Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1058 finally did a good thing

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"I asked some people, and they all said they didn't see it clearly. They only knew that it was a man and a woman, and I couldn't see it clearly in the video. However, I still recognized them." Shi Jinsong said this, lowering his voice. , "Director, Song Di and Ning Jie should be the ones who started."

"What?" Xie Zhengkun's expression changed slightly, "It's them again?"

"It should be them again." Shi Jinsong nodded. He could deeply understand the meaning of the word Xie Zhengkun. For such a period of time, those two people had already caused many troubles.

After a pause, Shi Jinsong added: "Director, this is actually a good thing. You just need to tell Lan Shaogang the truth. If Lan Shaogang wants to trouble them, there will be no good fruit to eat."

Xie Zhengkun pondered for a while, then laughed, with a happy look on his face: "Yes, this is a good thing, that boy named Song Di has caused us a lot of trouble, but he finally did a good thing."

"Then, Director, what should we do next?" Shi Jinsong hesitated for a moment and asked, "Do you want to find Song Di and Ning Jie to investigate?"

"No, what about the investigation? Don't say that they are acting bravely, if not, what can you do to them?" Xie Zhengkun snorted, and then he said: "Don't talk about it, Song Dead, this kid is more than blue. These bastards are much better, and he didn't go out to grab women on the street anyway."

"Yeah, actually, although that kid is ugly and likes to do things, he is not an unreasonable person, and that kid is really capable. If that kid in the Lan family had that capability, I'm afraid he would have gone everywhere to harm people long ago." Shi Jinsong At this moment, it is also to help Xia speak.

"Lan Shaogang doesn't have the ability to be a bit of a backstage, and even the director of me scolds me. Do you expect people with background and ability like Song Death to be polite to people like us?" Xie Zhengkun snorted, "Okay, this is You can just investigate the matter, whatever you want, I will report it to Mayor Lan to see if Mayor Lan dares to move the backstage, if he doesn't dare, then let him take care of his younger brother."

"Director is brilliant." Shi Jinsong was not a person who was good at flattering, but sometimes he had to talk about it.

"Okay, let's do things." Xie Zhengkun waved his hand, he was in a much better mood now, not because Shi Jinsong was flattering, but because he found that Lan Shaogang was finally going to be shriveled.

Some people are happy and some are worried. At this moment, in a villa in Wanggang City, Nie Renjie, who has been discharged from the hospital and went home, has a worried expression on his face. At this moment, he is chatting with another person through a temporary chat room on the computer.

"Mr. Yi, things are in trouble." Nie Renjie's anxiety had seeped into the words from his face, "There is an accident in our hospital."

"Has something happened to Huiren Hospital?" The other party quickly replied.

"It's not just Huiren Hospital, it's all our hospitals. More than 500 hospitals under our control have problems, and the same is true of other hospitals we have invested in. Now they are all investigated by the local health department of the hospital, and some hospitals have already I was asked to suspend business for rectification." Nie Renjie quickly tapped the keyboard, "I have received news from various sources that this time our hospital can't be saved, and the other party has already intentionally tried to rectify us."

"What's the matter? Old Man Zheng did it? He's not satisfied with Jiang Xiaoyi accompanying him?"

Unfortunately, Nie Renjie could only give the other party a negative answer: "It has nothing to do with Old Man Zheng, although he was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say anything. This time it was someone else who attacked us, the Yi Xiaoyin who claimed to want to buy all our hospitals. ."

"It's her? Didn't I let Chen Siming talk to her? I let Chen Siming perfunctory her for a while, but he can't do anything well?" The other party asked a few words.

"Mr. Yi, it was Chen Siming who screwed up the matter. I said earlier that this kid is unreliable, and because he has some background in the family, he acts nonsense. He didn't have a good talk with Yi Xiaoyin at all. I fell in love with Yi Xiaoyin, and found a few thugs to tie her up, which completely angered Yi Xiaoyin. I asked old man Zheng about it, and old man Zheng said, unless we give the hospital to Yi Xiaoyin, Otherwise, she won't give up." Nie Renjie was scolding Yi Xiaoyin in his heart when he typed out these long words, this woman's appetite is so fucking big, hundreds of controlled hospitals, plus some other invested , there are thousands of them in total. The assets of these things are not only hundreds of millions or billions, but at least tens of billions. This black-hearted woman actually wants to swallow it like this!

