Flower Master in the City

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-five chapters shoot you directly

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

Although the box was very noisy, Xia Xia's voice, with an unstoppable penetrating power, suddenly entered the ears of everyone in the box.

However, even though these women heard the sound, they didn't react, and they were still twisting their bodies. The only one who reacted was Zhuge Wentian who was enjoying himself. He looked at the door and his face suddenly changed. It wasn't because of the summer. But because of Gu Hanshuang!

Zhuge Wentian took out another large amount of money and stuffed it into the hands of the woman who was exercising on him: "Put on your clothes and go out!"

After hearing Zhuge Wentian's words, they finally took action. They all stopped and started to put on their clothes. Then everyone took a lot of money and left, and soon only Zhuge Wentian was left in the box. .

Zhuge Wentian slowly put on his clothes, then stood up, and slowly spit out a sentence: "Han Shuang, is that you?"

The reason why Zhuge Wentian could not be sure was because Gu Hanshuang always had his back to the box, obviously because she didn't want to see such absurd scenes inside.

The music in the box has also been turned off, and it seems very quiet at the moment, but the whole nightclub is still quite noisy. Of course, it is very easy for these few people to hear what the other party is saying.

"Girl Frost, you can turn around now, that guy is dressed." Xia Tian said at this time.

Gu Hanshuang finally turned around and looked at Zhuge Wentian: "Uncle Zhuge, how did you become like this?"


Hearing this title in Xia Tian, ​​he couldn't help but be stunned. Isn't this guy several decades older than Girl Shuang?

"Hanshuang, is it really you?" Zhuge Wentian saw Gu Hanshuang's face clearly at this time, and also confirmed his previous guess, but he was still a little surprised, "Why did your voice become like this?"

"Uncle Zhuge, my throat has been cured, so my voice has become like this." Gu Hanshuang replied, "But tell me, how did you become like this?"

"If God wants people to perish, they must first make them crazy. I'm not far from death, why not let the thief be satisfied and go crazy first?" Zhuge Wentian calmed down and said calmly: " Hanshuang, others don't understand, but you should understand what I mean, I returned to Qingcheng, but found that it is no longer my home, a hundred years later, everything has been destroyed, everything no longer exists, and my last hope , and also perished.”

"Destroyed?" Gu Hanshuang seemed a little incomprehensible, "How could it be destroyed?"

"When many people go, it will naturally be destroyed. When I found out that it was no longer possible to continue cultivating immortals, I wanted to live a good life and spend the last few years, but I found that I had nothing, I didn't have anything. My relatives, and I have no money, I can’t survive in this world at all, I wanted to farm in the mountains and be self-sufficient as before, but someone told me that I can’t farm because it doesn’t belong to me.” Zhuge asked. Tian walked slowly to the door, standing less than a meter away from Gu Hanshuang, "Finally, I finally left, came to Shudu, came to this city, and then, I lived a life like a beggar, and gradually I got used to it. The life of this society, but I still lack one thing, one thing that I need no matter what era, money.”

"So you went to rob?" Gu Hanshuang was obviously still a little unacceptable.

"Yes, after 100 years of cultivation, there is only one thing left for me, and that is powerful strength. I don't want these hundreds of years of hard work in exchange for death. At least before I die, I want to live a good life." Zhuge Wentian looked calm, obviously he didn't think there was anything wrong with this, "Han Shuang, this world is no longer suitable for us to survive, you are younger than me, you can live a few more years than me, listen to me, Live a good life, let Zhuang Yundong marry you, if he doesn't want to, find another ordinary man, marry a husband and teach a child, and stop pursuing the illusory way of heaven."

"Girl Frost, in fact, what he said is still right. You will be my little girl in the future, and I will spoil you well, young master." Xia Tian took a sentence, but he didn't speak or do anything. It was because Gu Hanshuang had told him before that she wanted to talk to Zhuge Wentian first.

"What did you say?" Zhuge Wentian's attention finally fell on Xia Xia, "What qualifications do you have to let Hanshuang be your maid?"

Before Xia Tian could speak, Gu Hanshuang spoke first: "Uncle Zhuge, I am indeed the young master's maid."

"What?" Zhuge Wentian's face was full of disbelief. He first looked at Xia Xia, and then stared at Gu Hanshuang carefully. After a full minute, he spoke again: "Han Shuang, the light here is not very good, I I neglected it. I only found out now that your complexion is quite good, far better than the last time I saw you. It seems that your skills have improved a lot, and you are also much younger. Think about the change in your voice, don't tell me, you have already refined the golden elixir?"

