Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1086 Believe it or not, I will fire you

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Shameless, beast!" Ah Jiu looked at Xia Xia with hatred, wished she could rush to kill Xia Xia, but unfortunately, she knew that she didn't have the ability, so she could only stand there, but she still subconsciously blocked Yi Xiaoyin In front, she looks like she wants to protect Yi Xiaoyin, she can't let the young lady be humiliated by this beast like Xia Xia again!

The anger in Yi Xiaoyin's eyes quickly faded, and the anger on her beautiful face also quickly disappeared. In just a few seconds, she returned to normal. At least on the surface, she has returned to calm.

"Yes, these days, I think of you every day and everything you've done to me!" Although Yi Xiaoyin's tone was calm, it still made people feel the hatred she had hidden in her bones.

"I knew you would think of me." Xia Xia smiled, "Wife Yiyi, I have good news for you, the perverted woman in the capital I told you last time can no longer threaten me. "

"Really?" Yi Xiaoyin said calmly, "For me, this is bad news."

"Wife Yiyi, how can you say that?" Xia Xia was a little unhappy, "What good news this is, you actually said it was bad news, um, by the way, Mrs Yiyi, I miss you a little bit, Let me give you a hug!"

"Don't touch me..." Yi Xiaoyin's face changed slightly, and she shouted out of control. Unfortunately, before she could finish her words, she felt her waist tighten. Xia Xian had already embraced her in his arms. The palm of his hand, and even stroked her buttocks.

"Let go of me!" Yi Xiaoyin screamed, and then struggled desperately, although she knew that with her own strength, no matter how hard she struggled, it would be futile, but she was still very persistent and tried her best to struggle, she wanted to let Xia Tian Knowing that even if she Yi Xiaoyin has been humiliated by him, it does not mean that she will break the pot, and she will still resist his atrocities with the greatest determination.

"Let go of Miss!" Ah Jiu also rushed towards Xia Xia, kicking and biting at Xia Xia like crazy, and scolding constantly, "You despicable and shameless beast..."

"Let go of Miss Yi!"

"Let go or I'll shoot!"

Two cold and sweet drinks sounded at almost the same time, two tall women appeared in Xia Xia's sight, and they both pointed guns at Xia Xia, looking nervous.

These two are naturally the eighteenth and nineteenth sisters sent by the dark team to protect Yi Xiaoyin. With Xia Tian's skills, he will naturally not let them find out if he wants to come up. They only heard Yi Xiaoyin's screams. Came in a hurry.

As soon as they came, they were startled. There was actually a man who was molesting Miss Liyi? It's worth it. If the group knows that under the protection of the two of them, Miss Yi has been molested, then it is hard to say whether they can continue to stay in the dark group, because the dark group obviously does not need such incompetent members. .

"Hey, don't learn to bite people like a puppy, you're pretty good looking too, why do you learn to be a dog?" Xia Xian said to Ah Jiu a little displeased at this time, then slapped her on the buttocks and slapped her He picked it up, threw it inside, and threw it on the bed.

Then, Xia Xia glared at the eighteenth and nineteenth sisters: "What are you two doing? Believe it or not, I will fire you?"

Finally, Xia Tian looked down at Yi Xiaoyin who was still struggling in his arms: "Wife Yiyi, I just hug you, what are you doing so excited? I didn't say I won't let you go, okay, You don't seem to be happy, so I'll let you go first."

After saying this, Xia Xia really let go of Yi Xiaoyin, and Yi Xiaoyin, who was out of the clutches, quickly entered the room, and A Jiu, who had just been spanked by Xia Xia, also sat up from the bed, hating it. Looking at Xia Xia, she only saw that Yi Xiaoyin was all right, and she didn't say anything, just stayed by Yi Xiaoyin's side, looking on guard.

The two female agents of the dark group were stupid, because they had recognized Xia Xia at this moment.

In fact, the first dark emperor of the dark group, that is, Lu Ren, the third master of the summer, has always been a relatively low-key figure. At that time, even the members of the dark group might not be able to recognize the dark emperor when they saw the dark emperor. There are only a few people in the group who know the true face of the Dark Emperor. However, with the passage of time, this second Dark Sovereign Summer is completely different from the low-key appearance of the first Dark Sovereign.

Although the dark group and the goblins have done some secrets for Xia's identity, and now Xia's information is also top secret, but there is no way, this guy Xia is too high-profile, and maybe some ordinary people don't know Xia's. The true identity, but everyone in the dark group is very clear about the new dark emperor. Even if they don't all know Xia Xia's abilities, at least they already know what he looks like now. Therefore, the eighteenth and nineteenth sisters , As soon as I saw the summer, I immediately recognized it.

