Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1031 Seven Brotherhood

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The two guys, Immortal and Immortal, actually caused Xia a lot of trouble. At that time, those two guys tied Xia's body so tightly that he could barely move, so Xia had to use all his skills. , which shook them away.

In order to use all his skills at once, Xia Xia used silver needles to seal the yin fire, so that the yin fire would not attack him for a while, and he could use this time to turn Yi Xiaoyin into his wife .

He did this and successfully obtained Yi Xiaoyin's body, which made him very excited, but the problem was that he was so excited that he forgot the time and that Yin fire could not be kept so closed all the time. He only focused on conquering Yi Xiaoyin's beautiful body, but he didn't realize that Yin Huo was launching a counterattack, and when he found out, it was already a little late, and a large amount of Yin Huo had already mixed with his Ice Fire aura.

In this way, the legendary joy and sadness happened in Xia Xia, so although he still had some nostalgia for Yi Xiaoyin's body, he had to leave immediately. Sealed, and then quickly left the villa, he must find a safe and hidden place to absorb the Yin fire, otherwise, these Yin fire may in turn devour his ice fire aura.

Xia Xia didn't dare to stay in this villa, otherwise, he didn't know if Yi Xiaoyin would stab him twice, so he ran out of the villa and ran away from the sea at the fastest speed.

Originally, he wanted to find a relatively safe and secluded place in the summer. Now, for him, the safest place in Wanggang City is his new home, which is the Xiangxuehu villa area. If there is, Ning Jie will protect him and he will Naturally, it is very safe, but the problem is that he can't run home at all now. Although he is very fast, but after all, the distance is very long. He can't run back all at once, and he doesn't know the way. .

The yin fire in the body has been entangled with the ice fire aura. Xia Xia found that he could no longer find a place. Fortunately, it was very late. It seemed that any place was very quiet and safe. He didn't know how far he had run. Just suddenly saw a pavilion-like place on the side of the road, and ran over quickly, then immediately fell to the ground, and concentrated on fighting Yin Huo again.

It was already around three in the morning. Even in entertainment venues, the peak activity period had passed at this time. At this moment, the most famous Tianwang nightclub in Wanggang City was quiet.

Tianwang Nightclub is the most high-end nightclub in Wanggang City. It is obviously an upper-level route. It is said that it is easy to be a young lady in Wanggang City, but to be a young lady in Tianwang Nightclub may not be easier than entering a top 500 company. The so-called Fortune 500 companies usually have talent, but if you want to be a young lady in Tianwang nightclub, you have to be talented and handsome.

Of course, there is no doubt that the income of the girls in the Tianwang nightclub is far higher than that of the senior employees of the top 500 companies. It is said that the annual salary is one million, which is actually not worth mentioning here. Will also come here to make money in another way.

On the top floor of Tianwang Nightclub, there is a small conference room. This small conference room looks very simple. There is only one round table in it. Next to the round table, there are seven seats.

At this moment, there are six people in the conference room, sitting in six of the seats, while the other one is empty. These six are men, all around forty years old.

"The third one, are you reluctant to get up on the belly of a goblin?" The one who spoke was a fair-skinned middle-aged man, and among the six, he was the only one who looked more gentle and even a little personable. smell.

And the white-faced middle-aged man spoke to a bald man sitting opposite him. In terms of appearance, this man was really not flattering. Not only was he bald, but he also had small eyes and a sagging nose, and a pockmarked face.

"Boss, it's not like you don't know. I just have a hobby. I just got an eighteen-year-old model. Although that girl is only eighteen years old, she is very good in bed. Brother, do you want to try it?" The third man had an aftertaste expression on his face.

"Okay, I'm not interested in this kind of woman." The gentle man, the boss, waved his hand, "It's not easy for you to get up from a woman and get here, and I'm too lazy to pursue it.

"Boss, what's the rush to call the brothers so late?" At this time, another man asked, but this man was a one-eyed dragon with only one eye.

In fact, as long as you observe carefully, most of the men present have some physical defects, the third one is bald or pockmarked, the one who just spoke is a one-eyed dragon, the other three, one is lame, and one has an obvious line on his face. Scar, and the other one actually lacked an ear, the only one that looked completely normal was the boss.

"Second brother, didn't you find there is a vacancy here?" The boss said slowly, he was answering the one-eyed dragon, who obviously ranked second among the crowd.