Gu Hanshuang shook his head gently: "Uncle Zhuge, I'm still a long way from the Jindan period, but my young master is a genius doctor, and he helped me take care of my body."

"Just because of this, you became his maid?" Zhuge Wentian snorted, "Where's Zhuang Yundong? He agreed that you should be his maid?"

"Uncle Zhuge, Zhuang Yundong is dead, Yuan Tianzheng is no more, there are only four of us left, and I don't want you to die too." Gu Hanshuang said with a hint of sentimentality, "Uncle Zhuge, You used to take good care of our younger generation, and you also encouraged us time and time again, saying that we could finally set foot on the fairyland, so please promise me one thing, no more robbery, no more murder, and be an ordinary person, like As you just told me, you can also find a woman to have a biological child, like

Live the rest of your life like a normal person, okay? If you are short of money, I can give it to you. My family is still alive and quite rich, so you can spend the rest of your life without worrying about food and drink. "

"Han Shuang, I appreciate your kindness. I'm not like you. I can't live long. I already feel that my body is rapidly aging. What I have accomplished, I don’t want to practice for a hundred years, but in the end I won’t get anything, whether it’s murder or robbery, for me, it’s actually just an experience of life. Your life will come to an end." Zhuge Wentian said lightly, "If you want to arrest me, I won't blame you, but I can tell you that even if you are a little stronger than me now, I will take you from you. It's not difficult to escape from your hands."

"Uncle Zhuge, that's not the case. As long as you want, you can live for decades. As I said, the young master is a genius doctor. He promised me that he will help you prolong your life, so that you can live like ordinary people for decades. life." Gu Hanshuang still wanted to change Zhuge Wentian's mind.

"Really?" Zhuge Wentian turned his head to look at Xia Xia, with a look of surprise in his eyes, "Is his medical skills really so amazing?"

"Yes, the young master's medical skills are amazing. I have seen it with my own eyes and experienced it myself." Gu Hanshuang nodded hurriedly.

Zhuge Wentian still shook his head: "Even so, what can I do? I killed people and robbed me of money. The police won't let me live in peace."

"These young masters can solve it. As long as you agree, it will be 13,800,100 lines. As long as you agree, the young master will make a very good arrangement for you to ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing in the second half of your life and no one will disturb you." Gu Hanshuang's voice was even It was sincere, which also made Xia Xia understand that this girl Shuang really cared about Zhuge Wentian.

Zhuge Wentian looked at Xia Xia again, and a strange look flashed in his eyes: "I can't tell, you are very powerful, and to make Han Shuang admire you so much, you must be a person, I don't know what to call you?"

"Of course I am powerful, I am omnipotent." Xia Xia said lazily: "My name is Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one day in the world, I am the number one doctor in the world, and the number one expert in the world, I I advise you to listen to Girl Shuang, otherwise, I will have to kill you directly. In fact, I also want to kill you directly. I'm done, so as to avoid trouble. If Girl Shuang didn't want to keep your life, I wouldn't have it. I'm in the mood to tell you so much nonsense."

"The number one expert in the world?" Zhuge Wentian's face once again showed a surprised expression, "I have never heard of your name, and besides, I can't see the slightest hint of an expert from you."

"Uncle Zhuge, the young master is much stronger than me." Gu Hanshuang couldn't help but say something.

"What?" Zhuge Wentian was really shocked this time, he stared at Xia Xia without blinking, and after a while, he slowly said: "Restraining spiritual energy, returning to the original, that is at least the cultivation level of Jindan period, Could it be that you are already a master of gold elixir?"

Xia Xia finally became a little impatient, and suddenly he slapped the palm of his hand, silently, but at an extremely fast speed. Not only did Gu Hanshuang not expect his sudden action, but Zhuge Wentian also did not expect it. The difference in strength between the two was already huge. , Xia Xia still suddenly attacked, and the result was naturally no suspense, Zhuge Wentian didn't have time to react at all, and was slapped by Xia Xia.

But Xia Xia's palm was extremely measured, Zhuge Wentian flew back a few meters, and then stood there still intact, with no signs of injury.

"You, you really..." Zhuge Wentian was extremely horrified. Obviously, at this time, he already knew that Xia Xia was indeed a super expert. In his opinion, Xia Xia's strength might have surpassed the Golden Core Stage!

"Girl Shuang said good things to you. If you have to slap and crook, I will tell you directly. If you listen to Girl Shuang, you will be able to live, otherwise, I will shoot you to death with the next palm!" Xia Tian Appearing impatient, his patience had run out.

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