Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1096 I am Yi Zhiyan

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"It should have come out, I'll go check it out." Fang Zhongtian went back and asked, then walked back, and told Xia with certainty, "It's been confirmed that there is no one in the house, and all the police have been evacuated. !"

"Husband, what's wrong?" Ning Jie asked.

"There are still people inside." Xia Xia said, staring at the villa that had been bombed to pieces.

"It's impossible, there can't be people inside..." Fang Zhongtian was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said.

"I say yes!" Xia Xia glared at Fang Zhongtian, then came to the villa in a flash, circled around the villa, and at the same time quickly slapped a few palms on the villa.


Hearing the loud voice, many police officers turned their heads one after another, and then they were stunned. Although the villa had exploded before, the main structure had not been damaged. But now, the villa has completely collapsed and has become completely the ruins!

No one saw how the villa collapsed. With their abilities, they couldn't see Xia Xia's movements at all, but they could see that Xia Xia was standing on top of the ruins at the moment.

"Hey, idiot hiding in the ground, do you want to climb out by yourself, or do you want me to pull you out?" Xia Xia said loudly at this time.

Hearing this, the people in the Hong Kong police felt that Xia Xia was crazy. How could there be anyone down here? Even if there were real people, they would have been crushed to death long ago, how could they be able to climb out?

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, I just saw that with that girl."

"Which girl?"

"It's the beautiful one, from the mainland, I heard the one with a lot of background..."

"Shit, when will the mainlanders control our Hong Kong police?"

"You ask the boss about this..."

A group of policemen were talking there, and Fang Zhongtian couldn't help but say to Ning Jie, "Miss Ning, there can't be anyone down there."

"Inspector Fang, my husband said that there is someone, and it is naturally someone. He can't be wrong." Ning Jie said lightly. In this kind of matter, Ning Jie definitely believes in Xia Xia.

Fang Zhongtian didn't say anything, but he didn't take it seriously. Although he never said hello to Xia Xia, he actually already knew Xia Xia's name. It was just that he was scolded by Xia Xia at Xu's house before, and he was still a little unhappy with Xia Xia. The director just asked him to obey Ning Jieyan, so he naturally didn't bother to pay attention to Xia Tian.

"I don't believe that kid's big change!" Fang Zhongtian thought to himself, but if he didn't believe it, he still stared at Xia Xia standing on the ruins, trying to see what Xia Xia was doing.

Not only Fang Zhongtian was staring at Xia Xia, but the other policemen were also staring at him, trying to see what this kid from the mainland was trying to do, but when they saw it, they immediately became completely stupid. It was as if they had been immobilized, and all of them remained motionless, because the scene they saw really gave them too much shock, too much inconceivable!

I saw Xia Xia standing on top of the ruins, drawing circles with his hands very casually. His movements of drawing circles did not seem to be any unusual, but this casual drawing circles caused a shocking scene. Around Xia Xia, A violent whirlwind suddenly blew up, and this violent whirlwind revolved around his body, drilled into the ruins under his feet, and then rolled up all the dust, rubble, sand, etc. under his feet!

The dust and sand in the sky seemed to suddenly surround Xia Xia. Everyone suddenly found that Xia Xia could no longer be seen clearly. Xia Xia seemed to have been submerged by these wastes. Several policemen responded and exclaimed, but no one dared to. Step forward.

"Miss Ning, this, this..." Fang Zhongtian also reacted, but he naturally did not dare to go there, he didn't want to be buried under the ruins.

"Inspector Fang, don't worry, you'll be fine." Ning Jie had a calm expression on her face. She knew that the whirlwind was created by Xia Xia.

Taking a 10,000 step back, with Xia Tian's ability, even if it is buried, there will be no problem, so she will not be worried at all.

As soon as Ning Jie's words fell, the situation on the ruins had already changed. Everyone suddenly found that the whirlwind had stopped, and Xia Xia's figure appeared in their sight again. He was still standing there, safe and sound.

But this time, Xia Xia is not standing on the ruins. He is standing on a flat and clean foundation. Within a range of at least three meters around him, it is already clean, and there is no trace of sand, gravel, waste and other objects in sight.

"Is this a fucking human?" Those Hong Kong police officers only have this thought in their minds at the moment, which is completely beyond their comprehension. Are they really not dreaming now? Or, not on a movie set?

