Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1038 Two angry men

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

It was none other than Chen Siming who was angry. There is no doubt that Chen Siming has always been a very proud person. This time he came to see Yi Xiaoyin, but he was not very willing, so when Yi Xiaoyin first entered the box , He sat there without moving, looking arrogant, but then he could see Yi Xiaoyin's face clearly.

Yi Xiaoyin's appearance is enough to amaze any man, especially after the incident last night, Yi Xiaoyin has more charm to attract men, and Chen Siming is also a man. Chen Siming, who has read countless women, saw Yi Xiaoyin. After that, he suddenly felt that the women he had had before were all floating clouds, so he immediately changed his arrogance and took the initiative to stand up to greet Yi Xiaoyin. , touch her small hands that should be very tender.

But Chen Siming never thought that his enthusiasm was met with an unprecedented cold reception. Yes, for him, this was indeed unprecedented. No matter who he met before, or the identity of the other party, even if the other party's identity was higher than him, I would at least say hello to him, but Yi Xiaoyin didn't. Yi Xiaoyin ignored him at all, didn't even look at him, let alone shook hands with him.

This made Chen Siming very annoyed. This was simply humiliation to him. Men couldn't stand the humiliation of women, and if the other party was a beautiful woman, it would be even more unbearable, and Yi Xiaoyin was not only a beautiful woman, but also a superb beauty. It can be said that it is the best of the best. Chen Si, who has always been arrogant, is now being ignored by such a woman, which is naturally unbearable.

Originally, Chen Siming was going to endure first, because he came here to negotiate with Yi Xiaoyin. He planned to make things difficult for Yi Xiaoyin during the negotiation, but he never expected that Yi Xiaoyin would make something that he saw. To humiliate him even more, she didn't even bother to negotiate with him, so she turned around and left!

So, at the moment when Yi Xiaoyin turned around, Chen Siming, who was so embarrassed, felt a surge of blood, and immediately stood up out of control, cursing without grace.

Chen Siming thought that his scolding could make Yi Xiaoyin answer, or at least temporarily stop Yi Xiaoyin, but at this moment, something that made him collapse even more happened, Yi Xiaoyin ignored him at all, He walked out of the box just like that, and at the same time, a sentence floated into Chen Siming's ears: "Don't pay attention to such a small role."

Hearing the three words "small role", Chen Siming almost went crazy, Nima, he Chen Siming actually became a small role? In this Wanggang City, how many people have to be polite and respectful when they see him, this woman actually said that he is a small role?

"Grass, stop for Lao Tzu..." Chen Siming left the table in a frenzy, rushed out of the box, and chased after Yi Xiaoyin.

"Go away!" A light drink came into Chen Siming's ears at this moment, and then Chen Siming only felt a sharp pain in his stomach, a huge force surged, and the whole person suddenly flew into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground , I fell so badly that I couldn't get up after a few minutes.

When Chen Siming finally woke up a little, Yi Xiaoyin had long since disappeared.

"Grass, even Lao Tzu dares to fight, don't let Lao Tzu find you!" Chen Siming scolded angrily, and then shouted loudly, "Fan Ziliang, get over here for Lao Tzu!"

"Chen, Young Master Chen, what are your orders?" Fan Ziliang asked cautiously.

"Give me all the information about this woman you know!" Chen Siming said in a commanding tone.

"Yes, I'll sort out the information right away." Fan Ziliang nodded quickly, but he didn't dare to disobey Chen Siming's order.

"Get it for me now!" Chen Siming shouted.

"Yes, I'll do it now." Fan Ziliang immediately entered the private room again, and then began to organize Yi Xiaoyin's information.

"Grass, what is the first goddess doctor in the capital, this is not the capital!" Chen Siming cursed in his heart.

When Chen Siming was angry, in the Wanggang Police Station, the chief Xie Zhengkun also scolded two people furiously. One of them was Shi Jinsong, the head of the serious crime team, and the other was Shi Jinsong's direct superior, the captain of the criminal police, Fu Jiaqiang.

Shi Jinsong and Fu Jiaqiang are both old criminal policemen. Although their positions are not high, they are very important in the city bureau. Although the most dazzling star police officer in the city bureau is Li Si, some cases that star police officers disdain to solve are basically It's up to these two people to do it.

"There's no reason, it's really unreasonable, go, all of you, go and bring back that lawless Song Death for me!" Xie Zhengkun shouted angrily.

Xie Zhengkun couldn't help but get angry. This guy named Song Death has brought him a lot of trouble in just a few days. If he could see Song Death with his own eyes at this moment, 80% of them would not be able to resist and die. he!

