Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1175 Check your body

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Tell him that I'm not feeling well, and no one will see you." Yi Xiaoyin said lightly, then got up and walked into the house, and Ah Jiu naturally followed.

Nineteen sisters naturally didn't ask any more questions, and soon went to the door to spread the word.

As for the reaction of Yue Zhifeng, who had closed the door, Yi Xiaoyin didn't care. All she cared about now was the safety of her and Ah Jiu.

As for the future of Yin Doctor Sect or the summer, it is not the most important thing for her right now.

Of course, Yi Xiaoyin doesn't care about summer, it doesn't mean that no one in the capital cares about summer at this moment. At this moment, in the Chang family, Miss Chu, who has been busy all night, finds that she can't find summer, and the phone can't get through. !

"Where is my husband hiding?" Chu Yao murmured to herself, "Did you have an affair with that Song Yumei?"

After slandering Song Yumei a few words in her heart, Chu Yao did not continue to look for where Xia Xia is. In fact, she still has things to do now. Now the underground forces in the capital have only been unified in name, but it is necessary to combine Bai Xiaolei's forces with those of Bai Xiaolei. It will take some time for the forces of the Chang family to be fully integrated. However, for Chu Yao, who has been doing this kind of thing since childhood, these things are naturally not a problem. These things are what she is most interested in.

Jianghai City.

Villa No. 13 in Jingyuan Community.

Leng Bingbing suddenly woke up and looked at the time, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Damn, I fell asleep again." Leng Bingbing muttered secretly, she returned home before twelve o'clock, and waited for the summer to come back. She didn't eat at noon, but ate two green apples and wiped out a few black cloths. Li, there are not many sour fruits in the supermarket now, so she doesn't have many choices. After eating, she sat on the sofa and watched TV. She fell asleep while watching it, and didn't wake up until now.

Rubbing his head, he looked around coldly and subconsciously, but he didn't see the familiar figure. He was a little lost for a while. It seems that he has not come back.

"Let's go upstairs and go to sleep." Leng Bingbing found that she was still a little sleepy, so she got up and wanted to go upstairs, but as soon as she stood up, she immediately froze, because she suddenly saw someone walking out of the kitchen .

"Bingbing, you're awake." This person was still showing her a bright smile, but it was summer.

"You, when did you come back?" Leng Bingbing asked in a daze.

"I just came back for a while, and I didn't bother you when I saw Bingbing, you were still sleeping." Xia Xia came to Leng Bingbing, hugged her soft waist, hugged her and sat on the sofa again, "Bingbing, I have already I have checked for you, your body is fine, I have already done acupuncture for you, and you will not vomit so badly in the future, unless you encounter a particularly disgusting smell, you should not vomit. In addition, I also I prescribed a prescription to prevent miscarriage and sent it to the beautiful sister. After she has finished the medicine at the Shenyi Group, it will be sent to you. If you eat a little every day, our children will not be able to. any question."

"Yeah." Leng Bing Bing replied softly, but he already knew in his heart that it should be a while since he came back in the summer, otherwise, he couldn't have arranged everything.

After hesitating for a while, she asked coldly and softly, "How are things in your capital doing? Have you met your biological parents?"

"That matter has been resolved, I helped them heal their son, and then I have nothing to do with them." Xia Xia said casually: "But there are other things in Beijing, now they all think I am injured, a bunch of people You want to trouble me."

"Thought you were injured?" Leng Bingbing was a little strange.

"It's nothing, I just deliberately tricked the enemy out, Bingbing, let's not talk about this, I really miss you." Xia Xia obviously didn't want to waste time on such meaningless things, "Bingbing, I I just gave you a simple body check, now, I want to check your body more carefully, okay?"

At the same time as Xia Xia spoke, his hands were already swimming around the cold body, expressing his desire for her body in the most direct form.

"Don't." Leng Bingbing grabbed Xia Xia's hands, she naturally understood what Xia Xia's so-called careful examination of her body wanted to do, and she didn't reject him in her heart to do this to her, but now she had some scruples.

Perhaps worried that Xia Xia was unhappy, she explained coldly and softly: "I have read the book, and in the first three months of pregnancy, we can't do that, it may hurt the child..."

"I'm a genius doctor, so I'll be fine." Xia Xia said in a low voice, "I've given you an injection before, no matter what we do, the child will be fine."

"Really, is there really nothing wrong?" Leng Bingbing was a little uneasy.

"Of course it's true, that's our child, how could I let him have an accident?" Xia Xia said without hesitation, and continued to walk around her with both hands.

"Then, it's up to you." Leng Bingbing still decided to believe in Xia Xia. Since he said it would be okay, it would definitely be okay, so she quickly opened her body to welcome his examination.

