thinking?" The tall man was a little displeased, "You don't want to be brothers with us, do you? Then I'm sorry, just the three of us playing with your woman, and you kid is watching Lulu from the side. Take care!"

"Do you know what my nickname is?" Ning Jie spoke again at this time, "I don't think you know, my nickname is cheapskate."

"Beauty, it's not a good thing to be stingy. As long as you are a beauty like you, as long as you are generous, the money will come!" The tall man's eyes were also full of desire, "But it seems a pity, after the brothers enjoy you , I'm afraid you can only go to the old king of Yan to make money, maybe you are lucky, and you may not be the mistress of the king of Yan."

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with this girl, let me go first!" The shortest guy among the three couldn't bear it anymore. It seems that this guy is really panicking recently, and Ning Jie is too good-looking. Beautiful, let this guy get horny for a while.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you either, I just want to tell you one thing, I will be a real cheapskate in the future, other than my husband, others can take advantage of me, so you scumbags who don't know how to live or die, just Give me all to die!" Ning Jie's tone had a hint of chill, and after saying this, she started, slapped her white palm three times like lightning, and only heard three muffled groans, these three people are almost the same Time flew out.

Ning Jie's shot was quite heavy. After the three fell to the ground, their faces were unconsciously twisted in pain, and they couldn't get up from the ground for a while. At this time, they finally understood why the two met each other. The robbery didn't seem to panic at all, and he was still in the mood to gossip with them.

It's just that Ning Jie didn't want to let them go like that. She stepped forward in a flash, and was going to continue to beat these three people. It's okay for these three people to rob her. To insult her is simply unforgivable!

"Stingy wife, don't kill them." Xia Xia spoke at this time.

Ning Jie was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xia Xia: "Husband, what are you doing?"

Ning Jie would never think that Xia Xia would kindly plead for these people, she just didn't know what Xia Xia was thinking about.

"Oh, that idiot just said that they are the best brothers. I decided to fulfill them and make them real good brothers." Xia Xia said solemnly.

Ning Jie still didn't understand, so she asked again, "Husband, what do you mean?"

"Oh, I think these idiots are quite pitiful. It seems that they haven't touched women for a long time, so they are short of women now." Xia Xia replied.

Ning Jie was a little helpless, why couldn't this person speak clearly at once? Of course she knew that these robbers lacked women, but what does this have to do with making them real good brothers?

Fortunately, Xia Xia finally explained it at this time, he said with a smile: "I heard that a real good brother is a woman who is a brother when a brother needs a woman. Since they are all good brothers, and they all lack women, Then let them be their own brothers' women!"

Ning Jie was stunned for a moment, and then she was a little ridiculous. She seemed to have seen this on the Internet and thought it was a spoof at the time, but now, it seems that this eccentric husband wants to make this spoof a reality.

Just when Ning Jie was in a daze, Xia Xia was already moving with a silver needle.

Hands over, he came to the three guys respectively, stabbed a few stitches in each of them, then walked around the room, and let him find a few wallets, but unfortunately these three guys are really poor, three people All together, that's two thousand dollars.

"The robbers are still so poor, it's better to kill them!" Xia Xia despised the three of them, kicked each of them twice, and then said to Ning Jie, "Wife, let's go, although I I think they are really good brothers, but I still think that kind of thing is too disgusting, we should not watch it, it will have nightmares."

Although Ning Jie hasn't seen what these people do, she can basically imagine the next scene. If she agrees with Xia Xia, that kind of scene must be disgusting, so she naturally agrees to leave immediately, so she first When he got out of the house, he didn't go so fast in the summer. He broke the cell phones of the three guys, and found a lock in the house. Finally, he went out and locked the house with a lock from the outside.

As a result, these three guys can't understand whether they want to go out or call for help. The only thing they can do is to be a woman to their brother, and the only thing they want to do is to make their brother a woman, because Xia Tian stabbed them on them. Those few needles were used to arouse their lust.

Xia Xia and Ning Jie quickly went downstairs. As for the final outcome of the three people in that room, Ning Jie didn't care, and she would not sympathize with them, because if she was an ordinary girl, what would happen to her at this time? would be miserable.

It's just that, I just wanted to rent a house, but such a thing happened, so that Ning Jie was not in the mood to continue to look at the house, and looked at the time, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, it was not too early, Even if he finds a house, it is unlikely to move in today. Ning Jie doesn't decide not to rent a house today. He will spend the night at the hotel and wait until tomorrow.

"Husband, let's stroll around the neighborhood first to get acquainted with the environment here, have dinner together later, and then go back to the hotel to rest, okay?" Ning Jie asked Xia Xia's opinion softly.

"Okay!" Xia Xia agreed, and he had nothing to do for a while.

Ning Jie put her arms around Xia Xia's arm, and the two slowly strolled around the neighborhood. They were familiar with the environment. After walking around, Ning Jie also found that although the place was a bit messy, it was very convenient for food, clothing, housing, and transportation. There were small restaurants, supermarkets, and coffee shops. There are also gyms, and there are even many places to see a doctor. There are several smaller private hospitals, and there are even more pharmacies.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in and buy something." Summer suddenly stopped when passing a pharmacy.

"What to buy?" Ning Jie was a little strange for a while, Xia Tian is a genius doctor, what should I buy at the pharmacy?

Ning Jie looked up at the pharmacy. The name of the pharmacy was a little different. It was called Huang Lao Chinese Medicine Store, but it was clear that this pharmacy did not specialize in selling traditional Chinese medicine. Viagra has a big price cut.

"He's not going to buy this, right?" Ning Jie muttered in her heart, her pretty face flushed slightly, because she knew that the so-called Viagra was the legendary Viagra.

However, Ning Jie immediately felt that it was impossible. This husband should not need this kind of medicine. Although she was inexperienced in this kind of thing, she also knew that the summer that had been tossing her for so long today must be Don't use this medicine.

Just when Ning Jie was thinking wildly, Xia Xia had already given her the answer: "I want to buy some silver needles."

There are only two silver needles in the summer. Although two silver needles are enough in many cases, he has come up with a step-by-step method to absorb Yin fire, and to implement this method, it is not possible to do it with two silver needles. , so he had to buy some more silver needles to spare.

The reason why he chose to go to this pharmacy to buy it was that Xia Xia went for the word Chinese medicine in the name of the store. He felt that since it was a traditional Chinese medicine store, silver needles should be sold.

Ning Jie finally breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she didn't go to buy Viagra, otherwise, tonight would be enough for her. Although she is in good health now, she can be tossed to death in the summer without medicine. After the medicine, do you still need it?

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