Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1203 Dating is business

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Big brother, don't you like politics?" Zhao Yuji was silent for a while before asking.

"Xiaoyu, for me, what I don't like can be done better. I don't like to be in politics, so I won't be addicted to it. I can keep the bystanders sober and get the best benefit." Zhao Gongzi Obviously he has thought about this, otherwise he wouldn't tell Zhao Yuji, "I don't mind doing things that I don't like to do, I just hope that you, Yaoyao, and other younger siblings can do what you like. things."

"Brother, you don't have to sacrifice so much. In fact, the status of our Zhao family is very stable now. You can also do something you really want to do." Zhao Yuji couldn't help but said.

"Xiaoyu, don't say such things, do things for the family, it's not called sacrifice, that's what I should do." Zhao Gongzi's tone contained a trace of reproach, and immediately softened, "I tell you this, just because, I still have something for you to do."

"Brother, tell me, if there is anything I need to do, I will definitely do it." Zhao Yuji said quickly.

"Xiaoyu, I'm 30 years old, and it's a bit late to start politics. If I want to achieve success in politics, I have to take some shortcuts." Zhao Gongzi said slowly: "It's just, in this way, I will You have to leave the capital first, and it may take three to five years or even longer to come back.”

"Ah? Big brother, are you leaving the capital?" Zhao Yuji was shocked again.

"Well, Xiaoyu, I have to leave. Of course, at most ten years, I will return to the capital, and at that time, I will definitely have a place in the political arena." Zhao Gongzi is obviously not hot-headed, but has a more detailed and thoughtful Plan, "Just like this, I can't cover everything in the capital, I will let Xiao Zhuo take my current position, but Xiao Zhuo is different from me after all. Although he is smart, he acts in a high-profile manner. I am not I am very relieved, so I hope Xiaoyu can take care of you by your side, and I will be relieved if I have your help."

Zhao Yuji was silent for a few seconds, and then asked, "Brother, you have already made a decision, right?"

"Xiaoyu, although there are still some small details that have not been planned, I have decided on this matter." Zhao Gongzi replied.

"Brother, although I don't want you to leave the capital, since you have already made a decision, I can't change it, so don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaozhuo. For the capital, you can rest assured. There will be no problem." Zhao Yuji's tone was full of confidence and firmness.

"Well, then it's settled." Zhao Gongzi obviously knew that Zhao Yuji would agree, and he also believed that there would be nothing wrong with the capital. After all, Zhao Gongzi was not the only one in the Zhao family in the capital, and he was even more convinced. , I will take good care of Zhao Yuji in the summer.

Dark group base.

"I thought you weren't coming!" Meier snorted lightly when she saw Xia Xia, and then her eyes fell on Gu Hanshuang, "Who is she?"

"Wife Meier, this is my maid, Gu Hanshuang, you can call her Girl Shuang." Xia Xia replied with a smile, and then ordered Gu Hanshuang, "Girl Shuang, this is also my wife, and you should listen to what she says in the future. Understand?"

"Understood, young master." As soon as Gu Hanshuang's baby voice came out, he instantly killed nearly a hundred men and women present, and what made them almost faint was that Gu Hanshuang greeted Meier again, "Hello, Madam."

Meier was stunned, is this a movie?

But it doesn't make sense. Who dares to go to the dark group to make a movie? Isn't that courting death?

Xia Tian glanced at everyone: "Hey, you have all learned to kill the Thirteen Swordsmen, right? Stand up for yourself if you haven't learned it!"

No one came forward, obviously everyone had already learned.

"Well, it's good to learn it. I'm going to check it now. You each find an opponent. One uses this sword technique, and the other is not allowed to use it. Let's fight first." Xia Xia ordered.

This time, everyone immediately matched up in pairs and prepared for a big fight. After all, they had already studied with Xia for two days. Everyone now knows Xia's style and no longer feels that something is wrong.

"Team leader, I can't find an opponent." It was just that a female agent discovered the problem immediately. The total number of people in this training was an odd number, and there was destined to be someone who couldn't find an opponent.

"I'll come." Meier answered.

"Mei'er wife, how can this be done? You don't need to do this kind of thing yourself." Xia Xia shook his head immediately, and then shouted, "Girl Shuang, you can do this."

"Yes, young master." Gu Hanshuang responded and came across the hapless female agent.

"Okay, let's do it!" Xia Tian shouted, and everyone did not hesitate at all, and immediately began to do it. Then, the unlucky female agent had the cup, and she was slapped by Gu Hanshuang before she started.

When Xia Xia saw something was wrong, he said, "Girl Frost, don't fight back, just hide."

