Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1099 Let me go by myself

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Night has fallen. In the living room of Villa No. 18 in Xiangxuehu Villa District, Ning Jie's slender, snow-white jade legs started a swaying dance performance, accompanied by dance and music. Although she is not a singer, her A beautiful movement could still float out of her mouth, and the sofa in the living room would occasionally make sounds to accompany her.

Time passed quickly in this spring movement. Before I knew it, several hours had passed. The music had entered the final movement and gradually became quiet, with only the faint sound of breathing.

Ning Jie lay quietly on Xia Xia's body, feeling the breath on him from a quiet distance.

However, she really enjoyed this feeling of powerlessness. She found that she actually liked lying on top of her without any strength. She didn't need to think about anything or do anything. She felt very relaxed. She was even surprised to find that, To her, this kind of physical exhaustion was actually a rare resting exercise.

It's a pity that her ease was quickly broken by a phone call. She picked up the phone and accidentally found that it was almost ten o'clock, and the caller was actually Shi Jinsong.

"Team Leader Shi, are things done?" Ning Jie asked, but she felt something was wrong. It shouldn't take so long to do this.

Sure enough, Shi Jinsong's embarrassed voice came from the other end of the phone: "I'm sorry, Miss Ning, we encountered some trouble, we were resisted by security guards at Tianwang Nightclub, and we were temporarily in a confrontation. We asked for support, but come and support us. But it was Li Si. He was obviously on the side of Tianwang Nightclub. He also asked us to remove people. The director had no choice but to say that there was pressure from above. This, Miss Ning, do you want to ask Shenyi Song to come forward and call again? or something..."

Shi Jinsong's meaning is very clear, the backstage of Tianwang Nightclub is too hard, and he can't handle it.

"Then just wait a moment, I'll call you later." Ning Jie was a little unhappy. On the one hand, she felt that the police were useless. On the other hand, she felt that the gangsters in this place were too powerful. You can actually fight with the police!

After hanging up the phone, Ning Jie asked Xia Xia softly, "Husband, do you want to call someone so that this matter can be resolved?"

"Forget it, I'll go by myself, those police officers are really useless." Xia Xia was also a little depressed, and he had to take action in the end.

"Then, husband, do you want me to go with you?" Ning Jie actually didn't really want to go, because she was still suffering from the after-effects of joy and was completely powerless.

"No need, you can rest at home, I'll come back after I've settled this matter." Xia Xia shook his head, he could naturally see that Ning Jie needed a rest. Besides, there was no need for Ning Jie to follow him. It will be done soon.

The ten o'clock time is actually the most prosperous time for Tianwang Nightclub. As the most upscale and deadly nightclub in Wanggang City, this place is very lively every night, and tonight is no exception, or it is even more lively tonight. .

In the past, there were beautiful women in cheongsam standing at the entrance of the nightclub, but now, at the entrance of the nightclub, there is a confrontation between a security guard with a weapon and a policeman with a gun in his hand. Because they believed, these police officers were afraid to shoot.

Undoubtedly, the confidence of these security guards is not without reason. In fact, although the group of police officers brought by Shi Jinsong did not give in, they really did not dare to shoot. At this moment, he even regretted it a little. The one who came to this muddy water, but, the matter has come to this point, he has no way to retreat, he can only gamble and continue to be tough, if he retreats, his future will definitely be completely ruined, if he does not retreat, he can still I put my hopes on that mysterious doctor named Xia Xia.

"Shi Jinsong, what are you doing? Mayor Lan said, let your people evacuate immediately!" Li Si was extremely annoyed, because if he couldn't get these police officers away, he wouldn't be able to do business anymore. He is a member of the Seventh Brotherhood, he has to do things for the Seventh Brotherhood, and he can't let these police in, because there are many people in this nightclub whose identities cannot be exposed, and because of this, those security guards are not hesitant to follow These cops carry it.

As long as the people inside are not exposed, the nightclub may not be closed even if it resists the police, but if the people inside are exposed, the nightclub will definitely be closed, and the Seven Brothers will inevitably be implicated.

Tianwang Nightclub did not retreat, Li Si did not retreat, but Shi Jinsong did not retreat, so the situation became stalemate.

"Li Si, when I was a police officer, you were still playing in the mud. I don't need you to teach me a lesson. I didn't receive a call from Mayor Lan. I just came here to investigate the case on the order of the chief!" Shi Jinsong He didn't show weakness. He did not receive a call from Mayor Lan. The reason was very simple. When Mayor Lan called, he deliberately didn't answer. As for him moving out of Director Xie Zhengkun, the reason was even simpler. Let Xie Zhengkun help He shares some firepower.

