Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1145: Unbearable Meier

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Meier's kick is actually quite measured. Although it is quite heavy, it is definitely not fatal. However, the blame lies in Cheng Hao's being too sloppy. He has a knife in his hand. He also seemed very flustered, and when he finally smashed into the car and rolled to the ground, he somehow stabbed the knife into his stomach!

The knife was very long, at least thirty centimeters in length, and by visual inspection, at least half of it had stabbed into Cheng Hao's stomach, and blood was gushing out.

"Ah, help, come, kill, help!" Cheng Hao's girlfriend finally shouted loudly.

Some people started to call the police and an ambulance, but Xia Xia hugged Meier's waist, as if nothing had happened: "Mei'er wife, let's continue shopping."

"Catch them, catch them quickly, they are the murderers..." Cheng Hao's girlfriend shouted loudly, but unfortunately, no one responded to her words, some people simply took their girlfriends and left quickly, not wanting to provoke such useless people trouble.

By the time the police car and ambulance arrived, Xia Xia and Mei Er had naturally disappeared without a trace.

Xia Xia was still walking side by side with Meier on the streets of the capital, and they looked no different from the countless intimate couples on the street.

After a long silence, Meier took the initiative to speak: "Let's go back to the hotel, otherwise, someone might come to trouble you later."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of those idiots." Xia Xia said nonchalantly.

"Do you know who that Cheng Hao is?" Meier thought about it and asked.

"I don't know, I haven't seen that idiot." Xia Xia shook his head.

"He belongs to the Cheng family, you should know that there are four small families in the capital, and the Cheng family is now one of the four small families." Meier briefly introduced Cheng Hao's situation, and then changed the conversation, "What is the Zhao family? What's the matter? Don't you and Zhao Yaoyao have an unusual relationship? Cheng Hao said just now that the Zhao family has separated from you, wouldn't it be true?"

"The little goblin wife only knows how to play every day and doesn't care about anything. As for the Zhao family, I have nothing to do with the Zhao family. I'll have to settle accounts with Zhao Gongzi in the future." Xia Xia said ambiguous, he is now There is no way to tell Meier the truth, so I can only perfunctory her like this, "So, I don't want the Zhao family to help me, don't worry, when I get better, I will kill all the Cheng family, Yuan family, and those idiots. !"

In fact, this time it wasn't that Zhao Gongzi fell into trouble. The so-called disassociation between the Zhao family and Xia Xia was just a part of Xia Xia's plan. If anyone knew that he was still closely related to the Zhao family, no one would dare to find him easily. Trouble, but now, those people think that Xia Xia not only lost his martial arts, but also his medical skills seem to be ineffective, and even the woman who likes him the most seems to have abandoned him. It can be said that he suddenly became helpless, and naturally Don't be afraid, this is not, first Yuan Shifeng, and then Cheng Hao, a guy who had no hatred with Xia Xia, also wanted to teach Xia Xia a lesson.

For the children of these families in Beijing, teaching Xia Xia now is not only for revenge, but also for a sense of pleasure. Thinking back then, they had to keep a low profile because of Xia Xia. When Xia Xia came to the capital a while ago, they had to twiddle their tails again. As human beings, this kind of feeling makes them feel very aggrieved, and now, they will naturally have this kind of abusive pleasure from Xia Xia, but unfortunately, so far, neither Yuan Shifeng nor Cheng Hao have been able to. Can be abused until the summer, but he was abused by others.

"I'm afraid your enemies will appear now." Meier's tone contained a hint of worry, although with her current strength, there should be few people in the capital who can beat her. In fact, as far as she knows , Except for the previous summer, no one in this capital can beat her. Even Mu Han has some gaps compared to her. Her natural body is extremely yin, which gives her a better martial arts. Talent, but there are so many enemies in Xia Xia, she is still a little worried that she can't guard against it.

Xia Xia didn't speak, but he was muttering in his heart, he just wished all those idiots appeared, and he happened to solve them all at once.

"Big brother!" A somewhat familiar voice came from the side of the road. An Audi car just stopped, and a young man in a white suit with dark skin just got out of the car and walked towards this side. It was Bai Xiaolei.

"Xiao Hei, why are you here?" Xia Tian was a little surprised.

"Brother, I heard that you are not in good health now, so I came to pick you up and go to my place to recuperate for a few days." Bai Xiaolei said straight to the point, "Although the environment in my place is not very good, it is safe for the time being."

"Oh, no, I live in a hotel with my wife." Xia Xia shook his head, this little brother was not bad, thought he was in danger, but took the initiative to protect him.

"Is this the eldest sister-in-law?" Bai Xiaolei looked at Meier and asked politely.