"Yes, young master." Gu Hanshuang really didn't fight back, and the female agent was no longer so cupped. Although she couldn't even touch Gu Hanshuang's clothes, she wouldn't be shot away anyway.

three minutes later.

"Okay, you can stop." Xia Xia shouted, "You haven't arrived at home yet, continue practicing today."

Everyone was a little discouraged for a while, but Meier couldn't help but ask: "You only saw half of the people's sword skills, how do you know that everyone can't do it?"

"Mei'er wife, it's actually very simple, although I've only seen ordinary people use swordsmanship, but the other half have also learned it.

Swordsmanship, when they encounter this swordsmanship, they will naturally take precautions according to the swordsmanship they have learned, so although I only read half of it, in fact, I can see everyone's swordsmanship learning. " Summer explained.

Meier thought about it, and found that what Xia Xia said seemed to make sense, so she didn't say anything.

"Okay, you guys continue to practice, I'll go on a date with Mei'er's wife." Xia Xia said again, then took Meier's jade hand and pulled her away.

"It's not a date!" Meier couldn't help but retorted, "It's a business!"

"Yes, our date is business." Xia Xia casually followed her words.

Meier originally wanted to argue a few words, but then she remembered that there was no point in arguing with this guy, so she just didn't bother to argue any more.

What Xia Xia did today was basically the same as what she did yesterday. Another group of retired agents from the dark group was brought here, and Xia Xia treated them in turn, and Xia Xia also sighed again that the dark group's neurosis is really not ordinary. A lot. Yesterday, there were so many treated. Today, there are still a dozen or so. Seeing this, it is almost necessary to build a mental hospital for the dark group.

However, the total number of patients today is a little less than yesterday, and the time spent in summer is naturally a little shorter. Yesterday, he had been dealing with a group of mentally ill people. Today is not bad. Meier will appear from time to time, and Gu Hanshuang is a beautiful maid. , has been following him.

And for the whole day, Gu Hanshuang always looked indifferent, saying that she is a puppet is not too much, of course, she is still a little bit different from a puppet, she is more like a simulation robot, she looks like a real person, can talk and walk , that seems to have no emotion.

Before six o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Xia completed today's task. Just when he was about to go to the cafeteria for dinner, Meier brought another person, an acquaintance, Yan Fei, the guy who lost half of his hand yesterday.

"I thought you were dead." Seeing Yan Fei, Xian Xia was a little dissatisfied, "Hey, how do you think you can cure it? Do you want to find a hand to connect it or let the hand grow out slowly?"

"I'm sorry, Doctor Xia, I've been thinking about it for a long time. I think it's better to let the hand grow slowly. Although it takes a little longer, my hand has been gone for a few years. I'll wait another year and a half. It's not a big problem." Yan Fei finally made up his mind, "Although it will be faster to find a hand to connect it, but I feel that no matter what, it is not my own hand after all, and I will always feel very uncomfortable when I use it in the future. Strange."

"That's true. I'll take someone else's hand for you. When you touch your wife in the future, it will be someone else's hand." Xia Xia said casually.

Meier immediately glared at Xia Xia, what kind of nonsense is this guy talking about?

"Thank you, Doctor Xia, for understanding my feelings." Yan Fei seemed to feel the same way. He always felt that he would have a psychological barrier in the future when he took over someone else's hand.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll treat you first, it will take a long time." Xia Tian didn't want to waste time.

"Okay, then I will trouble Doctor Xia." Yan Fei was quite polite, but also a little excited.

The treatment time was really long this time. It took Xia Xia nearly an hour. During this hour, Xia Xia kept sticking silver needles on Yan Fei's surviving half arm, and the severed limb was reborn. To a certain extent, it is even more difficult than returning from the dead, because it is impossible to make the bones and flesh that have stopped growing to regenerate and start to grow slowly again.

However, Xia Xia's medical skills could not be judged by common sense. After completing the injection, he prescribed two prescriptions to Yan Fei: "According to these two prescriptions, this one is fried for oral administration, and this one is mashed and made into mud. The same, external application, internal use twice a day, and external application once a day, remember, this is very important, don’t forget it.”

Yan Fei naturally kept it in his heart, how could he forget such a thing?

However, when he wanted to thank Xia Xia, he found that Xia Xia had run away with his beautiful wife, Pretty Maid, and his other beautiful wife was waiting for them to eat together.

However, when Xia Xia brought Meier and Gu Hanshuang to the cafeteria and found Mu Han, a phone call came in immediately, and the dinner he had not started was declared over.

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