Of course, Shi Jinsong knew better that Xie Zhengkun had already turned off his mobile phone and pretended to know nothing.

"You'd better think about the consequences!" Li Si glared at Shi Jinsong. The star policeman was a little unhappy recently. He was almost killed, and then when he returned to the police station, he began to find that something was not right. Shi Jinsong seemed to be More and more cattle, more and more do not take him seriously.

"If I didn't know the consequences, I wouldn't come here!" Shi Jinsong didn't show weakness, he is completely fighting now, of course, there is something that makes him more confident, because he has informed Ning Jie, he believes, It won't be long before he has the absolute upper hand.

"Xiaowei, the situation is not very good, why don't you forget it?" Not far away, Tan Xuewu persuaded Tan Wei softly, "The backstage of this nightclub is very hard, even the police from the city bureau can't enter, you can live already It's luck, if the trouble continues, it's probably not good for us, we might as well go back to Muyang County earlier, where no one dares to provoke our Tan family."

"Dad, Zhou Lan was implicated by me, that's why she suffered this fate, I can't ignore her!" Tan Wei said firmly, "Don't worry, my brother-in-law will come to help us, that police officer Shi is the brother-in-law who came to help us. Yes, if he can't figure it out, he will definitely find his brother-in-law, I just saw him calling."

"Xiaowei, when Zhou Lan falls here, I'm afraid some bad things will happen. You have to be mentally prepared." Tan Xuewu said after a little hesitation.

"Dad, I know that these days, when I was a beggar, I saw a lot of things. No matter what happened to her, she is still my girlfriend. I made her like this, and I will be responsible to the end." Tan Weixin He knew that nothing good would happen when his girlfriend fell into such a place, but he didn't mind it now, he only hoped that his girlfriend was still alive.

"You can think so." Tan Xuewu nodded.

Over there, Li Si and Shi Jinsong were still arguing.

"Shi Jinsong, I'll say it for the last time, take your people and get out of here!" Li Si was already getting angry.

"Li Si, if you want to get out, it's up to you to get out!" Shi Jinsong became more and more calm.

"Don't force me to do it!" Li Si was so angry that he was about to draw his gun.

"You are not my opponent!" Shi Jinsong looked disdainful.

"Okay, then I'll let you know how good I am..." Li Si was about to go crazy. He took a step forward and wanted to do it. However, before he had time to do it, someone had already done it first, and a sudden burst of noise came from his lower abdomen. In severe pain, Li Si couldn't help but let out a scream: "Ah!"

"It's you idiot again!" The dissatisfied voice also entered Li Si's ears.

Li Si covered his lower abdomen, and when he heard the voice, he raised his head and glanced at it with great effort, and immediately became furious: "Yes, it's you!"

"Nonsense, of course it's me!" It was summer, but he obviously had no intention of continuing to talk nonsense with Li Si, and kicked Li Si again. passed out.


"what are you doing?"

Several angry shouts sounded at the same time, but it was the police brought by Li Si, and some of them were preparing to draw their guns, but their movements were obviously not as fast as in the summer.

Shi Jinsong was stunned again, and the onlookers were shocked, this, this person is so powerful!

"Brother-in-law!" Tan Wei was overjoyed and hurried over.

"Song Shenyi..." Shi Jinsong also hurriedly greeted him.

"Call me Doctor Xia, I am Xia Xia!" Xia Xia gave Shi Jinsong a dissatisfied look.

"Yes, Doctor Xia." Shi Jinsong quickly changed his words, he understood that Xia Xia was no longer incognito.

"You stay at the door, don't let people go out, I'll take care of it inside!" Xia Xia said to Shi Jinsong, then looked at Tan Wei, "Let's go, go in and find your girlfriend!"

"Yes, brother-in-law!"

"Yes, Doctor Xia!"

Shi Jinsong and Tan Wei responded almost at the same time, and at the same time, Xia Xia had already stepped inside and walked in.

A group of security guards were facing a formidable enemy, but they still blocked the way, no one flinched, but the next second, Shi Jinsong and the police brought by Shi Jinsong only heard a mix of screams and groans, and then they It was found that the security guards who had confronted them before had all fallen to the ground and could no longer get up.



When Xia Xia entered the nightclub, he smashed it for a while, and then shouted: "Hey, which idiot is the boss here, get out of here!"

The originally noisy nightclub suddenly became quiet, and all the music seemed to be turned off in an instant. After about a minute, a group of people walked downstairs.

"I'm the boss here, this brother, where are you from?" The man who took the lead was a man with a knife scar, and his tone sounded quite friendly.

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