Flower Master in the City

The first thousand one hundred and fifty chapters give birth to a beautiful little sister

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

A servant was about to answer the phone, but Chang Donglin stood up: "Let me answer it, the call should be for me."

Chang Donglin quickly picked up the microphone: "I'm Chang Donglin."

"Mr. Chang, someone asked me to give you a word." A low voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Who are you?" Chang Donglin asked.

"Mr. Chang, it doesn't matter who I am, I'm just a messenger." The person on the other end of the phone refused to reveal his identity, "Someone asked me to tell you that you are not too young, and you need to be at ease in retirement. The things you should do, and the things you shouldn't manage, you'd better leave them alone."

"Should I care or not, it's up to me to decide. It's not up to someone like you who doesn't even dare to say your own name to make irresponsible remarks about me, Chang Donglin!" Chang Donglin snorted.

"Mr. Chang, I've already said it. It's your business whether you do it or not. If you insist on going your own way and insist on messing with Xia Xia, you will soon know the consequences." The tone of the person on the other end of the phone was already With a hint of anger, "Your people have been arrested, your site has been seized, these are just the first step!"

After saying these words, the other party hung up the phone.

Chang Donglin also put down the microphone quickly, his expression was a little gloomy, but soon, his expression returned to normal: "Xia Shenyi, I'm sorry, let's eat first."

After a pause, Chang Donglin greeted the others again: "Xiaobao, A Rong, you all come to eat too. For the time being, don't worry about those things."

Chang Xiaobao, Chang Rong, and the others also returned to the table, but they were obviously unwilling to eat, but it was nothing in the summer, and Chu Yao didn't eat at all in a ladylike manner. Compared with Chang Xiaobao and the others, Chang Donglin was calmer. , after all, it is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and his psychological endurance is still different.

It was already seven o'clock when the dinner, which was hard to say and a bit difficult for everyone in the Chang family, was finally finished, but during this period, no one's phone rang, and everything seemed to be very calm, a little unusually calm.

"Grandpa, what should we do now?" Chang Xiaobao finally couldn't help asking.

"Don't do anything, I'll see how long the police can keep these tens of thousands of people in the police station for a few days." Chang Donglin said lightly: "They want to use this trick to scare me, I'll let them know that this It doesn't scare me."

"But, Uncle Lin, if our people have been kept in the police station, then these few days, our territory will probably be..." Chang Rong said in a low voice, although the words were not finished, everyone understood what he meant. Although the Chang family actually controls half of the underworld in the capital, it is only half of it. Once these people are all in the game, other forces will definitely take the opportunity to encroach on their territory.

"If you rob it, you will be robbed." Chang Donglin said indifferently, "Just grab it back when the time comes."

"But..." What Chang Xiaobao wanted to say, once this site was taken away, it was not so easy to get it back.

"Actually, don't worry, I'll just let the little gangsters take care of the site." Xia Xia interjected at this time.

"Xiao Hei?" Chang Xiaobao was taken aback, "Brother Tian, ​​who are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's Bai Xiaolei, and he's also a gangster." Xia Xia said lazily: "I can let him watch for you for a few days, and when your people come out, I'll return the territory to you."

"Ah, it's Third Young Master Bai!" Chang Xiaobao suddenly understood, but was a little worried, "Brother Tian, ​​will Third Young Master Bai listen to you?"

"He's my younger brother, of course he will listen to me." Xia Xia looked at Chang Xiaobao strangely, "Why do you ask such a stupid question?"

After a slight pause, Xia Xia said again, "I'll just give him a call now."

Xia Tian took out his mobile phone and connected Bai Xiaolei: "Xiao Hei, where are you?"

"Brother, I'm at home, what's the matter with you?" Bai Xiaolei asked quickly.

"Oh, it's nothing, do you know that the Beijing police are arresting people everywhere?" Xia Xia asked lazily.

"Yes, someone told me, but they are targeting the Chang family's territory and haven't bothered me yet." Bai Xiaolei replied quickly.

"I'm at Chang's house now." Xia Xia said unhurriedly: "Those idiots from the police are coming for me."

"Is that so?" Bai Xiaolei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't quite understand the relationship between Xia Xia and the Chang family.

"That's right, but I'm not in the mood to go to trouble with those idiot police officers, so, look at those places first, and in a few days, wait for the Chang family to come out of the police station, and then return the place to them. Do they understand?" Xia Xia ordered.

"Understood." Of course Bai Xiaolei understood, and he readily agreed, "Brother, don't worry, I will make people optimistic about these places."

"That's fine, that's all." Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense, and immediately hung up the phone, then turned to look at Chang Xiaobao, "Don't worry, Xiao Hei said he would find someone to look at the place.