The first is that Chi Renfeng is dead. Although Chi Renfeng is not a famous person in Wanggang City, Xie Zhengkun knows that this person has a wide range of friends and has contacts with many big people in Wanggang City, and this time, when Chi Renfeng died, He then received several calls to let the murderer be found immediately.

Xie Zhengkun left this matter to Shi Jinsong. In his opinion, Shi Jinsong should be able to find out the murderer soon. However, what he never expected was that Shi Jinsong didn't find anything and didn't say anything. Big loss.

The doctor named Song Death made Shi Jinsong embarrassed in public, and made Fang Lan fall into a coma by hitting the corner of the table. He is still in the hospital and even beat Nie Renjie in public, which made Xie Zhengkun want to vomit blood. You know, Nie Renjie is not easy to provoke. But compared to these two things, what happened today is what annoyed Xie Zhengkun the most.

He got news early in the morning that someone smashed a bus in the street, and also hit many people in the bus. The impact was extremely bad.

The two subordinates reported that they had just been kidnapped, and after that, news came that the most important detective in the bureau, Li Si, was thrown out of the villa, and ten others were thrown out with him. Several policemen, now more than a dozen policemen are lying in a coma in the hospital, and after he figured out the situation, he found that these things were actually done by the same person, the so-called genius doctor named Song Di!

"Director, Song Death seems to have very unusual abilities. It's not easy for us ordinary police to arrest him..." Although Shi Jinsong knew that this might make Xie Zhengkun angry, he couldn't help but say it. suffered a loss myself.

Sure enough, before Shi Jinsong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xie Zhengkun's anger: "What unusual ability? He is also a human being, and you are human too. In short, before I get off work today, I want to see that Song Dy appearing at the police station. If you can't do it, take off this police uniform for me!"

Without giving Shi Jinsong a chance to continue speaking, Xie Zhengkun waved his hand: "Now you go out, don't come back if you can't catch anyone!"

Shi Jinsong was quite helpless, so he only got out of the director's office. Fu Jiaqiang, who had been silent for a while, also walked out quickly, then hurried a few steps to catch up with Shi Jinsong and walked side by side with him: "Old Shi, don't be depressed, it's almost noon. , let's go out for a meal and have a couple of drinks."

"Okay, let's go." Shi Jinsong nodded. He had no plans to arrest people now. Li Si brought more than a dozen people and all of them were thrown out. Now they are in a coma in the hospital. how?

Shi Jinsong and Fu Jiaqiang actually had a good personal relationship. They quickly left the police station and found a small restaurant nearby, ordered a few side dishes, opened a bottle of white wine, and chatted while eating and drinking.

"Old Shi, what is the origin of that guy named Song Death?" Fu Jiaqiang asked.

"I don't know, I haven't found it out. I think it should be a pseudonym. The same goes for the women he is with. Although there are quite a few named Ning Jie, I haven't seen anyone who looks like her." Shi Jinsong sighed. After a sigh of relief, "Old Fu, these two people seem really hard to mess with. How can I put it, they give me the feeling that it is strange, no, it should be said, it is weird, yes, it is weird!"

"Weird? What kind of weird method?" Fu Jiaqiang was a little surprised, "Old Shi, it seems that this is the first time I have heard you say it."

"Actually, before investigating Chi Renfeng's case, I thought that Chi Renfeng died suddenly because of a sudden illness and had nothing to do with Song's death. After all, they only quarreled a few times and had no physical contact at all, but now I, But I began to believe that Chi Renfeng was killed by Song Dead." Shi Jinsong said, "Last night was so weird, I wanted to handcuff this guy, but it ended up being handcuffed to me. Then Fang Lan fell inexplicably. You said that this person was standing well and didn't move. How could he suddenly fall? I deduce that it was all that kid did secretly."

"When you say that, I also think it's very strange. Does this kid have any superpowers?" Fu Jiaqiang said with a frown, "I heard that this morning, everyone in Li Si's gang had guns, more than a dozen people. The individual rushed in, and in less than a minute, they were all thrown out, and they were all in a coma, even those from the special forces are not so powerful!"

"I don't know, but at about eight o'clock this morning, this kid smashed a bus into a pulp. Old man, it's not just glass or something. It's really pulpy, and it's a pile of scrap iron." , "Don't say I'm timid, I really don't dare to catch him now. I'm afraid I'll be like Chi Renfeng if I don't get it right, and I'll die if I don't understand."

"It won't work if we don't arrest us. If we don't arrest us, we will lose our jobs. Old Shi, it seems that we have to figure out a way." Fu Jiaqiang looked a little solemn, "Tell me, what are we going to do? Arrest people. , it's dangerous, don't arrest it, there's no way to communicate with the director!"

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