"Boss, the sixth has got a small waist essence and was squeezed dry. He is looking for medicines everywhere recently. I think he bought Wilgang and played with the small waist essence again." Scarface Continued to speak.

"I think the fifth is right, the sixth is as virtuous as the third." The ear-missing man agreed.

"The fourth and fifth, what do you mean by virtue of me and the sixth? How many men don't like beautiful women these days?" The third child was a little unhappy, "It's not a big problem to like beautiful women, I just got a young model , didn't you come over right away?"

Obviously, the scarred face ranked fifth, the man with missing ears ranked fourth, and as for the lame man who did not speak, it should be ranked seventh.

"Although Lao Liu likes women, if he can come, he will definitely come." The boss opened his mouth at this time, his tone was a little heavy, "I told you a few to come here, just to tell you about this, Lao Liu can't come. already."

"Can't come?" The bald third was a little confused. "Boss, what do you mean by that? What happened to the sixth?"

The other four didn't ask any questions, but they all stared at the boss, obviously wanting to know the answer.

"He disappeared." The boss's tone was a little weird.

"Disappeared?" The one-eyed second child was a little puzzled. "Boss, you mean, the sixth child disappeared?"

"I think he should be dead." The boss shook his head, "This morning, the sixth took his woman and two bodyguards into a villa, and then he never came out and was never seen again. People, no dead body, the owner of the villa is a man and a woman. After the couple left the villa tonight, I sent someone to check, but no one was found. The trace of Liu's departure, that is to say, there are four of them in total, and they just disappeared from the world."

"The world evaporates?" Scar's face changed slightly, "Boss, how is this possible? Even if they die, they should be able to see the corpses. That's four people. Even if they want to destroy the corpses, it's not that easy, right? ?"

"It's not easy, but they did evaporate, and that's why I called all of you here, because, I'm still not sure whether the person who attacked the old sixth was targeting our seventh brothers. It will come." The boss said slowly: "The news I know now is that among the man and the woman, the man is a doctor, and the sixth was originally going to see him, but the one who introduced the sixth was a gangster. My name is Ah Cai. I have personally asked this Ah Cai. According to Ah Cai, the old man's illness was cured, but the other party offered 10 million yuan. The old man was very unhappy, so he not only wanted to get the money back, but also wanted to Ah Cai doesn't know what happened after that woman, but the sixth child never came out, so according to my judgment, the sixth child was poisoned by the doctor."

"Boss, since you know who did it, it's very simple. Let's get people to bring the pair of dogs and men over, don't you know where the sixth child is?" The fourth child with missing ears said.

"If the other party dares to attack the sixth, it means that they are not ordinary people. I asked you to come, so that you can find out the details of the other party first. Otherwise, if we don't get it right, we will be like the sixth, and the world will evaporate!" The boss looked quite solemn, "Don't say I didn't warn you, this time our enemy is definitely not an ordinary person, now I only know that the man's name is Song Death, and the woman's name is Ning Jie, this is their photo, Song Death is a doctor , medical skills are quite superb..."

"Ah, it's them!" There was a sudden exclamation in the house, but it was the lame old seventh who had not spoken before. When he heard the names of the two, his face changed, and after seeing the photo, he couldn't bear it any longer. He couldn't stop exclaiming, and interrupted the boss's words.

"Lao Qi, do you know them?" The boss looked up at the lame Lao Qi, looking a little surprised.

"Boss, this, these two people are very difficult to provoke. This man, who is called Song Di, claims that whoever provokes him will die. I thought he was a beggar and asked him for money, but he robbed him instead. Well, in the end, I brought a few people to find him, and they were all beaten up by him." The lame old Qi said quickly, he was no one else, it was the beggar head, Tieguai Qi.

"Seventh, you mean, this kid is good at fighting?" Scarred Fifth asked.

"It's very good at fighting, but the most terrifying thing isn't this kid, it's this woman!" Tieguai Qiyi looked like he had lingering fears, he pointed to Ning Jie's photo, "This woman is simply not human, look at me I just got a new one, just because of that woman, she twisted my iron crutch into a V shape with her hands!"

"What? Old Seven, are you serious?" The boss's expression changed suddenly, and the other four also changed color. They naturally knew what Tieguai Qi's Tieguai did, and they also knew the weight of Tieguai Qi's words. , If the other party is really so powerful, it would not be surprising that the sixth man's world evaporated.

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