Chang Xiaobao seems to be still a little uneasy, but Chang Donglin said: "Since Xia Shenyi has arranged, then you don't have to worry about it, inform everyone, don't do anything, don't go to the police station to bail people, in a few days , they will take the initiative to ask us to ask for someone."

"Husband, who is going to make trouble with you now?" Chu Yao asked at this time, "Tell me, I'll hack them to death!"

"Now, many people want to get along with me. There is no way. There are too many people who are jealous of me." Xia Xia said lazily: "I don't know which one it is."

Speaking of this, Xia Xia remembered something, and turned to look at Chang Donglin: "Do you know who the person who just called and threatened you?"

"Shen Doctor Xia, I'm not too sure, but I can have someone check it out, it should be able to find out." Chang Donglin replied.

"I'll check it myself." Xia Xia took out his mobile phone and made a call, "Wife, help me find out who called Chang's house just now. Yes, it's Chang Donglin's Chang's house."

After waiting for about ten seconds, Xia Xia hung up the phone, and then told everyone: "Well, it's from the Cheng family. Ignore them for now, and I'll settle accounts with them in a few days."

Chang Donglin, Chang Xiaobao and the others were a little stunned for a while. Isn't this speed too fast? It took less than a minute to find out?

"Husband, who did you call?" Chu Yao was a little strange.

"Yaoyao wife, you'll find out in a few days." Xia Xia didn't tell Chu Yao this time, not because he wanted to hide her, but there were people beside her, so he still thought it would be better not to talk about it.

Of course he made the call to the little goblin. He doesn't want people to know that he still has such a close relationship with the little goblin, because in this case, it will make people think that the Zhao family will still help him. Those guys who are just around the corner, just May not dare to show up.

"Husband, there's a call..." Xia Xia's cell phone rang again at this time.

Xia Xia looked at the number, but still answered the phone: "Hey, Master San, don't you want me to help you pick up girls again?"

It was Xia Xia's third master, Lu Ren, who was calling. When he heard Xia Xia's words, he immediately became angry: "Fart, I'm living a good life with your wife, what kind of girl are you picking on?"

"Then what are you doing with me? Don't have any money? Give me an account and I'll let you send money to you." Xia Xia said casually.

"Damn boy, do I need to ask you for money?" Lu Ren said angrily: "I heard that your boy has been in trouble recently, and he said that he was seriously injured. Could it be true? Do you want me to help? ?"

"Oh, it's fine, I don't need your help. If you really want to help me, just give birth to a beautiful little junior sister!" Xia Xia said lazily.

"What do you want the pretty little junior sister to do?" Lu Ren asked in dissatisfaction.

"Of course I'm a wife!" Xia Xia took it for granted, "You see that the second master has given me a beautiful senior sister, are you embarrassed if you don't give birth to a beautiful senior sister?"

"Go away, damn boy, even if I give birth to a daughter, I will keep her away from you!" Lu Ren scolded and immediately hung up the phone.

"What master, I helped him find a wife, can't he have a daughter to be my wife?" Xia Tian muttered.

Everyone looked at each other, this guy is really powerful, let his master have a beautiful junior sister to be his wife now, isn't this preparing for the old cow to eat the tender grass in the future? It is simply a little flower that harms the future of the motherland!

"Master Chang, someone is asking to see you outside." A servant walked in at this time.

"Who is it?" Chang Donglin asked.

"It's the second young master of the Gu family, Gu Hanfeng." The servant replied.

"It's him?" Chang Donglin was stunned for a moment, pondered for a moment, and then nodded lightly: "Please come in."

"Don't ask, I've already come in." A faint voice sounded, and along with this voice, a rather feminine and handsome man appeared in the room. It was none other than Gu Hanfeng.

"Second Young Master Gu has been in the limelight recently in the capital, but I don't know what Second Young Master Gu has come to my Chang's house, why is he doing it?" Chang Donglin stood up and asked slowly.

"Master Chang, I didn't come to find you." Gu Hanfeng replied lightly, then turned his head and looked at Xia Xia, "I came to find him."

Gu Hanfeng stared at Xia Xia, his eyes shot with two rays of light, and his tone suddenly became cold: "Xia Xia, the humiliation of severed fingers, I have always kept it in my heart, now, it is time to return this humiliation to you!"

"Gu Ershao, this is the Chang family. Shenyi Xia is a distinguished guest of our family. Even if you have anything to do with Shenyi Xia, please wait until Shenyi Xia leaves here." Chang Donglin said in a deep voice.

"Master Chang, I respect you as an old man, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid of you." Gu Hanfeng said coldly, "Since I'm here, I won't leave until I interrupt Xia Xia's hand."

"If you want to interrupt my husband's hand, my mother will hack you to death first!" Chu Yao got angry, jumped up, the sharp sword light flashed, and the shadow of the sword rolled towards Gu Hanfeng, and there was more in the air in an instant. A chilling smell!

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