Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1063 The shocked bystander

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Seemingly feeling Ning Jie's hesitation, Meng Shihua spoke again: "If you surrender now, I can treat you as surrender. I believe you will get a fair trial, and if you reform well, you can..."

"Shut up!" Ning Jie's fingers pinched Meng Shihua's neck tightly, and Meng Shihua couldn't help showing a pained look on his face, and he was suddenly speechless.

After a few seconds, Ning Jie took her hand away and added coldly: "If you don't want to die, you'd better make your subordinates quieter, I'll make a phone call first, or I promise, you won't have a reason to die if you die. !"

Ning Jie finally thought of a way, took out her mobile phone, and made a call. This call was made before Xia Xia. Although Ning Jie didn't speak to the other party, she knew that the call should be from Mu Han. , and thinking that after Xia Xia called Mu Han yesterday, someone sent wild ginseng within an hour or so, Ning Jie felt that it should not be difficult for Mu Han to solve this matter.

"Husband!" The phone was quickly connected, and Ning Jie heard Mu Han's voice over there.

"I'm Ning Jie. My husband can't make a phone call right now. I need your help here." Ning Jie quickly said, "There are some armed police here looking for trouble..."

"I already know about this. You wait two minutes, and someone will arrive soon." Mu Han interrupted Ning Jie's words, and then asked again, "Husband, is he alright?"

"He's okay, but he can't be disturbed by anyone in the next few days. Is there any way you can make these people stop coming to trouble him?" Ning Jie asked in a low voice. In fact, this was why she decided to call Mu One of the reasons for Han, because even if she can solve all these people, she can't guarantee that no one else will come to trouble in the next few days, so she must find a solution once and for all.

"Don't worry, I promise that no one will dare to disturb you in the next few days." Mu Han said quickly, "Let's say that first, I need to make a phone call."

"Okay, bye." Ning Jie hung up the phone.

At this moment, whether it is the armed police or Meng Shihua, they all feel that something is wrong. This person is still calling at this time. It seems that there is a real backstage.

Especially Meng Shihua, he felt that something was wrong, because the arrest of ordinary criminals did not require the armed police to come forward. This time, although the other party was said to be an internationally wanted criminal, the ordinary police did not participate. This is obviously a bit inconvenient. It's normal, but he didn't care about it before. Now, after hearing Ning Jie's call to find someone, he knew that something was wrong. The arrest this time may not be as simple as he thought.

Just when Meng Shihua was a little uneasy, suddenly the earth seemed to vibrate, and neat footsteps sounded from far to near. These footsteps were very heavy and powerful, so that the entire Xiangxuehu villa area could feel the footsteps. It was a huge shock. At this moment, even these rich people who don't like to watch the lively on weekdays, some people want to come out to see what happened. They want to know who is making such a big noise in Xiangxue Lake.

In fact, Ren Xiaofeng and Gan Min, who live in the villa opposite, are also staring at the situation here. Ren Xiaofeng is a little surprised, while Gan Min is a little worried. Although she and Ning Jie have known each other for a while, she feels that Ning Jie A good friend, not a snob like the other rich ladies.

"Song Shenyi and Miss Ning are really not ordinary people." Ren Xiaofeng sighed in a low voice, "Meng Shihua is a good player in the armed police, and the people he brought are the elites of his subordinates, but Meng Shihua has no ability to fight at all. Let Miss Ning kidnap her, no wonder the killer suffered a loss from her last time."

"Xiaofeng, what's going on here? I think Ning Jie is a good person. Why do people always trouble her?" Gan Min asked in confusion.

"Xiao Min, Miss Ning and Shenyi Song are not ordinary people, and their enemies are naturally not ordinary people. We can't control these things, so don't worry about it. Since Miss Ning dares to kidnap Meng Shihua, it means that she has... Huh?" Before Ren Xiaofeng finished speaking, he was also shocked by the footsteps that shook the ground. He stared at the gate of the villa for a while, and then exclaimed, "So, this is a black panther?"

"What black panther... ah, there are so many soldiers!" Gan Min also snorted. At this time, she also saw nearly a hundred fully armed soldiers running into the Xiangxuehu villa area at a neat pace. When the security guard at the door saw this group of people coming in, he didn't ask a word at all, and immediately opened all the doors.

Because Ren Xiaofeng was also born in the military, Gan Min still knew a little about the military. She immediately felt that these soldiers were definitely not ordinary soldiers. Whether they were imposing or pretending, they all looked different from ordinary soldiers.