There are not many people who know Meier in the capital, and Bai Xiaolei naturally doesn't know them either. At this moment, he is still a little puzzled, when will there be such a beautiful woman in the capital?

Although she couldn't see Meier's appearance, Meier's hot body was enough to make Bai Xiaolei believe that she was also a stunning beauty. After all, with summer's taste, it was impossible to find an ugly girl.

"Yes, anyway, go back and accompany your wife, I will continue to accompany my wife." Xia Xia said lazily.

"But, eldest brother, you might not be safe like this..." Bai Xiaolei hesitated for a while before he couldn't help but say.

Meier interrupted Bai Xiaolei's words at this moment: "Don't worry, I will protect him."

Bai Xiaolei couldn't help but froze again, it seems that this woman is not only hot

, The skill should also be very powerful, no wonder Xia Tian dares to hang out on the street with such confidence.

A police car drove over at this time. After the police car stopped, four heavily armed police officers got out of the car and walked towards Xia Xia.

"You are summer?" one of the policemen asked.

"What nonsense, of course I'm summer." Xia Xia glanced at the policeman angrily.

"Did you just hurt someone named Cheng Hao?" the policeman asked again.

"It was me who was injured." Mei'er took the words and took out a certificate at the same time, "Look clearly, don't come for unnecessary trouble, whether it's Cheng Hao or you, I have the right to kill at any time!"

Mei'er's voice was cold, and her body exuded a compelling aura, which made the four police officers feel a chill in their hearts at the same time, making them speechless for a while.

But a few seconds later, they suddenly pulled out their pistols and pointed at Meier together.

"Don't move!"

"Raise your hand!"

"Squat down, crouch down!"

"Hurry down and put your hands behind your head, or I'll shoot!"

The four policemen shouted together, but their orders were a little confused.

"What are you doing?" Bai Xiaolei was instantly furious, "Who made you mess up? Put down the guns for me, and I'll call you Director Luo!"

"Bai Sanshao, you'd better call Cheng Shao." One of the policemen said, obviously, he knew Bai Xiaolei, and Bai Xiaolei understood when he said that, these four policemen are probably not ordinary policemen. So simple.

"Give you a chance, put down your guns and get out right away, otherwise, you won't be able to get out if you want to get out!" Mei'er was really angry at the moment, these police officers didn't care about the dark group at all, she had already shown They dare to ignore the documents, this is simply contempt for the dark group!

"It seems that everyone thinks I'm easy to bully today." Xia Xia said to himself next to him, and he just walked around outside, and several groups of people had come to trouble him.

"Miss, next time you give false evidence, do it better. Don't think that a false certificate can deceive us. Also, I will give you a chance at last, and you will be captured immediately, otherwise don't blame us for shooting!" A policeman said coldly, while speaking, he still looked like he was about to pull the trigger.

"Bang bang bang bang!" The gunshots sounded suddenly and continuously.

"Ah..." Four screams sounded at the same time, and it sounded like one voice. Each of the four police officers had a blood hole on their heads. They fell on their backs, and screams were repeated nearby.

Bai Xiaolei was suddenly dumbfounded, this, this woman just killed all four of them? It's not that he has never seen a fierce woman, but it seems that this is the first time he has seen such a fierce woman with his own eyes.

"I've had enough of these people coming to make trouble one after another today. Since they want to die, then I'll let them die!" Mei'er's voice contained a hint of ruthlessness. She really had had enough, and the four policemen really It angered her, how could she, the dignified team leader, allow someone to point a gun at will?

"Mei'er wife, don't be angry with these idiots, otherwise, we won't go shopping anymore, let's go back." Xia Xia opened his mouth to comfort Meier at this time.

"Okay, let's go back." Mei'er didn't want to go shopping, so she naturally agreed.

"Brother, sister-in-law, let me take you back." Bai Xiaolei reacted at this time and said immediately.

Xia Xia didn't refuse, and pulled Meier into Bai Xiaolei's car. After a few minutes, they returned to the Capital Hotel.

"Big brother, I won't disturb you. If you have anything, you can call me, and I will be there for you." After Bai Xiaolei sent the two to the room, he quickly said goodbye and left.

"Call me if you have anything." Xia Xia said lazily. He didn't think he would be in trouble, but he thought Bai Xiaolei might be in trouble.

Summer's prediction can be said to be quite prepared. Bai Xiaolei left the Capital Hotel and returned home to find that someone was waiting at home.

"Third, what the hell are you doing? At such a time, you are still going to hang out with Xia Xia?" The man asked angrily when he saw Bai Xiaolei entering the room.

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