Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1094 No one can mess with me

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Do you know where that idiot is?" Xia Xia suddenly became a little excited.

"Husband, Xu Qingshan was very angry when he learned that Wei Xiaotong was almost killed, so he personally investigated the matter and learned that it was really related to Mr. Yi." Ning Jie quickly said, "Although I am not sure who that person is. It's not Yi Zhiyan, but Xu Jiaxing, the second son of Xu Qingshan, said that a man named Mr. Yi took the initiative to contact him and wanted to help him seize the Xu family's property!"

"Oh, that guy named Xu Jiaxing, do you know where Mr. Yi is?" Xia Tian asked.

"Husband, he doesn't know either, they contacted online." Ning Jie replied, then changed the conversation, "But now there is a chance, that Mr. Yi suddenly sent an email to Xu Jiaxing this morning, asking Xu Jiaxing to immediately He gave him 100 million Hong Kong dollars, and also gave Xu Jiaxing a bank account. The technical department of the Hong Kong police said that this account could be traced, but they could not guarantee that people could be traced based on this account..."

"Let the little goblin do this kind of thing." Before Ning Jie could finish speaking, Xia Xia interrupted her, "Wife, cheapo, I'll call the little goblin and ask her to contact you, and then you tell her account, she'll know what to do."

"Well, I see, I'll tell you if there is any news." Ning Jie responded.

After finishing the call with Ning Jie, Xia Xia immediately called the little goblin. The little goblin was sleeping again as usual, but when she heard that she was going to hack other people's bank accounts, she immediately came to her senses and swore to guarantee this. This time, he must do things well, and even if he can't find where Yi Zhiyan is, he will take out all the money in his bank and let that guy beg for food.

Although the goblin hasn't been able to help him find Yi Zhiyan until now, Xia Xia has always believed in the goblin's ability, so after handing over this matter to the goblin, he doesn't care anymore. Next, he Just wait for the news of the little goblin and Ning Jie.

A few minutes after this was arranged, the doorbell rang.

Xia Xia quickly went out, and then saw an old man standing at the door. Although he had only seen this person once, he recognized him at a glance. This old man was Tan Wei's father, Tan Xuewu. However, the last time he saw him When he arrived at Tan Xuewu, he felt that Tan Xuewu was not yet sixty years old, but this time, he had a feeling that the old man was at least seventy years old. In this short period of time, Tan Xuewu was obviously much older, and his head was It was also full of white hair.

Behind Tan Xuewu, there is another woman, in her thirties, with a decent appearance and a decent figure, and there are some similarities between her eyebrows and Tan Wei.

"Come in, Tan Wei is inside." Xia Xia opened the door and said lazily.

Tan Xuewu hesitated, but finally nodded, and then followed Xia Xia into the living room. Seeing Tan Wei sitting on the floor of the living room, Tan Xuewu burst into tears: "Xiaowei."

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you sitting on the ground?" The woman rushed up quickly, looking concerned, and then she turned her head to look at Xia Xia with a bit of dissatisfaction, "Why are you like this? So In the winter, you let my brother sit on the floor..."

"shut up!"

"shut up!"

The two roars came out almost at the same time, but they came from Tan Xuewu and Tan Wei respectively, and while Tan Wei roared, he suddenly pushed the woman away.

"Tan Minzhi, don't pretend to be a good person here. I went to you two weeks ago, but you treated me like a beggar and pretended not to know me!" Tan Wei looked at the woman angrily, "I am now Tell you, from now on, I don't have a big sister like you!"

Tan Minzhi's face changed, and then she said angrily: "Brother, how can you slander me so much? When did I pretend that I didn't know you? When did I find me?"

"Of course you don't have to admit it now, but in a word, I hope you don't know me in the future!" Tan Wei stood up from the ground at this time, "but I have to thank you, you made me suffer half an extra time. The hardships of the month have also made me think about a lot of things, and let me see your true face clearly, your so-called real sister, you are not as good as the cousin who has always hated our Tan family!"

"Minzhi, do you really pretend that you don't know Xiaowei?" Tan Xuewu also looked at Tan Minzhi at this time and asked in a deep voice.

"Dad, he lied, I have never seen Xiaowei at all. A beggar once came to me, but that beggar was dumb with a broken leg, so it couldn't be Xiaowei at all..." Tan Minzhi hurriedly explained.

"Before last night, I just had a broken leg and was dumb!" Tan Wei looked at Tan Minzhi coldly, "After you, your own sister, deliberately pretended not to know me, I pinned my last hope in that church. On my sister, I was looking for my cousin-in-law around here. God treats me well. I finally met my cousin-in-law last night, and even though he had only seen me a few times, he still recognized me at a glance, and even called the cousin. Sister, last night even healed my wounds!"