"The Black Panthers are the strongest special forces in the country. It is said that they have a unit stationed on the coast, but I have never seen them before, but now it seems that the rumors are true. Look at the badges on their equipment and clothes, This should be the famous Black Panther unit." Ren Xiaofeng said in a low voice, after all, he used to be a soldier. Although he has been out of the army for a long time, he still pays attention to the affairs of the army from time to time. Compared with Gan Min, he naturally Also know more about the situation of the troops.

"Ah? That's bad. First the armed police, and now the special forces. Ning Jie is in big trouble this time." Gan Min suddenly became worried. She subconsciously thought that these troops were here to help the armed police.

"Not necessarily." Ren Xiaofeng shook his head, "Continue to look down."

As soon as Ren Xiaofeng finished speaking, the situation on the field changed immediately. The armed police who had just surrounded Ning Jie were immediately surrounded by all these soldiers.

"Everyone let go

Gun, otherwise all will be killed! "A deep shout sounded, and then every armed policeman found that their heads were pressed against a gun barrel. A few seconds ago, these soldiers were just surrounding them, but with this order, these soldiers They suddenly appeared beside them very strangely, one to one, directly controlling them, so that they had no chance to resist at all.

Meng Shihua's face was pale, and cold sweat appeared on his face unconsciously. At this moment, he finally understood that the owner of this villa was really not easy to mess with.

The other armed police were also stupid. They didn't need Meng Shihua's orders, so they consciously threw their guns on the ground. Although they were armed police, they were not soldiers after all. In comparison, there is no chance of winning. They have no other choice but to admit it.

According to rumors, all soldiers in the army are lunatics, and they only carry out the orders of their direct superiors. Therefore, if they do not put down their guns, they believe that these lunatic soldiers who are soldiers will probably destroy them with one shot. For the sake of their lives, It's better to listen at this time.

"Well, these people are actually here to help Ning Jie?" Seeing this scene, Gan Min was dumbfounded for a while, this Ning Jie is really amazing.

Not only Gan Min was stupid, but other people watching the fun in the villa, including the security guard, were also stupid. What kind of fun is this? Why does it look like a movie?

On the other hand, Ren Xiaofeng was relatively calm, because he had vaguely guessed before that these special forces were not here to help the armed police, but even so, he was still a little surprised, he could not have imagined that the seemingly mysterious Song Shenyi He Ning Miss, it is so big.

But then, something even more shocking happened.

"Red team, go back to the base, blue team, stay here, rotate after 12 hours, red team, take all these people away!" The officer who issued the command before continued to issue orders, and then everyone was shocked to see In the scene, hundreds of armed police were escorted by dozens of soldiers, and the remaining dozens of fully armed soldiers were quickly scattered around the villa, but they did not want to surround the villa, but stood guard around the villa, watching Their posture, anyone can see, they are acting as a defense for the people in the villa!

At least fifty or sixty special forces, all tall and mighty, armed with live ammunition, stand outside a villa like this, not allowing anyone to approach the villa, this kind of security treatment, for a time, makes people suspicious of the people living in the villa, Did it come from Zhongnanhai, because the level of defense is too high and luxurious!

"Xiao Min, you should try not to look for Miss Ning in the future. Her status is too high for us to climb high." After a long while, Ren Xiaofeng said slowly.

Gan Min didn't speak, but she agreed with Ren Xiaofeng's statement. She was not a fool. Seeing this kind of battle, she naturally understood that Ning Jie's identity was extraordinary. Of course, she didn't know that the real extraordinary person was not Ning Jie. But Ning Jie man.

As for the other people watching the fun, they all have the same idea at the moment, that is, stay away from the people in the 18 villas, and don't mess with the people inside, or they will definitely not even know how they died.

"Don't worry, no one will dare to disturb you again." At this moment, Ning Jie also received a call from Mu Han.

"Well, when my husband comes out, I'll let him call you." Ning Jie finally felt relieved when she saw this battle. In the next few days, she should not have to worry.

Ning Jie was not worried, but at this moment, some people were trembling with fear, just because the incident in the Xiangxue Lake Villa Area had spread to some people's ears.

Although the media did not report it, it was impossible to completely conceal such a big news. Some people still spread it privately. In the end, many people still knew what happened in the villa area of ​​Xiangxue Lake No. 1. Wu Peng Dajun is one of them.

After Scar Old Five heard the report from his subordinates, he was stunned for three minutes, and then he hurriedly called the other brothers. After half an hour, the remaining six brothers in the Seven Brotherhood gathered again. In the king nightclub.

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