Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

"Hello, yes, is that Miss Ning?" A voice that was familiar to Ning Jie came from the other end of the phone, "I'm Su Qin, Lu Hui's girlfriend, do you remember me? It cost us 100,000 yuan..."

Su Qin's voice was a little flustered, obviously something changed, and although Ning Jie was a little surprised that Su Qin called her, she still answered immediately: "Miss Su, I remember, is there something wrong?"

"Ms. Ning, can you come to the police station to help Lu Hui testify? Lu Hui was arrested by the police." Su Qin's tone was vaguely crying.

"Testify?" Ning Jie frowned slightly, a little confused, "Miss Su, please clarify, what is the testimony? Mr. Lu was arrested, has something to do with us?"

"Miss Ning, someone falsely accused Lu Hui of betraying the company's trade secrets, saying that there are photos of the transaction. The most important evidence is that Lu Hui's account has more than 100,000 yuan on the same day. We explained the source of the 100,000 yuan to the police. , but they don't believe it, because they think that no one will borrow ten yuan to pay back one hundred thousand, I really have no choice, I can only ask Miss Ning for your help and give me a certificate, okay?" Su Qin said. He started to cry, "Now Lu Hui will not only lose his job, but also possibly go to jail. You must come and help us, I beg you!"

"Who falsely accused him?" Ning Jie was a little surprised. He could be falsely accused and arrested at the police station?

"I don't know, the police said they wanted to protect the witnesses, but they didn't say their names, but I guess it's probably Lu Hui's colleague, Wang Gang, who was beaten that day. Although his cell phone was broken, he took your photo that time. Maybe it's to falsely accuse Lu Hui, I heard from Lu Hui that Wang Gang has been having trouble with him." Su Qin said quickly, and finally began to beg, "Miss Ning, please, you must come and help us, we are here. If Lu Hui really wants to go to jail, I really don't know what to do."

"Miss Su, don't worry. Since I caused you trouble, I will naturally find a way to solve it. Well, wait a moment. I have a friend at the police station. I will ask about the situation first." Ning Jie didn't really want to go to the police station to testify, and now Xia Xia was in a bad mood, so he probably wasn't in the mood to go to the police station. However, in her opinion, for such a framed case, she only needed to find an acquaintance at the police station. , it should be easy to handle, so she thought of Shi Jinsong. Although Shi Jinsong is not a high-level police officer, he should have some weight in the police station. It shouldn't be difficult for him to handle such an ordinary case.

"Okay, thank you Miss Ning, then I'll wait for your news." Su Qin heard that Ning Jie was willing to help, and her heart calmed down a little. Although Ning Jie didn't say that she was going to testify, Su Qin felt that Ning Jie's kind As long as the rich people are willing to help, they don't need to testify.

There is no doubt that Su Qin's inference was correct. Ning Jie quickly called Shi Jinsong and asked him to ask about it. Within ten minutes, Shi Jinsong called her back.

And Shi Jinsong's ability to handle affairs also made Ning Jie quite satisfied. In such a short time, Shi Jinsong not only allowed Lu Hui to be acquitted, but also told Ning Jie that it was Wang Gang who falsely accused Lu Hui, and he even sent two subordinates. , ready to take Wang Gang into the police station to investigate his false accusation and frame-up.

"Well done, someone like Wang Gang should teach him a lesson." Ning Jie complimented Shi Jinsong on the phone, and then hung up. She understood now that the higher she stood, Shi Jinsong The more polite she is to her, so now she is not polite to Shi Jinsong at all.

Just as Shi Jinsong hung up, Su Qin called again. Naturally, she was grateful to Ning Jie, but Ning Jie didn't tell her much, and soon hung up again. , she and Xia Xia have also walked not far from the gate of Xiangxue Lake Villa.


A loud noise came, attracting the attention of Ning Jie and Xia Xia, but this time the noise was not an explosion, but two cars rear-ended.

Ning Jie has been thinking about whether to learn to drive these days, and then thinking about what car to buy after learning to drive, so she has recently checked various cars online and has some understanding of the car, and the two rear-end cars The sedans are all the models she has seen these days. Not to mention, the two cars are good. The one in front is a white BMW, and the one in the back is also white, but it's a Cayenne.