And Xia Xia's words about expelling them made them confirm that this person was their immediate boss, the new dark emperor of the dark group, and the summer when he dominated countless beauties in the capital and almost caused public outrage.

In fact, whether Xia Xia aroused the public anger of those young masters in the capital, these two female agents are not sure, but at least within the dark group, Xia Xia made them very dissatisfied, because in the dark group, there is an open The secret was that Meier, the leader of the sky group, and Mu Han, the leader of the earth group, were both summer women.

Before the dark group was rebuilt, Meier was very famous among the female agents, and she could be called a legend. be proud.

Although Mu Han was famous before, he was only famous for his beauty. However, after Mu Han killed Satan, the world's number one killer, the dark prince, Mu Han's reputation in the world of secret agents also followed Mei'er. .

all along,

Female agents are always inferior to male agents. Many people think that female agents only rely on their bodies and beauty to obtain information and deal with the enemy. Now that there are two such powerful female agents, they will naturally be regarded as their pride by these female agents. , However, what makes them depressed is that two such excellent women are actually with the same man, which naturally makes them quite dissatisfied with this man.

Of course, in addition to their dissatisfaction, these female agents were also a little curious. What kind of magic does this new team leader have to make Meier and Mu Han, two such excellent and beautiful women, fall into his arms?

Eighteen sisters and nineteenth sisters, with the same thoughts, stared at Xia Xia for a long time, but after all, they did not see what was special about Xia Xia. The only thing that made them feel special was that this guy actually had Meier and Mu Han. Not satisfied yet, and came here to harass Yi Xiaoyin, this is simply outrageous.

"You guys go down first, it's fine here." Yi Xiaoyin spoke at this time, but her words surprised the two female agents a little, what was she doing so loudly just now?

Ah Jiu was even more incomprehensible: "Miss..."

"Ajiu, you should go out first, I have something to talk to him about." Yi Xiaoyin interrupted Ajiu and said calmly.

"Okay, okay, miss, I'm just outside, you can call me if you have anything." Although Ah Jiu was reluctant, she could only be obedient after saying so, so she walked out of the room.

"Miss Yi, let's go downstairs first." The two female agents were actually eager to leave. They didn't dare to do anything with Xia Xia, but they didn't say hello to Xia Xia. The two of them made a tacit decision to pretend they didn't know Xia Xia.

When the three girls left, there were only Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin left in the room, and Xia Xia smiled at Yi Xiaoyin again: "Wife Yiyi, you are still smart, this is our two-person world."

"Xiamen, I know that you are super capable. If you want to get a woman forcibly, I believe that no one in this world can stop you, but I tell you, if you still want to insult me ​​with this despicable method, you can get Yes, it’s just a beautiful corpse, no matter how good your medical skills are, you can’t bring them back to life, my medical skills are not as good as yours, but I believe that I can definitely let myself die, no matter how good your medical skills are, you can’t stop me.” Xiaoyin's voice was calm, but her tone was quite firm. Seeing her like this, she clearly had the determination to sink the boat.

"Wife Yiyi, in fact, as I told you, I don't like people threatening me. Last time you did something wrong and threatened me, so I punished you." Xia Xia stared at Yi Xiaoyin, " Actually, whether you believe it or not, I really have a way to make you die even if you want to."

"You!" Yi Xiaoyin's chest rose and fell rapidly. She finally found out that no matter what state of mind she cultivated, she already had a flaw. In front of Xia Tian, ​​she still couldn't be calm, just because, not long ago One night, this man destroyed everything about her!

"Don't be angry, wife Yiyi, I have always treated my wife very well. If you hadn't threatened me that night, I wouldn't have treated you like that, but don't worry, as long as you don't threaten me like that in the future, I will also treat you like that. Very good, I won't punish you by spanking you casually." Xia Xia started to comfort Yi Xiaoyin at this time, and then changed the subject, "Wife Yiyi, in fact, I'm here to help you today."

"Don't appear in front of me is the greatest help to me!" Yi Xiaoyin said coldly, she no longer pretended to be calm, in front of this man, she couldn't pretend, and she simply stopped pretending.

"Wife Yiyi, don't you want to improve the acupuncture of your yin doctor?" Xia Xia asked with a smile.

"You mean, you came to me today to tell me how to improve acupuncture?" Yi Xiaoyin's tone was sarcastic, she didn't believe that this person would be so kind. The shameless man came here just to satisfy his shameless desire once again.

Yi Xiaoyin also swore in her heart that this time, she would never let him succeed again!

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