But what shocked them didn't end there. Xia Tian suddenly stepped on the ground, and another huge muffled sound came. Under Xia Xia's body, a big hole suddenly opened, and almost at the same time, Xia Xia fell. , disappeared into the hole.

Before their exclamations could be heard, Xia Xia reappeared in their sight, but at this time, they were not only in an uproar, because they were surprised to find that Xia Xia did not appear alone at the moment. One more person!

Someone is really hiding in the ground!

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, even if these people refuse to admit it, they have to believe that there are people underground. However, this person underground is not buried in the ruins as they thought before.

It is really hidden underground, under the ground. Obviously, there is probably a basement or something like that below. This person detonated the villa, but hid under it, thinking that he could escape, but Unexpectedly, he met this perverted boy from the mainland and pulled him out of the ground!

"Well, how did this happen?" Fang Zhongtian also looked like he was demented.

"There is nothing that my husband can't do." Ning Jie's tone carried a hint of pride. Although this man did not belong to her, she was still proud of having such a man. At this time, she suddenly realized that her husband There are so many women, and those women don't seem to fight. I'm afraid this is the most fundamental reason. Every woman who really understands her husband's ability will probably be proud to be his woman, so even if he has other women , they may not care.

Fang Zhongtian looked at Xia Xia with an indescribable look. At this time, he could no longer question Ning Jie's words, and what just happened seemed to be enough to change his current world view. I am afraid that many things that have been firmly believed in the past will begin to question.

"Wife, I guess this idiot is the real Yi Zhiyan." Xia Xia came to Ning Jie in a flash, and threw the guy he just picked up from the ground on the ground.

At this time, Fang Zhongtian and Ning Jie also clearly saw the face of this person. This is a man in his thirties with a full beard. Other than that, he doesn't look anything special. Grab it, he also seems very calm now, without the slightest panic.

"Hey, idiot, are you Yi Zhiyan?" Xia Xia kicked the guy and asked angrily.

"Xia Tian, ​​you'll never know the answer..." The man suddenly smiled mysteriously at Xia Xia, and suddenly gritted his teeth, "Uh..."

The man let out a groan, but it wasn't because he was bitten, but Xia Xia suddenly slapped him in the face, knocking out two of his teeth.

"Idiot, if I don't let you die, you won't die. It's not that easy to commit suicide!" Xia Xia stared at the man dissatisfied, and then he turned to look at Fang Zhongtian, "Then pick up his teeth. , there is poison in a tooth, find it and give it to me."

"Okay, Mr. Xia." Fang Zhongtian was a lot more polite to Xia at this time, because he had realized that this guy has quite powerful and magical abilities, and such people, regardless of background, had better not offend him.

Fang Zhongtian quickly found the two teeth, and even found a small pill from one of the teeth. At this time, he also admired the magic of Xia Xia even more.

"Mr. Xia, the pill has been found." Fang Zhongtian handed the pill to Xia Xia.

Xia Xian took the pill, sniffed it, and said to himself, "I'll feed it to this idiot later, and ask him some questions first."

"Summer, I admit it, give it a good time!" The man's face changed slightly, and by this time, he seemed unable to calm down.

"Are you idiot easy to know?" Xia Xia asked.

"That's right, I am Yi Zhiyan. I found someone to kidnap Liu Meng's mother, and I also found someone to assassinate Wei Xiaotong. That legendary Yi Zhiyan is me!" The man who claimed to be Yi Zhiyan It became very refreshing.

"Hey, why are you idiots always trying to get along with me?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Xia Xia, it's you who can't get along with me, okay? I've tried to avoid you, but you're deceiving people too much. I have no choice but to fake death. I don't know that I can't avoid you!" Yi Zhiyan said a little. said angrily.

"I'm not in the mood to make trouble with an idiot like you. It was you who threatened my wife and I wanted to kill you." Xia Xia said angrily, then looked at Yi Zhiyan suspiciously, "No, you idiot. How can you be so obedient? I haven't even started to extort confessions!"

"Yi Zhiyan, how old are you?" Ning Jie suddenly interrupted and asked.

"Thirty-two." Yi Zhiyan replied readily.

"Are you sure it's thirty-two?" Ning Jie continued to ask.

"Nonsense, do you think I'm forty-two?" Yi Zhiyan snorted.

"If you are really Yi Zhiyan, then you should be at least forty-two." Ning Jie please snort, then turned to look at Xia Xia, "Husband, this person is not really Yi Zhiyan!"

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