The driver of the BMW was a young man. He opened the door and got out of the car. He shouted angrily to the people in the car behind: "How did you drive? You can rear-end on this kind of road? Didn't you see a car in front of you? "

"Grass, who told you to drive so fucking slow? It's okay if you drive so fucking slow, and you fucking slow down suddenly! If you don't know how to drive, don't fucking hit the road!" The driver behind also got out of the car, but it was a It looked like a boy of seventeen or eighteen, but when he was cursing here, three more boys got off the car, all of whom looked seventeen or eighteen. The four of them looked like they were rich kids, their clothes and shoes were all rich. Famous brand, and wearing a watch that looks like it should be worth a lot of money.

"Brothers, beat him!" Another teenager shouted, and then the four of them swarmed up and surrounded the BMW driver, punching and kicking, officially starting the siege of the BMW driver.

Although the BMW driver was tall and looked young and strong, it was a pity that his fists were no match for his four hands. They were knocked to the ground by these four teenagers.

"What are you doing? Stop it, someone, help!" But there was a young woman in the BMW, dressed in fashion. She saw the BMW driver being beaten and hurriedly called for help.

"Beat, kill this girl, it's a big deal to lose some money!"

"Paralyzed, let

You drive around, it'll kill you! "

"Whoever the fuck dares to meddle in their own business, beat them together!"

"It doesn't matter if you kill me, my dad has a house, and a house can buy a few fucking lives!"

These people didn't stop, they shouted arrogantly while fighting, and although there were people passing by on the roadside, these people stopped at most to watch the excitement, and no one went up to stop them.

Finding no one to help, the young woman took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the police: "Hey, 110? Help, I'm..."

"How dare you call the police!" A teenager suddenly rushed over, slapped her hard, and knocked off her cell phone.

"This woman is in good shape!" Another teenager looked at the woman and suddenly had an idea, "Brothers, let's play something more exciting!"

"Is there a more exciting way to play?" the third teenager asked.

"Find a place and drive her train!" said the boy who first mentioned the excitement.

"That's right, it's her turn!" The young man driving the car suddenly lit up, then rushed towards the young woman, grabbed her and dragged her into the Cayenne.

"Let go of me! Let me go! Help! Help, they're going to rape me!" The young woman was shocked, she never thought that someone would be so lawless and drag her in in broad daylight. Gang rape in the car!

"A bunch of beasts!" Ning Jie finally couldn't stand it anymore. She didn't want to meddle in her own business, but now seeing that they dragged a woman away like this, she finally couldn't bear it anymore, rushed over, and quickly knocked down all the four teenagers. on the ground.

"Paralysis, you bitch dare to hit me... uh!"

"Grass, I want to turn you a hundred times... ah!"



Two scoldings, four screams, accompanied by the sound of cracking fractures, but this time it was Xia Xia's shot. Because Xia Xia stepped on the crotch of each of them, and when the four of them became eunuchs, they suddenly fainted.

"Thank you, thank you!" The young woman was still in shock. After expressing her thanks, she hurriedly ran to the BMW driver on the ground and helped him up from the ground, "Awei, how are you? Are you seriously injured? I I'll take you to the hospital immediately!"

"It's alright, it hurts a little... uh!" The BMW driver Awei finally stood up, but he grinned in pain, and couldn't help scolding, "Damn, I don't know how I met such a group of people. Little bastard..."

"Don't talk about it, go and thank them. If they hadn't rescued us, what would have happened? These people are too arrogant and lawless." The young woman supported Awei and wanted to come over and thank Ning Jie. and Xia Xia, but at this moment she noticed that a figure flashed, but Xia Xia had come to them.

"You, you are..." Seeing Xia Xia, Awei had a surprised look on his face.

Xia Xian quickly patted Awei a few times, then took out a silver needle, quickly stabbed Awei for more than a dozen needles, and finally glared at him: "Don't ask who I am, or I will kill you and pay him back. Yes, you don't have to go to the hospital!"

After saying this, Xia Xia pulled Ning Jie around and left, disappearing from Awei's sight in the blink of an eye.

"Awei, do you know him?" the young woman couldn't help asking at this time.

"I'm not sure, forget it, don't care about this." The Awei shook his head, "Let's go quickly, or there might be trouble. Those four little bastards who dare to be so arrogant must have a backstage."

"Well, let's go." The young woman nodded, she was still a little scared now.

Although the BMW was hit, the damage was not serious, so the two quickly got into the car and left.

At this moment, Ning Jie, who had already walked to the door of the house, couldn't help but ask Xia Xia, "Do you know the person who was beaten just now, the BMW driver who was beaten?"

Based on Ning Jie's understanding of Xia Xia, it is unlikely that he will help people heal for no reason. He has never been such a kind person, and from the conversation he had with that person just now, it seems that he really knew him.

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