Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1157 I will always have a chance

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

In Yi Xiaoyin's mind, Xia Xia's figure appeared involuntarily. That lingering nightmare also appeared from time to time in this broad day. Although she really wanted to completely remove Xia Xia from her mind, she found out that this was really the case. Too hard too hard.

Just because, no matter what she does now, it seems to remind her of Xia Xia. She finally improved the acupuncture technique, but it was with Xia Xia's help. Last night, she tried new techniques on Minister Liu's body. The ultimate acupuncture method, the result was a great success, confirming everything Xia Xia said at the beginning.

And she intends to mainly run the hospital in the next days, but the hospital is also robbed for her in the summer, that is to say, when she faces the hospital, she often thinks of the summer involuntarily.

Yi Xiaoyin suddenly discovered that the bastard named Xia Xia had unknowingly been integrated into her life. Everything in her life seemed to be closely related to him. , her hospital is inseparable from him, no matter how much she hates him, she can't change this fact.

"Is there any news about that bastard?" Yi Xiaoyin asked suddenly, although she hated him, she had to pay attention to him.

"Last night, the police sealed up all the Chang family's sites, and all the Chang family members, including Chang Donglin, were also detained in the police station, but the bastard was not caught. As for what he is doing now, there is no latest news. ." Ah Jiu replied softly.

"Today is the third day after that bastard was seriously injured, right?" Yi Xiaoyin was silent for a while, then asked softly.

"Yes, miss." Ah Jiu responded.

"A man who was seriously injured and betrayed his relatives and separated from his family had countless enemies in the capital. After three days, he was still safe and sound, Ah Jiu, don't you think this is abnormal?" Yi Xiaoyin asked slowly.

"Miss, the betrayal of relatives should be fake. That bastard was protected by Meier on the first day, and by Chu Yao yesterday, and there may be other women around him today." A Jiu said angrily.

Yi Xiaoyin was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Forget it, we don't care about that bastard, let's manage the hospital with peace of mind. When the operation of the hospital is on the right track, it will not be too late for us to find a way to deal with that bastard. ."

"But, miss, that bastard seems to be getting more and more powerful, and it will definitely be more and more difficult to deal with him." Ah Jiu said softly: "If you don't take advantage of this injury to take revenge, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future."

"There will be a long time in the future, and I will always have a chance." Yi Xiaoyin said calmly.

Ah Jiu hesitated and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say it.

At the same time, a villa in Beijing.

A man in pajamas and eyes was sitting on the sofa in the living room and was reading a newspaper. This man looked in his thirties, and he had a very bookish air about him. It was easy for unfamiliar people to see him for the first time. Treat him like a nerd.

But those who knew him knew that this person was definitely not a nerd. He was the eldest young master of the Yuan family, Yuan Shihuang, one of the four major families in the capital.

The newspapers Yuan Shihuang was reading at the moment were clippings that others had arranged for him. There were many newspapers every day, some of which were important and some of which were not. He didn't have time to read all of them, so someone would read them first, and then find some of them. The important ones are cut out and reassembled into a newspaper.

"Shihuang." A gentle voice came.

Yuan Shihuang raised his head and showed a rather gentle smile: "Bao'er, what's wrong?"

This woman named Bao'er is not very old, she looks like twenty-four or five years old. She is wearing silk pajamas, which are very thin, which outlines her quite attractive curves. However, although she has a good figure, her face is not. Relatively mediocre, although the facial features are correct, but it is not beautiful.

"There is some bad news." Bao'er said softly.

The smile on Yuan Shihuang's face disappeared immediately, because he knew that what Bao'er said was not very good, and usually meant very bad.

"Did Shifeng go out to cause trouble again?" Yuan Shihuang asked in a deep voice.

"It's not Shifeng, it's Shicai." Bao'er shook his head, "Shicai is missing, along with him, and the old ancestor."

"What?" Yuan Shihuang's face changed greatly, and Huo Di stood up. "Bao'er, are you sure they are missing? What's going on?"

"I also just got the news. It is said that Shicai and the old ancestor went to Chang's house last night, and then they never came back. They tried to contact Shicai, but they couldn't get in touch. I also tried and did contact. No." Bao'er said softly: "They have been to the Chang's house, but the Chang's house is empty. The people from the Chang's house were all at the police station last night, so it should be nothing to do with the Chang's house, but it stands to reason that last summer last night It should be at Chang's house."

"Damn, I told them time and time again to tell them not to look for Xia Xia, why don't they always listen?" Yuan Shihuang was very annoyed, and then sat down a little dejectedly, "This time it's over, what about Xia Xia? Boy, it must be a fraud!"