Speaking of this, Tan Wei suddenly turned to face Xia Xia, knelt on the ground with a thud, and kowtowed to Xia Xia: "Brother-in-law, thank you very much, from now on, my life, Tan Wei, is yours. Even if you let me die, I will die without hesitation!"

"I don't need you to die. You should go take a shower. Your body smells so bad!" Xia Xia said casually.

"Yes, brother-in-law, I'll go right now." Tan Wei got up from the ground.

"Xiaowei, these are your clothes." Tan Xuewu handed Tan Wei a few bags for clothes.

Tan Wei took the clothes and walked towards the bathroom, while Tan Xuewu turned to look at Tan Minzhi with a low tone

Shen: "Minzhi, I don't want to verify whether what Xiaowei said is true or false now, but you should leave first. Xiaowei has just suffered a big disaster, and he won't want to see you again."

"Dad, I..." Tan Minzhi's face was a little pale, and she wanted to explain something.

"Let you go!" Tan Xuewu roared suddenly.

Tan Minzhi's face changed, but she glanced at Xia Xia with some resentment, and then turned around and walked out angrily.

"Xia Xia, the great kindness of you and Yunqing, my Tan family..." Tan Xuewu looked at Xia Xia and prepared to say some words of thanks.

"I said you don't need to thank me. If you want to thank you, thank Sister Yunqing." Xia Xia interrupted Tan Xuewu. He was not interested in thanking any man. If Sister Yunqing came to thank him in person, he would be happy. point.

Tan Xuewu took a deep look at Xia Xia and didn't speak any more, but he had mixed feelings in his heart. He never thought that the people who helped the Tan family during the most difficult time of the Tan family were actually Xia Xia and Yunqing. Two people who have almost no contact with the Tan family.

"Hey, by the way, Sister Yunqing told me to help you, so if you have anything that you can't solve, just tell me, there is nothing in this world that I can't solve, understand?" Xia Tian At this time, he took the initiative to speak.

"Okay, but now I don't know what happened to Xiaowei." Tan Xuewu nodded and said.

"I'm going out for breakfast, you can wait for him to take a bath." Xia Tian remembered that he hadn't eaten breakfast, said something, and got up and quickly went out.

It took half an hour for the summer to eat breakfast. When he came back, he finally found that Tan Wei had come out of the shower and put on new clothes. Tan Wei was naturally different from before.

Tan Wei and Tan Xuewu were both sitting on the sofa and whispering something, but when Xia Xia came in, Tan Wei hurriedly stood up and greeted politely, "Brother-in-law."

"Hey, who beat you so badly? Do you want me to beat him up for you?" Xia Xia asked casually. He was waiting for news from the little goblin, but it got a little boring, so he wanted to find something. Do.

"Brother-in-law, it was done by members of the Seventh Brotherhood. When they tortured me, they told me very clearly that they took Lan Shaogang's money and deliberately took revenge on me." So angry, after sitting alone in the living room for a night last night, he has basically calmed down.

After a pause, Tan Wei explained again: "Brother-in-law, do you still remember the time you beat those four hooligans for me? One of them is Lan Shaogang's son, Lan Shaogang is very rich, Moreover, Lan Shaogang's brother is the mayor of Wanggang City. As for the Seventh Brotherhood, it is the biggest gangster in Wanggang City. Our Tan family can't afford them, so they are not afraid that I know them. true identity."

"Oh, do you want to kill them all?" Xia Tian asked casually.

"Ah?" Tan Wei was stunned. Of course he wanted to kill all those people. The problem was that he didn't have that ability!

"Ah what? If you want to kill them, I will kill them all for you. If you don't want to, then forget it. They didn't mess with me anyway." Xia Xia said a little unhappily.

"Brother-in-law, these people are not easy to mess with, I'm worried about you..." Tan Wei said in a low voice.

Xia Xia glared at Tan Wei: "What are you doing with so much nonsense? You only need to know that the worst person in the world to provoke is me, I can provoke anyone I want, and no one can provoke me, understand? "

Hearing this, Tan Wei was stunned again. He knew that Xia Xia's medical skills were amazing, or rather unbelievable. Before last night, he couldn't believe that he could still speak, and he felt that he could no longer walk in the rest of his life. But now, he is no different from a normal person.

It's just that Tan Wei doesn't know much about Xia Xia, and he is not sure that Xia Xia is really that powerful.

After hesitating for a while, Tan Wei decided to go into detail about the summer, and said, "Brother-in-law, I want to ask you to help me rescue my girlfriend. She was captured by those beasts, and now I don't know her life or death."

"Oh, no problem, do you know where your girlfriend is?" Xia Xia agreed, still a little happy, and finally had something to do.

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