"Mr. Zheng can't handle this?" Mr. Yi was obviously dissatisfied.

"Old man Zheng told me very clearly that he would rather go to jail than expect him to help. In addition, he also said that no one can help us. This time Yi Xiaoyin is very angry, and some big people in the capital are also very angry. Let's hurry up and hand over to the hospital, then we may still be safe and sound, otherwise it is difficult to say what will happen to us." Nie Renjie replied.

Mr. Yi's news came back immediately: "Can't other people in the capital handle this?"

"Their answers are similar to Old Man Zheng's." Nie Renjie replied.

After waiting, Nie Renjie sent another message: "Mr. Yi, this Yi Xiaoyin has a deep background in the capital, and it is said that there is a big person who is interested in her. This time, Chen Siming's intentions were wrong, and he happened to do the most inappropriate thing. , so this matter is very troublesome, I have tried my best, but still can't think of a way to solve it."

There was no reply for a long time, but seeing that the other party had not been offline, Nie Renjie also kept waiting.

About five minutes later, Mr. Yi finally replied: "Contact the other party for a

Next, we hand over Chen Siming to her, and then sell the hospital shares at a price 10% lower than the normal price, to see if Yi Xiaoyin agrees. "

"What if Yi Xiaoyin doesn't agree?" Nie Renjie couldn't help but ask. Although this method seems very favorable, he is a big concession on his side, but the problem is that according to the news he has received from the capital these days, Yi Xiaoyin can He didn't want to pay a penny, so he just wanted to get the controlling stake in all the hospitals. Someone even told him that, with Yi Xiaoyin's financial resources, it would be no problem to get a few hundred million, but tens of billions would definitely not be available, so people didn't get it. At the beginning, there may be no real plans to acquire, Chen Siming's move may just give Yi Xiaoyin a chance to do it in advance.

"Then kill her!" This time, Mr. Yi replied immediately, and after that, he went offline.

Nie Renjie stared at the computer for a long time before picking up the phone and dialing a number.

When Ning Jie returned home with a large bag and a small bag, it was already evening. She entered the living room and put down the various medicinal materials she had bought, but Ning Jie did not see Summer, nor did she see Avril and Isabella.

Just thinking about whether she had been outside for too long, when she took Avril and the others out for a stroll in the summer, Ning Jie suddenly heard a voice from upstairs that was not very unfamiliar to her, and the voice occasionally carried Desolate, weeping and complaining, and occasionally a little high, rambunctious, similar voices have also floated out of her mouth.

Ning Jie heard that it was Avril's voice. Although it was a little hard to imagine that Avril, who seemed very cool, could utter such a wild bed song, she immediately understood what was going on upstairs.

Originally, Ning Jie was embarrassed to go up to see it, but when she thought of the phone call she received before she came back, she had to go up, so she bit her head and quickly went upstairs to the bedroom where the door was not closed at all, and then she saw A picture that made her heart beat.

Therefore, after she said this, she immediately went downstairs and waited below.

"I'm going to sleep for a while." When a few people were sitting on the sofa, Avril lay directly on Xia Tian's lap, closed her eyes, and didn't move. It seemed that she was tired just now, but Isabella seemed to She is in good spirits, which is normal, because Xia Tian is always more obsessed with Avril's body every time. After hanging out with Isabella for a while today, he carried her upstairs and started a three-person battle, and after that , Avril has endured most of the firepower, and the consequence is that Avril is now completely powerless.

"Stingy wife, what happened?" Xia Xia asked at this time.

Before Ning Jie could answer, Xia Xia added another question: "Have you bought all the herbs? Why did you only come back now?"

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