"Shihuang, don't worry too much, maybe they just went to other places and can't be contacted temporarily." Bao'er comforted Yuan Shihuang softly.

"Bao'er, you know in your heart that this is impossible." Yuan Shihuang shook his head, "There can be no one except Xia Xia who can make the ancestor disappear."

After a long sigh, Yuan Shihuang continued: "It's really God who doesn't help me. I thought that the appearance of our ancestors would make our Yuan family become the first family in the capital. Who knows... hey!"

"Shihuang, don't be discouraged, after all, things still have hope, you

I said that the old ancestor is very powerful, maybe he is not Xia Xia's opponent, but he may not really have an accident, maybe he escaped. " Bao'er continued to comfort Yuan Shihuang softly.

"I hope so." Yuan Shihuang sighed.

"Shihuang, what shall we do next?" Bao'er asked softly.

"Hide the news of Shicai's disappearance, and pretend that nothing happened." Yuan Shihuang thought for a while, "Don't let Xia Xia go, but don't leak the news of Xia Xia's fraud, since our Yuan family If you suffer a loss, then at least the other families will also suffer, but you can't take them cheap!"

"Well, I'll make arrangements now." Bao'er nodded.

Almost at the same time, the Song family.

Chu Yao was a little depressed. She woke up and came here to find her husband, but was stopped. Originally, she wanted to give these people a knife, but she felt that it was not very good. Fortunately, these people did not mean to embarrass her, but she did not let them She just went in, so now, she can only wait for her husband to come out under the surveillance of a dozen people.

"Then Miss Song is really ostentatious. On a date with her husband, you have to have so many bodyguards, which is even bigger than that of Miss Chu." Chu Yao slandered Song Yumei in her heart. For some reason, she always felt A little jealous of Song Yumei, perhaps because Song Yumei not only looks like a fairy, but also has abilities like a fairy.

"Hey, what are all of you doing around my wife? Do you need a beating?" Just when Chu Yao was depressed, Xia Xia's voice suddenly rang.

"Husband!" Hearing Xia Xia's voice, Chu Yao finally became happy, and the people from the Song family were also very funny and hurried away, they didn't want to be beaten by Xia Xia.

These people just can't figure it out, what is the relationship between this bastard in the summer and the Song family?

It's no wonder that these people can't figure it out. At the beginning, Ye Yumei regarded Xia Xia as an enemy, but Ye Yumei's apprentice Ning Jie had a rather ambiguous relationship with Xia Xia. The relationship between Xia Xia and this guy seems to be unclear. In the eyes of these people, there seems to be only one word to describe the relationship between Xia Xia and the Song family, that is, chaos!

"Hey, you guys continue to guard outside, Meimei's wife won't come out for the time being, you can leave after she comes out, understand?" Xia Xia shouted to everyone in the Song family at this time, and then pulled Chu Yao out. , "Yaoyao wife, let's go out for a walk first."

Ignoring how everyone in the Song family reacted, Xia Xia took Chu Yao away. He walked very slowly at first, but when he left the Song family, he hugged Chu Yao and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After a while, they had appeared in the prosperous area of ​​Jingcheng Street.

"Husband, where are we going?" Chu Yao couldn't help asking.

"I'll think about it first." Xia Xia thought about it for a while, and then realized that he still had something to do, "Well, let's have breakfast first."

Xia Xia swept the neighborhood, and then found a restaurant, and dragged Chu Yao into it.

It wasn't until half an hour later that they walked out of the restaurant and returned to the street.

"I'm going to start a boring shopping career again!" Xia Xia muttered to himself. It's already the third day. How many idiots who want to deal with him haven't appeared?

Although there have been a lot of them in the past few days, Xia Xia felt that the real enemies still did not appear. .

"The blond wife said that the person in Jianghai City might be the one who hadn't died in the Li family, and the one who blew up the princess' wife might be from the CIA. It should have nothing to do with the idiots of the Yuan family's Cheng family. It seems that I have to continue to wait." Xia Xia was in her heart. Muttering, in order to solve the enemy once and for all, he can only continue to pretend to be seriously injured for a few days.

"Oh, isn't this Miss Chu?" A somewhat surprised voice suddenly came from the front.

Xia Tian looked up and found a young man in his twenties standing in front of him. The guy was not tall, less than 1.7 meters tall, with a large mole on his chin. Not small, behind him, followed by four burly men in suits and sunglasses.

"Who are you?" Chu Yao glared at the young man and asked in dissatisfaction, looking at her like that, she really couldn't remember who this guy was.

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