Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1214 Isn't it said that the door is not closed?

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

"Yes, young master." Gu Hanshuang obediently left the wing and stood at the door waiting quietly.

Gu Hanshuang didn't wait too long. After about ten minutes, Xia Xia came out with a person in his hand, it was Yuan Tianzheng.

"Girl Frost, wait for me at my blond wife first, and I'll take care of this guy." After Xia Xia said this, he flashed away with Yuan Tianzheng in his hand.

Gu Hanshuang seemed to be stunned, but within a minute, she followed Xia Xia's words and went to Mu Han's residence. As for where Xia Xia was going, or what he was going to do with Yuan Tianzheng, Gu Hanshuang didn't seem to care.

Gu Hanshuang soon came to Mu Han's residence, but this time, she could only wait at the door, because Mu Han was not here, nor was Xia Xia, she must have no key to enter the door. Fortunately, for Gu Hanshuang, at the door It's easy to stand for an hour.

The only thing that surprised Gu Hanshuang was that she had been waiting at the door for a long time. She had waited for a few hours, but Xia Xia still did not come back. Then, she found out that Xia Xia did not come back, and the hostess Mu Xian did not come back. Han came back first.

"Miss Gu, why are you standing here? Isn't your husband at home?" Seeing Gu Hanshuang standing at the door, Mu Han was very surprised and couldn't help but ask.

Even though Gu Hanshuang is the maid of summer, Mu Han is very polite to Gu Hanshuang. She knows that Gu Hanshuang is not an ordinary person. In her opinion, it is better to show some respect to Gu Hanshuang.

"Young master has something to do, let me wait here for him to come back, but I don't know if it's delayed. It's been a few hours and he still hasn't come back." Gu Hanshuang replied.

"When did he go out?" Mu Han couldn't help asking.

"It's about seven o'clock." Gu Hanshuang said after thinking about it.

"Seven o'clock?" Mu Han looked at the time and frowned slightly, "It's past ten o'clock now, why hasn't my husband come back yet?"

"Madam, do you need me to find the young master?" Gu Hanshuang hesitated for a while, and asked.

"Go into the house." Mu Han opened the door first, walked into the house, then took out his mobile phone and started dialing Xia Xia's number, "I'll call my husband first to see where he is."

The call was quickly connected, and Mu Han asked softly, "Husband, I've already gone home, where are you?"

"Well, I'm outside, I'll be back in half an hour at most." Xia Xia replied.

"Well, then I'm going to take a bath first, you'll be back soon." Mu Han also felt relieved, glanced at Gu Hanshuang not far away, Mu Han lowered his voice again, and there was a bit more temptation in his tone, "Husband, I won't close the bathroom door!"

After Mu Han finished speaking, she smiled coquettishly, hung up the phone, and walked to the bathroom.

In about a quarter of an hour.

Mu Han, who was taking a shower, heard someone knocking on the bathroom door, and at the same time heard Xia Xia's voice coming from outside the door: "Wife, didn't you say you won't close the door?"

Mu Han couldn't help but smile, the husband was really tricked back by her, she didn't answer, she just opened the bathroom door, stretched out her white lotus arms, pulled him closer to the bathroom, and then closed the bathroom door again.

"Husband, let me undress for you." Mu Han said softly.

"Wife, you're also starting to be rude. You lied to me and didn't close the bathroom door." Xia Xia hugged Mu Han, still a little unhappy.

"Husband, I'm just worried about what to do if someone else comes in?" Mu Han's soft jade hand groped around Xia Xia's body, and quickly took off his clothes one by one, and the two of them once again had nothing in front of each other. reserved appearance.

"Anyway, it's not right to lie to your husband. Although I like you very much, I still want to punish you." Xia Xia said in a low voice.

"You can punish you whatever you want... um..." Before Mu Han finished speaking, he was pushed against the wall by Xia Xia.

The next morning.

Just after ten o'clock, Mu Han got up from the bed.

"Husband, I have to go to the dark group." Mu Han said to Xia Xia while putting on her clothes.

"Wife, I don't think you should go to the dark group anymore, there are so many things every day." Xia Xia was a little unhappy, "I have to go back to Jianghai City in a few days, why don't you and Meier's wife go to Jianghai with me? The city is fine."

"Husband, it's not enough for now. Let's talk about it later." Mu Han quickly put on his clothes, leaned over and kissed Xia Xia, "I'll go first, husband, you can continue to sleep."

Seeing Mu Han leave, Xia Xia was a little depressed. He felt that it was not a good day to run between Jianghai and the capital. He would live in Jianghai in the future, and all his wives should also be in Jianghai. Meier doesn't want to leave the dark group, so at least they have to move the dark group's base to Jianghai City.