At seven o'clock in the evening, a certain district in Beijing.

Xiao Shuisheng and Han Qiaoqiao had just had dinner, and then turned on the TV and were watching the news broadcast, but now both of them were obviously a little distracted.

"Qiaoqiao, tell me, do we want to go to Donggang?" After a while of silence, Xiao Shuisheng still spoke.

"I don't know, let's be here, that is, ordinary white-collar workers, although they have a house and a car, they also have a capital account now.

But life is still relatively tight, and money or something, I always feel that it is not enough. "Han Qiaoqiao also looked embarrassed," Brother Daming asked you to help him manage the company this time. The salary is several times that of this place, and I am also very tempted to give you the shares. In a big city, in our hometown, people with little culture go to work in Donggang, but the capital is different. As long as people know that you are in the capital, they will treat you as a big man. "

"I don't care what other people think, it's just that we've lived here for many years, and we've gotten used to the life here. It's really uncomfortable to live in another place. It's just that the treatment at Donggang has really moved my heart. The most important thing is that Brother Daming trusts us very much now, and he also needs a trustworthy person to help him manage the company. If I go, I will definitely be reused. Not to mention being the president, it will definitely be no problem to be a vice president. "Xiao Shuisheng has been entangled in this matter recently. A few days ago, Xiao Daming called him and invited him to help manage the family business. The treatment is very high, and the most important thing is that there will be Xiao Shuisheng in this business in the future. Part of this made Xiao Shuisheng quite tempted.

"Why don't you go check the situation first?" Han Qiaoqiao said after thinking.

"But the work here is very busy for the time being, so I can't ask for leave!" Xiao Shuisheng was a little helpless.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang.

Xiao Shuisheng sighed, looked through the cat's eyes, found that it was the security guard of the community, and opened the door.

What surprised Xiao Shuisheng was that it wasn't just the security guard at the door, there was another man who looked like he was in his thirties.

"You are..." Xiao Shuisheng looked at the man, his brows slightly wrinkled.

"My surname is Cheng." The man said lightly, "Boss Wang should have told you that I'm coming to visit you today."

"Ah, you are Young Master Cheng?" Xiao Shuisheng suddenly looked respectful, "Quick, please come in, please come in!"

The appearance of Shao Cheng also reminded Xiao Shuisheng of the phone call he received after get off work. The boss of the company called him and said that Shao Cheng would come to him and ask him to receive him well. No matter what Shao Cheng asked, he would answer truthfully. , Don't offend Cheng Shao. Although Xiao Shuisheng thought it was a bit strange at the time, he didn't think too much about it. Now that he saw someone with the surname Cheng approaching the door, he began to take it seriously.

Cheng Shao was not polite, walked directly into the room, then waved his hand to signal the security guard to leave.

"Your name is Xiao Shuisheng, right?" After the security guard left, Cheng Shao looked at Xiao Shuisheng and asked, "Do you know someone named Xiao Daming?"

"Yes, yes." Xiao Shuisheng hesitated for a while, but nodded.

"Xiao Daming has a son named Xiao Xiaojian. He originally had leukemia, but he was inexplicably healed a while ago. Do you know about this?" Cheng Shao asked again.

Xiao Shuisheng nodded again: "Yes, we always thought this was a miracle."

"I heard that before Xiao Xiaojian recovered, a man and a woman appeared in the ward, and then disappeared mysteriously, right?" Cheng Shao continued to ask.

"This, I really don't know..." Xiao Shuisheng shook his head a little embarrassedly, "I wasn't in the ward at the time, but my wife was there."

"Yeah, I left then." Han Qiaoqiao continued, "Someone did come in, I always thought they were gods and angels!"

Cheng Shao took out two enlarged photos and handed them to Han Qiaoqiao: "Look, the man and woman you saw are them?"

Han Qiaoqiao took the photo, looked at it, and then stopped for a while: "This, this man, looks really a bit like..."

"Look at the girl." Cheng Shao reminded next to him.

Han Qiaoqiao picked up another photo, glanced at it, and immediately exclaimed: "Ah, it's her, it's her, blonde, very beautiful, as beautiful as an angel!"

After comparing the two photos, Han Qiaoqiao nodded affirmatively: "That's right, it's them, it's the two of them!"

"You know Xiao Daming very well, right?" Cheng Shao put away the photo, "Then you can just tell him one thing."

"I don't know what Cheng Shao said?" Xiao Shuisheng asked quickly.

"Tell Xiao Daming that the son he is looking for is in the capital." Cheng Shao said lightly: "By the way, congratulations to him, his son is the number one doctor in the world, Xia Tian!"

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