"That's right, you can let the dark group move to Jianghai." Xia Xia realized that this idea was quite good, and then he jumped up from the bed and quickly got dressed. He was going to the dark group to join the two beautiful The wife discussed the matter of moving the dark group to Jianghai.

However, before he could go out, the phone rang again.

"Who is it?" Xia Xia took out his mobile phone in dissatisfaction, and then became even more depressed. He really didn't want to answer the call, but he had to answer it, because the call was from his master Zhang Mingtuo.

After a long freshman year, Xia Xia answered the phone and asked weakly, "Master, what's the matter?"

"Boy, come and do me a favor." Zhang Mingtuo's voice sounded a little tired.

Summer is more depressed, he will

Knowing that this master must be looking for something for him, he asked listlessly: "Master, don't tell me, you haven't found any of your old lovers, and don't tell me that they don't want you anymore, you are with me now. Like the three masters, you want me to help you find a lover?"

"Boy, don't talk nonsense, I really have something to ask you for help, I don't care where you are, in short, you come to Shu City as soon as possible." Zhang Mingtuo spoke quickly, "I need you to help a person heal."

"Isn't it? You asked me to help people heal?" Xia Xia was even more depressed. "I said, Master, you are a generation of genius doctors. Can't you cure any disease yourself?"

"Nonsense, if I can cure myself, can I find you?" Zhang Mingtuo was a little unhappy, "I said boy, are you coming? If you want to come, just say it!"

"Okay, I'll just go." Although Xia Xia was reluctant, the master asked him to help, and he still had to go, but he felt that he still had to make it clear, "Master, I will say it straight, I am I really don't want to go, but you are my master anyway, so I will still go, you tell me the specific address, and I will find you when I get to that Shu city."

"Boy, you still have some conscience." Zhang Mingtuo was quite satisfied with Xia Xia's attitude, "When you get here, call me again, and I will pick you up when the time comes."

"Okay." Xia Tian has no problem with this, he is just a little depressed, he has heard of Shu City, but it is one thing to hear it, but it is another thing to go, he has never been there. As for the place, now he has to go so far to help people see a doctor. Hey, it seems that it is really important to find a good teacher these days. little things.

After slandering a few masters in his heart, Xia Xia thought about it, picked up the phone, and dialed Mu Han.

"Husband, what's the matter? I haven't arrived in the dark group yet." Mu Han was a little strange.

"Wife, I'm going to Shu City, buy a plane ticket for me." Xia Xia said listlessly.

"Shu City?" Mu Han was even more strange, "Husband, why do you suddenly want to go there?"

"It's not that I suddenly want to go, it's my master who suddenly called me to go. I can't help it. I'd better go back earlier." Xia Xia was a little helpless.

After a pause, Xia Xia added: "By the way, wife, you better book two tickets, I'll take girl Shuang with me."

"That's it, okay then, husband, let me arrange it for you." Although Mu Han felt that the news was sudden, since she was going to Shu in the summer, she naturally had to arrange everything for him.

After thinking for a while, Mu Han suddenly remembered something: "Right, husband, maybe you don't need to buy a plane ticket to go there. The dark team has a special plane now. If no one else uses the special plane, you can take the special plane."

"Wife, you can arrange it. Tell me when you have arranged it." Xia Xia replied, Mu Han was naturally relieved when he did things.

"Well, hubby, I'm in the dark group. I'll ask about getting off the plane first, and I'll tell you later." Mu Han said quickly, then hung up the phone.

Xia Xia thought about it and called Song Yumei.

"Wife Meimei, I need to go to Shu City first because of an urgent matter. After I finish things, I will take you to Qingfeng Mountain." Xia Xia explained.

"Well, it's okay, I'll wait for you to come back after finishing your work." Song Yumei replied gently.

After finishing the call with Song Yumei, Xia Xia called Zhao Yuji again. Although he thought that he should be able to return from Shu City in a day or two, he felt that it was better to leave the capital after all, so it would be better to tell his wives, lest they Don't know where he went.

"Wow, husband, husband, you actually eloped with a maid?" Zhao Yuji didn't say anything, but the little goblin immediately screamed after learning that Xia Xia was going to Shu City with Gu Hanshuang.

"Little fairy wife, do you want me to beat you right away?" Xia Xia was suddenly unhappy.

"Ah, no, no, my husband, in fact, I want to tell you something!" The little goblin hurriedly denied it, and then immediately changed the subject, "Sama said she didn't want to go back to Dubai, she wanted to stay in the capital, However, her brother didn't seem to want her to stay here, so she made an excuse. She said she wanted to study here. Husband, do you want her to be in Peking University or Tsinghua University? Should she go to the Foreign Languages ​​Institute? In fact, I think it's okay to go to Beiying..."

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